ROBsessed "Holiday Video" Challenge - Round 3

Here's the third round of ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge! Round 2 was a CLOSE one and video 3 won by a slight margin!

Watch and vote for your favorite! You have to post a comment with the number of the video, like: "my vote goes to Video 1/2/3/4/5". Please post your vote as the 1st line then comment, it's getting hard to find who you voted for in the comments ;)

You have 24 hours to vote for your favorite! I'm so glad we started this contest, it gets us all in the Christmas spirit and it brought lots of newbies out of their hiding place :)) *waves to all newbies* :)

If you'd like to try your hand at making videos and get a chance to win $75/$50 from us, you still have time! The contest rules are HERE.

Good luck!

Video 1:

Direct Link:

Video 2:

Direct Link:

Video 3:

Direct Link:

Video 4:

Direct Link:

Video 5:

Direct Link:


Jeanette said...

I have no shame, so I'll vote for my own vid #1

Angie said...

I vote for #1 as well. Why not vote for yourself, itsjustme, you put a lot of work into it.

They are all good. Love the song on the last one.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Boo, can't waitch vids while at work, will watch tonight & vote.

Unknown said...

Vote for vid 1.
*waves* :)

Anonymous said...

Have to vote for #3, laughing, happy Rob gets me every time!

StarThink said...

i love 3, felt like it was going thro all the motions of rob :)
vote 3 :D

Kelly said...

TOUGH CALL... Tough Call... ummmm.. iennie mienie mynie.. moe....I'm gonna say #3, cause I like all the video clips.. ohh but I like the photoshop work in #1.. decisions decisions... Oh I hate this... ummm ok ok

My vote is for #3

Unknown said...

i vote for n°3....but all the rest are good too.

Ripley said...

Loved them all but vote for #2 - love sexy Rob

Butterfly25 said...


It involved the most adorable and the most beautiful video clips of Rob smiling. And I just love when he's smiling.
The beggining and the ending was great.
Plus the song used - I love this song.

Other videos were also great. Good job everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

I really can't decide between #1 and #3. I LOVE them both for TOTALLY different reasons. U can REALLY tell that whoever thought up and created #1 is a VERY TALENTED person who cares a lot about the finished product. Then #3 appears 2 maybe have an "inside" joke 2 it... There are sooooo many facial expressions and laughing involved!! HAPPY AND AMAZED... and sometimes SERIOUS Rob is VERY SATISFYING!! LOL I just can't get enough of Rob Pattinson!! My wish 4 Christmas is 2 be Mrs. Robert Thomas Pattinson... PLEASE SANTA... I'VE BEEN VERY GOOD THIS YEAR!!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!

Rob'sCigarette said...

I vote for #3, but it soooo close with #1. #3 captured the essence of Rob that I love...especially smiley Rob. #1 has mad editing skills and I can tell a lot of work went into that video. But, all in all #3 made me love him even more if that is possible.

Kate said...

I'm not allowed to vote but just wanted to say that I love looking at all the vids they are really putting me the christmas mood and ye are a very talented bunch indeed! Keep up the great work!!

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

That's tough. They're all great! I'll go with #1.

Salsa said...

I vote for number 2. Oh so sexy Rob makes my heart flutter. All I want for Christmas, too.

Kathy S said...

Number 3! The smiling diverse facial expression got me! But they are all beautiful and thank you to all you talented gals that spent the time to make all of us a bit more in love with the beautiful Rob!

noisefaidaus said...

I vote for # 3.
I love laughing happy Rob!!

Birgit said...

I vote for #3.

Nina said...

I vote for Video #1

They all did an amazing job, but I really love the first one, it's very Christmasy Rob!

Unknown said...

I loved all of the videos. Choosing only one is so difficult! OK, so my choice is #3. Who could resist Rob asking to be bitten, right?

By the way, I loved #5's song choice!

Suz said...

number tres!

Jazz_Girl317 said...

My vote is for #5.

# 1 is hysterical and Christmassy. But, seriously, BabyRob and HoboPatty(may she rest in peace) WIN every time. I mean, come on, BlondieBeautifulBabyRob!!!! Happy Christmas.

Jen said...

I'm voting #3!!

Anonymous said...

I vote #3 - same old song but happy Rob (with stubble!) wins every time.

solas said...

still having trouble making mine. :-( The song I want doesn't go onto the onetrue site. How do you guys do it?????

Cheeky Chops said...

I wanted to say 1 sooo bad cause it's Elvis..but couldn't after seeing 3..3 gets my votes..sorry Elvis honey :(..oh yea..and 5 creeped me out..just saying.

PhinPhan said...

Vote is for #3....

