Is it time for RobHab? 6 Stages of Robert Pattinson Addiction

The amazing JAG at Random Acts of Rob compiled the The 6 stages of Robert Pattinson Addiction :) I am beyond help as most of you already know but how addicted are YOU?

Stage 1: The Experimenter – you watch HP GoF and Twilight. You get your first glimpse of Rob and have that holy sh*t moment.

Step 1: He's kind of cute, I wonder who he is. I'll check the credits at the end of the movie.

Stage 1: He's kind of cute, I wonder who he is. I'll check the credits at the end of the movie.

The rest of the stages after I get my next RobHit from the RobPipe (oooo so durty)…

Stage 2: The Social User – you casually browse the internet for video & pictures.

Stage 3: The Full Blown User – right-click save has caused your hand to start to resemble a mangled claw. You have an extensive perhaps hidden stash of Rob Porn that you visit several times daily.

Stage 4: The Addict – you find yourself trolling blogs, Rob sites, tweeting other addicts trying to find anything you can about Rob & his whereabouts.

Stage 5: The Dealer – making videos and Rob Porn, twittering & posting pics and Rob Porn to Addicts, users, social users and experimenters in an attempt to hook them further.

Stage 6: The KingPin Dealer – you start a blog, website or write your own fan fiction. At this stage your addicted and dealing RobPorn like it’s your job LOL. This group includes the likes of me, FakerParis, Gozde, UC, Moon and the list goes on and on and on.

Check out JAG's hilarious post HERE with music and pictures then tell us which stage you're at :)

P.S.: I had breakfast at 4PM today because I was updating the blog/reading/tweeting all morning :) Stage 7 here I come!


Agnes said...

Our personal brand of heroine, right? :)

GiGi said...

I'm definitely a Stage addict. That's probly about where I'll stay. Just love looking at pics of him and daydreaming about him. I live in L.A. area and probly would never go to any of the places he appears just because I don't want to deal with the crowds and screaming teenagers and possibly get trampled! But if I ever do catch a glimpse of him by accident (being at the same restaurant or something), that would so be the THRILL of my life! Love you Rob!

Yvonne said...

There's no hope for a cure, nor would I want one :) Happily hovering at Stage 5 :)

Angie said...

Stage 4 for me. Will most likely stay there for the rest of my life. They can bury with my Rob stash. Though, I do help supply a married friend with Rob pics. So, I have stuck my toe into Stage 5.

Kelly said...

I think I'm on Stage 9... oh man... why is it being dysfunctional never felt soooo good... and having bad thoughts never seems soooo right?

Governments of the world there is no need to worry about a cure for us.. keep working in H1N1 and Cancer, and all the other horrid illnesses out there.. we are good... we are functioning addicts...

Robert Pattinson is the cause ... and the CURE.... No worries here :)

Maaike said...

Ah not too bad here. Just a meager stage 2... Hm perhaps I should step up my gameplan :P.

Kat said...

I am definitely in Stage 4, working into Stage 5.

Rob says that if he takes a stalker to breakfast, she will get over him. So..... Rob, please let me make breakfast for your after a long and wonderful, steamy night. Let's see if I get anywhere even close to getting over you. I am certainly willing to try if you are. And I will report back to all of you if it works. :-p don't hold your breath.

asoihgapoh said...

I'm definitely stage 4 toying dangerously with stage 5. Wish I had nicer movie-making software ;) Can't do him justice in windows movie maker hehehe

Anonymous said...

I am a three with a pinch of six, LOL (Blush) I have written a Robsten fan fic, and it's naughty :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Definatley the highest stage you can go to the point of emailing Ellen daily to thank her and send her questions for Rob!

I'm an addict and proud of it... Let my freak flag fly high!

wintermistake said...

I'm a Stage 4. If I wasn't a technotard, I would be a proud full time KingPin Dealer.
Which picture took your RobVirginity?

DDarjaS said...

An addiction I never want to get cured of !

Haystackhair said...

LMAO, yeah, jumped on JAG's post this morning. It's hopeless. I'd be at 6 if my computer skills were better. LOL.

17foreverlisa said...

Holy shit! Did you write this after I outed myself this morning about launching my blog?! Too funny! You definitely nailed the steps. Step #7 for me would be driving hours to meet a cast member who breathed the same air as Rob ;) Check out the pictures I took of Chaske Spencer on Saturday if interested.


Cherry clockwise said...

I think I'm on stage 4. I've been fighting against making a video and…
oh no! I did wrote FF! Well, just small scenes you know, does that count?
And oh! Yes, right… I painted a t-shirt last week. Nobody would recognise him on it apart from me, because there are other things around and it's painted in a strange way. Does that count too?
And on which level do you put tickets to travel the country, hoping I might see him a few seconds?
Oww, I admit it. I am so Robsessed. Can I join you?

Kate said...

I'm saying NOTHING!!! LOL

Angie said...

NewMoonRising and Hatstackhair, I have the same issue. I would make videos if I knew how! I am computer stupid.

Athena said...

Happily floating between stage 3 and 4. Robsessed is now my sole source for Rob-crack, but I do Twit about Rob, I did blog once about Rob (suggesting that he would be perfect as Rand al'Thor from the Wheel of Time cycle), and I did start writing a XVII-century-based fiction according to Twilight rules (which will probably never see the... light of day... hahaha, I crack myself up!). I am making a HUGE effort not to progress further in my addiction, I tell you!

T said...

