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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query robert pattinson gave to me. Sort by date Show all posts

Robert Pattinson In 'Premiere' Magazine ~ NEW Photoshoot & Interview

UPDATE: Added HQ Scans
UPDATE : Interview Translation Added (After The Cut)
Robert Pattinson In 'Premiere' Magazine ~ NEW Photoshoot & Interview

Check out this first look at Rob's new photoshoot in 'Premiere' Magazine.


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FULL Scans and interview snippets After The Cut

Robert Pattinson on Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors

Here are 12 quotes Robert Pattinson gave to .

Remembering His Lines

"Whenever I do a job I'm really kind of learning how to act from scratch again, [especially] when I haven't done it for a year. I've kind of forgotten how to do it!"

Taking the Backseat in New Moon

"It's just so nice being in a supporting role. There was so much pressure on Taylor for this one, and it's like, he didn't have a single bad day the entire shoot. I just stroll onto set, I'm like, 'Oh, I've got one line!'"

His Take on Edward
"I kind of just tried to make him a little bit more aware of the irony of the situation…a 109-year-old who's in love with a 17-year-old who he's pretending to go to school with."

Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors

"Literally, that would be terrifying if I suddenly — well, actually, it wouldn't be terrifying, it would be quite satisfying, actually, to be able to get someone pregnant from across the country. With a text message!" (Gozde: Rob is obviously not aware that he can actually get a woman pregnant with a stare ;))

Why He's Disgusted with Himself

"Because sometimes I look at myself in the mirror [Laughs] — I think anyone would be." (Gozde: Yeah, sure. I can see that...not...)

And the Signature Hair Secret Is...

"I just use water. No one ever believes me, but it's true."

Getting Deep with Kristen
"Kristen's a really great actress. I really like working with her, and she's very intense about things, and she'll go just as far as anyone else will want to go with it. If you want to go as deep as possible, into any form of material, she's more than willing to go there." (Gozde: the...gutter... :))

Under the Microscope
"It's funny what you really see when you're the subject of the completely bizarre gossip magazine industry. It's just like, 'WHAT?!?' All this stuff with Emilie [de Ravin, his costar in Remember Me] as well. The tabloids say stuff like 'They went on a date to an Indian restaurant.' We were doing a scene! There's a film crew there!"

Doing Interviews
"I don't find myself that interesting as a human being, so I don't really think that much of what I say or do warrants being recorded." (Gozde: Rob here is a grip, get it :) We love everyword you say)

Where He's Going Next…
"I might go to some tiny little town in Idaho with, like, three people living there." (Gozde: Believe me those 3 people will know you. You should follow my suggestion HERE. Remote island :))

Why He Shaved His Head

"I'd just done with the GQ shoot, and I got it cut after that, on the shoot, and I just thought, Well, I've just done a GQ cover, I might as well get my hair cut."

Nikki about Robert Pattinson

First Impressions
"The first time I met Jackson [Rathbone] was on the flight to Portland, and he had his guitar and his glasses, and I was thinking to myself, Oh boy, another introverted musician/actor. [Laughs] And I don't really know what I thought of Rob. My opinion of Rob has always sort of been the same. He's a great guy, he's really talented, [but] we're not as close as the rest of the cast."

Setting the Record Straight
"I can't win, even if I say something relatively bland. A few weeks ago I was at this event, and they said, 'You missed Rob's birthday, how do you feel?' And I said, 'I called him, it's fine.' And they wrote, 'She's clearly bitter over the breakup.' I'm like, what breakup? Rob and I were never together. (Gozde: Nikki, people will believe whatever they want to believe. Even I learned that and I only run a blog. When I publish something people believe I'm golden when it's the opposite of what they believe I'm a fat, delusional liar who needs to get a life :))

Ashley Green about Robert Pattinson

First Impressions
"When I met Rob, he literally didn't make any impression on me. He's quiet, he's not very outgoing, he wasn't like, 'Hey! What's up? I'm Rob!' So with Catherine, she was basically like, 'So, that's Rob.' And I was like, 'Oh, cool.' And it's just so funny now looking at it, because every girl swoons over him."