Thank you video maker people for all the videos..I know how much work it takes to do these :-)

Anonymous said...

Video N°1 is funny and kind of a change from all the other videos we've seen... Good job.

SluttyPattz said...

can't see videos working in the office today. Will vote when I get home. Solas if you email me and tell me whats happening with your song I could probably help you out. It may be a formatting thing.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to... #3!!! Happy happy Rob :)

Anonymous said...

I vote for #3.

His smile makes my heart melt

TINK said...

VIDEO #3!!!!!!

Cheeky Chops said...

I keep on watching 3 and OMG..*runs and tackle*

d67 said...

Wow, so hard! Loved all the Rob smiles in number 3, but I have TO GIVE MY VOTE TO #1....Rob and Elvis! What more could a girl want?! Great job everybody! Thanks!

Cheeky Chops said...

I just wanna know..can you marry a youtube vid?..bite me indeed..*faint*


DDarjaS said...


Camilla said...

my vote goes for #3 for sure! best one..

Unknown said...

Number 3

Jennifer Moya said...

NUMBER 1 of course! the job is amazing

Marna said...

I vote for #2

janicag said...

My vote goes to video nr. 4 ;)
Great job you all :D

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I'm with you heart wants to pick Elvis but I was smiling like an idiot the whole way through 3!!

My vote goes to 3. But they were all great!!

Tejiri said...

all the videos are really really good...

troutie said...

I vote for #3.

dia_rob said...

God how i love this contest...! my vote goes to no 3, because smiley Rob is just..*sigh* ADORABLE and completely changes my mood. but congrats to all contestants!

Juliet4Rob said...

#3 for the win!! Happy, smiling, laughing Rob is heaven here on earth! He makes me so happy! I simply adore that man! Love the song too! Great job!

LTavares2011 said...

I love all the videos. I love Rob all the way, but Rob smiling!!!!
It`s like heaven for me. Really hot!!! It`s all I want for Christmas too!
Definitely, my vote is for number 3!!!!

RPLover said...

I vote for #3!! just melted my heart, I love it!

gotta give an honorable mention to 1 and 5 though, something different and good choice of song on 5-not the same old! I'm going to be really sad when this contest ends.

Liz said...

My vote is for # 2. The pictures were some of my favorite...and the song is cute.

Loisada said...

Solas: do you already have the song on your computer, stored in iTunes or another player?

I just did my first video on One True Media... will help if I can. What's your email?

Babs said...

my vote goes to #3, I just can't resist that song ;)

Loisada said...

Vote goes to 3. May not be very Christmasy but those looks are all any lady needs to bring her good cheer!

1 is very Merry, 2 has great B&W pic choice, 4 has lovely tune and song rocked on 5. Thanks to all.

jen! said...

number 3! (:

Unknown said...

My vote is for #3!
No hesitation!
This one really got me from the beginning till the end!
Very good job!

dina said...

#3 for me.

Anonymous said...

Definitely #3!!!

Only Rob can make so many cute smiley faces)))

Really this video is outstanding and deserves to win at least one round.

#4 would be my second choice. The pictures fit perfectly with the song. If this video was in previous two rounds I would give it my vote.

alynutzapattinson said...

I am trying to decide between #1 and #2. I like the first vid cause is really festive and colorful but is a bit to short.
So my vote will go to video 3. I really like the feeling of it. I love the black and white and the sound of this version of Baby is cold outside. Really great vid.

Anonymous said...

my vote goes to number 3

crazy vamp said...

Once again, loved them all...

But CV loves Elvis... :) and Rob! :))
Sooo, perfect!
My vote is for #1

jc(britlover) said...

Love smiling Rob so much, I just have to vote for #3. Congrats to all entries. They're marvelous! Good job, people.

ladychena said...

Number 3!!!!

C.Lima said...

i'll vote for number 3... because it's got ritm and catchs happy rob and a lot of non-verbal comunication he speaks...

jh said...

My vote goes to 3!!!

I didn't breath, just smiled throughout. What a rush.

LM said...

These just keep getting better. It is really hard to choose. But I love smiling, laughing, silly faces Rob so I have to go with #3. It has been fun to see all these vids. Thanks for doing the contest.

Story13 said...

#3. It made me smile all along, because Rob was smiling and laughing…

Sunshine said...

Goes to #1 for much more work at vid and nice outcome.

Anonymous said...

oh, my god i waa at work and when i got back i found out my video was on round 3, after i voted for myself which is video 3 by the way i read through all your sweet wonderful comments and i just kept on jumping on my couch like a little baby,and i'm 31 by the way, i'm screaming out of joy, thank you all so much for making my day, you guys support made it all worth it thank you so much for the support, for the contest and for a chance to share our rob craziness
@LeslieHeartsRob and @ Kemberly
i created the video and i can't stop watching it, and yes i do too smile like an idiot all the way through it

gena said...

i vote for # 3

solas said...

