Robert Pattinson in Los Angeles Dec 1st 2009

Robert Pattinson in Los Angeles Dec 1st 2009 :)

source thanks to Rocio for the tip :)


Anonymous said...

What in the world? Where was this? Who's that guy? Why is Rob dressed like a janitor? So many questions...

d67 said...

The beanie and the beard!!! Even blurry I love it. I'm so missing him...

jmm4832 said...

Oh, how funny! My first thought was that it looked like Rob was in some institution or something with that outfit, lol. Love the scruff. Maybe he can grow it out to a full beard and then less people will recognize him.

Suz said...


Suz said...

LOL@ Purple

Why is Rob dressed like a janitor?

second job?

Anonymous said...

He looks like he was in jain!!! Poor rob!

Caroline said...

PEOPLE, Do you know anything about that?!People are saying this is a old quote! This is true?

Tenneil said...

I love taking- a- break-hobo Rob... so good to see him... Scruffalious !!!

Libbyrenee said...

looks like the emergecny exit of a hotel... or something like that... anyway is good to see he's alive!

marina mia said...

it's about time. any sighting of rob, hobo or not :) is very very welcome. I can't stand not seeing him.

this obsession is draining :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh Santas little helper!!

Do we know anything about this? It does kinda look like a basement or back hallway in a hotel!!!

Missed you Rob!!!

Anonymous said...

He kind of reminds me of Keanu Reeves during his down time, on this picture. Obviously not he physical features, but the general look: growing beard, beanie, dressed down, ... Maybe that could become a 'Rob barometer' as to when he has working duties coming up (no beard, less of a "janitor" look = work, if not it's simply Rob time. Aaaaah! Robtime... lol)

kat said...

That's so cute that that man wanted his picture taken for Rob. Probably for his wife or daughter. Or his mother. !

I think jmm4832's idea is a good one. Full beard seems a great way to hide.

skorpia said...

THERE HE IS!! WOO HOO! scruffy Rob is back! I got the tweezers and the shaving cream ready when your vacay is ova honey. The whip cream is for later!

Chloé said...

"Don't shake the camera when Rob's in the picture"
Oh my ... All I can say is FINALLY !! I needed my Rob Fix. Thank you. Can't wait for RM, UC and of course Bel Ami.

skorpia said...

Hey Rob can hide in the garbage they cart around. A clean one with some bags thrown on..just a thought. Thanks for the pic!! much appreciated!!

Monique said...

He's probably growing out the beard for his new movie, Unbound Captives.

Golnaz said...

Seriously, how does this man make a scruffy beard look so good!

And Caroline, yeah, they use an old quote from the Twilight tour, someone posted the old interview that it was from.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Doubtful..not many Comanches have beards, and bel ami is first..

He just hates shaving

nancy said...

Hobo Rob! Cute. I'm guessing he may be growing a beard for Bel Ami as beards were very much in vogue during that era. I was kinda hoping he wasn't going to wear a beard for the film (I personally hate them) but if that is what is required, I'll deal. LOL.

crazylife said...

So much for using that limo service again... I think he is channeling his inner Jack

jmm4832 said...

Gossipcop says that Rob will be filming Bel Ami starting in Feb. at an undisclosed location.

PhinPhan said...

It's a soup kitchen....poor Rob! He needs a "helping hand"....I'm so into being charitable this holiday season.

PhinPhan said...

BTW, he is not playing a Comanche, he is playing a white settlor who was kidnapped by the Comanches as a child.

bonemama said...

So happy to see him!!!! We missed you Rob!! Go Home to London!!

didiette said...

What the hell is Rob wearing. OMG this is too funny.

Caroline said...

Oh Golnaz, thanks so much for the information.

Suz said...

lol @ didiette's query what is he wearing

whatever was on the floor by the bed when he woke up!


RPnKSaddict said...

scruffalicious!!It means he's in full downtime mode.Good for him.He deserves it. I missed seeing him.

My DH does the same thing when he's on vacation. No shaving he hates it.

Love the scruff, makes me want to run my fingers over his jaw,well that thought just gave me goosebumps.

Anonymous said...

Look at that beard! I LOVE it. I hope he keeps it for a while. Damn. He is so incredible. :)

Leslie C. Franklin said...

How in the hell does he manage to pull off HOT looking like that??? Love the beard!

Loisada said...

Yep, had a feeling when he didn't shave even for the premier he was going into stealth hobo mode. Then out came the camouflage jacket! Think he's replaced the Raybans with aviator glasses? Got a hunch he's going for the homeless Vietnam vet look!

LauraLovesRob said...

i prefer him when he tramps it up! as for the location it looks like he's posing with a vallet in an underground carpark. come back to london rob - u can always hide at my place?!?! (just a suggestion)

Anonymous said...

so long as he's happy and having some R & R!

Unknown said...

i missed you Rob..

Melissa said...

*le sigh*

I heart hobo-Rob :)

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, but if a guy looking like that came up to you to talk for a while or ask for money or a cigarette, wouldn't you be the first to call the cops? We all find him sexy and hot because we know who he is...
One more reason for never judging a book by the cover ;o)
I love the guy and find it great he is going into hibernation until probably Bel Ami, but I do prefer him without the beard... for every single reason one can imagine ;o)

Unknown said...

Dudes trying to go incognito with his look. And he probably takes the employee backways in hotels usually ==the guy looks like a hotel service worker who caught him using the backways for employees.

Anonymous said...

He's really letting that beard grow now! It's cute and stuff when it's like a couple of days worth. Not sure I like it as a full-blown santa beard!!!
Arh well, just glad to see he is still alive :D

Angela said...

