Thanks to TwilightXChange
New/Old Pictures of Robert Pattinson in NYC last month
Here are some untagged pictures of Rob in NYC last month while promoting New Moon. I love happy Rob.

Thanks to TwilightXChange
Thanks to TwilightXChange
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Look at his stunning beautiful face!!!!!
Lord help me I am hooked on this man for life.
Here's an interview I hadn't seen before - maybe it was posted and I missed it - but same old lame questions but rob is so sweet and acts tired.
Like those photos.
RPG - you have such a way with words.
I believe that was my reaction too RPgirl...
I hope Rob will be more handsome as he gets older...but if he keeps up with the smoking and drinking...and from what they say he smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish....he will get dissipated looking and not look good at all! I have seen it many times, and even in my own family. I had two very handsome brothers who drank and smoked in their teens and 20's. They looked pretty good til they got around 35 and then you could see the damage. I hope and pray that Rob will stop this! Cuz I think men only get better looking as they get older. But not if they abuse their bodies!
I think that about covers it, RPG!
; )
God, that first picture, sigh. Why don't I ever get the good stuff?
I have seen that interview before and he looks so beautiful & relaxed.. and tired yes. Anytime I can hear his voice I am in heaven...
I wanted to see nm again so badly today, but there were only 2 showtimes and neither worked for me... sniff..
Think I will watch twilight again with the commentary on!
good GOD-the second to last one...if only he could look at me like that just once, I could die a happy woman! ungh...
RPG and pining-hit the nail on the head as usual. =)
Why don't you say how you really feel!!!!!hahaha
ITA-you took the words right out of my mouth!
I also love the commentary on Twilight. Rob is hysterical, and so witty, n'est ce pas?
The one where he's looking off to the side..Mmmmmhmmmmm Me Likey~!
*slobbery lick and save*<<for future use ;P
omg rob is so beautiful!!! i'm in for life too.
@femroc thanks i think i didn't see the other one. he is so yummy in this video .
What a nice way to wake up in the morning!!
And as usual, I am in complete agreement with RPG...I think I added a few more fucks but it was generally the same! ;)
And I think my fav is the one where he's cutting his eyes to the side...THUD!! That is most definitely a panty melter!!
he is gorgeous... beautiful beast... sexy beast... whatever!!!
I love every pic from him...
stunning is an understatement...
It is almost next year and I'm still reading students's huuuuge papers... GRRRR... damn swine flu! It delayed the semester at universities (and schools) here in Brasil.
Thank you for posting those pix. It's a blessed good refreshment for my eyes... ;-D
BTW, @ dra: hey, I love your avi. My favorite shot from NM, just HOT!
I love the pics. He looks cute and stunning as alwyas:)
And as much as I miss him I'm happy that any paps' camera didn't get him and I hope he's having a really great time in London with his family and friends:)
@crazy vamp
yeap! is the best shot, isn't?
ohh.... and I'm from Brazil too!!!!
@dra: are you, really? Hello, fellow brazuca! I am a carioca. :-D
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