Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fan story. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fan story. Sort by date Show all posts

Robert Pattinson reunites with old friend during Water for Elephants Sydney premiere

Robert Pattinson reunites with old friend, Charlie Bowman, during Water for Elephants Sydney premiere


From The Daily Telegraph

A year after helping Hollywood heart-throb Robert Pattinson reconnect with an Aussie-based school mate, Charlie Bowman, we can now report the Water For Elephants star has finally caught up with his old friend in Sydney - and we take full credit.

"If Charlie is reading this, tell him to call me," Pattinson asked us in an interview last year, referring to Melbourne-based Bowman, with whom he lost contact after shutting down his Facebook page.

"Tell him to call my mum, because he's probably still got that number."

With our help, the pair got in touch again, and on Friday night they dined at Bondi's Icebergs.

"Was that you I spoke to?" Pattinson asked us when we spoke to the British actor on the red carpet on Friday night.

"Thanks for that. I plan to meet up with him later tonight."

Sweet story, right? I have an encounter story with Rob that I never really talked about. I forgot I didn't share it until I talked to Kate about this story earlier today. She had no idea what I was saying and it dawned on me that I made my video private and kept it in the closet. Well...I'll share the story now along with the video that makes me 1st hand embarrassed.

Tink's umpteenth Rob encounter after the cut (don't hate me and tell me I can't have anymore encounters because I'd die)

ROBsessed Giveaway: Travel down DARNAY ROAD and FINDING MY THUNDER for Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Travel down DARNAY ROAD and FINDING MY THUNDER for Fiction Friday!

We're big fans of Diane Munier's work and have a double hitter for you this Fiction Friday!

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As you may know, we did a giveaway for Diane's first novel HERE and we even go to chat with her about her stories and moving her counselor fan fiction work into the published realm. Click HERE if you missed our interview!

Since that giveaway, two other stories have been launched and I loved them both when I first read them. We're doing a 2 week giveaway for a package of both books for 2 winners. Deuces all around! Both stories also take place in the sixties and if you know anything about Diane, you know she can write amazing period pieces. The woman transports you. I feel like I step into a time machine when the story takes place in another era.

Here are they synopses for Darnay Road and Finding My Thunder but I'll say a little bit extra right after:
 photo 91syb-4-eDL._SL1500_.jpgDarnay RoadIt starts out in 1963, spanning ten years in the life of Georgia Christine. At ten years old, she and her best friend Abigail May are mystery solvers. They get to the bottom of things like–what is inside the altar at their Catholic church? Rumor says the bones of the saints. Climbing that holy gate and entering the forbidden area so they can take a look means the threat of eternal flames is not greater than their curiosity. It’s not different when they meet Easy and Cap, the brothers from the other side of the tracks. Those two may live on Scutter, the most down-and-out street in town, but they are always in the road riding their beat-up bicycles. And when someone dies on the tracks behind Abigail’s house, the mystery surrounding them deepens. But so do their friendships. When Abigail moves away and Cap is no longer around, it’s as natural as breathing for Georgia and Easy to step in the gap toward one another. But Easy is in trouble and even a dedicated-mystery-solver-turned-teenage-problem-solver is limited in what she can do. When Easy has to leave will their friendship just be a sweet memory or can Darnay Road stretch long enough to keep them connected even if that gap becomes an ocean?
 photo finding-my-thunder-cover.jpgFinding My ThunderThe story takes place in the late sixties. Hilly Grunier has been in love with Danny Boyd since she was a kid telling scary stories on summer nights at the fire hydrant while Danny pulled close on his bike. But when Danny is thirteen, their friendship ends when he and his brother Sukey have a vicious fight over Hilly. Years pass, and Hilly carries a secret and growing love as she watches Danny rise athletically to the top of their school’s food chain. He even dates the prom queen and rumor says they are engaged. Now Danny has graduated and shows up in her dad’s shop looking for some temporary employment until the army picks him off for Vietnam. He’s thrown aside his college scholarship and the golden girl. He seems to be searching for something new before he leaves town. He seems to be searching for her. Hilly can’t let him go overseas without showing him how she feels. But once he’s gone, her own battle intensifies. It’s a long road to finding her thunder.
I didn't know how I was going to feel about reading a story with kids as my guide when I first read Darnay Road. This was pre-Tonio mind you. But I read anything Diane does. Of course I didn't regret it. The story is vivid and intense. I was always trying to figure out what was up with Easy just like Georgia. I fell for their coming-of-age story and the road they took to get there. I'm also pleased that the published work included an epilogue! I never want to leave Diane's character so any extra will always make me jump for joy.