OK why would Rob be in LA? I thought he was in London til christmas?

jmm4832 said...

Hopefully the bloodsucking paps haven't figured out where he is, that is what's important. I love hobo Rob!

Haystackhair said...

I wonder who is taking the pic? LOL. Hobolicious. Good to see him relaxing.

zlove said...

LOL on the first thought was mechanic. I love hobolicious Rob

GiGi said...

I just heard on Ryan Seacrest radio show this morn. that Rob is in talks to be the voice for John Lennon for this animated movie they're doing called the Yellow Submarine. And it's supposed to be some big thing. So I'm sure he's still in L.A. doing business. Eclipse is in post production, so he's probably there for some of that too...DVD commentary, any type of fixes or stuff they do for the film. Last year he was in L.A. til December 22nd. Then flew home to London and was there til Feb. So I'm sure he's got alot of business here in L.A. right now.

jen said...

LA is his homebase now basically, he's an actor.

GiGi said...

True....but he loves London...I see him always wanting to go home to London. That's his true home.

Gee said...

i can imagine his mums reaction to this picture....."ROBERT THOMAS PATTINSON....You get home this instance...and get that muck off your face...."

Anonymous said...

Uh, you people are weird, is there some rule against mentioning Kristen? Is it against the law?? LMAO All these posts about why Rob doesn't go home to London, and not one of you weird proprietal fangirls mentions Kristen Stewart his GIRLFRIEND who LIVES in LA! hahahahaha! Uh...hello deluded deniers, Kristen, his heart, the one he wrote 'Fcking Lights,' for, the one he is canoodling at the KOL concert, the one he is kissing in the smoking cafe in the Couv, the one he was kissing in the studio courtyard, the one he was holding hands with on the airport tarmac in Paris, LIVES in LOS ANGELES - THAT is why he is there. If it was JUST business, he would have had his meetings flown home and flown back if needed - what's more, there's skype, there's teleconferencing, no need to just wait on your downtime, the whole time if you've got business. GROW UP. I get so sick of you weirdos who go out of your lame asss'd way to not mention Kris in any capacity, even knowing that the girl means the world to him. Who does that? What kind of fans are you??? Lame weak ones, that's what.

Anonymous said...

Just read on twitter that Markus is on his flight to la or already there so I guess they will stay there together until christmas..

GiGi said...

F**k you Gossipmaven, they are not together, and I know this for a fact. I live in L.A. and have a very good friend who's in the business. She told me it's all Summit PR...they are NOT together. I don't CARE if you don't believe me...this is fact as I know it. Are you in the business? Do you live in L.A. and hang out with people in the business? Shut your pie-hole then! Geezus!

Cheeky Chops said...

.....maybe some cake..southern fried chicken..come on..give that poor boy something :(

Marna said...

The guy with Rob is a valet, so I guess Rob has a car somewhere. Hopefully it will work out better than last time :-)

GiGi said...

Oh, and my friend is an actress, this is not coming from the stunt girls who say they are not together also. My actress friend told me the same thing! Rob is so popular she said everyone knows about him in the business and knows whats going on. You people don't have a clue!

GiGi said...

Oh ya, one more thing...last year he was in L.A. all the way up until Dec. 22nd then flew home to London. That's when he was hanging out with Nikki Reed all the time, many many photos of them. His friends were in town, and so were his sisters. Everyone speculated then that he and Nikki had a thing. And that's been proven wrong.

Unknown said...

I'm scared the paparazzi are going to find him now. All they have to do is find out where that valet guy works. I think it's not that difficult to do...I'm sure if you look into 10 of the nicest hotels in LA you'll find him soon enough.

Kathy S said...

Gossip cop says this guy was a service worker at the Beverly Hills Hotel and had the picture taken for his daughter.

Play nice ladies-it doesn't matter as Gozde said, who he is is shagging, if it's not me, then I don't care!!!

solas said...

I don't think most are in denial; some don't mention it or are confused. Rob had said he missed London and couldn't wait to get back. Since Kristen could just as easily go wtih Rob to London, there must be other reasons for him/them to be in L.A. I personally figure he spent at least Thanksgiving with Kristen, who wanted to be with her family for that holiday, and his pals are all in or coming to LA to give concerts, etc, so they are an additional incentive to stay. Also, from what I understand, there are some things that need to be finished up for the New Moon DVD. No need to think the worst (or type not nice words)of the fans here; I think many either accept that Rob is with Kristen in one way or another, or just feel it is not our business and so don't automatically take her as a factor in where he is at a given time.

Anonymous said...

There's no need to crazy. Some believe they're not together, fine. Others think they getting married this month in LA and having a baby by new years, fine too. Let's be adults and respect each other.

jmm4832 said...

I respect other people's opinions when they differ from my own. Hell, I don't pretend to know why Rob's in LA, but I suspect he's spent at least some time with Kristen. I just don't buy the whole it's for PR theory. Why would R&K sell their souls to Summit and fake a romance? What advantage is there in it for them? Are they being paid an extra million dollars to do so? It just doesn't make sense.

spellbound said...

It looks like he was sneaking into or out of his hotel through a service exit & one of the employee's snagged him for a photo. It was funny someone said he looked like a janitor. I read a fanfic one time where Rob (or his character, anyway) snuck out of the hotel dressed like...a janitor!

GiGi said...

The PR thing is advantageous to SUMMIT! And it's all about them and the precious dollar....don't think for one minute this isn't like old Hollywood style...they still do that same shit!

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