Robert Pattinson "Jawporn" Picspam

It's here........ After so many requests to do a jawporn picspam well we just had to listen to you didn't we? Now there was a little problem with this, there was SO many pictures to choose from that I think I'll have to do it in 2 parts that's if you want a part 2. Let me know!
Are you ready? Can you handle it? Let's go.................

Now I don't know about you but Rome Rob one of my favourites and there was some fantastic jawporn on display in Rome!

I hope you have survived because this is the mother of all jawporn, it's my absolute favourite. You have been warned!!

So what did you think? Did you like it? Do you want a part 2? DO you need me to send Rob over to give you CPR? Can someone please send him over here 'cause I'm about ready to pass out after doing this picspam.


Haystackhair said...

GAH! barely survived, but yes to part 2, yes to sending Rob over to give me mouth to mouth!

Paula said...

Hi Kate, firstly ~Thank you!!!!!! the pics are fantastic and secondly, the universal cry of women like good selves everywhere, ~ Jawporn!!!! you gotta love it!

I am off to lie down... LOL

Buttons said...
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Buttons said...

OMG i just got tingly chills. and im not gonna say WHERE lmao

Unknown said...

First and last pictures are my all time favorite pictures of him...such a lovely little laddie!lol

Unknown said...

and ps: it's the jaw, but it's also the jaw combined with his lips. I don't know why, but that's the combination that gets me in pictures. Jaw-lip

Twilusted said...

OMFGah Kate! You've killed me w/ your jawporn picspam of Rob!!! Of course, I'm not completely dead yet because I'm waiting out for part 2. :) LUV YOU!

sj said...

Hmmm... seems I have the sudden urge to licky the jaw porny! Ungh!!

lostinphilly said...

Ahh,death by JawPorn, what a way to's SO worth it.
Thanks Kate for all this lethal jawPorn,I've died a very happy woman.And yes, mouth-to-mouth from Rob would be very appreciated right now! Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours Kate! Looking forward to another year ahead full of Rob deliciousness.

Kate said...

I'm sorry the pics are not bigger, not sure what I did wrong will have to ask Goz ;-) but maybe it's a good think or ye might all be dead LOL
I'm so glad ye like it I had fun doing it!!

Julia said...

I looked at the first picture and the voice in my head immediately screamed 2ND PART!! thank you so much for such a great and sexy picspam!

Jeswah said...

The. Best. Picspam. Ever.

Thankyou :)

Happy New Rob Year Y'All x

holdmeRansom said...

Part 2! Part 2! Part 2!
and yes... Rome Rob....GAH!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Becca said...

Thank you Kate! a-ma-zing! Part 2 please!! asap!

I seriously think I may have spontaneously combusted over here. That man's jaw is dangerous! but oh so delicious. I, too, get the urge to lick the jawPorn time and time again.

Becca said...

Oh and ps - just an additive, a really good picture of Rob with the jawporn out in full force is the one where he's standing outside of his car after leaving The Late Show. He looks totally confident and sexy and his jaw could cut glass!!

rtpgirl said...

YES, YES, YEEEESSSSS!!! I can't breathe....please send Rob!!! Oh, gotta go, Rob's at the door, damn that boy is fast! (uh, yeah, I wish..)

And, yes, part 2 pleeease!!

Kat said...

Kate - I'm so glad you took this load on, I don't think I would've survived. I'm in jawporn heaven right now.

Story13 said...

That is so good. Rosa, I'm with you on first and last pictures. OMG… he has the most beautiful jaws ever…
I'm waiting for part 2, now…

noisefaidaus said...

OMG Kate you are a genius and yes Rob in Rome is inspiring, ..... and yes I want part 2.
I'm an ICU nurse and I know my heart stopped several times looking at these photos. Since I'm a sucker for punishment and want part 2.

Marna said...

That last one is also my favorite jawporn pic. You could do a part 2 of that over & over again, & I would be fine. :-)

winniepo said...