Finding My Thunder was one of the first stories from Diane that took my by surprise. It was the last I read when I first discovered her and went on a binge of whatever was complete at the time. I didn't think I wanted to go to the 60s when I was so thoroughly in love with her post-Civil War work (My Wounded Soldier! Bringing Bella Home!). I ended up loving this story so much. It's darker in ways then her other work. There's pain that unfolds and your heart cries out for these characters. But you get the title right? You have to go through what Hilly goes through and it's worth it. She's worth it. It's a powerful love story in more ways than you can guess.

There are other exciting developments for Diane: By now you probably know that Deep In The Heart Of Me completed and is being readied for publishing. We also know we'll be getting a sequel of that story! My Wounded Soldier will also be two books. Two wonderful books that I can't wait for. You can keep up with the latest from Diane (who is also writing mysterious and intriguing dribbles titled Sam) on her blog HERE!

Now let's ready to go back into time! Start in the early sixties with the kids on Darnay Rd then close out the decade with Hilly and Danny while she finds her thunder.

Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is US/Canada only! Worldwide giveaway coming next time!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, May 8th
  • There will be 2 winners receiving eBooks DARNAY ROAD and FINDING MY THUNDER by Diane Munier!
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Who are our winners for Manwhore??
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congrats Cyndee and Elizabeth! We'll email you to get your information!

If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

Robert Pattinson's artwork reaches $3000 + story and fan pictures with the famous home plate

Robert Pattinson's artwork reaches $3000 + story and fan pictures with the famous home plate

By now, you guys know all about Rob's Unfinished City (HERE) and have seen more pics (HERE).

Something else that's awesome is the current bid: $3000! Click HERE if you got a credit card and know how to use it before Aug. 31st. ;)

The popularity of Rob's artwork is not too surprising for us but it's taken the Home Plate Project team by surprise and made them see Rob and his fans in a new light. It's exciting to see something Rob contributed his rarely shared artistic talent to making such a mark. Another fun thing has been the email conversations. I wanted to share a specific one. 

Cory, from the HPP crew, emailed us a story that came in an hour after a reader, Denise, sent in the pictures of her night at a particularly special ballgame in Arizona. From Cory:
Quick story to share.  We had a family attend tonight's D-backs game and said they purchased tickets just so their daughter could see Rob's plate.  We decided not to initially display it since the bid is so high--more of a security issue than anything else.  So, we retrieved the plate and they came back in the 3rd inning.  The Mom asked if the daughter could hold it and take a photo.  We respectfully declined to have her hold it just in case it was dropped (or someone runs off with it), so one of our team members held it while the daughter got up as close as she could with pride. 
The power of Rob led a family to buy tickets to our game so their daughter could lay eyes on one of his creations.  Not too shabby. 
Enjoy your weekend...
The power of Rob :)

Hope the DR enjoys the weekend as well. Hope you're proud to be a Rob fan like Denise. And I hope you're excited for that awesome guy to own it on Monday and through the week as he promotes the US release for a film he's especially proud of.



Thank you, Denise, for sending us your pictures :)

So much pride in this post....I think we need the ProudMamaSteph gif to close it out...


Robert Pattinson is so good to his fans

Here's another story from the ROBsessed archives that shows just how good Robert Pattinson is to the fans that come out to support his films.  This fan's story os from the 'Water for Elephants' premiere in New York.

Read the story below this cute picture that explains why Rob looks so surprised ...

