Ricky Martin Tweets About Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes"

Ricky Martin Tweets About Robert Pattinson's Little Ashes"

Yes Ricky it is Brilliant! Long Live Robert Pattinson!

Thanks to everyone who sent us tips about this!


nikola6 said...

I believe that like Remember Me, Little Ashes will be judged differently once he's passed through this early stage of his career.

Because unfortunately, anything he does now is being viewed through his out of control celebrity (none of his doing) and that is very distorting.

Hang in there kiddo. All this crap will eventually die down but your talent (and you) will still be standing.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It is a shame that he is not getting the recongnition that he deserves for his movies because of him being involved with twilight. I hope years down the line he will get the praise that he deserves cause I love all the movies he has done so far, and I love the diversity of roles he chooses.

Steph is Legit said...

I saw this movie last year. I thought the acting was phenomenal, but his accent was bad though, but spanish is a hard accent to pull off so I wasnt too hard. The movie was for a certain audience, but it truly was a great movie. I wish rob would get more recognition for his efforts though because he really is a talented actor.

Cheeky Chops said...

*runs and jumps on Ricky*..woohoooooooo he's my baby..GO BOI~!!!

Vangie said...

don't worry he will get that recongnition in the right time rob will be okay all those negative people and things that are being said about him they will so change there tune in time to come,i know lots of you do not beleve in god and therefore do not pray,and because i so do i not suppose to hide it,i have said it once on another thread and the mean things that was written back to me was very hurtful i cried but i do not care anymore rob will be so famous in his acting career the world will be marvel,and this i am saying those negative words people are judging him before he is given a chance and they hate him because of his looks which he has no control over he is a very talent person in lots of different ways,and i know this is going to come but this time i will not cry,also i have now found out i have MS.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I saw this last April & bought DVD last July...he & Javier were both brilliant... It was by far his best performance until Remember Me.... I wish more people/media would recognize the talent that he has..abd I agree, it will be reckoned with someday..

I'm so sorry to hear about your news. Stay strong and read up on MS as much as you can. **hugs**

Anonymous said...

Little Ashes was really a heavy "acting" job, Dali begins as a fresh school kid and ends as a famous artist. I think Robert did a phenomenal job with this heavy role and made it a beautiful, sad film; much like the two lives it portrays... really you have to see it...it deserves its awards.

Steph is Legit said...


A lot of people don't believe in God. I do, I call him a higher power. I don't believe in organized religion though. i really like astronomy and other physical sciences and though people say that science is the bane of religion I sort of think science proves there is a higher power so i dont think you are stupid for believing in god. I also believe in noetic science which is a belief that our thoughts release energy and with enough collective thoughts our combined energy can actually change things or force things to happen (kind of like when people think something bad will happen and then it actually does) so i do think our prayers do hold some weight.

I am sorry people hurt you based on your beliefs. You should be able to think and feel however you want, but also to remember to respect others in the same you you expect to be treated and so far you have not offended me in anyway. I choose not to listen to a group of about 4 women on here who all happen to be friends, but that is just me. You learn to respect those who may have differing opinions and learn to ignore those who cant even respectfully conduct a convo.

As for the naysayers for Rob, he is already getting the last laugh. If people truly thought he was terrible he would not have been offered 2 major roles (Bel Ami and WFE.. or even unbound captives) with major oscar nominated actors and actresses.. even Chris Cooper from RM is an oscar winner. He is playing his cards right and he will probably always be know as being a sparkly vampire, but he kids got talent to boot and a lot of people i hollywood believe in him.

Caz said...

Rob reminds me very much of Leonardo DiCaprio 10 years ago. All of a sudden Leo shot to stardum with Romeo and Juliet then Titanic and it was pandamonium, just like it is now with Rob.

Rob just needs to keep his head down and things will eventually calm down for him. Maybe not for a few years though until Breaking Dawn has been and gone

Vangie said...


nikola6 said...


