Robward Cullenson on Dexter

Look who was on the wall in the latest episode of Dexter!

Melissa Rosenberg used to be the screenwriter for Dexter. Is it a shout out? :)
Thanks to Tammy and Paula for the tip :)


Athena said...

Awesome1 Two of my favourites together! I love Dexter!!! I can't wait to see this one!

It always left me puzzled the great job Melissa Rosenberg did with Dexter and the crappy job she did with Twilight, I couldn't believe it was the same person...

Anonymous said...

He IS everywhere but nowhere!

I am most vexed!

Com'on, people...

('seems Rob is going to be doing less than 10 appearances.)

twmmy said...

Yes Thansa... He is everywhere but nowhere.
Why does he believe the attention on him will be less ? Robert Pattinson's fans never left him for Taylor, though Summit puts Taylor forward ! I thin we want Rob in tv interviews, in objective magazines, and from these we can get enough, don't need paparazzi's photos,and he can live a normaler life than now. Wow, I hope I'm clear, my english not very good.

T said...

I have that same poster in my house.

Laura said...

I was watching Dexter monday night and saw this and said "Oh, the irony.." and my dad said "Oh Edward!" (in a dreamy type voice)..

Anonymous said...

@ Athena: agreed! The screenplay for Twilight should have been a lot better. It would have given the actors the opportunity to do an even better job themselves. We'll see what she's done with NM.

Jewels64 said...


Every show on television is taking a swipe at the Twilight phenomenon!

First, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, and Vampire DEXTER!

I love it! I've been enjoying the hell out of it!

Ripley said...

Robward has definitely made an impression in our culture. I love Dexter, it's well written. CH had her own way of bringing MR's script to screen which I don't care for the style but she did get Twilight on the large screen.
LOVE the banner....those eyelashes and that right profile....gah

Ripley said...

Re: the poster. I like NM posters better than Twilight's. NM posters look closer to the story.

tgill said...

Got my tickets for NM today!!! bringing the kids as camoflage!!, my DH has no idea of the depth of my obsession

Ellie said...

LMAO! All roads really do lead back to The Pretty!


CullenGal09 said...

LOL! I love it. Dex and Rob, what a concept....hehe. I love that combo-they're both HAWT! My fave "serial killer", and fave vamper....bahahahaha....wonder if Rob would ever consider doing an actual guest spot?!? How sweet would that be?

@cheeseburgers-LOL! My hubby did something similar-bahahahaha-and believe it or not, he's the one that noticed the poster on Astrid's wall, not me. WTH!!! LOL.

@librarybabe-I have that poster too! LOL. I took it down recently though, to replace it with a NM one of Robward! Bahahahahahaha.

@Ripley-I agree. The NM posters are beautiful! Much nicer than the Twi ones.

Athena said...

I think Edward has become the standard to which every wannabe vampire has to refer to... and we know everybody wants to have Rob(ward) on their show, one way or another! :D

@Renatanovisad: I have the feeling that this time dear Mel listened to fans and tried to stick as closely to the book as possible, as far as scenes are concerned. Thank goodness for that! I hope she doesn't changes the words too much, like she did with Twilight.

Unknown said...

can anybody post a link to that picture?? pretty please!! cuz I can't see it from my computer..thanks!!=)

solas said...

I thought she still DOES write for Dexter.

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