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"In the middle of the night, all of us who were literally suffering outdoors got a pizza delivery. They told us that it was from Rob, Reese and Christoph.

When it was finally time to meet Rob, I was in the first row with camera and phone in hand (Also a poster I wanted Rob to sign). Everyone around me was telling him "you're so nice," "you're so handsome," and I was paralized as I saw just how beautiful he is. When I finally had him in front of me, all I could think of saying was: "Rob, thanks for the pizza that you sent fans last night” and his reaction is the picture at the top.

There's no doubt that he didn't know what I was talking about, but I love him for being so nice and genuine. His expression will stay with me forever. He then signed my poster with that precious smile of his. 
I can tell you Rob is a very patient man. He never complained as he signed tons of posters and took pictures with fans."

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Everyone always says Rob tries to sign autographs and take pictures with as many people as he can in the fan lines.  Have you ever seen how generous Rob is with us fans at premieres?


RobHoliday Season Caption Contest! Caption Robert Pattinson in Madrid to win a prize!

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest! Caption Robert Pattinson in Madrid to win a prize!

T'was the night before RobHoliday Season,
And all through the dark recesses...
Not a female was sleeping,
Because ROBsessing shatters them to pieces.

HO HO HO! Merry ROBmas! 

We officially kickoff the festivities tomorrow, Dec. 1st, but we're so pumped up, we wanted to start the season of giving now! Rob The Giver inspires us. :)

While we have many things planned throughout the month (ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge, ROBsessed Advent Calendar Surprise, 12 Days of ROBmas, Cosmopolis Countdown GiveawayROBsessed Awards, 365 Days of ROB), our first treat is we're hosting a caption contest, each week, all season long! More about the rules and prizes below but first....



Caption Contest Guidelines: 
  • To enter, write a caption for the picture in the comment section. 
  • Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking the little "vote up" arrow beneath your comment. 
  • Do not click the "vote up" arrow twice because it deletes your vote when you do. You'll see the voted number light up blue when your vote is counted.
  • The caption with the most votes wins. 
  • Try to keep your caption to 1-3 sentences. ;) 
  • The contest is open worldwide & you have until 9pm (PST) Sunday, Dec. 2nd, to enter.
  • Next contest will be Friday, Dec. 7th.
Now for the prize!
  • Winner: You'll win the eBook version of the newly released (Nov. 25, 2012) Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
  • Runner up: You'll win the eBook versions of the 2010 series, The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed, by Alice Clayton
I've been an avid Twilight fanfic reader for over three and half years. I also know many of you venture into that world so you might be familiar with a guy who had a tendency to bang some walls. ;) Well that Wallbanger is now a published Wallbanger.

I have vivid memories of being curled up in my leopard Snuggie on the streets of Westwood, camping for New Moon premiere, and reading. One of the fanfics I was reading was this story. It was fun (and funny), sexy (with sex), and I loved figuring out which version of Rob matched Wallbanger in my mind. I do that with all fics, don't you? Since VFRob was a big deal back in Nov. 2009, he influenced my Robmatch when I read this line: I could picture him: soft faded jeans, hiking boots a la Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles, off-white Irish cable knit turtleneck sweater, hair all in disarray.

Oh yeah. I'd like to go to there.

The publisher for Wallbanger has graciously given us 5 copies of the eBook to giveaway to our readers! For the next 5 weeks, we'll be gifting out Wallbanger and Alice Clayton's first series for the runner-up. The publisher has another gift for us after the season but we'll tell you about that giveaway later. ;)

Here's what Alice had to say about fan fiction, Wallbanger and Rob:

Fan fiction gave me a voice. It gave me a community. It gave me the courage to trust my sense of silly and throw it all at the wall and see what would stick. Writing fan fiction was the single most broadening experience of my adult life. Other than Shirtless Rob Day. Which is still the best day ever. (Tink: AMEN.)

