Robert Pattinson reunites with Little Ashes co-star in Barcelona

This is too sweet. Robert Pattinson once starred in a movie called Little Ashes. It was before he was ROBERT PATTINSON if you know what I'm sayin'.

While the film was a male heavy, the main female in that film was Marina Gatell. Here are a couple of caps from the film with Rob and Marina.



And look who showed up to support Rob in Barcelona while he promoted Water for Elephants. :)


Photo caption: Rob and Marina Gatell reunited again at Barcelona!!! so sweet!!!

If you understand Spanish, here is the Rob & Marina story:

Y para las que quieran saber:
Rob en la última escena de Little Ashes acababa lleno de pintura, y esa escena la rodaron en un almacen donde no hubo baño. Y claro al terminar de rodar Rob estaba lleno de pintura, y no es como hoy en día que Rob tiene todas las facilidades, y tenía que marcharse a su hotel lleno de pintura. Así que claro el pobre no podía coger un taxi porque nadie quería que le manchara entero el coche, y tenía que andar mucho para llegar a su hotel y la gente le miraba por la calle. Así que Marina que se llevaba muy bien con el le ofreció su casa que estaba cerca para que pudiese ir a ducharse allí y poder quitarse la pintura. Esta anecdota la contó Rob en algunas ocasiones como un recuerdo muy bueno de su compañera :).

If you don't understand Spanish, here is the utterly confusing, lost in translation, Rob & Marina story:

"Rob in Little Ashes last scene just full of paint, and that scene shot in a warehouse where there was no bathroom. And of course the end of filming Rob was full of paint, and not like today that Rob has all the facilities and had to leave his hotel full of paint. So of course the poor man could take a taxi because no one wanted to be stained whole car, and had to walk far to get to your hotel and the people he looked down the street. So Marina got along very well with offered her house which was close so he could go to shower there and to remove the paint. This anecdote was told to Rob sometimes a very good memory of her companion."

Ok it's not SO bad. We remember the scene with Rob and the paint in Little Ashes. Tears at my heart. But no sad stuff. This encounter is just too cute.

RpattzSpain shares this: "I'm the girl who took the pic, and I can assure you Rob recognized her, he gave her a big hug and his phone number. Marina had tears at her eyes! It was really sweet."

All together now..."AWWWWWWWW!" <3

Source | Source via Robstenation
Caps: RobertPattinsonSource
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