Yep, I, Gozde, a 31 year old female with a Ph.D. just registered and voted at Popstar Poptastic Awards! The things ROBsession makes me do...

The voting is quite fun actually. There are a bunch of categories that Rob is nominated but there are others you can nominate him yourself! Check them out:

Best Actor: Robert Pattinson

Best Movie: Twilight

Male Singer: Choose OTHER: Robert Pattinson :)

Song: Choose OTHER: Robert Pattinson: Let Me Sign

Album: Twilight Soundtrack

Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson

Male Style Idol: Robert Pattinson (GO HOBO!)

Celeb site: Other: www.robsessedpattinson.com (Take THAT Dazzle Awards! lol :))

Male Newcomer: Other: Robert Pattinson All-time Idol: Other: Robert Pattinson

Star I'd Most Like to Meet: Joe Jonas, lol, j/k Robert Pattinson

You can go and vote HERE.


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...wowie! said...

Voting ROB!

Megan Fox just said on the "orange carpet" at the KCA that she's excited to meet the cast of Twilight. Why would she say that if they're not there?

MiCh said...

Well, the Star I'd Most Like to Meet is Joe Jonas, of course! Just to ask him how good was Rob when.. you know.. do you remember the GQ interview? BWAHAHAHAHAA!

Mixxy said...

You forgot - "Favorite Celeb Site:
* Other: www.robsessedpattinson.com :)

crazy said...

wowie~ i'm sure she meant Rob. She probably hadn't heard he's not showing.

Mixxy said...

LOL - They did say Taylor's there...but I'm sure Megan meant Rob.

Anonymous said...

Voted thanks for the heads up....go Rob go

Suz said...

ok, so Twilight wins best Book on KCA... so glad Taylor is subject to the smallie girls...

lovindashow said...

LOL, Gozde. I voted, too. I can't believe some of the places I've registered lately, all in the name of RPattz. Well, at least I can blame you for leading us there. ;)


Kate said...

Voted ;-)
So Taylor went instead of Rob??

Ellie said...

Just saw BayBay accept the award for best book, Twilight. He did okay. The teeth were glaring, though...

Shani said...

Suz- Really ummm...what's his name, yeah Taylor. He is more age appropriate. With Rob there it would be wasting the sexy.

Melanie said...

Taylor seemed uncomfortable to me and he clearly did not want any slime on him--hope he is not catching Kstew's personality.

Suz said...

Must NEVER waste the sexy!

The Blowness Bros irritate my soul!

Suz said...

There is not enough fucking vodka in the world to make this show watchable...


Jewels64 said...

I voted...Rob...Rob....Rob...Rob...

Unknown said...

i'm looking on gettyimages.com and i gues just Taylor is there for now!!!
I'm in Brazil so keep me posted please!!!

Anonymous said...


Are you staying in this thread? Oh, ok, you are talking about the show I am not watching...

Good evening, everybody!

Unknown said...

Sophia honey!
KCA isn't present live in Brazil, to wach only next weekend, i guess!!!
Good evening!!!

Tess said...

I LOVE you ONE track mind Goz! ♥

Anonymous said...

Danni, hello!

Acabei de ler a sua pequena mensagem acima da minha. Estão passando esse show aqui tb? Meu BF está assistindo qq coisa na TV, não quero brigar pelo controle, nem estou muito interessada, já que o Rob não vai.
Como está indo de fim de semana? Minha festa foi legal; na verdade, os meus vizinhos (uma república de estudantes) fazem festas todos os fins de semana. Meu aniversário foi só uma desculpa para beberem mais cerveja. Mas foi legal, o meu "Rob" estava comigo (com o lindo corte novo de cabelo dele).


Brandy said...

of course i added robsessed as my favorite website too!

Anonymous said...

Danni, já volto. Meu "Rob" está me chamando. Chegou mais pizza.

niahid said...

Good one , Mich. I'd like to ask Joe Jonas the same question. Wow, Gozde, you have PhD. No wonder your blog have different atmosfer than anyone else's. You Rock!!!
The things Rob has done to normal educated women is beyond belive :)))

Unknown said...

