Robert Pattinson Pix From Munich (Including his UVULA)

Thanks to jena for sending these in. Some of these pictures are old some are new and some are in higher quality than we had before. BUT most importantly you now get to see Robert Pattinson's uvula! There's no such thing as too much Rob right? Well, on second thought maybe there is:))



Pd said...

LOL @ the uvula picture..

he is still ohhh soo hotttt

Honey for the Bears said...

Wow, a part of Rob hitherto unseen. Good way to learn anatomy - fine specimen! ;o)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Gotta say it, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kristen's dress!

And yes, damn, Rob does scruffy well. (Makes Taylor look a bit awkward, with the formal look. Nice, but even CW is more casual here.)

And that last pix---Munich was the one with what, 20,000 fans? That crowd is LARGE.

Angie said...

LOL...I completely cracked up at that picture and the comments.

Anonymous said...

I din't even knew that part was called uvula..

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karina said...

aw, Robert in that first picture is just sweet. He has childlike eyes sometimes in pictures.

Kate said...

Well I have to say his Uvula looks way better than mine ATM Mine is all red and swollen!

Goz can I have a warning for your tags the next time I near spat my tea all over my computer! :-P

Gozde said...

See we are a very educational blog :) Now kids will know that is called uvula :))

We'll stop at nothing to bring you everything Rob :PP

Jesus this flu medicine may be making me drunk. I'm going to bed :P

Dahlia said...

Ok, that should maybe disgust me? But nope, there doesn't seem to be a part of him that is capable of doing that! How wrong!

And also... "oh my god... Rob and Taylor standing next to each other! Can you see them having to fight the urge to rip each other to pieces without Kristen in between them as a barrier to their uber-harted of each other?" *end sarcasm*

Gozde said...

LOL Kate, I'm sorry :))

and I'm sorry you are not feeling well :(( You should play tonsil hockey with Rob, I guarantee it'll make you feel better :))

*I might be off ALL day tmorrow since I spent all my day with RKat issues and crazy commenters :((

Text me if you need me kay?

Love you!

Untamed said...

Gozde, I saw the word uvula and I had a Seinfeld moment.

Hello, I Love You! said...


Go to bed, you are DEFINATELY on UVULA OVALOAD!

Karina said...

lol, yes, they really look like mortal

Dahlia said...

And I meant "hatred" not harted :)

dabby said...

rob!!i love the way he looks at kstew:)..

dabby said...
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SluttyPattz said...

LMAO 0 that is super funny. His anatomy wins us all over..... :).

Gozde and Kate get some rest.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Re that last pix (clicking & saving here) - enlarge that puppy and see ALL THOSE PEOPLE, omg.

a) And I love Kristen's shoes! (I'm currently in Shoe-Rehab; I've a thing---Robsessed keeps me away from online shoe purchases... Hubs thanks Rob.)
b) Rob looks FABULOUS in skinny/tight pants
c) Rob looks FABULOUS in profile---yum---and I know, right?
d) what are all those colorful square pieces of paper? (Sticky Notes?) With phone numbers? ;)
e) Kristen gets any closer to the edge of the stage and those photogs are going to get a real money shot---the downside of a really short skirt, but she rocks the look.

Yes, I obviously haven't seen this photo before---thanks!

Dahlia said...

Wow! I managed to pull my eyes away from Rob and his Godliness to look at the people, and Mother of everything holy, that's a hell of a lot of people!!! O_0

Cheeky Chops said...

@Gozde - OMG u are soooo trying to get me kicked off this blog aren't you..LOL

SCREW IT - Who's vulva wants to go on a close date with Robert's uvula for just one night???

*raises hand* Mine does..mind does~!!!<333


Untamed said...

@ Kemberly, LMFAO!
Couldn't resist, could you?

RPLover said...

hmmmm, there are many parts of Rob that I would LOVE to get a good look at {blush} but somehow, his uvula isn't one of them! =))

and LMFAO @ Kemberly!!

Pammi said...

wow! That's...odd. it looks more like the underside of his tongue or slipping dentures or something

Cheeky Chops said...