BARELY SURVIVED, yes yes to the pics are truly fantastic, the Jawporn is so great !!!!!

womadsart said...

Please part 2 and then I have to be buried!!

Anonymous said...

Oh God! Please yes! Let there be a part 2, 3 whatever...don't stop! (that's what she said!) Thank you for this!

smartEpantz said...

ummmm yes...part 2 puhleeeeeze!!! i hadn't seen that last pic yet (where have i been??) but i swear i actually stopped breathing. no joke. he's simply stunning. period.

Melissa said...


the end.

Kate, I love you! Thanks for posting! AND I must say your favorite jawporn pic is mine as well! In fact, I have it in B & W! I will PM it to you right now :)


AP said...

Thx, Kate, you are a tease! :)

Nice shots of the manly mandible, scruffy and otherwise.

Unknown said...

need a cigarette after that! bring on part 2.

ana said...


part 2, please...

Lou said...

thank you!!!!!!that photos are amazing!!!!!!!Happy New Rob Year Y'All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crazy vamp said...

When I read: 'Are you ready?' I thought:YEEES!!
'Can you handle it?' Definitely NOOO!! O.M.G.! It is too much!
That man makes me feel like an animal... GRRRAWWWW!

Rob'sCigarette said...

Delicious...oh my...part 2, PLEASE!

crazy vamp said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh dear god in heaven....

Help me....

crazy vamp said...

OMG, Kate, is there really a part 2??? Are you kidding?
Are you planing on killing us all before 2010, so that you can have Rob aaaalll to yourself? ô-0

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think that is her plan!!!!! But what a way to die!

d67 said...

Kate, if you don't kill me...Rob and his jaw porn definitely will...
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

crazy vamp said...

Wanna know what I just thought? No? Al'right, I'll tell you anyway...

You post this, eeerrr..., JAWPORN and then Gözde comes out and asks us not to cross 'the line'?? It is just not fair... :(

God, if only I could put my hands (and everything else) on this man!!... uuhhhh...

Okay, enough said. ;-D

Linda said...

OMFG are you trying to kill me...I am dead.........but thank you for killing me with Rob hotness

crazy vamp said...

@RPG, yeah, what a way to die... with a stupid smile on my face...

Okay, but it would be a lot better if the 'real thing' (I mean, the man itself) came here and killed me by obsessively love making... :))))

Susanne said...

Love it!!! Please parts 2-10!!!

Lisa said...

Ahhhh...this is so not fair!! I'm sitting here at work, salivating like an idiot LOL

Ah...I'm so partial to the ones in the Yankee hat...but that last one...oh, you are so right, Kate! It's a killer...

Angie said...

crazy vamp, it is not the first time that Kate has tried to kill us all off so she could have him all to herself. She just can't seem to help herself. She keeps trying.

Robs Bitch said...

Thank you ma'am, may I have another?

Jessica said...

Okay, I've just got out the shower. Came out to THIS! I'm going back for another, preferably colder!!! GOD DAMN that jaw :|

margot said...
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margot said...

Bring the second part on, Gözde ...

we are natural born survivors ... I mean, those of us who have survived the last year ... bring it on ....

RPLover said...

OMG!!! Kate, thankyouthankyouthankyou!

holy LORD, I am so dead right now...the first RomeRob pic, with the combo of the jaw and lip bite, and then the last one.........that's my absolute favorite, jawporn plus all that lovely neck I want to nibble on for days...

ok, I'm offically worthless for the rest of the day. ;)) yes, part 2, please?

Kathy S said...

Gasp, yes more jawporn! He is so deliciously beautiful-gasp, gasp-I need CPR now!!!

Kate said...

LOL ADM Well you can't blame a girl for trying can you??
Aah I think I'll wait till 2010 to finish ye off LOL ;-)

Anonymous said...

Part 2 is more than needed! I am gonna have a fantastic night... last hours for me with the 30's... Tomorrow I'm 40... LOL... and never felt so young... I'm having the time of my life ;o)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Holy HELL! Yes, yes, yes! More, more, more!!!

