New/Old Robert Pattinson Backstage At The Teen Choice Awards

I'm not sure if we had these before so I'm putting them up just in case.

Source Twilight Poison and thanks to RobpattzNews for the tip


Opsable said...

Love his sideburns ;)

jc(britlover) said...
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KIMMY said...

Rob (the real Rob) looks even younger than [when he played] Edward. And Rob is 23 and Edward is supposed to be 17. The make-up artist(s) should make some adjustments.

Hope he's enjoying himself at home with his family and his forever friends.

Thanks Gozde, Kate and Kat for keeping up your works during these hectic holidays.

jc(britlover) said...

Yeah, those hot sideburns are straining to get down Rob's face so they can get some jaw porn action.

Haystackhair said...

so pretty. Le sigh.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it that hot piece of Josh Duhamel behind him?
I'm not a fan but for what I'd need him for he'd do... I know, it is very wrong to objectify a human being... LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lucky Josh... What was he looking at??

GiGi said...

I keep looking for pics of Rob over in London. Im sure some will surface soon as he tries to go out to pubs and all with his buddies. I just wanna see him! Does anyone know if that was a legit tweet about seeing Rob and KS at the airport on the 23rd? Or if he did in fact leave on the 21st. Just wondrin!

Anonymous said...

LovesRob-don't give yourself a brain hemorrhage, lol. Gozde was pretty clear on that subject and please don't pay attention to those tweets, enough psycho people over there, just saying.

Jamie said...

I just want to kiss his jaw - its so inviting!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I just want to lick him...everywhere...I`m just sayin`.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Jamie, LHR, ditto! ; ) When isn't Rob yummy?

LeslieHeartsRob said...

@Gwen - This is very true!

In my defense...the drought and jaw porn made me say it...

GiGi said...

@RobFan86....I'll try not to! LOL...I get a little caught up..I just wanna see pics of him, yet I want him to have his privacy too! And ya, there are so many tweets saying so many contradictory things! I guess people will just tweet anything to get a rise out of Rob's fans I guess! haha!

DDarjaS said...

I used to think Josh Duhammel was hot. But in a presence of REAL hotness he just blends into background.
Rob is so cute here.

Anonymous said...

LovesRob-I understand you, I want pics too, we're just a bunch of Rob junkies in need of a fix.

lallieb said...

@LovesRob: I know it's wrong, but I'm with you. Just to see a teeny bit of something about what Rob's doing in London. We're really only going on good faith that he really is there, but I'm sure he is. How he got out of LAX w/o being notice is a mystery, but it's a busy time and I'm sure he had people helping him get out undercover. I'm glad, but want to know that he's OK and having a good time. Don't even need photos, just a report or sighting would be nice, but apparently tweets can't always be believed?

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