Wallbanger was such a fun story for me to write, and while I wasn't sure if I would ever publish it, it just kept calling to me. Or thumping to me, yeah thumping. That's how Wallbanger rolls. I had to put it back out there, I had to trust that this story, regardless of where it came from, was strong enough to stand on its own. And the response has been overwhelming. I'm so proud of this book, and the community it came from. When each chapter of Wallbanger went up, I got emails from readers around the world, telling me what they liked and what they loved. What made them laugh and what made them mad. And as new readers discover the story of Pink Nightie Girl and her Wallbanger, they tell me the same things. It's amazing.

If you'd like to purchase the books now, check out the links below for the Kindle version and paperback:


Gorgeous Robert Pattinson Fan Pic & Video From The Brussels Fan Event

You may know Lynne as a regular around here. Well she was lucky enough to meet Rob (for the third time) and get a pic with him in Brussels.
She was also lucky enough to win tickets to get into the theatre in Paris to see him.

She has been good enough to share her gorgeous pic and video from the fan event in Brussels with us.
Thanks Lynne!



Lynne's Paris Story after the cut

Another great fan encounter with Robert Pattinson

We've been posting fan encounters with Robert Pattinson that show just how good he is to us fans.  This story is the story of another fan encounter. Some lucky fans shared this story from the set of 'Childhood of a Leader' and we get to hear how people who work with Rob think he is kind and impossibly patient!

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An extraordinary chance appeared for me and a friend of mine: we grabbed the opportunity to be on

set in the Court of Lions (Buda Castle), freezing in the cold on 2nd February, from 10 am to 4 pm.

Promising that we would not sneak in the picture, take photos or faint at the sight of anyone, we

were allowed inside the cordon.

The situation was not easy: the place was cold and droughty, so we almost froze to death, even
though sometimes we were let inside the cabinets used by the staff to get warm.

So we just stood there, waiting for the big, black car, which eventually arrived, with no one but the
driver. He put a small bottle of mineral water in the cup holder at the back seat, and nothing else
happened. Then the door of a large caravan opened somewhere behind us, and Rob stepped out with
his assistant, so that they could shoot a scene already rehearsed without him.

Originally this was the moment, where we should have fainted.

At this point of the plot, Rob’s character is completely bold and wears a thick moustache and beard.
I think these were dyed even darker than his own hair.

This was the first time I met him ”personally”, and I just melted at the sight. I, being 1.78 m tall,
never thought him so much taller with his 1.85 m, yet, I must admit that I felt him towering over
me. *sigh

And he is thin as a blade, which was clearly visible, although he was wearing a massive military

And he has a voice, which is… just music to my ears. Unfortunately we could not hear him during
the shooting, I guess he must act a bit, as his own voice does not quite fit his hardy character. We
shall see.

There were about 200 extras freezing with us as well.

I could not recall, where would the scene we saw fit into the original piece by Sartre, so I think an
entirely different story will be built for us.

Besides that it was an unforgettable experience seeing Rob just a few steps away from me, it
was even better to hear the opinion of the crew around on him. We asked one of them, to tell us
honestly, what kind of a person he is – not the performance delivered by him, but simply Rob as
this one guy, in private and as an actor at work.

According to the reply he is a kind lad, polite, kind, impossibly patient, doing everything he is
asked without the slightest complaint. He would not drive anyone mad with his allures. He is just
sitting silently, does his job when told so, and goes off reading when there is time for rest.
We just overheard an opinion, when a guy from the technical department walked over and asked the
others, who had not yet seen Rob: „Hey, have you seen Pattinson?” „Not yet.” „Man, what they did
to him… but as disgusting his character is, this appearance should just fit.”

At another chance to get warmer, we just walked into the shelter provided for the VIP, where Brady
Corbet was watching the scene being shot outside. (Actually he is indeed a small guy, very adorable
and a bit nervous. Maybe he was upset by the commotion in the neighborhood caused by the visit of
the German chancellor.) We were standing almost just behind him, watching the screens as Rob sits
in the car, Rob gets out of the car, Rob gets into the car, and finally Corbet said ”Cut!”… and then
Rob walked in to have a look of the shot. He watched it without a single frown, and just held up his

We were almost at the melting point.

