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Showing posts sorted by date for query fan story. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Robert Pattinson is so good to his fans

Here's another story from the ROBsessed archives that shows just how good Robert Pattinson is to the fans that come out to support his films.  This fan's story os from the 'Water for Elephants' premiere in New York.

Read the story below this cute picture that explains why Rob looks so surprised ...

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"In the middle of the night, all of us who were literally suffering outdoors got a pizza delivery. They told us that it was from Rob, Reese and Christoph.

When it was finally time to meet Rob, I was in the first row with camera and phone in hand (Also a poster I wanted Rob to sign). Everyone around me was telling him "you're so nice," "you're so handsome," and I was paralized as I saw just how beautiful he is. When I finally had him in front of me, all I could think of saying was: "Rob, thanks for the pizza that you sent fans last night” and his reaction is the picture at the top.

There's no doubt that he didn't know what I was talking about, but I love him for being so nice and genuine. His expression will stay with me forever. He then signed my poster with that precious smile of his. 
I can tell you Rob is a very patient man. He never complained as he signed tons of posters and took pictures with fans."

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Everyone always says Rob tries to sign autographs and take pictures with as many people as he can in the fan lines.  Have you ever seen how generous Rob is with us fans at premieres?


Robert Pattinson is so good to his fans ... and we fans love him for it

We love how thoughtful and kind Robert Pattinson is to all of us ROBsessed fans and so we are sharing some these fan encounters you may have missed from the past.

This girls story is so sweet ... you can just feel how excited she was to see Rob at the Water for Elephants premiere in New York in 2011.

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The Story!

So we planned on going to the WFE Premier for weeks in advanced and figured it would be easy to get to see him boy was I wrong. The night before the WFE Premiere we happen to find out about THE LINE of over 200 people that were trying to get wrist bands. We weren’t even leaving PA until Sunday Morning! On Sunday my friends and I (who by the way it was our 3rd time driving to NY in hopes to get a simple glimpse at Robert) had plans to get up at about 5 and be on our way by 6am .. I didn’t even get up until 6:15 cause I was dreaming I was already there and I was in Happy, Happy land, anyway when I got up I quickly showered and ran out the door to meet my Friends.

We drove into NJ Port to ride into the city by bus. Of course the bus was late and when the next bus got there it was so full we had to wait for yet another bus. By this time we are more than an hour behind schedule (our goal was to be there before 9) . So we got to the city as soon as we pulled up in front of the Ziegfeld one of the security guards saw us getting out of the cab and said right in front of us. “we are cutting it off right here” we begged the guy for the 2nd VIP, of course they don’t care about anything and said no. After tears of sadness we decided we are not budging in hopes we could at least get a single glimpse of Rob.

We sat and waited and happened to recognize a couple from one of the fan sites on FB and twitter that did have the VIP pass and we told them our sob story lol. We kept in the area the rest of the morning just waiting in hopes. At about 1pm we started to gather near the VIP area just so we could have a our far spot but in good view. That’s when we happened to cross paths again with the fan site group and she was exited that her husband was able to get access into the Press box and she told us she had something for us!!!!! IT WAS A FREAKING VIP PASS!

We cried our tears of joy and thanked her like a Zillion times up until we realized there was 1 pass and 3 of us! After just staring and thinking we decided to compromise, one would get the experience and get the autograph but, then we would have to give up the autograph to the one that stayed behind. My Friend Wendy decided she would go- I get to keep her autograph. (TEARS!!! SNIFF, SNIFF) but it was the deal we made. About 10 min into getting into the VIP access area she felt sick and got scared she would end up throwing up on Rob so she said No You go!!!!!! (you didn’t have to tell me twice) I got into the VIP area like 3 rows back and hoped and prayed he would come by our side and I could at least get a picture of the oh so HANDSOME GOODLOOKING BEAUTIFUL Robert Pattinson !!!!

I waited a good 3 hrs without budging! And then the security guard told us shhh! don’t yell yet but HE is 4 cars away!!! OMG! I was already floating! When I saw Rob hop out of the car I though this is not real pinch me someone!! Oh I got pinched alright and pushed and shoved and squished LOL! And don’t ask me how but I got to the front banister, screaming, crying shaking all emotion you can think of I had it !!!! There HE WAS less then 15 feet from me! Oh God I thought I would faint! Its true you know, He is very, very handsome in person! The aura he gave was just amazing! He looked so beautiful!! I was in a daze. When he got a bit closer I heard him talk OMG I was done for! The accent!! Then my hands failed me. My picture for my autograph the poster and sharpie everything went right to the ground. After what I thought was an eternity of trying to get my stuff together he was right there in front of me!!! I thought IS THIS REAL LIFE???

I asked him for the autograph and snapped like 100 shots of him and then out of no where I got the guts and said “ can I please, please, please get a picture with you !” and before I knew it he was crouching down like a foot from me!!!!! And posing for the picture All I kept thinking was oh God please don’t let me chop off our heads while trying to get this picture please let me have at lease our faces in the shot! Well the picture turned out great and I asked him for another autograph and he was so sweet to give it to me ( so now I got my own and the one I had to give up). I must admit I professed my love to Robert at least 125 times and got like 50 great shots of him as he slowly walked away!!!

Oh this was by turned out to be a great day for me I will never ever forget how handsome and dreamy he was!

Don't you love how excited she was?


ROBsessed Giveaway: AT THE WATER'S EDGE by Sara Gruen is the highlight for Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: AT THE WATER'S EDGE by Sara Gruen is the highlight for Fiction Friday!

Last week, we had a great interview with Diane Munier about Me and Mom Fall for Spencer, Twilight, Edward, fan fiction and ROB! Click HERE if you missed it and HERE if you missed the initial post.

This week, we're visiting an author we're quite familiar with because of a certain film.....

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Be still my heart! Robowski is a DREAM. Diving back into the world of Sara Gruen storytelling had me also revisit our beloved Water For Elephants. I know you guys are going to enjoy Sara's latest, releasing March 31st. We're having our giveaway NOW and here's the synopsis if you aren't familiar with AT THE WATER'S EDGE:
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In this thrilling new novel from the author of Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen again demonstrates her talent for creating spellbinding period pieces. At the Water’s Edge is a gripping and poignant love story about a privileged young woman’s awakening as she experiences the devastation of World War II in a tiny village in the Scottish Highlands. 
After disgracing themselves at a high society New Year’s Eve party in Philadelphia in 1944, Madeline Hyde and her husband, Ellis, are cut off financially by his father, a former army colonel who is already ashamed of his son’s inability to serve in the war. When Ellis and his best friend, Hank, decide that the only way to regain the Colonel’s favor is to succeed where the Colonel very publicly failed—by hunting down the famous Loch Ness monster—Maddie reluctantly follows them across the Atlantic, leaving her sheltered world behind. 
The trio find themselves in a remote village in the Scottish Highlands, where the locals have nothing but contempt for the privileged interlopers. Maddie is left on her own at the isolated inn, where food is rationed, fuel is scarce, and a knock from the postman can bring tragic news. Yet she finds herself falling in love with the stark beauty and subtle magic of the Scottish countryside. Gradually she comes to know the villagers, and the friendships she forms with two young women open her up to a larger world than she knew existed. 
Maddie begins to see that nothing is as it first appears: the values she holds dear prove unsustainable, and monsters lurk where they are least expected. As she embraces a fuller sense of who she might be, Maddie becomes aware not only of the dark forces around her, but of life’s beauty and surprising possibilities.
Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway and following Sara on Twitter are optional but give you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is US/Canada (hardcover) and worldwide (eBook)!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, March 27th
  • There will be 2 winners - 1 US/Canada winner will receive the hardcopy; 1 worldwide winner will receive the eBook of Sara Gruen's 
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Who are our winners for Me and Mom Fall for Spencer??
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Congrats Lynda, Jay, Crystal and Debbie! We'll email you to confirm the email address to receive your eBook through Amazon!