I am so sorry dear to hear about your news. Like RPG said, read up on as much of it as you can. Don't just take the doctors words for everything. In this day and age we've got to be pro-active in dealing with our health. I know it's a tough one and while this disease might be able to attack your body, as long as you've got your mind and your sweet spirit, it can't get YOU!

As for expressing your philosophical beliefs (whatever they might be), you go on ahead. I know that some are made uncomfortable by such because this is a Rob forum. But you know, what we've really formed here is a community and sometimes in that community, it's okay to talk about other things. I have; who I am and what I think and feel about things other than Rob. And it's okay. It's how we get to know each other.

And I know that at times, I can lace my comments with sarcasm. It's just me trying to be funny. I don't ever mean to make anyone feel bad (unless they've done something really nasty and then the gloves can come off).

You're fine darlin'. Keep talking. And keep your chin up.

Fae007 said...

Now he's talking!

Steph is Legit said...

i do love how rocky martin seems to be embracing his "gayness".. good for him.

Cheeky Chops said...

This too shall pass.

nikola6 said...

As for Rob in this film...

For a 21 year young man with no formal acting training, this was a brilliant performance. And a brave one. Rob is what you call an instinctual actor. Somehow he has the ability to dig down and find the soul of a character. And that's just god given talent. I think it's because he is such a highly artistic creature, which is different than being merely talented. The talented INTERPRET the art. The artisitc CREATE the art. Blessedly, Rob is both; artistic and talented and that is rare.
But this is how he beat out thousands for the role of Edward Cullen. His approach was different from those thousands who came in before him (and yes, his chemistry with Kristen didn't hurt either). Even before he broke down that script and that character, his instincts were sending him the right direction.

And yes, Hollywood KNOWS what they've got in Robert Pattinson. They know he's the NEXT GUY, meaning, he's the next great male film star...if he wants it. And Hollywood wants it because the film industry needs new blood.

Clooney, Depp, Pitt, Crowe, Cruise. They're all pushing 50. And even DiCaprio, Damon, Law, MacGregor, Affleck are looking 40 down the barrel. So Hollywood is looking at the youngest generation of actors to see who is going to be next. They think that Rob is one of them and quite possibly, that he's going to be the biggest one.

Well. With that sinular, etheral beauty, his talent, his across the board appeal and his box office (by the time Twilight concludes, he could be sitting atop a 3 billion plus franchise), why would they not think that?

They do. Trust me.

papagáj said...


I believe in You.


nikola6 said...

Oh. And all of this silly nonsense on the internet and in the celebrity pop culture? Hollywood knows it's just shit. Here today and gone tomorrow shit. If Robert Pattinson proves himself to be the actor they think he is, then all of this...yes, shit that's been flung at him here in the dawn of his career, will be long forgotten.

Talent will ALWAYS win out. Exhibit A and B...Mickey Rourke and Robert Downey Jr. They rose, the crashed and burned, they became pop cultural jokes and yet, here they are today, two of the most respected actors in the world at the top of their game.

TALENT! It's the only thing that lasts. And so it shall be with Rob. Even once that extrodinary beauty has aged and withered (although I'm guessing -with that bone structure and those features- he'll still be a handsome man in his 80's. Charlie Chaplin was. And yeah, he was a very handsome man in his youth but he buried it under 'The Little Tramp'), Rob's talent will still have him on his feet.

Count on it.

Anonymous said...

ummm get in line Ricky!

Vangie said...

thank you thank you sister and yes i read about it allot,i used to work in a hospital so what ever,robert ,robert,i like how spunk ransom never give up rob;s location emile deravin said she did not take the part in remember me because of rob,and i was going to write and say s--t s--t but someone beat me to it imagine see mention she really did not know about rob that much HA!i do not believe that one bit

Loisada said...