He left and they shot another scene.

By the way, I guess that the shooting of a film is such an unbelievable event: not really interesting,
but mostly tiring and slightly boring, unless there is someone to keep your attention. :)
We did not wait until the end of the day for Rob to leave the location. We saw the essence of it, we
were given more, than we hoped for, so I could not tell if Rob dressed up normally after he left or
not. I could also not tell how he looks like in plain clothes.

Still, the lines we heard and the answers we were given brought us some sort of a silent
complacence: Rob looks just the way as I imagined him. He has wonderful eyes *sigh, his voice
could be a cure for any illness, and he did not show any sight of being self-conceited as a movie

We behaved like good kids, we did not push too far and did not even try to take backstage photos.
We did not disturb him as he concentrated on his role by popping up and asking for autographs. So
we are left only with this little story, told by heart.

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Thanks ArtAfter5 for the translation
 Source Source 

ROBsessed Giveaway: Our interview with Me and Mom Fall for Spencer author, Diane Munier, for Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Our interview with Me and Mom Fall for Spencer author, Diane Munier, for Fiction Friday!

Our giveaway for Me and Mom Fall for Spencer is still going on for another week. We'll announce 4 worldwide winners next week and more details are below.

We got a chance to speak to the author, Diane Munier, and she answered some questions about her first published story, fan fiction, Edward and of course, Rob!

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ROBsessed Interview with Diane Munier (counselor)

ROBsessed: How long have you been writing? Did it start as a hobby or did you study the form?

Diane Munier: It started very young in one form or the other. The movies were such an escape for us from a turbulent home life. I remember being very bad in the theater. I don’t think Mom was paying attention, but finding those heroes on screen and then in reading-- I can almost see that process in my life. I needed heroes to believe in for a fundamental sense of safety. I did this comedic writing in high school (which explains why I still can’t speak French after two years.) And I wrote my first novel in those years and really enjoyed the process of creating a tale, moving the characters around.

Study came later. Lots of it. Writing seminars for years. I watched several people explain methods of putting a story together. Some had elaborate storyboards. Those were the years I thought a more organized method held the secret to good writing. But…nah.

I found many things helpful but nothing substitutes for keeping writing. Actually learning to write is where many writers were camped out so they didn’t have to face writing. So….

The characters in my stories drive the plot. I may know where they are going vaguely, but I’m willing to change all of that if they show me something new. And they do that all of the time. I just start writing. At some point I’ll go back and review the chapters and start an outline. But that’s only for reference. The most helpful thing is that act of writing the outline. I remember this way.

I’ve had some positive validating experiences along the way and worked really hard to claw down to an authentic voice. That was like a digging process—writing honestly. For a lot of years I was so angry at my writing. I’d think—what a bunch of (bleep). But that’s just part of the journey. For me it was. I suspect a lot of writers quit there. Which is a shame.

ROBsessed: The first story I read by you was Turkey Baster. Where did you get the idea for this story and why was it one of your early adventures for Bella and Edward?

Diane Munier: I was lying in bed thinking about someone I knew and loved and they so badly wanted a baby and I was thinking of surrogacy, did I love this person enough to imagine having a child for her, and what could motivate such love and was it even possible, and how was it possible, and that led to a woman who might do such an outrageous act and then who was the man that signed up for this? And I started to laugh because the title hit me (it was probably close to Thanksgiving) and I had read of someone using a turkey baster for artificial insemination (don’t try this at home). But what if you used a person that way—as the baster? So it went like that.

ROBsessed: What was inspiring about Twilight that it was the fanfic road you traveled over other stories/characters? 

Diane Munier: For me, Edward was an old-fashioned hero. And I love them. I really was most intrigued at how much Edward had in place. Of course his hundred and five years of life had given him time to be prepared. But I loved how he had this thought-out world. In their family everyone knew their role and performed it perfectly. They worked for each other. And he pulled Bella into that. His family is very old-fashioned and traditional (potential for blood-sucking aside). But think about it. Edward gave us family.