If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

Robert Pattinson is always so good to his fans

One of the things that we love about Robert Pattinson is how gracious he is with all of us ROBsessed fans.  Here is another fan encounter you may have missed from 2010.... This girls story shows just how keen fans are to try and see Rob and the blurry pictures prove just how exciting it can be to finally meet him.

This story also shows just how good Rob is to his fans and how hard he tries to spend time with all fans at his premieres.

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I woke up at 4:20 in the morning like every morning! I worked till 2pm at a radio station where I am currently doing an internship. Since that day was really important for Germany because our president abdicated I had to work a little longer than I wanted! I went straight to the Potsdamer Platz which is where Rob was for the press conference in the Grand Hyatt! I got there and people told me that Rob just finished to write and taking pictures with fans. So I missed him just because of 20 f-cking minutes! I was so frustrated because people were telling me that he really took his time and gave everyone everything they wanted, like he always does. I was so pissed because the last times he went to Berlin I always missed him just because of 2 meters. He always started to write autographs and stuff just beside me and this time I missed him because I was to late. 
I waited there for one hour or so and then he got out and just waved and drove away! I was really sad and not fun to be around! I met with a friend of mine and had to tell her everything. We drank tee at McDonalds just opposite the venue where the premiere took place. There were already fans but also enough space to stand in the first row on the red carpet. I thought that it would be no use to stand there for like 4 hours till the premiere because the best spaces in the first row were already taken and I thought that Rob wouldn’t go through the whole first row. That’s when another friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go with her to his hotel to look. And because I didn’t have anything to do till the premiere I agreed and went to the Hotel de Rome where he stayed the last times in Berlin. There were 12 cars from the Berlinale which were also in front of the Grand Hyatt, in which he also drove away! 
I waited there and spoke to the drivers. At first they weren’t really cooperative but then they had pity for me I think. They told me that they really didn’t know what would happen but also gave indication where and what I should do. Stupid-Me didn’t trust them. That was my fault because they told me to go to the red carpet. At 7pm people got out from the hotel, they were family I guess, but not from Rob. Even Christina Ricci came out, and then someone said that there are just the directors that had to come out. So I understood that Rob already left, certainly from the back exit! I called someone who I knew was already at the premiere and he confirmed it. I jumped into a taxi which I ordered just before. It felt as if I was in a movie. In the taxi they radio was playing and reporting that Rob was already on the red carpet etc. I got there and ran to the venue. I showed my ticket and was all of a sudden on the red carpet for the people who watched the film, not the big one for the stars. 
That’s when I realized that Rob was just beside me, just that a barrier and a couple of meters was between us. He was with his back to me and was giving autographs and stuff. I was so shocked that he was at this place from the red carpet because it was really at the end and insular. That’s when I regretted that I went to the hotel for nothing! I had to walk because securities told me that I wasn’t allowed to stay there. When I walked the red carpet down I realized that next to me there were so sooo many people who were screaming at Rob and everything felt so funny because I was alone to walk the red carpet down. When I went in the building I was led to a staircase. Just in front of this staircase was another barrier but this time a rope! You could decide of you wanted to go up to take your seat or if you wanted to wait there for the stars, because they too had to go up. 
Rob was still on the red carpet and doing press stuff and they had another entrance. I saw his family and they were all so cute. When he finally got in to the building they had to take some more photos. We had the chance to stand beside the photographs. It was just a little space, maybe 3 meters. When I first came there I was in the second row, but had a little gap to see something trough the people standing in front of me. I asked them if they could move just a little bit so I could see more. In the end they let me got in the first row because they weren’t really fan and because I told them that I absolutely wanted to have a pic with rob. Since I’m so little they let me in front of them. Then Rob came and the securities were standing in front of us. I thought that he and Christina would just go to stairs (pic) because they were just in front of us and he already took 30 minutes with the fans outside. Also the schedule for the film was already shifted because everything took so long. So I didn’t expect him to stop, but he did. 
He started to write autographs for the people next to me and I was really the only fan standing there, but people where pushing so much. It was chaotic because the barrier was so unstable and I knew if the situation would get worse he would just go up to the stairs. People were putting their stuff in my face and he finally was in front of me. I asked him: “Rob! Rob! Can I take a picture with you?” There was just a gap between us to have eye contact because people were holding there stuff in front of us for him to sign. He noticed me and told me: “Yeah sure” He finished to sign for other people behind me and went a little closer to me! In that moment I really thought: “Wahhhh! It’s dream come true!” I’m so happy I didn’t say it out loud. Out of reflex I put my hand on his shoulder, but dean just grabbed my wrist and held it so hard it was hurting, so exaggerated, I mean I understand that Rob doesn’t to be touched by everyone but you could it a little more gentle. I tried to take the pic and pushed the button twice. I looked at the display and saw it was totally blurry. Rob was already a little away! I told him: “It didn’t work!” He even came back and I took another pic and once again it was blurry. 

He really is too good to us! Look how he came back and tried again to get a good pic for her.

As the years go on it is amazing that he still is as patient and understanding.


ROBsessed Giveaway: Our interview with Me and Mom Fall for Spencer author, Diane Munier, for Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Our interview with Me and Mom Fall for Spencer author, Diane Munier, for Fiction Friday!

Our giveaway for Me and Mom Fall for Spencer is still going on for another week. We'll announce 4 worldwide winners next week and more details are below.

We got a chance to speak to the author, Diane Munier, and she answered some questions about her first published story, fan fiction, Edward and of course, Rob!

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ROBsessed Interview with Diane Munier (counselor)

ROBsessed: How long have you been writing? Did it start as a hobby or did you study the form?

Diane Munier: It started very young in one form or the other. The movies were such an escape for us from a turbulent home life. I remember being very bad in the theater. I don’t think Mom was paying attention, but finding those heroes on screen and then in reading-- I can almost see that process in my life. I needed heroes to believe in for a fundamental sense of safety. I did this comedic writing in high school (which explains why I still can’t speak French after two years.) And I wrote my first novel in those years and really enjoyed the process of creating a tale, moving the characters around.

Study came later. Lots of it. Writing seminars for years. I watched several people explain methods of putting a story together. Some had elaborate storyboards. Those were the years I thought a more organized method held the secret to good writing. But…nah.