Girls, I have my horns on stand-by for every situation and/or Robert picture *EG* ;P

Untamed said...

Yeah, Kem. He really is a beautiful bastard ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow we even get to see his uvula, LOL

Marna said...

Kemberly, thank you for saving me from saying it :-)

solas said...

In my world, the uvula is the place where an unborn child gets touched by an angel. May the angels stay with this lad. :-)

jc(britlover) said...

God, he is just so damn perfect!! Even his uvula is perfect!!

Anonymous said...

Even his uvula is so hot!!


...wowie! said...

That was the first thing I noticed. Then I read the title of the post. Cracked me the hell up. hahaha

Oh and I do love Kristen's dress. She's damn sexy when she wants to be.

Diane said...

Keep it up. I have yet to see a Rob body part that turns me off. And I have yet to see some that turn me on. Viva the anatomy lesson!

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to kiss him and see how far my tongue can go. ewww. I swear I never sank this low. Rob made me do it! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rob - care to play a little tonsil hockey with me??!! Even his uvula is hotttttt! God, what is it about Rob - every single part of his lovely body screams sexytimes!!!

I will never ever get over how many varied expressions his face is capable of, either.

Put this all together with intelligence, wit, charm, humility, acting/musical talents, quirky style and you get...ROB. That's why we love you so, sweetie! You are one-of-a-kind.

AP said...

Well, at least it's not pierced. ;)

I can see why Rob felt he'd had a 'Beatles' moment after experiencing this event and that crowd. Amazing number of fans!

jmm4832 said...

I just want to kiss his sweet tasty lips (sigh). :)

Cheeky Chops said...

@Jules-that would be a beautiful day when that bastard is on his all I know :x ....what? ;)

@A-omg @ pierced..saw that recently..all I can think is does that work?

oh yea..hope you both get better soon, Gozde and Kate :)

perle said...

i've been there (fan event in munich) ... it was an amazing experience, a huuuuuuge crowd, everyone was screaming (even the host shows a picture of robert)... at the end where the 4 taking the stage, the wohle crowd gave standing ovations and took thousands of pictures ... im so proud to be part of this event (sounds kind of ridiculous, but ITS THE TRUTH) ...i think the whole twilight theme its a kind of "new world" with all these fanatics

cant wait to see the other movies of him (rm and ba)
just have seen how to be ... and its a knd of silly, but ok its ROBERT PATTINSON therein ... i had to watch it ;)

Sarah said...

Yes Kristen looks great, I love that dress - it looks like it's out of this world/from the future :P
But I just don't get famous women wearing really short stuff. If it was me I would NOT ever do it - wear tights or a tighter skirt or SOMETHING. No risks no thanks. I guess they just know to be careful.

Sarah said...

And yeah that word sounds way too close to vulva hahaha. Dude, Goz and Kate you are both sick? ME TOO! Just got sick yesterday, it started off just sneezing so I thought it was nothing and now it's so bad :( I drank tea like 5x today. Feel better girls.

JandR said...

Rob and KStew's body language is screaming at me in these pics! LOL

You guys, get a room already!! ;)

Haystackhair said...

LMAO @ Kemberly, yes, we all have that wish. GAH, how can even his uvula be hot? LOL.

Anonymous said...

how cute all those comments about his Uvula :)

Maybe I'm the only one who was admiring his "not so straight" teeth in that pic, I sure am glad he didn't succumb to summit to straighten his teeth, they are so adorably natural here, Go stubborn Rob!!woohoo.

jlsentangledweb said...

Rob's expressions in these photos are so cute...I know, that's a word usually reserved for his kid pics, but honestly, he looks like a kid at his own birthday party!

Butterfly25 said...

great pics

Denise said...

I knew that part was called uvula.. 'cause I'm a physiotherapist :p

Untamed said...

@Denise...whaaaaat???? LOL!
Have you ever done physiotherapy on a uvula? And if so, was it strained? Fractured? Poked? Bruised?
I kid. I kid. Seriously though, maybe next time Rob sprains his arse cheeks you'll get the call. I'm rooting for you :D

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