Rob was achingly beautiful in the first part of Little Ashes, in both body and soul. I'm sure Dali's torments rang strong with Martin. Bless him for making the opposite choice and traveling the harder road and being courageous enough to stand up to the world and be himself. Yes Ricky, it's a must!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

I just finally saw Little Ashes. As usual, I thought Rob was awesome. It was such a sad story. Glad Ricky is spreading the news about this movie and about our boy.

@evangeline - So sorry about your news. Stay strong. Sending you positive vibes and well wishes.

@Nik - Yes, Hollywood knows what they have in Rob. His is not a flash in the pan. He is here to stay. He's Rob Fucking Pattinson.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@evangeline ((hugs))stay strong and research ms as much as you can.i am sending good,positive energy to you.

Rob was incredible inthis movie. the first time i saw it he was Dahli.

jc(britlover) said...

Appreciate your insight.

God Bless.

MMc said...

Rob really went through an entire list of personalities to do Little Ashes, he went from schoolboy to madman and everything in between...........talk about a stretch.

I was reading an article on another site about what the longevity of Rob and Kristen will be in 5 years........they said 80% will remember Kristen and 40% will remember Rob cause most teens are fickle and will move on to the next heart throb.

Makes me so mad to read crap like that - look at the "teen hearthrobs" who HAVE made it like Leo and Johnny Depp.
True there are many who don't have much of a future after their teen stardom i.e. David Cassidy, etc.

But look at what Leo and Johnny did - a lot of different kinds of movies - hell Johnny totally transformed himself in Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, Alice, Pirates, Sleepy Hollow. And Leo in Beach, Catch me if you can, Streets of NY, as Howard Hughes, Blood Diamond.

Both have done some really great movies that were all very different and didn't pigeon-hole them into the same type of character.

I think Bel Ami, Unbound Captives and WFE will really do that for Rob too and then people will look at his earlier things with different eyes.

My thought is that Rob was desperate when he did Little Ashes - he had nothing to lose - he thought he wasn't going to ever get a career going and he just let it all hang out and never really thought anyone would see it so he had no fear.

I hope he can "let go" like that in other films, but now he has a lot more to lose so he may be more guarded.

Go for it Rob - give it all you've got.

@Evangeline - hang in there dear, I'm sorry to hear of your problems, we all have our crosses to bear in life and you're not alone - seek out groups with similar issues that can help.

nikola6 said...


The difference is that the David Cassidys and the Donny Osmonds could never reach their potential (and both are very talented guys) because they were teen idol pop stars. Whereas Johnny and Leo were, yes, teen idols too, but their stardom came from the movies AND because they were/are both very talented actors. So is Rob, whose stardom is also coming from...the movies. Another thing...

This MISPERCEPTION that Rob is strictly a teen idol. Why oh why is this myth so damn hard to put down? One more time...you don't sell upwards of 100 million books and see two films gross over a billion dollars when you're playing STRICTLY to a teenage crowd. With that demographic, you get a success like High School Musical, not a worldwide phenomenon like Twilight. There aren't enough teenage girls in the world, to put up those kinds of numbers. I guess this persists because the celeb pundits and the yackfuckinyack of the internet, doesn't have the brain capacity to analyze something. They just read the same shit over and over and keep spreading it around.

Unfortunately, it's gonna take some time for Rob to lose the teen idol tag. And he will. We just gotta be patient with all of this...SHIT!!!

Loisada said...

Evangeline.... wishing you strength for this new challenge. My cousin was diagnosed 10 years ago with MS at age 43 and is keeping it well under control. There have been great breakthroughs in treatment. A wonderful inspiration in how to deal with it is actress Teri Garr. As she says: attitude is everything, you need to become a master of the silver lining. Keep smiling.

LovenRob said...

I felt that Little Ashes showcased Rob's versatility. He is one talented man. He can play any character he sets his mind to. He is one of those genuine actors who really puts his heart and soul into every character he plays.

LovenRob said...

Wnated to introduce myself as I am new to the your board. I have been a fan of Rob's for quite awhile now and I am glad there your site is here. To be able to hang out with fellow Rob fans is so great.