I found many things helpful but nothing substitutes for keeping writing. Actually learning to write is where many writers were camped out so they didn’t have to face writing. So….

The characters in my stories drive the plot. I may know where they are going vaguely, but I’m willing to change all of that if they show me something new. And they do that all of the time. I just start writing. At some point I’ll go back and review the chapters and start an outline. But that’s only for reference. The most helpful thing is that act of writing the outline. I remember this way.

I’ve had some positive validating experiences along the way and worked really hard to claw down to an authentic voice. That was like a digging process—writing honestly. For a lot of years I was so angry at my writing. I’d think—what a bunch of (bleep). But that’s just part of the journey. For me it was. I suspect a lot of writers quit there. Which is a shame.

ROBsessed: The first story I read by you was Turkey Baster. Where did you get the idea for this story and why was it one of your early adventures for Bella and Edward?

Diane Munier: I was lying in bed thinking about someone I knew and loved and they so badly wanted a baby and I was thinking of surrogacy, did I love this person enough to imagine having a child for her, and what could motivate such love and was it even possible, and how was it possible, and that led to a woman who might do such an outrageous act and then who was the man that signed up for this? And I started to laugh because the title hit me (it was probably close to Thanksgiving) and I had read of someone using a turkey baster for artificial insemination (don’t try this at home). But what if you used a person that way—as the baster? So it went like that.

ROBsessed: What was inspiring about Twilight that it was the fanfic road you traveled over other stories/characters? 

Diane Munier: For me, Edward was an old-fashioned hero. And I love them. I really was most intrigued at how much Edward had in place. Of course his hundred and five years of life had given him time to be prepared. But I loved how he had this thought-out world. In their family everyone knew their role and performed it perfectly. They worked for each other. And he pulled Bella into that. His family is very old-fashioned and traditional (potential for blood-sucking aside). But think about it. Edward gave us family.

I think that is missing today and that protective Cullen-family-dynamic stirred a deep ache in the readers.

Edward was not only a lover, he was a devoted son and father. He hit all the bases.

Yes he was handsome and romantic and doting, but he protected and sacrificed and provided. The second half of that sentence is what is lacking today in relationships for many women. The cultural message has been to protect, sacrifice and provide for yourself. Bella was doing that. Then along came Edward and we all went wild. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Bella is the lone wolf. She’s had to parent her mother, and then her father. She comes from a fragile place of not being very protected and not developing much of a sense of self-protection. Bella’s family dynamic was very today and now. Edward and his world transcended Bella’s fragmented family structure.

And we loved it.

[Editorial note: *swooooooooning at her answer*]

ROBsessed: One of the many things I love about your work, is that you've kept canon relationships with the core Twilight characters but can still bring in characters we love as if we've known them all along - your kids especially (Johnny, Charlie, Junie). And your last two works, you practically don't use the names we know, DITHOM especially. Hello Tonio and Sobe! Those are names that I imagine you get to use in a published version. Has this been a conscious decision? Moving away from the obvious Twilight identifiers? I feel like DITHOM isn't fanfic and publishable material already...except that last name ;)

Diane Munier: I’m never writing with Twilight foremost in mind. I am writing to the ancient themes that are also done very well in Twilight, the biggest one being the devotion of the central characters.

When mama and papa are committed a whole world can be built on top of that (Carlisle and Esme, Bella and Edward). When that kind of covenant is there, it’s like the table under the dishes. There has to be a commitment and B and E have that—it’s unto death! If the commitment isn’t there the dishes fall to the floor (Bella’s family.)

Once that central commitment is there, a family can be built on it, and that includes friends.

SM built a solid traditional family. Women went wild.

I respect those themes and the generous opportunity to write in the Twilight arena with, in my opinion, the best readership ever, and SM’s generosity and technology have allowed this merge of writers and readers. Out of that merge has become a continued evolution of tremendous creativity—some extraordinary creativity. Not only have writers been validated there, but readers have evolved. They have been able to turn into super-readers. By that I mean, what readers (like myself) have only wished they could do (have access to those writing books they love, have a way to show support, watch a story be developed allowing a level of reader involvement and investment on a grand scale here-to-fore unparalleled and unknown) the technology today has brought things to a whole new level.

On the names like Isbe, Sobe, etc., that’s probably for me. It helps me keep them distinct. I’ve been turning out a lot of work and want to honor the workroom of Twilight while maintaining something unique and individual to my characters if possible.

ROBsessed: Why was Me and Mom Fall for Spencer your choice for a debut? Tell me what you loved about developing Sarah, Spencer and Marie.

Diane Munier: I choose this story to debut because it’s middle of the road for me, test the waters. It was well liked but not my most loved. That’s about how deep that decision was. And four of my stories were tied up with my agent. And I’d only pulled MaMfiLwE and HH. So since HH was in New York, that left MaM,etc. That’s about it.

What I loved about developing these characters was their weirdness. Sarah is childlike. She’s made a very good life and she’s tried to be compassionate in her life, but she’s also in a state of arrested development. Like a lot of us. So much time passes while we figure things out. Then when we do we say—wish I’d have figured this out sooner. But there is a process of growth in life that’s hard to control. Even if you determine to live all-out the process still has to move along at its own speed. Once the change comes, you can’t say, “I should have just leapt to this. The process was a waste of time.” On the contrary, the process brought the change. No change without process.

Spencer jars Sarah’s process in a big way. And she challenges his. He’s a runner, but she doesn’t run. And…she can’t. Run. So vicariously everyone is affected and everyone ultimately moves vertically or horizontally.

I had women who felt very passionately about Sarah as a heroine. They related to her quirks. Most of us are Sarah-like in that we are not the standard idea of the leading lady. Sarah was in that gap so she became a vehicle for the under-represented perhaps. People like me.

ROBsessed: I find lovely threads of humor in many of your stories but this story was the first time I read something you specifically noted was part of the humor genre. I love the humor in Me and Mom Fall for Spencer, mainly because of Sarah. Was this a test for you write or is it something that came from the characters naturally?

Diane Munier: It came from them. It flowed out of them. Even hurtful people can be incredibly funny. And hurt people are often the funniest. I didn’t give it a thought really. I just listened and sometimes they were funny.

ROBsessed: You set several stories in the Midwest. Is this a preferred location? What inspires you about a setting when you decide where to place your story? Do you see the characters is certain settings and/or eras first?

Diane Munier: I love the Midwest and we need to get over the stereo-types about it. We have access to the same ivy-league schools, the same books and movies and music. We are no less enlightened. Yes, it is my preferred location. I adore it actually. But I love us sea to sea as well. My roots are Midwestern however.

When it’s locale first I see it and it inspires me to hear and see what might have gone on. So right away I’m seeing the character. If it’s character first I’m immediately drawn to an idea of his or her environment. The kiln where they were forged.

What is the history here? What happened here? When? Who lived here and who died here? On and on.

ROBsessed: Tell me what you hope readers experience when nestling down into their favorite spot to read Me and Mom Fall for Spencer?