And ITA, Rome Rob Jawporn Rocks!!!

I think my blood pressure's spiking.

LTavares2011 said...

PART 2, PART 3... pleaseeee!!!!
Thank you so much. The first one, the last one, they´re the best. I need to breathe now...

crazy vamp said...

@ADM, I know it is her secret plan...

For me, it would be faster if she sent Rob over here in person... hehe. ;-)

Did you, guys, remember to vote again in the xmas vid contest?

margot said...

I meant, "bring it on, Kate" :))))))))))

I just like pasting "Gözde" with that letter inside :P

RPLover said...

cv, thanks for the reminder, just going to do that to whoever messed up the last vote!

I hope Gozde does more contests, that was a blast. :)

crazy vamp said...

@ sissi: hey, girl, have a wonderful B-day tomorrow. (oh, your poor mom spent a NYE in pain 40 years ago...).
Anyways, welcome to the cougar-club! :-D

RPLover said...

yes, yes, Kate...let's start the new year with a



Angie said...

sissi, hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Angie said...

Kate, I am on to you. I have told you before I will not go down without a fight.

The problem is, you fight dirty!

Shani said...

Thanks Kate!!! Like Nike says...JUST DO IT...Part 2 that is. LOL

Bring it sister!!! Jawporn owns us.

RomeRob is all kinds of win.

Anonymous said...


Yes, in CAPS! part 2, please?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Angie said...

LMAO @ pining. You are on a roll today.

Anonymous said...
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SluttyPattz said...

Mother of all things Holy - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Yes to round 2, but I have to recover from being knocked out in round 1

Anonymous said...
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Emily said...

That damn jaw couldn't be more perfect if it was actually carved from marble.


vdengg said...

Yes...PLEEEASE make a part 2!!!!

crazy vamp said...

Oh boy, I'm gonna have jawporn dreams and my house is full of relatives...
My in-law will think DH is goooooooood! hahaha!

Rob! CPR now? pretty please...

nikola6 said...

It was the very first thing I noticed about him. THE VERY FIRST THING! The most distinctive and oh so masculine jawline I've EVER seen.

I think it is this feature that has set him apart from the pact. Why? Because it is 'singular.' Others have beautiful eyes, full lips and a square jaw (and sometimes all on the same face), but who has this jawline?

A strange feature perhaps to help birth a star, but goddamn, that's just what it's done. And because it is such an intensely masculine feature and is essentially, the foundation of his face, he does appear to be older than he is and as a result, 'women' have gone batshit crazy over him. Well. Okay. It's more than just the jaw, but I still say, it's that jaw that initially grabbed your attention.


RPCinemaMajo said...

I'm drooling blood...JawPorn jajajaja

waiting 2 part ;)

thank Kate

Anonymous said...
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Ripley said...

Kate you are wonderful. Yes to part 2 thru ?????
Rome Rob is one of my favorites also. Love the right profile.....GAH!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow, how I would love to get rug burns from him...just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Wow...*drools*...*dreamy sigh*

But come on guys, couldn't we find a more tasteful name for it? lol. I mean we could just call it his beautiful/sexy jaw.

And then let's not forget his dreamy lips... those eyes/look *sigh*, oh and the hair (need I say more?)

And yes for part 2! bring it on Kate!

Stina said...

The panties have puddled.


Yes, please to part 2 :)

Thank you Jesus and thank you Kate.

Anonymous said...
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LeslieHeartsRob said...


(raises head to look one more time)
Holy Mary Mother of God!!!!!

____________flatlines again___________

(whispers with last breath) I love you Kate!! And I love the beautiful jaw that is attached to this glorious man!!!!

sandy cougar said...

Holy God! This man is going to kill me. what a way to go... My undies are all wet now, sorry...
I might be too old for that, I mean he is a 23 y.o, he was working on RP the other day, no chest hair the other day, not long ago... yep, i'm old for that.