Kellan Lutz Robert Pattinson

If the Entire Cast Did Get in a Fight...
"I'd beat everyone, even Taylor, no doubt. If they all tried to jump me, they might have a chance. Rob can slap pretty hard though."

Thanks to Laura for the tip :)

Robert Pattinson Comic Book Gets A New Cover And Preview Page

From MTV

Last month, we gave you the first look at Lady Gaga on the cover of "Fame," Bluewater Productions' new line of celebrity biography comics. While Gaga's debut was certainly big news, "Twilight" fans were most excited about the presence of franchise actors Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the "Fame" lineup.

Now, we have your first look at a new cover for "Fame: Robert Pattinson," as well as an exclusive preview of interior art from the comic. Arriving on shelves in May, the 32-page comic promises to "trace Pattinson's career from his first performance in Tess of the D'Urbervilles at London's Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies."

Read on for two covers from "Fame: Robert Pattinson" (including a new cover by Paul Andrew Manton), as well as an exclusive page of unfinished interior art from artist Nathaniel Ooten. The comic is written by Kim Sherman. (Gozde: Kim is not a stranger to this fandom :) She used to run Pillowbiters and still runs and Twilight Parents Examiner. So she is a fan through and through. She is also our friend :))

NEW: Great Robert Pattinson quotes about Maps To The Stars from full production notes and more!

NEW: Great Robert Pattinson quotes about Maps To The Stars from full production notes and more!

We posted the partial production notes earlier but the full notes are now available. Lucky for us because those full notes have new Rob quotes about Maps To The Stars and heart-warming Rob praise! The notes are long and there's a download link after the excerpts with Rob's quotes. We also included jpgs of the PDF in case you want those.

 Excerpt from Maps To The Stars production notes:

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“Plus we’re both dual - disorder ” 

When Agatha Weiss returns to Los Angeles, she makes an instant connection with the first person she encounters: her limo driver, a would - be screenwriter who chauffeurs the far more successful, and who becomes increasingly entangled in her larger - than - life drama.

Taking the role of Jerome is leading star Robert Pattinson, who wanted to work with Cronenberg again on the heels of taking the lead role in Cosmopolis (coincidentally, Pattinson played a billionaire who is a limo passenger throughout that film.)

 photo tumblr_n41e3sJ1zO1ql8r0ko5_r1_250.gifHe was one of the first cast members to sign on, which Martin Katz says helped buoy the project. “Robert’s enthusiasm for Maps to the Stars is one of the things that really got us underway. Jerome is not a large role but it’s very significant in the story and his joining the cast gave us a terrific amount of momentum,” recalls the producer. “In a sense he is playing Bruce Wagner, who was himself at one time a limo driver and unemployed writer.”

Cronenberg was thrilled to reunite with Pattinson, and in such a different kind of role. “I think Rob was really happy to be part of an ensemble,” he says. “But Jerome is also a critical character, a lovely character and it was a chance for Rob to give a more naturalistic performance. I knew he would be fabulous and he was.”

Pattinson’s experience working on Cosmopolis with Cronenberg was so profound that he agreed to the role of Jerome before reading the script. But when he finally sat down to read it, he recalls, “Within two pages I was thinking wow, this is so unbelievably different and hilarious. I don't even know what people are going to make of this, but it feels dangerous. It’s sort of satirical but it’s also a ghost story and it’s also a kind of thriller. It defies genre.”

He came to see Maps To The Stars as more than just another L.A. story. “It’s really about 10 people who lie to themselves – right up until the end,” he summarizes.

Yet within all that, Pattinson sees Jerome as the most ordinary of the film’s roster of outrageously deluded and desperate characters -- typical of a certain kind of everyday L.A. dreamer, a regular guy with a regular job who nevertheless always believes h e is just one move away from becoming a major actor and writer.

 photo Crazy.gif“Jerome would never accept that he is just a limo driver. I think he feels he’s just waiting for his break,” Pattinson observes. “And yet, he’s seemingly the only one in this story who's not going insane -- or who isn’t a ghost. He's a fairly normal guy, which is slightly odd for me, as well.”

Working with his fellow cast members was another big draw for Pattinson. Of Julianne Moore, he says: “She’s hilarious and also very sane, which is kind of ironic given who Havana Segrand is. And she shifts so subtly into character, you barely notice what she is doing. It’s kind of amazing.”