Diane Munier: I hope they can suspend judgment long enough to enter and ride in someone else’s skin. I hope they can go that deep in, that I’ve gotten out of the way enough to allow that. I hope they are entertained, yes, but also blessed in some way, reminded of something good, maybe even precious.

I’m writing small stories about real things that may be some of the most important things. That’s my hope anyway.

ROBsessed: I saw Darnay Road is up next - a story that keeps its name and its Easy. That made me smile. Is that still slated for late March?

Diane Munier: Yes. And Finding My Thunder. They are fighting it out right now. I’m kind of pulling for FMT but we’ll see. It mainly relies on manuscript preparation as we get under the wire.

[Editorial note: The cover for Finding My Thunder was shared on Diane's blog! Here's a glimpse of it if you haven't seen it already. It will also be the next book up and Darnay Road will follow.]

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ROBsessed: I hope to interview you again for your next release and I can't wait for the day I see My Wounded Soldier in upcoming. We'll get Rob to play the movie version. It must happen. ;) Final question and since we're a ROBsessed blog, what's something about Rob that you believe is worth adoring?

Diane Munier: Thanks so much for all of this. Really. I have always been blown away by your support on Robsessed. I remember the first time it happened, that you mentioned one of my stories, someone told me and I thought it was a mistake. I still do! But I really appreciate it.

On Rob - Due to technology we have been allowed to watch Rob’s story unfold. That has been as captivating as Rob’s role as Edward. What I find most endearing about him is that he is his age, put in this beautiful exterior, and at first he seemed bewildered by the whole thing—all the accolades and he seemed painfully aware it was too much. And it was!

But let’s face it – God made him on a good day. (quote stolen from MWS) And we’ve watched him figure it out as he’s been pulled along on a speeding train. He provokes the young girl inside (sigh) and the mother (no don’t do that! Or I’m so proud!). For me as a writer, he’s downright inspiring. Like Edward, he hits all the bases. I get it. I do.

Well if that wasn't an awesome note to close the interview on, I don't know what is. I get super sappy when folks dish out some sweet-lovin praise for Rob. Diane nailed it. He hits ALL bases. *le sigh*

Click HERE if you missed the synopsis for Me and Mom Fall for Spencer last week as well as some other 411.

You can enter the giveaway just under the guidelines. Many ways to enter!

Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway, following Diane on Twitter and visiting her Facebook page are optional but give you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, March 20th
  • There will be 4 winners receiving an eBook (Kindle) of Me and Mom Fall for Spencer by Diane Munier! You can download Kindle apps for free. We can give winners instructions if needed. 
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
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If you want to purchase Me and Mom Fall for Spencer tout de suite, click the Amazon link to buy now!

NEW INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson - "I feel more confident now but want to keep improving and evolving"

NEW INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson - "I feel more confident now but want to keep improving and evolving"

As thoughtful as ever. You'll enjoy this interview with Rob reflecting on his craft, himself, and the film, Life.

imgboxYahoo Singapore, Robert Pattinson, "I had a lack of self belief": EN Interview 1 - Ever since the Twilight films turned him into an object of mass attention, Robert Pattinson has tried to find his way clear of fan obsession and make his mark as a serious actor. Films like Cosmopolis and Bel Ami helped distance audiences from his vampire alter ego, and now, in Anton Corbijn's Life, Pattinson gives what is arguably the best performance of his career. The 28-year-old heartthrob plays Dennis Stock, the photographer whose iconic photos of James Dean during the last months of his life have sustained the actor's legend even more than his films.

"James Dean is very much an iconic figure to me," Pattinson says. "He represents disaffected youth and alienation in a powerful way that still resonates with us. Those photos of Dean, like the one where he is walking in Times Square, are much more part of our image and impression of him than his films. You can feel his aura and mystique in those photos."

It was an ironic choice of roles for Pattinson who was able to experience what life is like on the other side of the camera lens: "When you're on the red carpet, it's an eerie experience because you don't see the photographers because you're blinded by the lights and flashes most of the time! As a photographer, you get to hide behind your camera."

One of the hottest films at the recently concluded Berlin International Film Festival, LIFE explores the parallel lives of James Dean - played by Dane DeHaan - and Dennis Stock (Pattinson) while the latter was on a road trip taking photos of Dean as part of an assignment for Life Magazine, one of the most popular magazines of its era. The photos subsequently became the stuff of legend and posters that young people would put on their walls as a symbol of youthful rebellion and cool.

Pattinson not only understood something of how James Dean must have felt when his career skyrocketed within a very short time in Hollywood, but also how today's stars - Pattinson included - are so overexposed that they lose all mystery.

"People didn't know that much about Dean's private life and those photos that Stock took of him had so much more impact and meaning than anything you could imagine today," Pattinson muses about the work of the photographer who passed away in 2010.

For director Anton Corbijn, the film also has a deeper meaning in that before he became better known as a filmmaker, he achieved considerable fame for his NME photo shoot of Joy Division frontman Ian Curtis shortly before he hung himself. Like Stock did with his photos of Dean, The images of Curtis taken by Corbijn have in their own way amplified the legend of the fabled singer and Corbijn subsequently directed the film Control which depicted Curtis's dark and difficult life.

Wearing a fairly lush beard and looking pleasantly disheveled, Robert Pattison was greeted by adoring crowds during his stay at the Berlin festival. He was wearing a grey Armani jacket and jeans for our chat at the five-star Hotel de Rome.

