Robert Pattinson Arriving In Miami (Now HQ & Untagged)

Robert Pattinson smiles and the world smiles with him (well I do anyway)

Same pics as the ones we had earlier but now HQ & Untagged because bigger is better as always.


Click & Click Again For HQ


Robert Pattinson on UK shows: Graham Norton Show & Day Break

Robert Pattinson on UK shows: Graham Norton Show & Day Break

Robert Pattinson is upon us ladies! Are you ready for the Water for Elephants international press storm? More suits, more interviews, more pics, MORE ROB! *throws Robfetti*

Here's the latest in his appearances:

The Graham Norton Show (click image to view larger)

Day Break via @PattinsonUK
UK peeps : Rob being interviewed by Ross King on DAY BREAK for WFE tomorrow! Day Break starts at 6am - Sky + time!!

Thanks Zara for the tip!

Behind the scenes pictures of Robert Pattinson filming Water for Elephants

Behind the scenes pictures of Robert Pattinson filming Water for Elephants

If it was out in your country, I hope you all went to see Water for Elephants. Rob still needs our support this week and weekend so keep taking family and friends. It's a crowd pleaser :)


And now for our regularly scheduled program. Some behind the scenes photos of Robert Pattinson filming WFE in Tennessee. Love him all sweaty and grimy. ;)










NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson in Miami after Breaking Dawn reshoots

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson in Miami after Breaking Dawn reshoots

So cute! These pics are making me the love, big time!








From Splash:

The normally reserved Twilight star seemed all smiles after landing in Miami after spending Easter weekend in the Virgin Islands.

The actor had his hands full, with a backpack, a guitar, and a jacket.

But no assistance needed. The star even reportedly refused a VIP shuttle, and opted to walk out of the terminal himself.


Larger pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart filming Breaking Dawn reshoots

Larger pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart filming Breaking Dawn reshoots

Robward looks so sweet! That photog in the frame needed to capture that look. I'm sure they have tons of Sweetward. I'm being greedy. ;)


I really wish this movie wasn't PG-13 lol...oh well. Hopefully Condon will push it all the way to the limit. ;)

Loads of water fun after the cut!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart filming Breaking Dawn reshoot

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart filming Breaking Dawn reshoot

Source via Robstenation

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson leaving St. Thomas after Breaking Dawn reshoot

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson leaving St. Thomas after Breaking Dawn reshoot

Eeeeeeeek! Now I know sweetie pie looks pissed as punch in these pictures but I can't help but do a back flip. Anyone know why?? ;))


From Popsugar:

Robert Pattinson didn't seem to mind the St. Thomas heat yesterday when he boarded a private jet wearing a sweatshirt that apparently featured a middle-finger design. Robert was fresh off a weekend in the Caribbean where he waited to see how Water For Elephants fared at the box office. His film came in third place after he and leading lady Reese Witherspoon tirelessly promoted it over the last few weeks. He and his Breaking Dawn costar, Kristen Stewart, were apparently together over the last few days, doing reshoots for the final installments of the Twilight series. She was even spotted in a green bikini with shirtless Rob for more beach scenes! It was a working vacation for both Kristen and Rob, who recently spent a fun few days together in NYC, kissing following the premiere of his just-released movie.

UPDATE: Untagged and a few more shots from Celebrity Gossip via Robstenation


Robert Pattinson during commercial break at Regis and Kelly

Robert Pattinson during commercial break at Regis and Kelly

So cute!

Source via Robstenation

Robert Pattinson talks to Mark at the Movies about Water for Elephants

Robert Pattinson talks to Mark at the Movies about Water for Elephants

Loved that the guy got smitten by Rob :))

Spunk Ransom

Robert Pattinson talks to Made in Hollywood about Water for Elephants

Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz sit down with Made in Hollywood to talk about Water for Elephants

Spunk Ransom

Robert Pattinson interview with San Diego news station

Robert Pattinson interview with San Diego 6 during Water for Elephants press junket

Source via Robstenation

Robert Pattinson signs artwork outside Jimmy Kimmel plus WFE fan encounter

Robert Pattinson signs artwork outside Jimmy Kimmel plus WFE fan encounter

Awww....I met Evan :) First time I went out to the WFE set. Cute encounter plus Rob signs the painting at the end outside the Jimmy Kimmel show


Robert Pattinson appears in American Humane Association video for Water for Elephants

Robert Pattinson appears in American Humane Association video for Water for Elephants

The maggots? So gross! Wonder if Rob was joking...

via H2OforElephants

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson films Breaking Dawn in Virgin Island, St. Thomas

Holy scuba gear, batman! Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were photographed filming additional honeymoon scenes over the weekend.





Excerpt from source:
Robert Pattinson and real-life love Kristen Stewart mark the end of the hugely successful Twilight franchise, shooting the sexy last scenes of the sagas final movie, Breaking Dawn, in the Caribbean. Under cover of darkness, the couple spent nearly three hours in the sea in a secluded cove, shooting hotly-anticipated love scenes between their characters, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Stewart showed off her slender frame in a lime green bikini, curiously unfastened at the back, as she strolled down the beach on St Thomas, in the US Virgin Islands, before joining Pattinson in the sea. Armed police patrolled the beach, while a police launch bobbed about in the sea, trying to ensure no one would get a glimpse of the filming, which went on until almost 5am.

Over 30 pics after the cut!

When Robert Pattinson gave me his full attention at the Water for Elephants premiere

"Gray suit, white shirt."

Those were the words from my friend, Deb, alerting me of Robert Pattinson's arrival and attire. These 4 words made me gasp and curse Kate because she had teased me earlier that day about how I would survive if Rob wore a gray suit.

Well, I did survive but I think it's only because of something I realize I do when I'm within Rob's vortex: I leave my body.

But let me back up a bit before I talk about my out-of-body encounter. I don't tell short stories. If you want a short story, here it is: I got to ask Rob a question on the red carpet. He answered.

Here's the top of my head and Rob's bottom lip.


If you like long stories...enter my crazy brain after the cut ;)

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