You really shouldn't have said that has a piece about Rob in which he says stalking actually paid off for some woman and he went out to dinner with her. Himm, I can think of a few crazies that would be encouraged by that Rob, you really shouldn't have said that :)

Robert Pattinson Knows How To Deal With Stalkers
LONDON, England, Dec. 2 (TOTI) --

Robert Pattinson is getting the hang of being famous. He says he understands the pressures that come with the job, but one thing he won't have to worry about is stalkers.

He says he's already had to deal with the situation.

"I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year," he told Teen. "She stood outside of my apartment I used every day for weeks - all day, every day."

In a moment of inspiration, the young Brit star of Twilight came up with a simple way to get rid of the woman.

"I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her," he said. "I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back."

Robert says his secret weapon is his personality.

"People get bored of me, in like, two minutes."


Kate said...

That's exactly what I thought when I read about that too!!
He's gonna regret saying that!!

Kim said...

He is one very interesting fella.

Rusharthi said...

Lol now a bunch of girls will follow him everywhere and stand all night outside his apartment (not that they don't already) but now they will have hope! lol Poor Rob...but if this is true what he said..then what is wrong with that girl?! lol.

~MindyMc said...

I love this man. He's way too smart. He's going to give SOME girl a run for her money someday. Go get 'em beanie baby zipper boy! I think he's playing us all! Ha!

Ellie said...

Hey, ladies, how are you???
I was looking back at an old clip from and noticed, when Rob was "stopping the van", we can see some major "butt cleavage" (cute tush)...low pants, no belt, good for us. I stopped and rewound several times to see if I was right. And I was. :) Here's the link (B Roll-Part 2:

Ellie said...

I know that was off the subject, but I wanted to share... lol

kristen said...

AHHH! The official Little Ashes trailer!

It looks so good! I want to see it NOW.

Kat said...

Nothing is off subject if you're sharing butt crack!

Kat said...

Holy shit... I have chills from that. Amazing.

Ellie said...

hahaha, Kat...
(I sent you an email... xoxoxo)

Kat said...

Chills from the LA trailer, not the butt crack.

Oh hell, I'm lying, the butt crack gives my chills too.

MiCh said...

Gaaaaaaaah, March cannot come soon enough! The Little Ashes trailer is awesome!

Gozde said...

LMAO @ Kathryn!

kristen said...

I know - doesn't it just look fantastic? All of the actors look brilliant in it. I am way more excited for this that I was for Twilight, which is saying a lot because I was stoked for Twilight.

Is it March yet??!

And Ellie - thanks for the heads up on the butt cleavage :)

Ellie said...

This trailer is chilling...I can't wait for it to come out. Such passion.

Bee back soon...
And you're welcome, re: the crack.:)

Anonymous said...

LOL on the post title GOz.

And I love the one about the Eagle has Landed yesterday as well.

Gozde said...

Thanks AJ :-) You are so hilarious, you finding me funny is a big compliment :P I am cheesy at best :))

Melissa said...

Hmm...I will never get bored of him...I don't care how weird he is! He could just sit there and not say anything, right? That would be just

Anonymous said...

That has to be one of the saddest things I've ever read.

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