In addition to Life, audiences will see Pattinson play Col. T.E. Lawrence in Queen of the Desert, a film starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Werner Herzog.
Q: Robert, it must have been inspiring to play an iconic photographer like Dennis Stock?  
PATTINSON: His photos have played a huge part of our collective consciousness of James Dean and the myth that still surrounds him 55 years after his death. Almost everyone has seen some of those photos and so many people including myself have been influenced by our image and perception of Dean and how he represents disaffected youth. Dean is still one of the key figures who represent a kind of defiance and rebellion and someone who felt the confusion of being young and not wanting to conform or stick to the rules. There are very few photographers who have been able to capture that kind of mystique the way Dennis Stock did. 
Q: How did you relate to Dennis Stock and his work as a photographer?  
PATTINSON: What fascinated me was that he was an artist who was struggling with living up to his own expectations of what he should be doing as an artist. He doesn't feel he's accomplishing enough or doing the kind of work he wants to be doing. I've spent a long time dealing with the same kind of issues and trying to attain goals that I've set for myself and wanting to do the best work possible. I'm still very driven to do work that challenges me. 
Q: Did you go through a James Dean phase in your younger days?  
PATTINSON: (Laughs) I think almost every actor has a moment in their live when they are either obsessing over James Dean or trying to imitate some aspect of his personality or his acting style. I was a fan of his even before I wanted to become an actor. We all want to look as cool as he did although it's pretty much impossible! (Laughs) I admire his work greatly although I don't think I'm anything like him and I wouldn't dare to compare myself to him. 
Q: Would you have wanted to play Dean yourself?  
PATTINSON: No! I wouldn't have dared. And I think Dane (DeHaan) does a brilliant job. 
Q: What kind of research did you do to prepare for the film?  
PATTINSON: Anton (Corbijn) showed me a taped interview with Dennis Stock in which he was very rude to the interviewer. He was always a very complex figure and he had a lot of anger inside because he was very ambitious and wanted to make his mark as an artist. He was very jealous of other artists.
I also spent several months learning to use a camera and work with cameras the way a professional photographer would use them. I took a lot of photos and practiced the kind of movements a photographer makes while working. For a photographer, the camera is basically an extension of his body and he hides behind it while he's taking photos.
Q: Dennis Stock was very conflicted about his work. Were you the same way?  
PATTINSON: I've suffered from a lack of self-belief. You worry that you're just faking it and people will start to see through you. So that fear keeps me going and inspires me to take on as many challenges as I can. I was making things much more difficult for myself by constantly worrying about my work and then I started to realise that I just had to simplify my approach and let my instincts take over. I feel a lot more confident now but I still have enough doubts that make me want to keep improving and evolving as an individual and as an actor. 
Q: This kind of movie addresses the issue of celebrity and how an actor becomes larger than life. You've experienced that with your work as Edward Cullen in the Twilight films. How have you transitioned past that part of your career? 
PATTINSON: It's become a lot easier as the years have gone on. It's not just that it's been a few years since the last Twilight, it's also that I've become a lot better at handling the attention.
One of the interesting things about the film is that it deals with how someone like Stock can block himself and stand in his own way because of his fears and jealousies. He wanted to be seen as an artist in the same way that Dean was and this was a complex issue for him. I've also dealt with my own anxieties in terms of what I wanted to achieve and my own artistic goals.
Q: How do you feel that process is coming along? 
PATTINSON: I feel like I'm where I want to be. I don't feel frustrated anymore by the legacy of Twilight and the fact that I've been identified with my work in those films. I knew that it was going to take some time before people would be able to see me in a different way and that I would have to play a lot of different roles to shake up people's expectations of me. It's normal because of the massive success of those films. But in the long run I've tried to benefit from the attention I gained and find as many interesting roles as I can. I think people are beginning to see me differently now. 
Q: Has there been any one film in particular that's helped you feel that you're on the right track in terms of your career? 
PATTINSON: I was kind of drifting and unsure of what kinds of films I wanted to do until I did Cosmopolis with David Cronenberg. He offered me the role out of nowhere just a few weeks after I had finished the last Twilight film and suddenly I was thrown into this incredible story and playing a very complicated character. That changed my perspective and I knew that this was the kind of work that I wanted to do. It made a huge difference to me. 
Q: Is it easier being Robert Patttinson now? 
PATTINSON: (Laughs) I don't know... but I'm having a lot more fun now. You need to get past all the things that are holding you back and then everything starts becoming a lot easier in general.

NEW: Robert Pattinson talks about Brimstone, the Harmony Korine Project and MORE

NEW: Robert Pattinson talks about Brimstone, the Harmony Korine Project and MORE

Translation by Eileen (via RobsPromotion and robsfootsteps):
imgboxDE VOLKSKRANT interview with Rob at the Berlinale by Floortje Smith, February 12th 2015: EX TEEN IDOL

Actor Robert Pattinson is used to the Red Carpet, where he, thanks to the Twilight series, was often waylaid by teenage girls. Now he plays a Red Carpet photographer in Anton Corbijn’s LIFE.

One of the first things that director, Anton Corbijn, did after he had cast Robert Pattinson was to put a camera in his hands. In the role of Dennis Stock, photographer of the international photo press bureau Magnum, the camera, he thought, had to become a part of his body. He had another reason: Pattinson had to feel how it is to be behind the camera instead of being in front of it.

The role that Pattinson plays in the new movie of Anton Corbijn, that got a special Gala Screening at Berlin, feels a bit like the world is upside-down. In the movie the world star and teen idol stands in between the photographers at the Red Carpet where in real life the 28 year old actor is waylaid by photographers.

Life is about the complicated relationship between the relatively unknown David Stock and the Hollywood star James Dean. Stock did an iconic photo shoot with Dean in 1955. He is the man behind the world famous picture of James Dean on Times Square in which he walks straight at the camera huddled in a dark coat, cigarette in his mouth. Stock met Dean (played by Dane DeHaan) just before his big break. A photo shoot could help both of their careers, he reasoned.

 photo 10991320_1596966767203895_8733652666856544602_n.jpgPattinson felt an immediate connection with Stock. ‘A tragical figure really’, he says in a hotel room in Berlin. Would it have not been more logical for Anton Corbijn to have him cast as James Dean? If someone knows how it feels to be famous from one day to another it’s him. Because of his role as Edward Cullen in the fantasy film series Twilight his life changed into a chaos of screaming teenage girls and paparazzi.

“Still it cannot be compared”, emphasizes the actor. “People look at James Dean as if he is some kind of spiritual leader: tell us how we should live. They never saw me like that.”

Life is set in the weeks before the premiere of James Dean’s debut movie ‘East of Eden’ (1955). Everybody predicted that he would become world famous. The actor realizes that ‘everything around it’ is just as important as acting and that the studio has him in its claws. It suffocates him. That is something Pattinson doesn’t recognize: “We had no idea that Twilight would become so successful. Only the week before its release we saw a growing interest on the internet.” When the craziness exploded Pattinson found it all very surrealistic. “I had no expectations of what would happen, so I didn’t get disillusioned as Dean did. I see it as a door that opened, I didn’t know what was on the other side, but I was curious and took a look. Later I realized that “oh, this is not going away”. The door closed behind me.

Now three years after the release of the last movie the craziness is diminishing. In the movies he is now, he plays small roles, like the role of T.E. Lawrence of Arabia in ‘Queen of the Desert’ by Werner Herzog or the limo driver in Cronenberg’s ‘Maps to the Stars’. According to Anton Corbijn this is where the connection with his role as Stock is. Because Pattinson became popular at such a young age, he now wants to prove himself, says Anton Corbijn. That he plays a photographer who wants to prove himself is an interesting parallel.

In his career Pattinson makes wayward choices that turn out well. If everything goes well with the financing, he will be seen in movies of cult-director Harmony Korine (Spring Breakers, Trash Humpers) and James Gray (We Own the Night, The Immigrant). Pattinson is a huge huge fan of their work. “They were the first directors I personally approached when I noticed that the scripts I wanted to do where not offered to me, so I decided to contact the directors I admire myself.”

This week the news has been released that Robert Pattinson will be in the western-thriller Brimstone by the Dutch director Martin Koolhoven. "The story is fantastic; I have an idea how I want to do it. It's a dangerous role, but I can't say much about it. And the cameraman is the same one as in in 'Rundkop' and I think that movie is fantastic."

In the meantime Koolhoven is getting crazy of the messages he gets on Twitter from Pattinson fans worldwide. It is hard to imagine all these teenage girls watching a Harmony Korine movie. Pattinson: “I do not know very well what my fans like. I remember that I had to film a scene (????) with Don DeLillo (the 78 year old author) and he was ambushed by 15 year old girls that wanted him to sign their books. Great. If even only one of them read the book, I have the feeling I did some good.