Is there a line for that promised CPR that Rob is supposedly giving after these jawporn pics?

Anonymous said...
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papagáj said...


died and go to heaven


dina said...

The first and the last my for ever favourite. Rome Rob the best Rob ever. Kate love thank you so much.

jc(britlover) said...

OMG!! In the name of all that's holy!!! I don't know if we can take part 2--but hell yes, bring it on, sister!!!!!!
Thank you, Kate. You are a saint!

RPG-LMMFAO re:rugburn. All my NBness is resurfacing!!! I'm just a jawporn loving', horndog NB for Robert effin' Pattinson.

twifancgs said...

"For the love of all things Holy" these pics rock

Seriously ready for Round 2

Deisy Florian said...

VOTE FOR ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!


LeslieHeartsRob said...

(raises head slowly)
Oh pining...I...I...I have no words for how much I love this!!!

(acts dead hoping that Rob will get over here and do some CPR!!)

Stina said...

Yes, Nikola...we've gone batshit.

Two of my favorite photos found their way to Kinko's and are now almost life size posters in my living room! That's my lving room.

My kid's almost died when they came home for Christmas.

I think this jawporn may throw me over another ledge. I'm just not sure what I'll do next.

I think I better warn the kids this time....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP I'M DEAD!!!!!! I WANT PART 2! But idt I will survive it. I have like a heart thing and I will prolly have a heart attack looking at them!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!! :))

Unknown said...

Holy Jawporn Batman!!!! My heart is-a racin!!!

*fans self, takes 5 deep breaths....*

Yes bring on part 2!! If you're gonna get us this hot n bothered then why stop now!!!

Oh Rob, you are.... what's an even better word for GORGEOUS? Cause I can't think straight right now!!

nikola6 said...

Sorry ladies, but I don't think anything is gonna replace the 'porn' adjective...

porn jaw
porn fingers
porn hair
porn lips

you get the idea.

In poor taste? Most likely yeah. And your point would be? LOL

And pining? Was it you that mentioned Brando? Oh hell yeah. After I caught Tango (and nearly swallowed my tongue), I had to check out On The Waterfront again and OH. MY. GOD. The young Brando and it's Rob. It's weird because he looks like James Dean, yet he looks like Marlon Brando too and the weird part is, Brando and Dean look nothing alike. I swear, it's as though they had a baby together and came up with Rob. And if that isn't a recipe for legendary stardom; looking like a hybrid of two of acting's greatest legends. But it's not just their looks. Rob is reminicent of THEM. It's freakin' weird.


nikola6 said...

Sorry. I was so discombomulated. What I meant was...

jaw porn
finger porn
hair porn
finger porn
crotch porn
tongue porn
eyelash porn (yes, eyelash porn)

Hell. Give a shot of his elbows and I'm pretty sure someone will hollar...


I need a drink

nikola6 said...

knee cap porn
ear lobe porn
belly button porn
little pinky porn
left nostril porn

I got a million of 'em

Brooke Moss said...

Never posted before......but lurk OFTEN. Just had to say thanks, because the Jawporn was out of this world today. I literally had a small anneyurism when I saw it.

Thank you. My husband will thank you as well... ;)

womadsart said...

Sorry Kate. I had to steal one of these jaw.lip.porns for my avatar... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Are you working on part 2? Get on with it!!! lol Want to die tonight! :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

difubulator for the thighs worthy, ugh he's so lickable!

Unknown said...


captain said...

Dear Rob,

If you're reading this you're probably having a good laugh I know I am.

The jaw that launched a thousand THUDs and flatlines and melted panties and...

I hope you're having a wonderful break at home with your family and friends.

Miss you

MMc said...


angie-k said...

OMG!!!! OMG!!!
amazing! this was almost too much!
been so busy with the holidays that I haven't been on here in about a week and this is what I come back to! OMG!!!
oh, so pretty.
must breathe...
heart rate is definitely up. feeling warm and tingly allllllll ovvvverrrr

YES! please bring on part 2!
LICK and save! THUD.