Oi Sophia!!!
Meu findi foi mais ou menos, ontem eu sai comer pizza com alguns amigos, e hj estou fazendo os trabalhos da facul.
Então vc se divertiu bastante no seu níver, vc não bebeu de mais ee acidentalmente chamou seu bf de Rob??
Não tá passando no Brasil, vai passar daqui há alguns dias legendado eu acho. Eu sei que ]o Rob não vai, mas o Taylor está lá!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

LOL! I voted for Rob even in the categories he was not nominated... What a madness this guy has caused in me... I even dare to vote against my favorite actor of all times JOHNNY DEPP! that's to much to say

Anonymous said...

LOL! I voted for Rob even in the categories he was not nominated... What a madness this guy has caused in me... I even dare to vote against my favorite actor of all times JOHNNY DEPP! that's to much to say

TwiHartRK said...

Mich - BWAHAHAHAHAHA back at cha. That was funny!

Caro - welcome to the madness.

Hey Robkats!

Jewels64 said...

Good Evening Gals! The vodka is flowing copiously and it's about to get wicked bad in here....

Jewels64 said...


TwiHartRK said...

Alright Jules - I conjured up a Robkat for real! Did you watch the Kid's choice awards? I didn't even DVR it.

Jewels64 said...


I'd seriously hork if I went anywhere near anything Jonas....

TwiHartRK said...

Did you see Mich's comment about wanting to meet JJ so she could ask about how good Rob was - hahahaha. That'd be the only reason to meet that twit.

I forgot about it actually - prolly cuz Goz posted no Rob. No Rob makes TwiHeart a dull girl...

TheDogsBollocks said...

WooHoo Let the fucking party begin...I'm here!!

And seriously girls...trying to get me drunk? Not cool. I'm keeping my clothes on tonight.

TwiHartRK said...

OMG DB - that was so funny last night. You were DARUNK typing!! It sounds like it's Jules turn tonight. I might have to have raise a toast to the Robkats too.

Jewels64 said...


I missed my lurvely DB being skunkfaced?

Baby...I woulda bent you over the couch if I had known....

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh believe me...I wasn't drunk. Just buzzed. I havn't touched a drink in like 3 years and I had 4 corona's on a completely empty stomach. I promised to give you guys a tasted of drunk DB though. We will arrange a drunk blog party soon. Who is in?

Jewels64 said...

*Raises hand and waves frantically*

OOOO!!!! Pick me! Pick me!!!

TwiHartRK said...

I'm all in. I never drink any more. I have been sick lately and pretty much felt like I've had a perpetual hang-over for the last 3 weeks. Well, longer since my youngest doesn't sleep anymore. I might as well fucking earn it!

TheDogsBollocks said...

We just need to discuss a date so I don't break out the bottle for nothing. LOL. I'll send along a message.

TwiHartRK said...

A lil bird told me Mel might me cumming on. Maybe she will bring the Jack. Might as well go all out.

Jewels64 said...

Damn girls...it's a fucking date!

Circled in RED!!!

Dotted with hearts and everything...

Jewels64 said...

Where's my Ellie Bean? She said she was "cumming"....

OOPs...that explains everything...

Ellie said...

Hey, ladies! good evening!!!

TwiHartRK said...

Ooooh a Robkat date. Quick call Rob to let him know he is going to be EXTREMELY busy that night.

Ellie said...

And yes, Jules, I CUM here every fucking night. Does that please you, Mistress?

TwiHartRK said...

"EllieBean" - I love that! Hey Ellie!

Ellie said...

DB, you were Corona Cutie, last night!

Jewels64 said...

To no fucking end Ellie!!

MUUUAAAHHHH to my RobKats!!!!

I love y'all to death!!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Haha...The RK's are drunk, somebody's gonna get lucky. Send him the invite.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi loves!

TwiHartRK said...

Ellie - will you keep my spot on the whipping bench warm. I need a human moment - gonna pour myself a drink...BRB

Ellie said...


Sabrizzle said...

Hi Madame Ellie!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Sabrizz will be our Designated Blogger that night. LOL.

Ellie said...

Alie, I'll warm it up for you....Rob, love, sit on it! (And me...)

TheDogsBollocks said...

Sabrizz you need to bring a laptop over one night and we can blog together like freaks.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL DB! When is this drunk blogging going on? I need to make sure to clear my schedule.