I am at Stage 4. If I could figure out how to make a video, I probably would. I have blogged about him. I also check this site (and others) multiple times a day for info on him. I am also getting really strange looks from family and co-workers who have to listen as I constantly talk about him. They are probably plotting an intervention.

Kelly said...

Thank God I have a fellow freak here besides our robsessed blog authors that is :)

Freak flag flying here too!

RPLover said...

I'm a solid 4. like many, too inept to make videos but I sure do love to watch them!

WinWin said...

Lol. I'm on stage 5! I'm the local dealer to my friends and my sister-in-law. They like to pretend they aren't that into him. : P

Cherry clockwise said...

And for my RobVirginity… Well, just consider it all started a long time ago for me (but my sister is still the only person I talk about Rob)

This was the time I also discovered photoshop (a real pro! ;-)

and I should really stop there, because now I think of many other pictures I could add. Not good.

WinWin said...

I lost my Robginity to interviews and Daniel Gale on Youtube. lol As far as pictures, Greek god EW cover. Sigh!

WinWin said...

Kelly, Bwahahaha! Stage 9, I love it. Hugs!

Cherry clockwise said...

Winwin : Yes, Robginity sounds way better.

Xtyn said...

Stage 6 babeh! Never thought I would make a blog site dedicated for Rob.

Jewels64 said...

OMIGOD.... I'm stage 6!!!

Blog? Check. Write Fan fiction? Check. Make videos? Check. Extensive collection of Rob photos? Check.

I'm pathetic... I actually have my Twilight Calendar and my Rob Pattinson Calendar hanging side by to my HUGE Twilight promo material that I have. My stacks of Rob magazines grow taller everyday....

Oh hell...look who I'm talking to!

CdL said...

arf... stage 6.... LOL...
and proud of it... ^_^
(never done such a thing before, like for ex, when I was a teen age... rof...) but loving that stage number 6...!

Anonymous said...

yes I knew when I wrote the smutty fanfic I was a losted cause! It was that darned Vanity Fair photo shoot, it pushed me over the edge

17foreverlisa said...

@Hidden Fairy: So now we know where Rob's been hiding -- in your attic ;) Where did you find that picture?! And well done on the Photoshop pic. Like what you did with the font treatment.

Susana said...

Here we go: Hi, my name is Su, and I am a Robaddicted LOL

Unknown said...

I have been to stage 1, 2 but I think I passed the stage 3 and accelerated to stage 4...

Like ADM and others here I think I won't ever get to stage 5 cuz of the lack of facilities and proper knowledge..but anyway I'm just happy to share the same sentiments and interest with you girls here. =)

tgill said...

me too! me too! stage 4 and proud of it

Isa said...

Stage 5 for me! xD

Anonymous said...

went to stage 5 made Rob videos for a while and then slap my face real hard. didnt do any good went back to stage 4. oh i tried but i cant stay away . my flesh is too weak to resist. oh i'm totally addicted to Rob *hugs pillow with Rob face on it

Tenneil said...

I am agree with Kate... "I am saying nothing" *hangs head in shame*

Anonymous said...

I'm Stage 4. I do a little of stage 5 because I send all 4 of my sisters photos and info about Rob. Plus I recently started putting photos together for my first video. But I think I'm mostly happy at stage 4 because I have to keep up with my Elvis, too.

KatKat said...

Well, I'm a stage bumping on 4...but my Robginity was lost at Goblet of Fire,when we first see Rob, and I wondered why HE wasn't chosen as Harry Potter, so I could look at him more, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am definitely stuck in stage 4... since, well since january or february, I think.
I don't think I'll move to another stage, writing FF or starting my own blog. My stage 4 Robsession already takes too much time!

Anonymous said...

BTW, I love that pic. I stop the movie exaclty in that moment...

Doesn't he look wonderful?!??

Anonymous said...

I'm in stage 4!

Unknown said...

Stage 4 and out of the closet to my friends. I get my daily fix on my Ipod....over 400 pics loaded so far. I would love to meet him but not be the crazy, fanatic, stalker fan. I have respect for his space and feel sorry for him cause he can't have a normal life...not ever. I don't like the crowds either - I would rather just daydream that I am meeting him. Give me more pics and video...Robsessed your the best!

Babs said...

I'm stage 4 sliding into stage 5. RP addiction is the sweetest disease LOL

JandR said...

OMG - I'm stage 5!! How did this happen?? Rob has a lot to answer for since he has taken over my life. Does flying across the country to see a New Moon midnight premiere and meet other Robsessors elevate me to a new level?? hehe
Costing me thousands along the way! Especially when I could have seen it at home for $15!!

Rob has taken over my life, my dreams, my bank account and my job! Maybe if I wrote him and mentioned that - he would feel obliged to offer something in return?? LOL ;-))

Anonymous said...

@ JanR -

Rob might ask you the famous question, "Do you want to come home with me?"

Cherry clockwise said...

sprtzmom1721 : Rob could definitely be hiding in my attic, because that is where is my room, right under the roof!
Thanks for the compliment, but I'm sure I could do way better now! Yet I had already captured his witty comments!
have to leave you now, he's waking up…

17foreverlisa said...

@Hidden Fairy - Please give him a kiss for me, morning breath and all ;)

17foreverlisa said...

@JandR - I don't even want to think about the amount of money I've spent on my Robsession (eBay purchases of old/unavailable magazines immediately come to mind), but traveling thousands of miles to attend a New Moon premiere?! That definitely elevates you to a new level. I'm impressed!


very interesting stages jaja...I'm on 4 stage: the addict I think I would be a 5 if I knew how to make slides videos at least but I don't so...we're all guilty

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