He worked most closely with Mia Wasikowska as Agatha, who comes to rely on Jerome as her sole friend in the city. “I knew Mia was going to be wonderful in this,” he says. “She’s so lovely that it was horrible for me to watch Agatha be bullied by her entire family.”

 photo Bows.gifFor Cronenberg, the chance to work with cast members like Pattinson and Gadon multiple times is one of the most gratifying aspects of his career. “It's really beautiful for me to see that blossoming and the evolution of actors as I work with them, ” he concludes.


ROBERT PATTINSON (Jerome Fontana) is best known for his portrayal of the vampire Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga . Most recently, Pattinson appeared on screen in David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis and will be seen this summer in David Michôd’s The Rover , in which he’s paired with Guy Pearce. He recently wrapped work on Werner Herzog’s Queen of the Desert opposite Nicole Kidman. Currently, Anton Corbijn is directing Pattinson in Life , a film about th e friendship between Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock, played by Pattinson, and James Dean, played by Dane Dehaan.

Pattinson gained industry notice at 19 years of age when he joined the Harry Potter franchise in Mike Newell‘s Harry Potter and the Go blet of Fire, playing Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts’ official representative in the Triwizard Tournament. Last year, Pattinson starred in Water For Elephants , joining director Francis Lawrence and costars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz in bringing the Ne w York Times bestselling novel to the screen. Prior, he headlined the drama Remember Me , directed by Allen Coulter, appearing opposite Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper and Emilie De Ravin. Pattinson starred in Bel Ami , a film based on the novel of the same nam e written by Guy de Maupassant in which he played a young journalist in Paris who betters himself through his connections to the city’s most glamorous and influential women, played by Uma Thurman,Kristin Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci.

Pattinson began his professional career with a role in Uli Edel’s Sword of Xanten, opposite Sam West and Benno Furmann. He also appeared in director Oliver Irving’s How to Be, winner of the Slamdance Film Festival’s Special Honorable Mention for Narrative Feature. Pattinso n played the lead role of Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, directed by Paul Morrison. His television credits include “The Haunted Airman” for the BBC.

As a member of the Barnes Theatre Group, Pattinson played the lead role in Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.” Ot her stage credits include Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes,” “Tess of the D’Urbevilles” and “Macbeth” at the OSO Arts Centre.

FULL notes and downloads after the cut!

On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

Every Christmas, we like to look back at Rob's amazing year and celebrate the 12 Days of Robmas. While you're bustling about, getting your trees, hanging your lights, toasting with friends and shopping your heart out, we'll be counting down the 12 Rob events that stood out in 2012. Let the countdown begin!

Sing it with me, sistas!

On the first day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeee....

A GivingRob standing up for charityyyyyyyyyyyy!!!


to be continued tomorrow....

When Robert Pattinson gave me his full attention at the Water for Elephants premiere

"Gray suit, white shirt."

Those were the words from my friend, Deb, alerting me of Robert Pattinson's arrival and attire. These 4 words made me gasp and curse Kate because she had teased me earlier that day about how I would survive if Rob wore a gray suit.

Well, I did survive but I think it's only because of something I realize I do when I'm within Rob's vortex: I leave my body.

But let me back up a bit before I talk about my out-of-body encounter. I don't tell short stories. If you want a short story, here it is: I got to ask Rob a question on the red carpet. He answered.

Here's the top of my head and Rob's bottom lip.


If you like long stories...enter my crazy brain after the cut ;)

*NEW* Robert Pattinson EW Scans (LQ)

Update Added Interview Scans
Updated Again with clearer pics & Update again: Added full transcript (after the cut)

*NEW* Robert Pattinson EW Scans (LQ)





Click to Read

Source Vik & epnebelle via Source

Transcript (Thanks to Strictly Robsten)
After The Cut

Robert Pattinson's Stunt Double Paul Darnell Tells Us How Humble & Hardworking Rob Is

Cindy a reader over at RobertPattinsonNews was lucky enough to get to talk to Paul Darnell who plays Robert Pattinson's double. Here are the parts where he talks about Rob and of course tells us how great Rob is.

