Thanks to Monica we found this interview with Sam Bradley, Rob's childhood friend and co-writer of the hauntingly beautiful song "Never Think" from Twilight soundtrack. Check out his MySpace & YouTube pages, his songs are absolutely amazing!
The sweet pure sounds of Sam Bradley will immediately grab your attention and draw you in note by note. While enjoying Sam's music expect that each lyric is perfectly written, each note perfectly placed, and that each song was recorded with such passion by a truly talented musician. Sam is ready to share his beautifully orchestrated music with fans.
Sam Bradley is on the brink of super-stardom and PopStar was lucky enough to talk to the enthusiastic musician. Sam shares stories about co-writing Never Think with childhood friend Rob Pattinson, about getting involved in performing, and the future of his music. Sam is about to blow up and become one of the hottest musicians in '09 so make sure you get on the bandwagon first!
Sam Bradley Interview
PopStar: What got you involved in music?
Sam Bradley: My mum is a singer/songwriter and she bought me a guitar when I was 16. I have always sung. I used to sing R. Kelly songs in my bedroom.
PopStar: Can you tell us a little about your experience co-writing Never Think with your good friend Robert Pattinson?
Sam Bradley: The experience was a flat in London. It was a rather late night and we basically started humming and playing guitar. We ended up recording it and wrote words to the hums the next day, and that was it.
PopStar: You went to both the LA and the London premiere of Twilight. What was that like?
Sam Bradley: I expected craziness in LA and that was what it was. That was the first time I watched the film and it was very exciting. In comparison to the London one I honestly didn’t expect all the pandemonium. There were thousands of people and it was so cool because I got to go with my friends.
PopStar: Have you read Twilight?
Sam Bradley: No, I am going to. I have been pretty busy at the moment. It’s the next read.
PopStar: Okay, so we know that you are partial to this question but we feel compelled to ask. Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Sam Bradley: Edward. Team Edward, no question.
PopStar: Any chance you will write a song for New Moon?
Sam Bradley: I am working on it. That is out of my control. I have written a song with the idea of it being put towards the new movie. I have not played it for Rob yet but I’m sure he will like it.
PopStar: Where can we listen to more of your great music?
Sam Bradley: MySpace & YouTube are my only outlets right now. There is also a live journal. It is really cool, they are keeping up to date with every song we post or video we post.
PopStar: What is your favorite song currently on MySpace?
Sam Bradley: I like Sea Blue; that is probably my favorite. They are only demos so they are not final projects.
PopStar: Any tour dates coming up?
Sam Bradley: I don’t have any information right now; we are just working on where we will be going. Marcus Foster and Bobby Long and I want to visit as many places as we can. I think that it will be in the month August/September.
PopStar: Message to PopStar fans:
Sam Bradley: As long as it’s true to you, then you are doing something right.
Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long will be ringing in the New Year at Sailor Hagars in North Vancouver, click here for more information.
Oh my God...Sea Blue is fantastic! Wow!
As much as I love Rob...this is the guy who totally influences him! What a crazy mad talent this kid is! WOW!!!
Rob.... stick with Sam...wow...yeah...now I get it....
Hey thanks for posting Goz...Rob would be so proud of you. I love you babe you're the best.
Sam is great, I will have to find the YouTube vid of him singing Never Think...I am sure it is out there somewhere I saw it a while ago he is quite talented.
Merry Christmas, Dani!
Did you have a nice day, today?
Hay must have been over the moon with all the excitement!
This is a tremendous article...Sam Bradley seems to be like Rob and many of their mutual friends that they are all young, immensely talented and driven to succeed. I cannot wait to hear more from him!
Good evening, lovelies!
Dani, Jules and Ellie---I hope you are all enjoying yourselves with your families!
Dani---I got your message...I am still recovering but much better! Thank you....MUAHHHHH!
Good evening Jules, Dani, Ellie, and Lynn! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!
Lymmm and Sabrina, lovely ladies, how the hell are you on this most wonderful Christmas???
Lynn, glad you're feeling better!
Hey Ellie! How was your day?
Pretty quiet. and you?
Pretty quiet too. My parents and I opened presents and then went to church and breakfast with my grandparents. My grandparents came over for dinner, too.
We did church last evening.
We got up around 9:30, opened presents, and my husband made brunch for us. Played Wii a lot.
And I'm eating some of those "damn cookies" that I made, right now. lol
We went to my uncle's house last night, he always has a party Christmas Eve. It's always entertaining because most of them are a bunch of rednecks.
Hey, Ellie and Sabrina! I am feeling better, just a lingering cough thing that everyone seems to have.
I hope that your Christmases were fun! Mine was fine, we celebrated with my family last night....so, today was all about Guitar Hero World Tour! LOL
Ellie---I saw you and your family on FB....Katie is such a cutie!
Sound like he lives right here! lol
Haha, we always play a gift exchange game and everyone is always fighting over the alcohol. I ended up with the Victoria's Secret gift card that I brought.
