EW Contradicts Itself

Entertainment Weekly blogger Christine Snipes talks about how culture made a bad turn and people are talking about an actor's ahowering habits more than his work then she puts a picture of Rob's sweaty NYC appearance. Umm, yeah. Contradict yourself much? Oh and by the way any human being wearing a tight gray shirt (yumm) would have pit stains under that many flashing bulbs :)

Mar 30, 2009, 12:59 PM | by Christine Spines

Categories: Celebrity Scandals, Ridiculata, Twilight

Robertpattinson_l It's one thing to call a guy a bad actor or to criticize his meringue-like hair or even to impugn his sex appeal. But don't expect Robert Pattinson to simply ignore the controversy that's recently ignited over the state of his hygiene. An unattributed source recently alleged that the Twilight star had been smelling somewhat ripe on the set of the sequel, New Moon. But in this brief Q&A with moviefone.com, Pattinson speaks up in his own defense and attempts to lay those nasty rumors to rest, once and for all.

All I can say is: Poor freaking, guy. Has a celebrity ever had to refute a more irrelevant and humiliating non-controversy? Where did we take such a wrong turn as a culture that this type of thing is legitimized to the point where the star is expected to defend his showering habits? Do you denizens of the PopWatchisphere agree that we've reached a tipping point when we're wasting time debating whether public figures battle b.o. more than the rest of us mortals (even if their at-times disheveled appearance does make the rumor seem plausible)?


AND The Fake Poster Makes It :)

The deliciously fake New Moon Poster has made it!

It's on several big entertainment sites today (Best Week Ever!, Socialitelife, Popsugar, So So Juicy etc.) as the new "New Moon" poster! LMAO! I LOVE it when these fake pics get spread like wild fire. (The red underwear picture anyone? The one where Rob's hands are missing? lol :))

Will it hit any news programs? Let's wait and see.

Poor Rob must be under a LOT of pressure to get those pecs ready for the end of May.

How To Be Review from Buzzine

How To Be

Sometimes We All Need A Little Help

By: Barbara Morden

Director Oliver Irving’s How To Be is truly an indie film, along the lines of Napoleon Dynamite and Little Miss Sunshine. This film has similar wince-inducing scenes, often making it painful to watch because of the way the characters act.

Ultimately, it’s the study of a non-functional family and the story of the awkward lead character, played so convincingly by Robert Pattinson; it takes a bit to realize what a brilliant performance it truly is. There were times you had to laugh because, if you didn’t, you’d have to look away.

Filmed before Twilight, Pattinson’s new-found star power found fans rallying to his cause, launching a viral campaign to aid in obtaining a distribution deal for the film by flooding Facebook and MySpace pages devoted to the movie, as well as Pattinson’s own IMDB message board to discuss the film.

A screening during the recent Burbank International Film Festival was unsurprisingly filled with a Twilight female fan-throng of various ages.

Satirical yet human, How To Be opens a psycho/social dialogue through comedy about fitting in, as 20-something Art takes off on a journey of self-examination.
Gozde: Spoiler alert for the italic part of this interview. I don't know how anyone can write a review without a bit of spoilers so I say read on but don't get mad at me later :)

Art is having a quarter-life crisis — the result of being broken as a child by cold, distant parents (Michael Irving and Rebecca Pidgeon). Years later, as an aimless young adult, Art’s life is nowhere and falling apart. His girlfriend Jessica (Alisa Arnah) dumps him, saying she believed him to be brooding and enigmatic; she thought he was deep but has come to realize he is just sad and unhappy. He moves home with his parents who don’t have time for him, and his emotional detached mother all but blurts out he is a failure and disappointment, and calls his existence an “oxymoron.” In American hands, the film wouldn’t be a dark comedy but some making-of-a-psycho-killer story. But the Brits know how to walk that tension line of black humor. An inheritance from a deceased uncle sets changes in motion. Art stumbles on a self-help book by Canadian therapist Dr. Levi Ellington (Powell Jones) and flies him to the UK to help him become “more normal.” Art quits a dead-end job and gets fired from a volunteer position at a special needs center which he was ultimately using to feel better about himself. Meanwhile, his motley group of friends are just as screwed up as he is. There’s Ronny (Johnny White) the agoraphobic, and Nikki (Mike Pearce), a guy who is just plain odd. Ronny suggests they all form a band, which sets up the film’s conclusion.