During the Film Festival in Berlin Robert Pattinson can also be seen as T.E. Lawrence in Werner Herzog’s ‘Queen of the Desert’. A small, but challenging role: with the same role in ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ the actor Peter o’ Toole wrote movie history. During the press screening there were laughs when he first appeared on the screen with the famous keffiyeh on his head. "Eight days on a camel that is about the only thing I remember. If the role would have been bigger, I would not have done it. Werner Herzog made T.E. Lawrence into a funny person. Also I do not look like the real T.E. Lawrence at all."

IMPORTANT NOTE: When in a personal mail Floortje Smith (reporter) is asked about some details, she replies: “He is very cute and nice. Good in Life as well. I’m very curious of what he is going to do next.” She listened to the interview tape again and said: “He said that you never know with small movies you can only be sure when you are on set, but he really really wants to do these movies.” About the Korine project: “That is apparently happening too, but I mean… people… different cast and the budget suddenly changes and all that stuff. But I love the movie. It is great and my part that is completely insane as well.”


Production Notes For Robert Pattinson's 'Life'

Production Notes For Robert Pattinson's 'Life'

With the Berlin Film Festival about to start the Production Notes for Life have been released.
They're an interesting read and include some great quotes from Rob and also some very complimentary quotes about Rob from his co-stars, director and more.
Grab a cuppa and make yourself comfy! 

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Telefilm Canada, Film4, Screen Australia, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Present


In association with FilmNation Entertainment, Corner Piece Capital, Entertainment One, The Harold Greenberg Fund, Cross City Sales

A See-Saw Films, First Generation Films, Barry Films Production

A Film by Anton Corbijn








Screenplay by LUKE DAVIES







Production Designer ANASTASIA MASARO




Make-up Designer DONALD MOWAT

Costume Designer GERSHA PHILLIPS


Canadian Casting by JOHN BUCHAN C.S.A. and JASON KNIGHT C.S.A.5

ROBsessed Giveaway: Have a DANGEROUS ALLIANCE for Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Have a DANGEROUS ALLIANCE for Fiction Friday!

Happy Friday and we're going to welcome back an author we featured last year around this time, Kyra Davis! We even got a chance to interview her before and you know we asked her about how hot she thought Rob was.

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Lookin' pretty hot there, Rob! Her answer is ROBsessed approved. ;)
The interview occurred when we held a giveaway for Kyra's novel, JUST ONE NIGHT, as well as the first novel in her Pure Sin trilogy, DECEPTIVE INNOCENCE. The second book from the trilogy came out at the end of last year (Dec. 30, 2014) and we have 2 copies to giveaway! Click HERE to spark your memory for the synopsis of the first novel and here's the synopsis for the second novel, DANGEROUS ALLIANCE:
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The beautiful, angry Bell has revenge in her heart and Lander Gable in her sights. She's seduced her way into his arms with the intent to destroy his wealthy family. But now that she's there, lust and passion have begun squeezing out that desire for vengeance. It's a dangerous game Bell is playing, and sex, mystery and lies are the most intriguing game pieces of all.  
In Book One, Deceptive Innocence, Bell's mother dies in prison while serving time for a murder she didn't commit and Bell has been focused on one thing: revenge. She knows her mother was set up by the Gables, a powerful family who was either protecting themselves or a business interest from criminal charges. Now she's determined to take them down - from the inside. And the best way to get to them is through their youngest son, Lander.  
Dangerous Alliance continues where Book One left off. Bell has learned that Lander is a man with secrets of his own, through, and that he's not a particularly big fan of his Gable family. Still, will he be an ally, or just her secret lover. 

Giveaway Guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • Giveaway is worldwide
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Jan. 23rd
  • There will be 2 winners receiving DANGEROUS ALLIANCE by Kyra Davis
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Who are our winners for SOME BOYS??
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congrats Sylvia and Nanette! We'll email you to get your mailing address. :)

FanFic Friday

I'm in ficbo. And when I'm in ficbo, I reread my all time favorites. I'm also in need of more Vampward. So that means I reread a fic I think I read every season. I'm certain I've mentioned it before but it just has everything I love in an Edward and Bella and then some. So I'm rereading Bronze while I search for something else to match my mood. Some fics you wish the characters just never end. Speaking of which...
Deep In The Heart Of Me is the WIP that owns. It's weird....the longer it gets, the more I feel like it's going to end and I get twitchy but it doesn't seem like it's ending soon and I'm happy about that because I don't EVER want to have Tonio leave! *cries* Clearly the story has me discombobulated. I know I'm not alone. Fingers crossed for an update soon! Counselor seems to always catch these shoutouts so maybe she'll have mercy on this needy reader and give us an inbox alert we're all ready for. *refreshes inbox all day, every day*
If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

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Click for HQ
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I finally got to see Maps To The Stars last week during it's award qualifying run - which proved to be successful since Julianne Moore scored the Golden Globe nomination they were seeking.

I loved it. It was an enjoyable satire on the absurdities in Hollywood. Extra'd out in some cases...or maybe not. ;)
I'm not a fan of Rob being in small supporting roles. It's torture. He was great as Jerome and I wished we had more scenes with him. But alas, it was not Jerome's story and it's up to Rob what roles he takes. My role is to buy tickets and see the movies. I'll gladly support the film in February when it's officially released as well. But the struggle is real with these mini roles.

Here are some cute shots that make you smile from PromoRob during The Rover LA press junket

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Source | Via: Roboshayka

James Marsh Chats About 'Hold On To Me' & How He Was Excited To Work With Robert Pattinson

James Marsh Chats About 'Hold On To Me' & How He Was Excited To Work With Robert Pattinson

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So Tink went to a screening of 'The Theory of Everything' last night (which in case you didn't know is directed by James Marsh).
There was a Q&A afterwards and after introducing herself as a fan blogger for Hold On To Me she got to have a little informal chat with him about the movie.

Here's what went down (in her words):

"I got a chance to speak to James Marsh tonight about Hold On To Me. I went to a screening for The Theory of Everything and I spoke to him after his Q&A finished. I shared my disappointment that the film was stalled and he felt the same. It was great to talk to him and see him light up about the story. He said he was so excited to have Rob and Carey on board and because they're all British, they were going to have such fun with the dark humor of the story and this subversive look at American culture. He also said they had Adam Driver for the other role - the main guy with Carey's character.
Unfortunately what happened is the typical story with indies. Money. It couldn't be secured and JM was very bummed about this because he loves the story so much and was baffled they couldn't secure financing in time when he had Carey and Rob locked in for a period. TPTB balked at Adam Driver but JM and I both exchanged a look at that, saying and where is he now (Star Wars, Emmy nominee, etc). So basically the convo was both us going ugh and that sucks and this would have been so many words. More eloquent but sometimes a good UUUUGH gets the point across. While I didn't have a large attachment to the film since Rob's role was pertinent but small, I was personally bummed the film didn't get off the ground after seeing how enthused JM was for the project and for the actors. And my high regard for him coming on the heels of watching a wonderful film and hearing a diverse and intelligent discussion afterwards. I'm disappointed Rob didn't get a chance to work with JM since we know he wanted to and it's clear why. The way JM was talking - it sounded like he's keeping hope alive for the story because he loved the script so much but I was left with the impression the cast would be different.
I hope Rob gets to work with JM like he wanted to. Maybe it'll be a different project at a different time. If it's meant to be for Rob, it will be."
So there you have it. I think we all pretty much knew at this stage that it wasn't happening since there hasn't been any movement or news about it in a while. It's a pity, but what will be will be. We know that there are great things ahead for Rob and we're so excited to follow him on his journey every step of the way.

