365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Oct. 10 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Oct. 10 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

My god. Kate breaks out the bicepporn in the white tshirt...in a bookstore?? I'm certainly awake now. The rest of you...

 photo HowUDoin.gif

"I’m in an organising mood today ;-}"

 photo Books2.gif

"feeling so tired and groggy. i keep yawning and trying to keep my eyes open. i have a coach in my head, clapping hands and saying, "ok let's look fresh! let's look alive!" as i try to pull it together like Rob in this gif. "
 photo tired5.gif

Update when Kat posts!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

 photo Oct-1.jpg


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