Luluzinha said...


TwiHartRK said...

Thank you Kate!! I love you!!
The last one is my fave too -
the holy trinity of Rob porn IMO
Hair, lips, jaw
add the chest hair to kill us good and DEAD.
LOL Nik!!
Pass the bottle plz sista

Lolli said...

Hi Kate,

I started reading this blog in March 2009 and due to the Rob drought I have been reading the blog from the beginning - fall 2008. Please see the blog Dec. 6th 2008 - Germany - I had never seen these pics of Rob before and he is stunning. Absolutely stunning in these photos! And, oh by the way, there is some excellent jaw action.

Suz said...

That JawOfLife can rescue me AnyFuckin Day!

jc(britlover) said...

Porn adjectives most appropriate!

Also, my children grew up hearing me say discombobulated and never believed I didn't just make the word up. Glad somebody else uses it from time to time.

Ana73 said...

this was absolutely amazing...will part 2 be a crotch show :))) cant wait to see what you post next.

Lolli said...

Also, July 6th - Remember Me photos in blue tee shirt and Ray-Bans. Something about wearing the Ray-Bans emphasizes the jaw line.

Shani said...

Some of y'all are late to die.LOL I died long time ago. This is my 10th reincarnation. LOL I've been back and forth to heaven so many times. Heard all the angels sing...Rob is glory divine....lalalalala...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

crotch porn???????

We had a little crotch porn going on about 2 wks ago..,
it was quite a BIG night.. and that's where we coined the naughty bitches club....

I love all the porns, every little (big) part of this glorious creature.

Mystik Malice said...

Ha ha, so good these jawporn pics !
I'm sure that Rob just thinks girls are crazy to have a crush on his jaw ! Yes but, honey, if only you'd know how this wonderful part of you is so sexy........

Unknown said...

Loved every shot!! Thanks for the Picspam - I'm all ready for Part 2!! I don't think Rob ever takes a bad picture - does he? Loved it!!

skorpia said...

*eyes bugged and falls flat on chihuahua* you guys are KILLING me!!!! That last shot is just erotic,,,,,HMMMMM I wonder who he's kissint on Midnight!! is he going out??? PLEASEE give
numero Dos! We need volumes of ROb!!

angie-k said...

Had to come back for more... so good!

Unknown said...

Can I use any of these pictures? I found this great idea at -- it tells you how to make a free calendar for new moon and I totally want to use one of these pics of Rob for my calendar. Does anyone know if these are free to use? Thanks!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Damn, I just had to look at these again (for like the 10th time today). That FABULOUS JAW (needs all caps) just makes you want to bite, lick, kiss---not to mention faint, cease breathing, get really, really hot... Among other things.

Maybe it's me. LOL. How is this man so freaking GORGEOUS???

If Rob's doing CPR, can he be in a uniform? (Gwen is a bad NB, yes, she is.) Medic!!!

MMc said...

Who is Rob going to kiss at midnight???

Speculations anyone??

Anonymous said...
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kate u'r the best...I don't know how am I writing...the last pic is's like a nuclear weapon..I think ll of us are dead!!of course I want a part 2!!now rob giving me a CPR would be my death...I think I'd have a heart attack if I saw him getting close to my mouth aaaaaaaaaa

Loisada said...

And on the 7th day he rested....
... just long enough to get the energy to create
Robert F@cktabulous Pattinson!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Oh no are a very good NB!! MEDIC!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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LeslieHeartsRob said...

I`ve been revived, but if I stay much longer and stare at The Pretty...I think I`ll flatline again!

Where`s that sexy medic with the defibulator?!?! ;)

Anonymous said...
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LeslieHeartsRob said...

Good luck trying to stay`s JAW PORN, woman!!!! Even if you make it out, you`ll get sucked (that`s what she said) right back in!! ;)

Resistance is futile...

KIMMY said...

Part 2 please, Kate... You're no.1.