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win AFTER in a worldwide giveaway for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win AFTER in a worldwide giveaway for our Fiction Friday!

It's another fun romp in the fiction world. This time with a British fellow. We're certainly not opposed to British fellows, are we now.

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AFTER by Anna Todd was once fan fiction, racking up a billion readers online. That's crazy successful! This is the published novel of her story and the kind folks at Simon & Schuster provided us with a couple books to giveaway to our readers. The book is the first in a series, just released in October. The following books release this month (AFTER WE COLLIDED), December (AFTER WE FELL) and around Valentine's Day next year (AFTER EVER AFTER). But we have to start at the beginning with AFTER...
 photo image010.jpgTessa is a good girl with a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She’s got direction, ambition, and a mother who’s intent on keeping her that way. But she’s barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. 
With his tousled brown hair, cocky British accent, tattoos, and lip ring, Hardin is cute and different from what she’s used to. But he’s also rude—to the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin. And she does—until she finds herself alone with him in his room. Something about his dark mood grabs her, and when they kiss, it ignites within her a passion she’s never known before. 
He’ll call her beautiful, then insist he isn’t the one for her and disappear without a word. Despite the reckless way he treats her, Tessa is compelled to dig deeper and find the real Hardin beneath all his lies. He pushes her away again and again, yet every time she pushes back, he only pulls her in deeper. Tessa already has the perfect boyfriend. So why is she trying so hard to overcome her own hurt pride and Hardin’s prejudice about nice girls like her? Unless . . . could this be love?
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway through Rafflecopter is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • Giveaway is worldwide
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Nov. 14th
  • There will be 2 winners receiving 
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find out the winners for THE JEWELER under the cut!

ROBsessed Giveaway: We talk to Christina Lauren about SWEET FILTHY BOY, DIRTY ROWDY THING and of course Robert Pattinson for Fiction Friday

ROBsessed Giveaway: We talk to Christina Lauren about SWEET FILTHY BOY, DIRTY ROWDY THING and of course Robert Pattinson for Fiction Friday

It's our last giveaway for the one-two punch of SWEET FILTHY BOY and DIRTY ROWDY THING!

Last week, we revealed some fun info from Christina Lauren about Finn and Harlow's look and the rest of our interview with the ladies is here!
 photo ScreenShot2014-09-25at112139PM.pngQ: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
Christina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role.
Q: What's something you loved from SFB that DRT doesn't have and vice versa, something you love in DRT that SFB doesn't have? 
Christina Lauren: In Sweet Filthy Boy, we had an entirely new city and culture to explore—Paris—because Mia follows Ansel back to France. It was amazing to write because it totally transported us, and there is an atmosphere to the book because of it that feels . . . different than our other books, for a lack of a better word.
Dirty Rowdy Thing takes place in San Diego and, for a very small portion, on Vancouver Island in Canada. One thing we have in DRT that we adore is the tender family dynamics, and close bonds between Harlow and her family. There was one sweet scene between Mia and her mother in SFB, but for the most part, the family was absent. In DRT, family is very much a central focus, and maybe for that reason the words just flew from our brains while we were drafting. 
Q: Harlow is super fun and saucy. When you developed these characters, what did you like about Finn that made him the match for Harlow? 
Christina Lauren: We’ve heard from a bunch of folks already that Harlow is hands-down their favorite of our characters to date, and this makes us giddy. Her flaws are right at the surface (i.e. she’s meddling and loyal to a fault—that combination gets her in trouble) but there are many things about her that women can relate to now, or remember from their early twenties. She’s smart, but underemployed. She’s watching people around her figure out what they want to do and for her it isn’t yet the most important thing. Most of all, she’s genuinely young. We don’t mean in years, we mean in experience, and when you’re at that point in your life, just because that may be true doesn’t mean you recognize it. Readers can go on this journey of discovery with her, and it’s why Finn really was perfect for her, because he’s older and although he’s had fewer options in his own life, he’s wise enough to be patient with her youthful stumbles.
They also have a bit of a Chloe-Bennett dynamic, too, in that Finn wouldn’t do well with a woman who didn’t stand up to him. And Harlow would never settle for anything less than equal partners. 
Q: I saw what's up next for you guys with the series (Dark Wild Night) and the return to the BB series...which will loop in a Wild Seasons's the literary Marvel Model. Do you have a grand plan that goes 15 years down the road or does the world expand naturally from story to story? 
Christina Lauren: We just finished writing BEAUTIFUL SECRET, which is the fourth full-length Beautiful novel, and where that series crosses over with the Wild Seasons series. We love writing the group dynamics, especially when all of the guys are together. It does get harder as the ensemble grows, simply because you have more people to juggle (but that’s also sort of the fun part because it becomes a little like writing fanfiction for yourself).
In any case, we do have a grand plan, but it’s more like a 5-year model rather than 15. After Beautiful Beloved (e-short, Feb 2015) and Beautiful Secret (April 2015), there are still two more Wild Seasons out after DRT (Dark Wild Night is September of 2015, and Wicked Sexy Liar is February of 2016). We have our next series already outlined, and we know how it will dovetail with our previous work. We can’t wait to talk about it! 
Q: Last but not least, how up to date are you on your Rob news? You still get the weekly ROBsessed memos that he's hot as fire right? 
Christina Lauren: Ha! Well we still follow a lot of Rob accounts so we’re up to date on all the latest. He’s a pretty dude, there is no way around it. At the end of the day, coming from the Twilight fandom we can both say we just want Robert Thomas to be happy. Whatever makes him happy makes us happy. :)
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So much fun on the horizon for the characters of Christina Lauren. :)

 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpg DIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:
Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 
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One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving DIRTY ROWDY THING and SWEET FILTHY BOY
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Oct. 10th
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced on or after Oct. 10th
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner listed under the cut & more!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

It's time for week 2 of our double hitter - SWEET FILTHY BOY and DIRTY ROWDY THING!

I got a chance to finish DIRTY ROWDY THING last weekend and my oh my. I think the title fits juuuuuust right. Finn is definitely a dirty, rowdy thing and matches up perfectly with the sassy Harlow. I had fun reading the story and catching up with the characters we first met in SWEET FILTHY BOY. Naturally, Rob plays all leading men that I read. What.

