More videos from Japan with Robert Pattinson


d67 said...

Bite me he says, leave it to Rob! .... AAAAhhhh.... Would love to bite him or be bitten by him or anything by him...OMG, the places the mind goes...

kazoogal269 said...

It IS too bad that we here in the U.S. are a bit "grabby" as he puts it. (I'm not 100% certain that it is, in fact, the U.S. he is referring to, but I haven't seen any footage of folks in other countries that have tried to kiss or jump upon him while he walks on by. Sadly, that was witnessed here in NYC and LA, that I remember.)He is lovely and awkwardly-wonderful no matter where he is, and for those reasons, is so highly adored by many. (Myself included.)

kazoogal269 said...

...well, perhaps Mexico, too. They were pretty grabby with him and the cast last year, from what I saw of the premiere there. Mostly of their vehicles, I think.

teambuffy said...

I think maybe the South American fans are grabbier than U.S. fans.

I base this solely upon the video's I've seen. Like in Mexico? Taylor Lautner also talked about some 2000 fans storming his Argentina?

MiCh said...

We're not that grabby in Mexico.. it was just the excitement of seeing Robert Pattinson in all his scruffy glory!

Nope, I don't condone my compatriots' actions.. what they did to his car? Not good at all.. but you gotta understand that we don't get many superstars to visit us. Lately we've gotten some premieres here and there, with red carpet and a few interviews, that's all.. fan meetings are unusual.
I'll never forgive myself for not going to Rob's fan meeting in Mexico City.. something tells me he won't be back to my country anytime soon. I lost my chance to make him fall in love with me.. bwahahahaa.. a girl can dream, right?

phosphorus said...

What happened to his car in Mexiko?
(Yes, I lived under a rock, when he was there.)

cutecandy said...

Phosphorus, a lot! A girl climbed on top of his care, they were all over it, won't let it move and inch. I was surprise they didn't cause it to topple over. LOL

robgirl86 said...

What happened to his car in Mexico?
Of's not nice, but sincerely I had seen only once the grabbing while shooting Remember me...three stupid girls...!

Mari said...

As Kristen and Taylor already Brazil it's a lot worse... as much as I wanna see ( and more ) Rob, it would be chaos if he came here...

dominique said...

I would never ever grab you Rob...unless you let me do this.

LadyArt said...

Didn't you notice, that he is always so much more at ease when Kristen is n o t with him?

Shani said...

Japan does the boy good. He looks so cute and relaxed. That "BITE ME" comment will trail him for the rest of his life. LOL I love the interview guy in the first vid faking like he didn't understand, then jumps at the girl. LOL

Yeah Mexico was a bit much for him. Kris said Brazil. But we are all passionate for Rob in our own little ways.

RPLover said...

Gozde, you should use that "bite me" when the crazies start messing with you!! LMAO

God, how hot was it when he looked right at (me)the camera and said that?! anytime, Rob! haha

kat said...

That girl is so pretty. And Japan Rob is always sweet.

Anonymous said...

yeah the girl is pretty ,now we know why rob likes japan :)

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