Really, this little film (only just past 80 minutes), which has already won a number of different film festival honors, is all about Art searching for a way to fit in and realizing his parents will never accept him for what he is or wants to be — something more like us than one might guess.

How many of us yearn to find life’s important quest: Where are we going? How To Be is a lesson about how to be and how to live…or at least one way to do it. By accepting ourselves, we can achieve happiness because we have to make it on our own…although help is there, if you see beyond the pain.

Thanks to Barbara for sharing her review with us.


Japan Promo Video

Thanks to Spunk Ransom :)

Empire Magazine in HQ

Thanks to Emily for reminding me to post these :) (P.S.: Emily, the email you've left was wrong, I couldn't reply :)


Another Fan Encounter in Vancouver

Picture from a Gucci Party in 2008

Yesterday you all said you didn't believe Adaline's story because it sounded like a fan fic/dream. Well I think you'll believe this one because she kept saying how stupid she felt :) No need to feel stupid hun, it is after all a fan girl moment :)) Oh and for the love of all that's holly someone send me a new picture of Rob already! I am having serious withdrawals :))

Here is Veronique's story:

Ever heard of Robert Pattinson, Nikki Reed, Sam Bradley???

Walking down a street, looking for a cool place to hang and have a beer… As I’m walkin, I pass in front of a terrasse of a nice ”trendy” restaurant. My eyes caught the face of someone reminding me of a singer I have just discovered. It’s HIM!!! next to the ”lookalike” is the boy with the hat. Next to the one with the hat, in front of the ”lookalike” is the girl without the wig. OK, this is too good to be true. I look at Penny and stop walking. Take another look, my own little voice is screaming inside. It cant be true… My head turns back one more time. The boy with the hat is looking at me; he knows I recognized him. He’s trying to hide in his jacket… I get the message that he’d rather like go unnoticed… So I decide to keep going on my mission for a place to hang out. In the meantime, a few calls to my friends who are gonna kill me if I dont go back… What should I do, what should I say?

After 15 minutes of walking around, Penny’s got a txt message sayin we should go to a certain bar… We turn around and walk toward some pub. I HAVE to pass by again. As I’m walking passed the restaurant, there’s 3 girls (I beleive a mom and daughters, but honnestly I was so in shock I dont remember…) were talking to them and took a picture. Ok, so, if I dont do this now, I wont get another chance. I’m getting to the table and apologize (so many times, I probably looked like a total idiot) for disturbing their night, chatted for a couple of minutes, about Sam’s music and their time in Vancouver. Penny got to take a picture of Rob, Nikki and I(after several try, battery was dying, flash was off…). I have never felt so stupid (I aint natural blond!!! lol) in my life but hey, who cares? I most probably wont run into them again and if I do, then I wont be in shock state of shock!

Check Sam Bradley’s music here: http://www.myspace.com/sambradley06

Sweet dreams I know I will;)

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)

Ashley Tisdale Name Drops Rob Again

Well, a couple of months ago Ashley Tisdale told Cosmo that she was crushing on Robert Pattinson, her actual words were : “I’m in love with Robert Pattinson” . We skipped the report because:

1. I had no idea who Ashley Tisdale was :)
2. It sounded like a name drop
3. The bitch should get in line!

And yesterday lovely Jen from The Twilight Times (cool blog!) sent me this bit from M Magazine. (No idea what M was either, man I am old!) :

Ashley also dished to us about her LOL story involving Twilight hottie Robert Pattinson! Ashley's friend, actress Brittany Snow, introduced Ash to him at a Vanity Fair photo shoot, but Ash didn't even recognize him! "I didn't realize who he was because Brittany had just introduced him as 'Rob'," she confesses. "He was actually super-shy!" Talk about a funny celeb encounter, but she's a lucky girl for getting to meet him!

Gozde: I guess I can't blame a girl for trying to reach out and get some attention(action) from Rob :))
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