I think that is missing today and that protective Cullen-family-dynamic stirred a deep ache in the readers.

Edward was not only a lover, he was a devoted son and father. He hit all the bases.

Yes he was handsome and romantic and doting, but he protected and sacrificed and provided. The second half of that sentence is what is lacking today in relationships for many women. The cultural message has been to protect, sacrifice and provide for yourself. Bella was doing that. Then along came Edward and we all went wild. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Bella is the lone wolf. She’s had to parent her mother, and then her father. She comes from a fragile place of not being very protected and not developing much of a sense of self-protection. Bella’s family dynamic was very today and now. Edward and his world transcended Bella’s fragmented family structure.

And we loved it.

[Editorial note: *swooooooooning at her answer*]

ROBsessed: One of the many things I love about your work, is that you've kept canon relationships with the core Twilight characters but can still bring in characters we love as if we've known them all along - your kids especially (Johnny, Charlie, Junie). And your last two works, you practically don't use the names we know, DITHOM especially. Hello Tonio and Sobe! Those are names that I imagine you get to use in a published version. Has this been a conscious decision? Moving away from the obvious Twilight identifiers? I feel like DITHOM isn't fanfic and publishable material already...except that last name ;)

Diane Munier: I’m never writing with Twilight foremost in mind. I am writing to the ancient themes that are also done very well in Twilight, the biggest one being the devotion of the central characters.

When mama and papa are committed a whole world can be built on top of that (Carlisle and Esme, Bella and Edward). When that kind of covenant is there, it’s like the table under the dishes. There has to be a commitment and B and E have that—it’s unto death! If the commitment isn’t there the dishes fall to the floor (Bella’s family.)

Once that central commitment is there, a family can be built on it, and that includes friends.

SM built a solid traditional family. Women went wild.

I respect those themes and the generous opportunity to write in the Twilight arena with, in my opinion, the best readership ever, and SM’s generosity and technology have allowed this merge of writers and readers. Out of that merge has become a continued evolution of tremendous creativity—some extraordinary creativity. Not only have writers been validated there, but readers have evolved. They have been able to turn into super-readers. By that I mean, what readers (like myself) have only wished they could do (have access to those writing books they love, have a way to show support, watch a story be developed allowing a level of reader involvement and investment on a grand scale here-to-fore unparalleled and unknown) the technology today has brought things to a whole new level.

On the names like Isbe, Sobe, etc., that’s probably for me. It helps me keep them distinct. I’ve been turning out a lot of work and want to honor the workroom of Twilight while maintaining something unique and individual to my characters if possible.

ROBsessed: Why was Me and Mom Fall for Spencer your choice for a debut? Tell me what you loved about developing Sarah, Spencer and Marie.

Diane Munier: I choose this story to debut because it’s middle of the road for me, test the waters. It was well liked but not my most loved. That’s about how deep that decision was. And four of my stories were tied up with my agent. And I’d only pulled MaMfiLwE and HH. So since HH was in New York, that left MaM,etc. That’s about it.

What I loved about developing these characters was their weirdness. Sarah is childlike. She’s made a very good life and she’s tried to be compassionate in her life, but she’s also in a state of arrested development. Like a lot of us. So much time passes while we figure things out. Then when we do we say—wish I’d have figured this out sooner. But there is a process of growth in life that’s hard to control. Even if you determine to live all-out the process still has to move along at its own speed. Once the change comes, you can’t say, “I should have just leapt to this. The process was a waste of time.” On the contrary, the process brought the change. No change without process.

Spencer jars Sarah’s process in a big way. And she challenges his. He’s a runner, but she doesn’t run. And…she can’t. Run. So vicariously everyone is affected and everyone ultimately moves vertically or horizontally.

I had women who felt very passionately about Sarah as a heroine. They related to her quirks. Most of us are Sarah-like in that we are not the standard idea of the leading lady. Sarah was in that gap so she became a vehicle for the under-represented perhaps. People like me.