And can you do a "finger porn" picspam sometimes?... That's if you have time and don't mind "taking risks"... I love his fingers... long and beautiful... I'm at a loss of words... and out of breaths too, just thinking of the fingers... Though, of course, I love every inch of this man...

I wish everyone a happy new year. Rob too.

jc(britlover) said...

New Year's resolutions:
Visit RobsessedBlog even more than I already do-this might not be humanly possible.
Look at this picspam every single day-this can happen.
Try not to use so much salty language when viewing videos/pics of Rob-this f#cking ain't gonna happen!
Long live jawporn!!!!!!!!!
Rob in 2010..... look out!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Okay...I had to look one more time...sigh

I`m off to bed now...good night everybody and JAW PORN dreams to you all!!!

jlsentangledweb said...

More, please!!!

Icecrystal said...

I love the jawporn, though my favourite picture wasn't included - more please !

You might consider eyebrow porn for the next one !

Um, we'd like to keep our favourite Cullen HOME in England for a little while, please don't begrudge us the pleasure of a little of his free time...LOL

nikola6 said...

Who is Rob going to kiss at midnight?

Well. Looking the way he looks, I don't know how he could resist leaning over and kissing himself in the mirror. No. I mean, licking that sucker from top to bottom. Just sayin.'

And wouldn't it be fun to get him drunk and talk him into doing it? And then taking pictures of it to use against him for the purposes of some future blackmail?


Hmmm...wonder what the hell else he could be talked into when drunk? Oh my. Oh my my my.

Rachel said...

OMG~~Part2 pls!! And thx for posting XD

Kelly Louise said...

Yummy.. I want to lick him. May I, please? Pretty please?

Vicky(crovamp) said...

GAH!!GAH!!thank you for this gift and YES to part 2!

Anonymous said...

thanks! i cannot write in pg13 what just happened to me after looking at his lovely jaw.the last one is also my fav. it shows my fav mole(i think he also have one on the otherside). oh i just wanna lick em gud :) yum yum yum!

JandR said...

what is it about Rob's jaw that sends me weak at the knees???
Thanks for indulging all us girls with those amazing jawporn pics! LOVED it!!

I really needed something like this to perk me up...had a horror couple of thanks again ladies - I can always count on you and Rob to brighten my day! :)

Gozde said...

Oh come on... PORN has been the name we've been giving them since the beginning of this blog. It's not distasteful, it's a tradition. We are not really showing you guys porn.Though the reaction it gets from all of us is pretty close to the reaction to porn :))

Great montage Kate :) I love me some jaw porn :))

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Yeah...that's's me again...I had to come back and say it one more time...



Anonymous said...
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jc(britlover) said...

I see we are right back here this morning for a jawporn fix. Guess you can't get too much of a good thing. See you jawporn junkies later!!!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Okay Kate...I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to wait for part 2!!!!!!!!

I'm drooling over here!!!!!!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Inlaws and family dinners have kept me away from Robsesseing...and then I come back to this...thank you, thank you Kate.

Hot damn Im in Rob heaven with so many close ups...

angie-k said...

J A W L I C I O U S ! ! ! ! !

...wowie! said...

Can't Stop The Drool. ::grabs the mop::

Magda09 said...

I am waiting for part 2. After that... I can die.

Fandamonium said...

I believe we have Mr. Robert Pattinson to thank for the new word "jawporn."

CdL said...

OMG... JawPorn....! ♥
thank you soooo much...!

and of course... Happy New Year... to all the Robsessed one...!

Anonymous said...

OMFG how can one may be so verryyy sexy!!!! I am new to Jawporn but it has brightened my day considerably. Thank you. Happy New Year to all Jawporners {that sounds wrong somehow}

Anonymous said...

OMFG how can one man be so verryyy sexy!!! I am new to Jawporn but what a way to welcome in my New Year. Thanks Jawporners {that sounds wrong} LOL

Anonymous said...

Oopps may have repeated self in eagerness to add to blog!!! sorry

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