Twist Magazine Scans

Natalie from Twist Magazine sent us the scans of their April Issue.

There is quite a bit in the issue and it's on stands now :)

First they confirm the rumor that we reported back in January : Zac Efron and Rob was after the same role in the movie Ohio and that Rob got the part.

Second, there is a new picture from the Vanity Fair photoshoot that I haven't seen before!

Third, the bits about Rob in the "Real Robert revealed" section are all true! Which is very refreshing :) A lot of magazines just make up stuff.

And fourth they are giving away pocket Edward! You know you want one :))

I love everyone's faces in this picture. Edi is totally checking Kristen and Nikki who look like they are about to kiss. Kellan and Elizabeth look bored and Rob is just staring into the emptiness :))


Anonymous said...

Can we trust 'Twist' on the Ohio info?
That would be Rob's first post-Twilight project!! *squeals*

Emmes said...

I LOVE that shot of Taylor, he's awesome!! I youtubed him performing in his martial arts competitions bak in the day and as cute as he looks...he could kick some serious butt!!

Anonymous said...

in the one with the true/false quiz it has the original pic that was manip into tomstu and him dancing? lol ive never seen it not manip before

Anonymous said...

I hope the Ohio rumors are true, I live 30 minutes from Kent. I have some friends that go there so I'm gonnna see if theres been anyone around for location scouting. Its a very nice area very low key, about an hour from Cleveland. It would in fact be perfect for shooting especially since the shootings occured on May 4th, shooting here in the summer would work out great.

lostinphilly said...

Wants me some Rob now more than ever, after reading that from Twist mag!!! He's So adorable and dorky and romantic and sexy all at the same time!! LOVE HIM!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just took the 'Are you (R)obsessed?' quizz.
Turns out I am.
Surprise, surprise...

Anonymous said...

Goz- You've been missing out. Go to and you will see the behind the scenes photo shoot and see the girls in action. It's unreal girl crushin....ick. But it doesn't overtake the chemistry that Rob and Kristen has. Better yet go to YOUTUBE and look up the behind the scenes. There are 7 clips a little over 9:00 minutes. I also found a breathtaking video that someone did putting together the different scenes and the song that went with it was song by Sia "Breath Me". Let me find it again for you.

Oh and I already knew about all this stuff about him months ago. I'm truly ROBSESSED.

Gozde said...

You mean like these videos?

:)) I've seen all of them babe :)

Gozde said...

The videos are at the end of that post:

Anonymous said...

Goz- Found it. The video with the Sia song is under: Robert and Kristen Vanity Fair photo shoot


The views so far have been 759,285 so yeah there's a lot of love for it.

And to view the clips of the behind the scenes just click on the related videos. There's a few there but after going to each one you be able to find the rest as you go to each site. Enjoy!!!!:D

Anonymous said...

Goz- Okay!!! Well for those who have missed out go to the link. You will love it...:D

Gozde said...

LOL :)) Sorry. I know those videos are all kinds of awesome!

Emily said...

My favorite part of the VF shoot is Rob's ankle porn. Oh, and his forearms. And shirtless Kellan. They all look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hope the "Ohio" thing is true. I live in KY!! Thanks, Goz

Anonymous said...

Emily- I loved when Rob had his hand on his knees and was looking up at Kristen and they were talking a little but staring into each others eyes all mesmerized. Then the photographer said something to him and he just looked like he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar (all surprised)with a little grin on his face. That's from clip 5. Clip 5 was the best of all of them.

Ms. Bonderson said...

I love the "still a 6-year-old boy at heart" part - Cute!

And adding a new Rob part...I love his neck in the full-size picture with Kristen. Looks like I might have to go find this magazine...

I'm too old for buying tween/teen magazines, but I can't help it! LOL

Laura said...

Ahhh, Emily, you know I love that ankle porn, too! I even made a FB bumper sticker dedicated to it! LOL

Who is Rob staring at in the first pic?

Ellie said...

Laura, you and that ankle porn...I just want the whole Rob! lol

Talk to you tonight! xo

crazy said...

Gozde _ Yes!! re: Rob doing OHIO, but is Twist Magazine in a position to confirm that?

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