To read the rest head over to RobertPattinsonNews


How did you react when Robert Pattinson thanked you for his Twilight “Best Fight” MTV Movie Award? Can you share your experience in filming that scene?

First let me say that Robert Pattinson is an amazingly humble person and a very hard worker. He works very hard and shows up to every rehearsal. The last battle scene in Twilight was very intense. Many of the stunts involved hard hits with wires and crashes which are so much fun to do! Without risking personal injury to Rob, I ended up doing the majority of stunts in the final battle which won the award.

I was at a friend's house and I started getting text messages and phone calls from friends saying "I think Rob Pattinson just thanked you on national TV". I was really stoked and also a little confused by the "I think" part. Immediately I went online and found a video of Rob's speech where he gave me credit for the award but said the wrong last name. To his credit, someone had misspelled my name on a photo shoot for LA Magazine and my wrong last name was plastered all over the internet. None the less, I was so stoked that he would even think of me for a shot out. Actors rarely do that for stuntmen. Rob is a very considerate individual and true gentleman. When I saw him on the set of Remember Me he immediately apologized for the mishap. (Kate: All together now........ awwwwwwwwww)

How has the experience of being Robert Pattinson’s stunt double varied from Twilight to Remember Me to Water for Elephants for you?

It has been amazing to see Rob's fame grow and grow. His fan base is grown so much since the first Twilight and I am very happy for him. He also continues to stay the same humble guy each time I see him.


Paul Darnell as "Jacob"
Photo Credit by Cheryl Hagan

Can you share any of the experience of last summer’s filming of Water for Elephants?

A terrific book turned into an even greater film with 3 outstanding actors. The three, Reese, Rob and Christoph, worked together amazingly. Rob also did an amazing job learning and performing the fights and working with the animals. Rob has a scene feeding tigers, REAL tigers, that could eat you if they wanted. (Kate:Eeeekk) Rob played it cool and had no problems working with them at all. Probably better than I could.


Robert Pattinson on set at "Jacob's House" - GA
Photo Credit Cheryl Hagan

What are you currently working on?

I'm lucky enough to be working again with Rob on Breaking Dawn which has even more action than any of the other Twilights. Can't say much other than it is going to be an amazing film!

Thanks to Cindy At RobertPattinsonNews

Robert Pattinson and Safdie brothers talk to the Associated Press about Good Time

Robert Pattinson and Safdie brothers talk to the Associated Press about Good Time

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From Associated Press:

LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Good Time” is a story about one bad night gone worse. Robert Pattinson plays a small time Queens crook named Connie Nikas whose botched robbery and escape attempt lands his mentally handicapped brother in jail. And that’s just in the first few minutes. The film doesn’t come up for a breather for the next 90.

People have described “Good Time” as “‘Mean Streets’ on MDMA” and “‘After Hours’ on crack and meth” which might even be too tame to fully capture its kinetic pace. The filmmakers behind it, Josh and Benny Safdie, are two who the general public would be forgiven for not knowing. They are 30-something brothers whose last film, the punishing heroin drama “Heaven Knows What,” played in only 14 theaters.

So how did they get one of the biggest movie stars in the world to lead their next film? Pattinson called them.

The Associated Press sat down with Pattinson and the Safdies (Benny also plays Connie’s brother Nick in the film) to talk about “Good Time” and how a movie star was able to stay hidden in plain sight in New York — even on the subway at rush hour.

Remarks have been edited for clarity and brevity.

AP: It’s a crazy story how Robert became aware of you as filmmakers.

JOSH SAFDIE: It’s not that crazy, is it?

AP: He saw a promotional still from “Heaven Knows What” and decided he had to work with you?

JOSH SAFDIE: I guess it is kind of wild. Honestly I forget the stature of his stardom. To me it’s like a guy saw a picture and he was inspired by it and he reached out. It’s totally normal. But I guess when you look at it from afar it’s kind of crazy.

PATTINSON: I don’t know about the stature of my star, but I think the level of conviction was unusual for me at least. It was like I knew. And then we did the meeting and just agreed to do something. And then also for that to actually happen afterward is even more unusual. People say, “Oh let’s do something together” all the time.

