Robert Pattinson continues to linger on the minds of charmed journalists after DiorRob 3-day launch

Robert Pattinson continues to linger on the minds of charmed journalists after DiorRob 3-day launch

Waiting for the DiorRob ad isn't so bad anymore with all the goodies we've gotten over the last 2 weeks. A journalist from Marie Claire Italia has joined the ranks of Journalists-Smitten-By-Rob. Check out her tweets. A couple are english but others are italian so I added the translation since her words are very "awwwwwwwww" inspiring.

His skin really is amazing. I know I'm ROBsessed but I swear it glows. ;) What's your secret, Rob?
 photo SK2.gif

Translation: #RobertPattinson has become my favorite after this interview. Absolutely different from the others!

Translation: #RobertPattinson is very nice, already interviewed five years ago, has not changed at all

Translation: #RobertPattinson is to die for, not much to say. And it really is unlike the other star. In October of #MarieClaireItalia

Translation: I interviewed Robert Pattinson for #Marie Claire hour ago, in #Los Angeles. Adorable creature.


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