ROBsessed: I find lovely threads of humor in many of your stories but this story was the first time I read something you specifically noted was part of the humor genre. I love the humor in Me and Mom Fall for Spencer, mainly because of Sarah. Was this a test for you write or is it something that came from the characters naturally?

Diane Munier: It came from them. It flowed out of them. Even hurtful people can be incredibly funny. And hurt people are often the funniest. I didn’t give it a thought really. I just listened and sometimes they were funny.

ROBsessed: You set several stories in the Midwest. Is this a preferred location? What inspires you about a setting when you decide where to place your story? Do you see the characters is certain settings and/or eras first?

Diane Munier: I love the Midwest and we need to get over the stereo-types about it. We have access to the same ivy-league schools, the same books and movies and music. We are no less enlightened. Yes, it is my preferred location. I adore it actually. But I love us sea to sea as well. My roots are Midwestern however.

When it’s locale first I see it and it inspires me to hear and see what might have gone on. So right away I’m seeing the character. If it’s character first I’m immediately drawn to an idea of his or her environment. The kiln where they were forged.

What is the history here? What happened here? When? Who lived here and who died here? On and on.

ROBsessed: Tell me what you hope readers experience when nestling down into their favorite spot to read Me and Mom Fall for Spencer?

Diane Munier: I hope they can suspend judgment long enough to enter and ride in someone else’s skin. I hope they can go that deep in, that I’ve gotten out of the way enough to allow that. I hope they are entertained, yes, but also blessed in some way, reminded of something good, maybe even precious.

I’m writing small stories about real things that may be some of the most important things. That’s my hope anyway.

ROBsessed: I saw Darnay Road is up next - a story that keeps its name and its Easy. That made me smile. Is that still slated for late March?

Diane Munier: Yes. And Finding My Thunder. They are fighting it out right now. I’m kind of pulling for FMT but we’ll see. It mainly relies on manuscript preparation as we get under the wire.

[Editorial note: The cover for Finding My Thunder was shared on Diane's blog! Here's a glimpse of it if you haven't seen it already. It will also be the next book up and Darnay Road will follow.]

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ROBsessed: I hope to interview you again for your next release and I can't wait for the day I see My Wounded Soldier in upcoming. We'll get Rob to play the movie version. It must happen. ;) Final question and since we're a ROBsessed blog, what's something about Rob that you believe is worth adoring?

Diane Munier: Thanks so much for all of this. Really. I have always been blown away by your support on Robsessed. I remember the first time it happened, that you mentioned one of my stories, someone told me and I thought it was a mistake. I still do! But I really appreciate it.

On Rob - Due to technology we have been allowed to watch Rob’s story unfold. That has been as captivating as Rob’s role as Edward. What I find most endearing about him is that he is his age, put in this beautiful exterior, and at first he seemed bewildered by the whole thing—all the accolades and he seemed painfully aware it was too much. And it was!

But let’s face it – God made him on a good day. (quote stolen from MWS) And we’ve watched him figure it out as he’s been pulled along on a speeding train. He provokes the young girl inside (sigh) and the mother (no don’t do that! Or I’m so proud!). For me as a writer, he’s downright inspiring. Like Edward, he hits all the bases. I get it. I do.

Well if that wasn't an awesome note to close the interview on, I don't know what is. I get super sappy when folks dish out some sweet-lovin praise for Rob. Diane nailed it. He hits ALL bases. *le sigh*

Click HERE if you missed the synopsis for Me and Mom Fall for Spencer last week as well as some other 411.

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Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway, following Diane on Twitter and visiting her Facebook page are optional but give you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, March 20th
  • There will be 4 winners receiving an eBook (Kindle) of Me and Mom Fall for Spencer by Diane Munier! You can download Kindle apps for free. We can give winners instructions if needed. 
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends
Good luck!!!
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If you want to purchase Me and Mom Fall for Spencer tout de suite, click the Amazon link to buy now!

Robert Pattinson is so good to his fans

Robert Pattinson really is so good to his fans. We have dug back into the ROBsessed archives to rediscover another great fan encounter.