Loisada said...

Nik.... I get the feeling that teens are already leaving him behind. His face is no longer plastered all over pantrags like Teen Beat. The kids have moved on (to little Justin B!) and I'm sure Rob is already breathing a big sigh of relief.

The general public has an amazingly short memory, which makes me hope that after adult audience-oriented movies like Bel Ami and WFE come out people will soon forget that some ever called him a "teen idol." After all, most people don't even remember these days that Johnny Depp was a TV star, and even if they do can't remember the name of that character or show!

lostchances said...

He deserves everyone's applause and recognition. So thanks Ricky though I think he didn't mention Rob (so he could be safe from being branded a twilighter). This movie was beautiful and everyone gave their all in the acting department and i mean all (especially Rob). It was very brave of them. I watched it last night and will be watching it again.

You keep on making movies that matter to you Rob! Forget the effing politics in the movie industry.

Loisada said...

Welcome LovenRob, hope you enjoy your time here.

papagáj said...

HI hon:)
*waving to @LovenRob*

LovenRob said...

I am going back and forth from the SNL post to this one. There is so many fun comments to read on both.

lostchances said...

@ evangeline: thank you for loving Rob despite what other people say. You are strong and you will make it. hang in there and think always that Rob needs fans like you and he will make everyone proud I, too, cry and hurt when the media, other actors and critics make fun of him. It makes me wish I was there to fight them off literally. But I always think that Rob has a good head on his shoulders not to let this get to him.

I take comfort that everyday, i get to see him happy and healthy and still working despite everything. I wish that for you, too.

papagáj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LovenRob said...

Rob is just a beautiful man inside and out. I, too, think they unfairly judge him, especially the critics. He is just starting out. Every actor has to start somewhere. I don't remember there ever being an actor in HW who has been more picked on than Rob. I feel so bad for him to have to put up with that crap.

Petra Eller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Petra Eller said...

I am so sad. I have read so much crap today about Rob and Kristen, and they have no future. If the Twilight Hipe is over, then you will not hear much from them(Blah, blah). Many fans love the Twilight books, but not the movies(Blah,blah), etc all that crap. My daughter has bought yesterday, the New Moon DVD. I think I'll have a look at it now. Then it will get better. Good night all together.

I'll send you a lot of positive thoughts with a powerful energy.
God bless you

Barbara said...

@ evangeline - with regard to your MS, do what Rob does: accentuate the positive and stay informed. He doesn't spend time and expend any wasted energy on the negative. He rises above it and we all love him for it.

I do believe in God and the power of prayer. Never stop hoping or believing. Think the good thoughts, know what you believe, and don't give in to what will ultimately just bring you down. Life is meant to be lived and cherished. Hang on to the good memories and make the best of each day. The world will be a better place because of people who do not leave hatred in their wake. We all exist to make a difference. Let your difference bless those around you. Rob is making a difference being himself. He does not denegrate those around him and everyone comments on how genuine he is when they meet him. They talk about his humor and polite demeanor. Look at how he treats his fans. I've neither read about nor seen a video when he's been obnoxious. He doesn't spew vile things aloud for the world to see. He leaves everything a little better than he found it.

Never give up or give in to the dark side. You'll make it through this fight with MS. You have this site to encourage you. May you be blessed in your fight. And, Rob will make it to the finish line and be remembered as a brilliant actor who made a difference and touched lives because of it.

solas said...

Evangeline-- I wish you strength in this new challenge, and the hope to master it and not let it master you.
As for anyone who has made fun of you for belief in G-d---let G-d deal with them. :-)
If you ever want to 'talk' about it, or anything, please email me: solas18@aol.com

LM said...

Little Ashes has a lot going for it and not just Rob and Javier (another lovely looking man). It is a very visually appealing film as well. Every time I watch it I am amazed at how well Rob does in this film. After all he was only 21 years old. I think the director mentioned that they got a lot more out of his performance than they expected given his age and experience. Years from now when Rob is truly recognized as an exceptional actor people will search for his earlier films and this one will get second life.

evangeline--I join with the others here wishing you well.