Jewels64 said...

RobKat powers have been activated...

Let's see who cums to play...


Sabrizzle said...

DB, my freakin' cable lock on my laptop is stuck so I can't take my laptop out of my room because the cable is wrapped around my bed post. I need a cable cutter or a hacksaw!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Okay...so..You know who called today and when I answered I was out of breath. He asks me...why are you out of breath? Are you masterbating? I was like...Yeah, I'd answer the phone if I were that close. Fucking men.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules! I'm good, I'm doing laundry and watching The Notebook. Ryan Gosling is yummy! How are you? I'm sorry to hear about your accident. :(

Sabrizzle said...

OMG DB, can I help you kick his ass?!?

Ellie said...

LMAO, DB. Men are so fucking clueless sometimes.

Sabrina, you have a cable wrapped around your BEDPOST why???
You little minx. You make me proud! lol

Jewels64 said...


Katie...FREAKING WOW!!! She was a vision! I was so proud I shed tears along with you...

Hey..give me a break...I have two boys who think fart humor is hilarious...

Okay...this coming from the woman who showed them all the Harry Potter Fart videos on YouTube....

Jewels64 said...

DB!!! I am laughing so hard right now....

God I love you!!!

Men are fucking clueless....

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie! I have a lock that goes into my laptop and there is a cable attached to the lock so I can keep my computer from being stolen. Unfortunately the prongs in the lock are stuck so I can't unlock it. Fucking bullshit!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Sabrina! I'm fine and my little red Bella truck is decimated....

Josh told me the following afternoon that Bella was gonna be pissed that I wrecked her truck...

I love my boys...they are so damn funny and so damn insightful to their mum's obsession.....

Ellie said...

Aw, thanks, Jules, my breath HITCHED (no, not THAT way) when I first saw her. I couldn't believe her beauty.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules! I'm sorry your Bella truck got hurt. I'm really excited because I'm flying home on Friday for spring break, which means I'll be able to drive my little red truck!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Have you had somebody else try? A guy maybe?

Ellie said...

Jules, that is so f'ing cute!

Jewels64 said...


You are gonna be a fucking wreck when she gets married.....

Sabrizzle said...

Pshhh, I have bigger guns than most of the guys around here DB. I swear there are hardly any manly guys around here, they are all gay or want to be gay. It's pathetic.

Jewels64 said...


OMG!!! That is so damn funny!!!

You show 'em GIRL!!!

Melissa said...

HELLO Ellie, Jules, Sabrizz, DB, Alie!!! Anyone I miss??

How is everyone tonight?

Ellie said...

I know, Jules. Both me and my dh. We've already decided they will play "My Girl" (Temptations? Smokey Robinson?) when he and K. dance at her wedding.

Ellie said...

Hi, Mel!!

Where are all the anons when we get on here??

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ha ha. You are a tiny thing.

Jewels64 said...


Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules, it's really annoying because I can't stand it when I know more about tools and cars and stuff than guys. There aren't really any guys at my school that I'm interested in, which really sucks. Hopefully I'll get to go bowling with Ryan Dungey for this charity thing in May. He is so my jam!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Melissa!

Melissa said...

Ellie~all the anons are in bed by now. Its waaaaay past their bedtimes. LOL

Melissa said...

Jules~ I LOVE your avatar.

TheDogsBollocks said...

To bad my niece's boyfriend is her boyfriend. You'd like him. LOL. He is training to be a racecar machanic and he is a technical genius. He's nice to look at to. He looks a lot like clean cut Rob. I like my niece a lot though, and she loves him.

Ellie said...

Yeah, you're probably right, Mel.

Whew! lol

TwiHartRK said...

Wow - 30 more posts since I left and two more Robkats - Hey Sabrizz and Mel!

Jewels64 said...



P.S. Off Topic I know...but I took the boys to the drag races (CARS...not drag queens, I know which one I would have preferred!) the other weekend...

Saw the motorcycles that they trotted out for that shit....and after having to do research about Ducati's for my story...

I so get your other obsession!!!!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL DB, were you calling me tiny? 'cause I beg to differ. I need to get back into working out more regularly, thankfully the treadmill is all mine when I get home! :)

Melissa said...