But I did get a chance to talk to Christina Lauren about who they could fan cast as Finn and Harlow and I LOVE IT.
Q: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
Christina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role.
Emma is already awesome to me and I totally dig her as Harlow! And Rob, always Rob for any and everything.

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I know I picked a picture of Emma covering half her face but there's something about her look that is so Harlow. Playful, flirty and pretty. I tried to darken her eyes and golden her complexion to get in sync with Christina Lauren's description. And the Rob selection. Come on. This look wins all day every day and I definitely see dirty, rowdy Finn all over him.

Contest is the same as last week so let's do this! Synopsis and guidelines...

 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpg DIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:
Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 
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One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
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Robert Pattinson talks Idol's Eye as an ensemble film, being objective about his work, loving stars, not loving guns and MORE

Robert Pattinson talks Idol's Eye as an ensemble film, being objective about his work, loving stars, not loving guns and MORE

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PromoRob is relaxing at the moment so how great is it that a hidden gem of an interview popped up!

Thanks to our reader, Cali, this interview from CannesRob emerged and after a quick check on the blog, we hadn't posted it!

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Don't cry, dry your eyes. We're posting it now and it's classic Rob which means it's awesome. It's all perfect timing to read something new for The Rover, Maps to the Stars and more since:
  1. The Rover is out on US Bluray/DVD this Tuesday 
  2. Maps To The Stars in out in UK theaters this Friday
  3. Idol's Eye starts filming in October
  4. We love Rob and soak up all his interviews whenever they hit us

 photo RobCannes.jpgYahoo Singapore: It’s late afternoon in Cannes, and heartthrob, Robert Pattinson, 28, appears to be having a good time at the world’s most glamorous film festival promoting the Rover, starring alongside Guy Pearce, 46. He will also star opposite Julianne Moore, 53, in Maps to the Stars, both slated for release this summer.

His hair is short, he has a little facial stubble and he’s wearing a turquoise jacket, black shirt and dark jeans and sneakers.

Pattinson is of course best known for his role as Edward, a vampire who falls in love with a human, Bella, played by on again off again girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, 24, in The Twilight Saga.

Since then, Pattinson has taken on more serious roles such as Remember Me (2010) and Water for Elephants (2011) in which he starred alongside Reese Witherspoon.

Famous for his good looks, Pattinson is often seen topping the ‘hottest’ lists in many publications such as People (2008 and 2009) and Glamour UK, yet he remains humble. He is also the face of Dior Homme, which he took on after Jude Law.


Q: Are you a fan of the Mad Max films?

PATTINSON: I have actually never seen them. I have been asked so many times this morning and I have never seen it. (laughter) I guess I have got to see it now.

Q: This whole genre, is it familiar to you?

PATTINSON: Yeah, but I think this one is kind of different. I mean, it’s not like everyone has gone crazy, and they are cannibals. There feels something more real about it, and also I think the world where the movie is set, it’s not that the entire world is like that, they are just in the middle of nowhere. The country has just become very unstable and anything could collapse at any second. It’s sort of like the new society is trying to be born again.

Q: Is the collapse of society a familiar fear to you that you can relate to?

PATTINSON: Not really. I think the world is quite resilient, but I don’t know I think it would be a bit of fun. But I am a bit of a nihilist. (laughter)

Q: Was it fun on the set with Guy Pearce? Was he intimidating?

PATTINSON: No, and he’s also really strong as well. So when you are being thrown around, it actually hurts quite a lot. (laughter) And he was really in it the whole time because he’s really not like that.

Q: So he’s a good actor like you. Is this something that’s really important to you when you work?

PATTINSON: Yeah, one hundred percent. I mean, I think, I always hear some actors saying they didn’t read reviews or care about it, and I just think they are making it up. (laughs) Everybody cares about it; whether people think it’s good.

Q: What was the most difficult thing for you to create this character, to make him special in a way?

PATTINSON: I mean a lot of it was just there in the script at the beginning and I just really connected to it. I mean the most difficult thing was getting the job. But I think once I was doing it, it was quite fun. It was an exciting part to play and David MichĂ´d kind of let me sort of run with any idea as well.

Q: And the accent thing, was that your idea?

PATTINSON: He was supposed to be from the South, but literally only said he was from somewhere in the South, so I don’t know, that was the kind of voice I heard in my head when I was reading the script.

Q: And you said it was more difficult to get the job.

PATTINSON: I mean, I just hate auditioning and I am really, really bad at it. I get so nervous and mess it up for myself and so I have basically tried to avoid doing auditions at all costs. I read the script and I was like, I really, really, really have got to get this part. It’s weird though, preparing for a part that you are already cast and just actually doing it for real and just kind of hoping that your anxiety doesn’t get the better of you in the room.

Q: And you got a phone call? What happened?

PATTINSON: I got a second audition afterwards and then they told me at the end of it, and it was a kind of amazing feeling.

Q: And so was it the first time you went to Australia shooting?

PATTINSON: I have been to Sydney just a couple of times to work, but yeah, in that area definitely.

Q: Are you done with the blockbuster thing or are you possibly returning to that at some point in your career?

PATTINSON: Yeah, it’s waiting for the right director. Nothing has come up and I mean, that’s not saying I don’t want to do it, but blockbusters, big movies just take a really long time to shoot as well. So I think you have to really, really, really want to do it. There’s a lot of pressure and you just don’t get that many interesting parts in big movies, especially for young guys. It’s just the same thing every time.

Q: Lots of comic book adaptations. Is there some character that you would say, yeah, I would do it?

PATTINSON: Yeah maybe, I was never really that into comic books when I was a kid and stuff so I don’t really have that connection. You also have to work out like tons, (laughter) in potentially a movie you might not like. It’s just a big hassle. (laughs)

Q: Maps to the Stars was excellent. So when you first read the script, what did you make of it?

PATTINSON: I thought it was hilarious and I liked some of the lines (laughter) I am excited about seeing it with an audience. But that’s Cronenberg; he’s quite into being subversive and quite combative and stuff. It’s kind of amazing that he’s still doing that, he’s 72.

Q: Have you seen people who actually almost act like that?

PATTINSON: A lot of the young kids in it, I have seen a lot of them. I think they are the most honest. And Havana, there are lots of actresses who kind of go a little bit crazy. But the kids, that’s like quite a mainstream thing, this kind of hatred. There’s a lot of negative energy, I don’t know why, it’s just really odd.

Q: You played music on Twilight – will you release a record one day?

PATTINSON: I want to make one, I just don’t really know about releasing one. (laughs) I don’t know, I can’t really deal with criticism very well and I have already got criticism coming from one angle (laughs) and I don’t feel the need to get it from somewhere else.

Q: What would it sound like? What music would you make?

PATTINSON: I don’t know yet. I mean I always used to record kind of singer-songwriters stuff and I don’t really want to do that. I was trying to figure out something else, but yeah, I don’t know yet. Trying to figure out my new sound. (Tink: Rob will be old and gray still telling us he's working on recording an album and he's trying to figure it out. OLD AND GRAY.)
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