Loisada--I have the song on my computer. I was using onetruemedia. But the song is in the wrong format, they say. I have no idea how to get this song into the right format. if you can help, that would be wonderful and so appreciated! I am at

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow these are amazing!!!

I vote for #1

tgill said...

I vote for #3 lovely smily vid

Sam said...

I vote #3
I love seeing him in action :)

Jennileigh said...

I vote for video #3. Smiling and laughing Rob clips are irrisistable!

Rominiwi said...

Smiling Rob makes me smile :)
so my vote goes for number 3.
Great job all of you girls!

VeilsofLight said...


4 minutes of his beautiful smile. I'm sold and was mesmerized the whole time. Every little gesture, eyebrow raise, wide-eyed glance and knowing look had me glued. Also loved that you used all video - I can tell a lot of work went into this - great job!

Honorable mention to #4 for the cute theme and making the photos match the lyrics.

#1 - Loved that you incorporated actual CHRISTMAS tidbits into the video, as that WAS the whole point of this.

#2 - Your photos were F*%# hot and stroke-inducing.

#5...Certainly the most unconventional video we've seen, kudos for originality! I love your 'little Robbie' photos, especially the machine gun one. :) Liked the little family tree idea, too.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Loving Number 3

A smiling Rob running his hands through his hair, gets me every time!

Bonniejean said...

Video #3 gets my vote. Loved them all but who can resist that adorable smile. All the entries were great. I envy your talents.

SluttyPattz said...

I like video 1. The imagination behind it inspires me to learn more about photo editing.

JandR said...

I love vid 3 - especially with the fun ending!

Hey you have some very talented people on this site!!!

Can anyone tell me which interview if the one of Rob on the yellowy gold coloured couch? Haven't seen that one before... (from vid 3)

Elizabeth said...

3 - I like the vids better than pics, also the laughing :)

spellbound said...

My vote goes to # 1. I thought it was the most unusual, had the most work put into it, and was the most Christmas-y. My second choice was # 4, love that song! # 3 is a great video, I smiled all the way through, just not enough Christmas in it for a xmas vid imo. Everyone did a great job!

Anonymous said...

love them all for #3 i luv me some happy Rob :) and #1 awesome editing.

solas said...


Vintage Fangirl said...

I vote for it!!!!

szania said...

my vote goes to #3

just love love LOVE happy Rob!

pyilRN said...

Loved vid #3

robomama said...

i vote for 2

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am voting for #1

roxiegirl said...

#3 because it put a huge smile on my face to watch all his smiles and it's my fav song.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I do too. I think # 3 had a great idea.
Though # 1 had was good in editing... but not as much of Robert.
OK, I vote # 1.

Good day, girls!

Anonymous said...

I vote for #1, and not just for the obvious reason (GO ELVIS! Ha ha), but because I like how Rob is amongst all of the Christmas stuff. I really liked the silly & smiley Rob in #3, too.

Anonymous said...

i vote 3!
made me smile, and robs just adorable. makes me happy and ready for christmas, robs hot!

Anonymous said...

Wow, really strong entries today! Difficult choice, but my vote is for #3. Just love the adorable Rob clips. ;-)

Georgie said...

I vote for #3.

Even though it doesn't have that much of a Xmas theme, the video grabs of Rob are adorable and go well with the song.

(Hope I'm not too late - can't keep track of the time difference)

Wifey said...

My vote is #3, excellent vid :)

Thanks to everyone who voted or just even watched my video (#4), You are all the best, and you leave the best reviews :)

Good luck to everyone in the contest!!!! And Happy Holidays!

Kalyn said...

they are all amazingly good. and its really hard to pick, but i have to say number 3

Bouncy72 said...

They were all good, but #1 put more of a xmas theme in the actual video, so #1 is my vote

Unknown said...

my vote goes to Video 3

Unknown said...

i vote for #3..

love happy rob.. :)

Unknown said...

My vote goes to number 3... Couldn't resist the smiles!

AP said...

Again, I can't pick. Lame I know. Thx for taking the time and providing fun to those who are doing these.

Unknown said...

Definitely #3! Love smiling and befuddled Rob.

womadsart said...

Love #1 SUPER CREATIVE!!!!!!!
But #3 is so ROB, goofy smiling !!! Very creaitve too!!!

Gozde said...


suasiddau said...

I LOVE #3!!!!

SuzyB said...

No. 3 Who doesn'tlove Smiling Rob

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