Hi Alie!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Melissa...he's been staring yours down wanting to swap shirts at any time....

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Jules, guys+motorcycles=HOT! Motocross is my thing, but street bikes are pretty awesome too.

Sabrizzle said...

Oh he sounds nice DB, but I'll let your niece keep him, LOL.

Melissa said...

Yeah, Jules. Whenever you're ready...LOL

Srsly, I have been dreaming of TomStu alot today...LOL Ever since that interview this morning...dayum is he schmexy. Me likey. :-)

Jewels64 said...


I googled some major shit on motorcycles and Ducati is freaking killing me....

As for cars...the Pagani Zonda F.... HOLY FREAKING HELL!

The things I'll do for Edward...

TwiHartRK said...

OMFG - I have a thing for guys on bikes. I have an awesome story to share w/you all sometime. So hot!

TwiHartRK said...

Hey Mel - did you bring the flask? Pass it to DB I want to get her buzzed. See if she'll get naked again...

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules! Suzuki is my favorite brand, followed by Kawasaki. My preferences are mostly based on motocross, but if I were to get a street bike I would get a Suzuki GSX-R. Delicious!

Ellie said...

On SNL, the JonASS Brothers again.
Damn, they cannot sing for shit.

Jewels64 said...

Mel...TomStu/Rob is mine.

Get it? Okay maybe I'll share with Stella...but that's all!!!

I wanna be the cream filling in that sweet cookie sandwiche!!!

Tom is a skinny ass drink of water with a deep voice meant to whisper filthy things in a womans ear while Rob does terrible things to her.... OH MY GOD!!!

Melissa said...

Alie~ What would you like me to put in said flask? Does DB have a favoUrite?? LOL

TwiHartRK said...

Jules - Hot Damn! I love you drinking vodka! I mean I knew you were creative but that's a nice visual. I love me some narrow hips...

Melissa said...

JULES!!! LMFAO! I heart you long time. I like the way you think. ;-)
*wicked grin*

Jewels64 said...

Mel...throw me in a little Ed Westwick and I'm multiple right now....

Melissa said...

Ellie~Srsly? Are the Jo Bros on again?? BAH! Please tell me Joe isn't wearing his SHITEOUS white pants?? I can't take it....

TheDogsBollocks said...

I'm allergic to most alcohol. Interesting eh? It has just occured in the past year or so.

Jewels64 said...

Mel...Rob stole those damn white pants when he fucked him....

babbles said...

Hi all.... how's is hangin? (if that isn't a loaded question then nothin is)...

Melissa said...

Damn, Jules...you're bogarting all the Hotties tonight!! LOL No fair.LOL

TwiHartRK said...

I thought Rob stole those? Probably has more than one pair eh?

Sabrizzle said...

Ewww, JoBros! *HORK*

Thankfully I'm watching The Notebook on tv right now and it's just getting to the good part. That will get nasty JoBros images out of my mind!

Ellie said...

Alec Ba;ldwin on SNL.Go check out the skit (basement, lewd gestures.)
jacking off, etc.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Brooke!

Melissa said...

Jules~ *HORK* I hate white pants on any man...including ROB! I don't care how good his junk looks either while wearing said pants...It's just wrong, baby.

HI BROOKE!!! :-)

TwiHartRK said...

Babbles brought GAMBIT to the party! Hey Babs!

Ellie said...

Playing WII in the skit,looks like other movements...LMAO

Jewels64 said...

Mel!!! I so <3 you!!!

We are like peas and carrots...me and Jenny....

Kimberlesk said...


Ellie said...

Hi, Brooke!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL @ Forrest Gump quotes! I had to write a paper about that for my film aesthetics class about 2 weeks ago.

Melissa said...

Jules!! I <3 you too!!! :-)

I'm telling ya, great minds think alike. :-)

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Kim!

Kimberlesk said...

Sorry I'm late to the party, was waiting for my Priestward fix!

Ellie said...

Hi, Kim!!!

Melissa said...

Hi Kim!!

Jewels64 said...

Alright Ladies...back off!

My bitch just arrived!!!

Kim...Page 5, Paragraph 1.....

Melissa said...

Yeah, Kim..where is our Priestward fix?