This sweet story is very short but shows just what a sweetheart Rob is. It's from the fan event for the premiere of New Moon in London and you can tell how hard Rob tries to make sure all the fans that come out to his premieres go home happy.

 photo robertpattinsonnewmoonlondon.jpg  photo robertpattinsonnewmoonlondon2.jpg

The fan story...

Rob is a sweetheart! He signed my book but another girl had hers on top of mine so I kinda had half of the famous "R" and I asked him if he could do it again. But there was so much noise I had to call after him and I touched his arm for him to turn his head. When he did I said I was sorry but I would like him to sign my book again and when he realized he didn't really signed mine 30 seconds earlier he started to touch his hair and kept apologizing (I swear it was like I told him he killed my cat) So I told him it was ok, that with all the madness. He smiled at me and I almost died lol. He is so dreamy!

 photo robertpattinsonnewmoonlondon3.jpg


Production Notes For Robert Pattinson's 'Life'

Production Notes For Robert Pattinson's 'Life'

With the Berlin Film Festival about to start the Production Notes for Life have been released.
They're an interesting read and include some great quotes from Rob and also some very complimentary quotes about Rob from his co-stars, director and more.
Grab a cuppa and make yourself comfy! 

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Telefilm Canada, Film4, Screen Australia, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Present


In association with FilmNation Entertainment, Corner Piece Capital, Entertainment One, The Harold Greenberg Fund, Cross City Sales

A See-Saw Films, First Generation Films, Barry Films Production

A Film by Anton Corbijn








Screenplay by LUKE DAVIES







Production Designer ANASTASIA MASARO




Make-up Designer DONALD MOWAT

Costume Designer GERSHA PHILLIPS


Canadian Casting by JOHN BUCHAN C.S.A. and JASON KNIGHT C.S.A.5

Robert Pattinson At Comic-Con Press Conference (Live Tweets & Pics)

Can't embed - Watch here, here and here

Robert Pattinson At Comic-Con Press Conference (Live Tweets & Pics)

From The Press Conference


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First pics of Rob on the red carpet


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@joshuahorowitz Just spoke to Rob and Kristen. And I'll be honest I didn't even notice his insane hair. I was facing the other side. #mtvsdcc

Live Blog

"The Hollywood Reporter" Q&A with Chris Weitz about New Moon

He briefly mentions Rob and we love Chris so.....

From "The Hollywood Reporter"

The man behind "American Pie" and "About a Boy" wasn't the obvious choice to take on "The Twilight Saga: New Moon," the second book in Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster teen vampire romance series. But Chris Weitz, who also writes and produces, sometimes with his brother Paul, had done a fantasy adaptation in 2007's "The Golden Compass" and felt a connection to the material. On Nov. 20, "Twilight" fans -- and Summit Entertainment, which is releasing the film -- will determine whether he was up to the task.

The Hollywood Reporter: Why did you want to do a "Twilight" movie?

Chris Weitz: The tonality of the movie, which has a lot to do with heartbreak and longing, depression and reunion and ecstasy -- these were emotions that struck a chord in me. I really loved the cast; Kristen (Stewart) and Rob (Pattinson) both are exceptionally talented. And I wanted to get my hand back in the game. There were a lot of things in this movie that I knew how to do: A combination of telling a character-based story but also handling special effects and working with young actors.

*New* Old Photos of Robert Pattinson at the New Moon fan event in London

A few *new* old photos of Robert Pattinson at the New Moon fan event in London. The hair was just golden that night...



And a super cute fan story...

Rob is a sweetheart! He signed my book but another girl had hers on top of mine so I kinda had half of the famous "R" and I asked him if he could do it again. But there was so much noise I had to call after him and I touched his arm for him to turn his head. When he did I said I was sorry but I would like him to sign my book again and when he realized he didn't really signed mine 30 seconds earlier he started to touch his hair and kept apologizing (I swear it was like I told him he killed my cat) So I told him it was ok, that with all the madness. He smiled at me and I almost died lol. He is so dreamy!

AnissaNissa23 via PattinsonLadies



And a few more pics from Robert Pattinson Italia
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