MsTaurus14 said...

First..@Evangeline, my thoughts and prayers are with you, and there's nothing wrong in believing in a higher power, call him/her whatever, it's whatever works for you, never mind the rest.

I'm a firm believer that Rob has got staying power, there is just something about him, IDK, call it the "IT" factor, he's got "IT". I never believed he was just the "flavor" of the month. Obviously the boy has damn good looks, that I believe as he gets older, will only improve, he'll age well, I'll put it that way, but more importantly he's very talented, I love the Edward role he plays but, I don't think, because of the character he plays, that he can put the emotion out there, because it's who Edward is, in RM it was there, and it was good very good. I haven't had the opportunity to see Little Ashes yet, I hope to, but from what I've read, he did a good job here as well, and he was so young at the time, not that he isn't now, but that's the thing too, he is still quite young, and look at all the opportunities that have come his way already, Hollywood knows what they're doing, and if he was just another pretty face, they would be bothering. He could be another Paul Newman....who knows.

MsTaurus14 said...

correction....wouldn't be bothering.

lallieb said...

@Evangeline, whose name I love, and you know that. My heart is with you. You got a diagnoses of multiple sclerosis, MS, correct? I work for a company whose main product is an MS drug so I know a bit about it. There are many drugs out there which can help you lead a long, healthy life. You are a fighter! I know this from your comments, despite English not your first language, you keep coming back and expressing your thoughts, loving thoughts about Rob. We will always be here for you sweetheart.

lallieb said...

@StephisLegit, seems like you feel like an outsider and I consider you an insider, popular commenter, whose comments I enjoy reading. Although, have to say you seemed to have jumped on both sides of the fence when it came to R&K. Yuh, I know you don't know care for her, but you made some ambigious comments actually addressing some of the more trolling types, which confused me. That aside, I welcome your POV.

prc said...

I don't post often as I prefer to read. However I wanted to say I saw Little Ashes and thought Rob was phenomenal. Javier's passionate Lorca vs Rob's conflicted Dali was a beautiful contrast. I felt his pain at the end when he realized he was too late. The only weakness of the film to me was lack of background info on the three principal characters. I also felt the Spanish accents of both Brit actors were inconsistent. They could have solved that by hiring a dialect coach, but probably had no money. I think Rob can have a long career if he plays his cards right.
To Evangeline: Stay strong and God bless.

jmm4832 said...

There's no doubt in my mind that Rob will be recognized for his fine talent despite the naysayers today. Hollywood obviously loves him or they wouldn't keep offering him movies. He's only 23 and already doesn't have to audition for roles anymore. He's sitting on a gold mine. Hey, maybe he'll end up buying an island like Johnny Depp!

Evangeline, I'm so sorry to hear your news. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

HeneciaD said...

@evangelina I am with you girl prays for you be strong

Xylem said...

Wow... Ricky is ALL THE WAY out. Good for him and welcome to the Pattinson lusting balcony.

Unknown said...

I became a fan of Rob because of his interviews, I started to believe hes a great actor after a saw little ashes...

I think Little Ashes has its problems, and that Rob was still a "rough" actor in a sense that he was new and had a lot to learn... And considering that, there are scenes that are BRILLIANT. There's one scene specially that sold Rob as a TRUE and TALENTED actor. I don't want to give much details but this really strong scene, in the second half of the movie, were Dali is watching ... something... under a little table. WOW! the emotion, the misty eyes, he was perfect. It was moving, and heart breaking, and only true actyor con pull that of, I am certain!

And the criticism will die, And most of the crazy teens will forge, yes, about him, but he reach a new level in his carrer, he WILL be acept by some of the naysayers and the people that don't even now who he is, and that's not sweeter victory like this one.

And I will ALWAYS follow him.

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