TwiHartRK said...

Hey Kim!!!

Elie - I never watch SNL anymore but I caught that skit. Funny! Does Alec really have that paunch on him?

TheDogsBollocks said...

I found True Blood on TV and I'm watching a graphic view of the reverse cowgirl.

Sabrizzle said...

Where the hell is our Office fix?!

Ellie said...

Kim, I just finished reading that a few minutes ago. Is the new chapter where Priestward meets up with Emmett in the bar?

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh and Vampire sex.

Ellie said...

Alie, I think that really IS Alec's belly...

babbles said...

Use your teeth Jules...

Melissa said...

Oh, DB, it gets much worse than that...just wait. :-) Not that said position is bad...LOL

Kimberlesk said...

WTF??? I don't think I got an alert from FF about that!!!

Yes, Jules, I'm here for you bitch!

Kimberlesk said...

BTW thanks for the welcome ladies!

babbles said...

“If you can’t take it in the mouth, you can’t have it anywhere else.”

TheDogsBollocks said...

Worse? Graphic sex shouldn't be view as "worse" it's all pure win baby.

Jules, I'm hurt. I'm going to have to find myself my own RK sub.

Jewels64 said...

Hey now...no knocking Reverse Cowgirl!!!

Giddyup Mother Fucker!!!

TwiHartRK said...

Sabrizz - The Office girls said the next update would be slow. We offered to get their kids fast food gift cards and send them La Perla but it didn't work. That was before you told me how expensive La Perla is. I mean I love their FF but WTF?

Kimberlesk said...

Oh, no, the Emmett chapter was the last one ... no update yet!

I wish I had this effect on windsinnger ...

Jules -- do me baby!

Ellie said...

Kim, it was chapter 13.
Priestward first sees Bella inthe cereal aisle of the supermarket and then sees Emmett at a bar.

Jewels64 said...

Mistress DB...

Can you forgive me my transgression?

Tell me how I can be of service to you to repent for my wicked ways....

Melissa said...

DB~I meant worse as in much more graphic...not in a bad way.

Shit, thats one of my favorite shows... :-)

Sabrizzle said...

Damn Alie, I knew they said it would be a little bit before they updated, but I was hoping there would be an update by now. That La Perla stuff is way overpriced and I really don't think it's that cute, I wish I wouldn't have checked out the website.

TheDogsBollocks said...

I liked the only other episode I watched where he had the girl chained to the ceiling.

Kimberlesk said...

JNasty -- how dare you cheat on me!!

Whipping bench for you whore!

BTW I fucked Joe Jonas too!!

Actually it was Zefron, don't tell Vanessa!

TwiHartRK said...

Jules - Like Mel said - you really are "bogarting the Hotties" LOL!

RACK EM Up, TomStu, Rob, Ed, Kim, DB...

Jewels64 said...


Hi darlin'....

How are you? News?

Still in the dark?

I love you BB!!! Hope you are where you need to be....

TwiHartRK said...

Oh shit - Robkat fight over Jules. Jello or mud??

Melissa said...

Oh, yeah, that was at the very beginning of the season. I think that woman was killed by a vamp...

babbles said...

No News, I am not seeking it out at this time.... Maybe in a few days.... the dark is so comforting lol!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yes, and they showed the vamp having turbo sex with her.

I choose chocolate pudding with whipped cream please.

TwiHartRK said...

"Babbles -- you are a filthy whore!!"

Only you Kim - can get away with that!!! Are you gonna take on Babbles too? She has Gambit watching her back...

babbles said...

Kim ~ Filthy Whore... eh Maybe... OK, True That!

babbles said...

God I wish gambit was more than watchin my back.... He is such a prude! I only have eyes for Rogue...blah..blah..blah

Ellie said...

LMAO Stacy!
"I choose chocolate pudding with whipped cream please."

TwiHartRK said...

Good compromise DB -
Turbo sex eh - is that what killed her?

Not into "snuff"

but the turbo sex thing...

Jewels64 said...


Now...Now...let's not let our Whale Tails get into a knot....

(Shit...who am I kidding...I fucking hate butt floss...I prefer commando any day!!!)

For the sake of all Rob....

