Yesterday I said I was anxiously waiting for a "TomStu Talks Rob" post and today we have it! So now I am going to say "I am anxiously waiting Rob to call me". I'll let you guys know how that turns out :))
So TomStu talks Rob? Well not really, the interviewer wants to get it out of him but he smartly skates through :) Good for you Tom!
From MyBliss Magazine:
Thanks to Crystal, RobPattzNews and Tom Sturridge Online.Were you popular with girls at school?
“Not at all, I can’t talk to girls. I never know what to say.”Are you worried about the Fame thing?
“I can still walk around without being recognised. And I never look at anything about myself online. I don’t know why anyone’s interested in me!”How is your mate Rob Pattinson dealing with all the attention?
“I think you’d need to ask him.”
It must be nice to have a mate who’s an actor like you…
“I think it’s better to have friends who aren’t in the industry. If you go out with actor friends all the time, the conversation gets dull!”
We keep seeing pics of you and Rob in LA - Are you living there now?
“No, I’d miss the English weather!”For the Tom lovers: there are 2 interviews with Tom here and here :)
Yesterday you were waiting for "TomStu talks Rob" HAHAHA
But he actually doesn't, does he!?
I love that you sneak in a little Tom Stu for us!!! Thanks Goz!!!
I adore the BROMANCE!!!
ok, please tell me if Tom is a single?
Love that both the interviews are irish. Being a bit patriotic here ;-) I've loved chris o dowd for years since he was the goofy nerd in "the clinic" hmmmm, this thing for goofballs is a bit of a theme in my life......
I think it must be difficult in some ways for these friends of Rob that are now getting more media exposure and fame off the back of Rob's fandemonium. It all seems so fake....it's different for Tom because he has been acting as long as Rob has (and up until Twilight, slightly more successful), so I could appreciate it he was abit more cynical about this increased attention. I do understand though for Sam Bradley, Bobby Long etc, they probably don't find it as annoying, because their music is now getting a wider audience.....
I LOVE how his mates have "his back"
The company you keep speaks volumes.
Seems like Rob cultivates great friendships. Another good character trait.
It awesome how his friends is always suppporting Rob and saying Rob havent changed at all.
Rob group of friends if def a bunch of hotties! Jeeze what the hell they put in the water system in England to have such fine men walking around over there...
America need some too please!!
Of course Rob is the hottest! but Im biased lol.
There are many people who are delighted for Rob's success, and how it affects them -- Oliver Irving, Paul Morrison, Sam Bradley, Bobby Long and Marcus Foster.
Good Luck to them all :)
But picture this. Two old friends are set to make two movies, one with high grossing movie maker Richard Curtis and one with indy film maker, Catherine Hardwicke.
I would not have guessed correctly who would be getting all the headlines a few months later -- unless of course I had REALLY done my research and knew all about the book and its devotees.
Now there's a loyal friend...
Where does that {deep} voice come from??
Anon - Interesting reflection.... fate is a funny thing
A few observations:
Love that he is rockin the plaid!
I love his deep voice. It so does not match his quite delicate appearance.
I am glad his not taking the bait in the Rob name checks. Good for him. Name-dropper Nikki should take notes.
He looks adorable, and he seems very charming and witty. These guys would be fun to hang out with.
Hi Ladies and Gents!
Thanks for this Gozde! I love how Tom Sturridge handled this interview. A true friend.
Suz~ well said!
TomStu is awesome. He's good at deflecting the questions. His family is in the business and he helped Rob get connected in the UK as a teen. I don't think Tom would ever be jealous of Rob or sell him out.
Saw an interview with him and Nick Frost on T4, he came across as really lovely and shy.
Can't wait to see The Boat That Rocked.
I can see he has the same lines as RP has,"I don't know how to talk to girls".
Well at least he doesn't sell his BFF out by talking about him .Now that's a true friend. I liked Tom way back in Vanity Fair.
Rhonda- Lets categorize Nikki now as an "associate" of his. Her being a true "friend" is an overstatement. Now that we have seen her in action. Like Rob said he has "LA friends"...
Anon- I'm with you girl. What the hell is going on over there in England? They do seem to have a lot of irresistible guys...we are kinda "fucked" over here in the US and not in a good way. LOL:P
What a good friend. The Bromance lives on!! LOL
Who knew his voice was so deep?? Wow, me likey. :-)
Hey, someone!!!
Is this the Tom who is the ex-bf of that "Camille Horrible" eyebrows???
Aww, TomStu is too pretty for his own good.. and he looks very young. Can't believe he's the same age than Rob! And speaking about Rob, I love that TomStu is not trying to sell him out, he's a loyal friend to his mate. Long life to the BROmance!
Ok love, love his voice, not only the accent but the deepness. He's a cutie too. Can you imagine an evening spent in the company of these two sexy men. Thud I just fell off my chair with that thought. Impressive.I have to check out Tom's web site and movies.I still love Rob more that will always be.
Does Rob hold friend castings and only allows the gorgeous, talented type in? Seriously ALL of his friends look great, are charming, witty, down to earth and talented. How does he DO that? One of these days I'll start believeing all men in London are like that. *off to book flight to London*
I just found out that his dad did the BBC adaptation of Brideshead Revisited (and that his mom is the actress playing Cordelia in it). I loooove this adaptation! Pretty impressive pedigree, TomStu...
lol I'm have such a little crush on TomStu now, his new film "The Boat that Rocked" looks sooo good! And Tom has some HILARIOUS lines in it!
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