JOSH SAFDIE: I warned you, I said, “Be careful, we are the type of people who when we want to do something we’ll just do it. We’ll figure out a way to do it.”

BENNY SAFDIE: The movie wouldn’t be here had he not reached out to us.

MORE under the cut!

Interview from Cannes

Interview below by The Risky Biz Blog
Robert Pattinson, who soared to global stardom in "Twilight" and has just committed to a screen adaptation of the fourth installment in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling series, is more than just a pretty face. The actor, who didn't go to acting school, talks to The Hollywood Reporter U.K. Bureau Chief Stuart Kemp in Cannes about how long it might take to fall in love, why he doesn't care who directs him as long as it's a good script and losing his car.

THR: Have you been to Cannes before?
Pattinson: I came here on holiday once when I was 12 but not since. I wouldn't appreciate it (here) as a holiday now.

THR: Let's talk about "Twilight." There are four books. Is the plan for you to do them all?
Pattinson: I have committed to the fourth one, "Breaking Dawn." But I don't know quite when Summit is going to shoot it because of my schedule.

THR: How is the script for "New Moon" different from the second book?
Pattinson: It kind of plays relatively close to it. I would still describe it as being a sort of supporting role (to Bella's story). I think it would have been a bit cheesy if it had just stayed as a voiceover part as my character is a voice in her head in the second book. They've shot these hallucination bits of the film. You're playing a figment of Bella's imagination and I was trying to do it in a really 2-D kind of way. I hope it doesn't come out flat and boring (laughs).

THR: What's the schedule for "New Moon"?
Pattinson: We've got four days left on the shoot for this. I'm going to Italy for the remaining days of the shoot.

THR: And then?
Pattinson: Then I'm going straight into filming (the relationship drama) "Remember Me," then have just three days off before going back to finishing up the third instalment in the "Twilight" series, "Eclipse." After that I am doing a film "Unbound Captives." I can't say much about that but I know the script needs me to learn Comanche! Maybe it'll be like in "Dances With Wolves!" My part is entirely in Comanche, ha ha.

THR: You've been shooting sequences from the second and third in the "Twilight" franchise at the same time. Is that harder for an actor than doing separate films?
Pattinson: Not really. We will just shoot the Vancouver bits (for 'Eclipse`') and then "Moon" is out later this year.

THR: How did "Remember Me" come about?
Pattinson: I read the script last summer and then met with (director) Allen Coulter and really liked it. It's quite a simple story but there was something about the character and way he spoke that was very similar to the way I speak. There is a naturalism to the writing and I really felt a connection to it.

THR: What's the script about?
Pattinson: I read somewhere it was being described as the modern day "Love Story." It isn't anything like "Love Story." It ("Remember Me") is really hard to describe. It about a 23-year-old guy and knowing someone for six weeks. You don't just fall in love and say, I'm in love, after six weeks. It's really a relationship story. It's very natural and the characters are incredibly real and well scripted. It's one of the few scripts I've read where you finish and realize you didn't really want it to end. I have no qualms in saying that (writer) Jenny (Lumet) is a genius.

THR: How so?
Pattinson: I went up to her house one weekend and we all hung out there and just chatted about the script and asked me what I wanted from it. She worked on the draft and about a week later she delivered this script. She'd captured little bits of my voice and all the inflections and mannerisms I have. The character in the script is quite similar to me.

THR: Playing yourself?
Pattinson: You can only really play yourself in a role once every 15 years I think (laughs). And you can only do it if its a good script and captures you properly. It is very therapeutic actually.

THR: Where and when?
Pattinson: It is set in NYC and will shoot there for eight weeks.

THR: You sound like you enjoyed helping with the writing of "Remember Me." A frustrated writer?
Pattinson: No, it's great when someone else is doing the writing for you.

THR: How do you see your career to date?
Pattinson: I didn't go to acting school, I fell into it. I don't really have conventional taste, and I want to only do films that I feel will be beneficial to my life. What we've molded with "Remember Me" is a very exciting and subtle work. I don't really understand acting as acting. I'm definitely not one of those people who can just look scared when they're told to by a director.