Can't we just all lurve one another on one big sweaty KY fueled mess?

Just sayin....

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrizzle said...

ROFLMFAO Jules! No butt floss for me either!

Kimberlesk said...

Oh, I know how Babbles likes it ...


Just like me!

Melissa said...

No, he drained her...of blood that is. Turbo sexed her, then killed her. NICE.

Melissa said...

BAH! Butt floss is the best! LOL

TwiHartRK said...

Oh Yes, Jules, Yes, Yes,

What about the whip cream though??

Kimberlesk said...

Mel -- but floss WTF? And don't give me that urban dictionary shit!

Sabrizzle said...

Kim, butt floss = thongs.

TheDogsBollocks said...

KY? Who the fuck uses KY? That stuff is gross. Pjur is the absolute BEST. Isn't sticky and leaves your skin so fucking smooth.

Kimberlesk said...

Thanks -- Oh I'm there!

Jewels64 said...


You naughty little vixen you!!!

Whipped cream is optional depending on the container it came out of....

Carton or...something more deliciously sinful.....

Melissa said...

Kim~ Hmm...I'm putting away the Urban Dictionary tonight. I will only bring that out on special occasions...LMAO!!!

Butt floss aka thong underwear. I can't live without them...they are my life now. LOL

Just sayin'...

TwiHartRK said...

Well, here ya go Mel. Beautiful bastard prefers white but I think Jules might like the pink...


babbles said...

Whipped Cream...check
But Floss...check
Whipping Bench...check
Page 5, 1st paragraph...check check
Industrial Built Couch...check-O

Yup, Robkats are in the house!

Melissa said...

$115 for THAT? Fucking bullshit.

Melissa said...

Oh, its still cute though and trust me when I say I really want it...LOL

Kimberlesk said...

Mel, babe, don't get me wrong. I love the urban dictionary!!

Love you too!

Melissa said...

Brooke, don't forget the riding crop!! LOL

Sabrizzle said...

That's what I'm saying Melissa! You could go on a mini shopping spree at Victoria's Secret for $115 and get stuff that looks pretty much the same as that.

Jewels64 said...


FYI...I don't need KY..

sshhh....true confessions....

yeah...never needed it.

I can claim that I do something most women can't....

Melissa said...

Kim~ I love you long time...the urban dictionary is a valuable resource. God forbid we not know the meaning of the "alabama hot-pocket"...LOL

Jewels64 said...

Twi...Pink is my fav color!!!

How'd you guess?

Kimberlesk said...

OMG, you're a fucking squirter, aren't you!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Seriously, you can't do EVERYTHING without lube....

That stuff is AMAZING though. Honestly. Expensive but sooo worth it. I don't need it much either but I use it for some things.

TwiHartRK said...

Check baby Check baby 123
Can I get a little "Rump Shaker" with that Brooke?

Melissa said...

I know, Sabrizz...you could buy a TON of lingerie for that amount. If I wsa Bella I would be pissed! LOL

Kimberlesk said...

Mel, whenver I think of the Urban Dictionary, i'll forever think of you!!

And I mean that in the best way!

Melissa said...


can't spell...

Jewels64 said...

Shuddup Kim!!! :)

Melissa said...

Aww, thanks Kim. xoxo

Melissa said...

Inquiring minds want to know, Jules... LOL

TwiHartRK said...

I knew you would Jules!
And it looks great w/whip cream and chocolate pudding on it - LOL!

Ellie said...

Okay, seriously lurking and laughing, here...

Sabrizzle said...

I would be seriously pissed too, Melissa! I guess that's why I would never spend that much on lingerie. If somebody is going to be ripping it, I don't want to be worrying about losing $115.

TwiHartRK said...

OMG - I meant I knew you would love it Jules - not I knew you would SQUIRT!!!

Really - you can! My DH would want you to give me a clinic on that shit...

Kimberlesk said...

Aw, whasamatter Jules?

Jewels64 said...

Crap Alie...I hope you were refering to the lingerie post...

Cuz if not...that is one crazy sundae!!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

She can't squirt all the way to her ass for that amazing anal though. Domward requires lube.

TwiHartRK said...

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!! Seriously I think I just peed a little...

Sabrizzle said...

New page! Woohoo!

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