THR: How do you select projects?
Pattinson: If there's a good script I don't care who the director is that is attached. I like the most random scripts and I am really close friends with my agent. She really gets me and knows my taste. Occasionally she'll say, "I've got this really awful script but maybe you should read it anyway," and I look at a page and agree with her. I barely ever like scripts actually. After I did "Twilight," I really wanted to work but just didn't see a script I liked. I ended up doing nothing for a whole year. It was frustrating.

THR: Did the huge global success of "Twilight" affect you as an actor?
Pattinson: I prefer to do nothing than something stupid. I feel there's so much pressure because of this idea of career. It's a little worrying. It made so much money that now you get judged not by how good the film is but how much money the film your in is making. That's the scary thing now.

THR: Presumably there will is the hope that people who like you from "Twilight" will go and see "Remember Me"?
Pattinson: It's going to be helped by that. I just hope when people go and see it, they don't say, "Edward wouldn't do that." That's not going to be good!

THR: Do you still have a place in London?
Pattinson: I gave up my flat a year ago. I'm not really living anywhere at the moment because basically I am constantly working and on the road.

THR: Nothing to ground you?
Pattinson: I don't even remember where I left my car (in Los Angeles). It's probably been towed away by now. that's my only immovable possession and now I don't know where it is! (Laughs.) It was important to me because it was the first car I ever bought. Made me feel like a man, buying a car.

Meeting Robert Pattinson: A Fan's Story From The WFE Premiere

Our lovely reader CrZy4uRPatz was lucky enough to meet Mr Robert Pattinson at the"Water for Elephants" Premiere in NY and was kind enough to send us her story & pic with the man himself.
Here's her gorgeous pic


Click and Click Again for HQ

The Story!
So we planned on going to the WFE Premier for weeks in advanced and figured it would be easy to get to see him boy was I wrong.

The night before the WFE Premiere we happen to find out about THE LINE of over 200 people that were trying to get wrist bands. We weren’t even leaving PA until Sunday Morning! On Sunday my friends and I (who by the way it was our 3rd time driving to NY in hopes to get a simple glimpse at Robert) had plans to get up at about 5 and be on our way by 6am .. I didn’t even get up until 6:15 cause I was dreaming I was already there and I was in Happy, Happy land, anyway when I got up I quickly showered and ran out the door to meet my Friends.

We drove into NJ Port to ride into the city by bus. Of course the bus was late and when the next bus got there it was so full we had to wait for yet another bus. By this time we are more than an hour behind schedule (our goal was to be there before 9) . So we got to the city as soon as we pulled up in front of the Ziegfeld one of the security guards saw us getting out of the cab and said right in front of us. “we are cutting it off right here” we begged the guy for the 2nd VIP, of course they don’t care about anything and said no.

Dun dun dun (sorry I couldn't resist {giggle})

Find out what happened next after the cut

On The 6th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

On The 6th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

You'll probably need to sit down in order to catch your breath to sing today's song (you have been warned)
Are you all sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin shall we?

On the sixth day of Robmas
Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeee....

Six Sexytime Scenes

(click each pic for surprises)

Five New Movies to fiiiiiilmmmmmmmm...

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Continued After The Cut

Celebrating a Robiversary.... NEW photos of Robert Pattinson at the Austin Film Festival

It is two years ago today that I was in the presence of Mr. Sex Hair himself - and let me tell ya, the sex hair was in full power that night (evidence below).


Robert Pattinson in all his adorkable, gorgeousness made a fleeting visit to Austin, Texas on October 18th, 2008 to help promote the film How To Be. I had seen the film a couple of nights earlier - but when I heard Rob was going to be there for the Saturday night showing, how could I not go??

I've recounted my full story after the 'break' but first, I'd like to overwhelm you with these never before seen pictures from that night. Taken by the wonderful Laura (whose recap of the night - including a sleeping husband and Rob sat ten feet away is also after the 'break') - thank you SO much for sharing his holy hotness with us :-)








That's the lovely, lucky Laura there in the flower print dress :-)


And because it just wouldn't be right to make this post without re-sharing the sex hair that stars in the photos I took, here they are, as well as a few I believe I've kept to myself, snuggled under my pillow, until now...




Check out our recaps of the night and more photos AND A VIDEO after the break!

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