Lynn, I'm glad you're feeling better!
Thanls, Lynn! Yes, I think I'll keep her!
She was so excited about thwat friggin chair from PB...too big for her room, but I guess she'll use it for a dresser, now, pile high with crap... lol
that's funny, sabrina! At least you ended up with something you like!
katie got the American Idol 2 game...she was singing up a storm this afternoon... and I got an "Excellent" fromsinging "Maggie Mae"...yay, me!
I thought that chair looked familiar...my daughter would love a PB Teen room. She may get some of their stuff after we do some remodeling.
Hey, that Rob interview pops on everytime I go back to homepage...thank goodness for the Twilight music or I would be jumping!
My typing's gone to hell this evening,,,sorry!
That vid is annoying Lynn! I was watching some other vids earlier and kept refreshing the page to see if there were any more comments and I had to keep scrolling to pause it.
I love Maggie Mae....I love it when Heath Ledger sings along to it at the end of The Lords Of Dogtown.
Lynn, I jsut have headphones hooked up...what's happening??
(and this DSL takes too long for me to check it out...)
The first time I heard it....it took me a bit to figure out where it was coming from with all the seperate audios. I think that there's a glitch in it.
Hmmmm, Dani or Goz...where are you if not asleep?
Should I risk it and check it out??
Yeah, I think so too. It won't really matter after a few more posts move it to the next page.
No Ellie, it's just the youtube vid with the audio from some British interview with Rob and Kristen that was posted a day or two ago. It just automatically starts playing when you load the page.
thanks...I do remember that, now.I thought it was weird that it was happening.
So was Santa good to you both?
I love how Rob talks about getting notes left on his car (outside his apartment) and how non-chalant (as he can be) he is about how stalkerish the notes are.
Yeah, Lynn, any normal person would be freaking out, but rob is unique in that respect,I guess.
Yeah, I got a new watch, some clothes, some cds, new motocross goggles, and some other stuff. How about you?
We do a gift exchange with my family which usually taps us out ($100 per person)....we both got GC's to Sears! Woo-hoo! Seriously, we got the Guitar Hero for entire family! We also played games for other giftcards....I swept the whole thing with my freakish knowledge of useless trivia!
I like how Rob doesn't let things get to him. I think I would be freaking out if someone was leaving notes like that on my car.
Sabrina---do you ride? That is so funny....we have lots of desert families around here and tons of motocross kids.
Nice sweaters for work, here, beautiful leather gloves to go with my winter coat, Wii games, here...
I KNOW! I would be afraid at who's peeking over my shoulder as I read the notes. I guess Rob has to take things with a grain of salt or he would wind up a basket case!
Yeah, I have a 2005 Suzuki DR-Z 250. I don't race, my dad and I go trail riding. There are a couple places about an hour from my house that have miles of trails out in the forest designated for ORVs.
Around here, we have 4-wheelers. they're all out ion the road after the snowstorms, on the frozen lake (we're live in a lake community).
There were some guys riding around my neighborhood on their quads. We have 2 but we didn't get them out.
too many typos...
Sabrina, that sound like a lot of fun...but I'm chicken sh--
My son would kill for an ORV, but, we just don't have the areas to ride or the income to travel around. I think that my FIL would buy him one if we ever moved back to Ohio.
It sounds like good times for you and your dad!
Haha, Ellie! My mom has a quad and she went on a poker run with me and my dad and she is such a wuss, she's never going with us again.
Maybe I know her... lol
Wuss is my middle name...however, I do snow ski.
Yeah, it's really fun but it's an expensive sport. I would like to get a race bike (mine is a trail bike) but I can't afford it now. I'm kind of obsessed with following pro motocross, so I just live vicariously through them. I want to work in the industry when I graduate.
Sabrina---don't tease your poor mother! I am a freak about anything remotely dangerous and especially after my parents' accident....I get paranoid about stuff like that. I prefer water sports or walking/hiking.
Haha, my mom doesn't even ski. She's been freaking out with my dad's driving in the snow. Whenever he starts sliding just a tiny bit she starts yelling at him, but it's not his fault it's slushy.
Motocross is an interesting sport...my co-worker's son is a sponsored rider. There are a lot of sponsored riders around here and Metal Mulisha is a local business, so, you see a lot of it around here.
Lynn, you're a girl after my own heart... lol
Lynn, none of us had fun that day so my dad and I are perfectly fine with leaving her at home or back at camp, which she prefers too.
Your mom needa a little rob to loosen her up! LOL
Okay, that sounded a little sick...it's your MOM, for cryin' out loud (oh, OUTLOUD!...)
Oh, I am a freak...give me ocean over snow any day! I went sledding years ago with my husband in Lake Tahoe and wound up with a concussion (that I mistakened for whiplash and never even had it looked at) and a neck muscle injury. I have never enjoyed snow since!
Yeah, it's a pretty cool sport. It's a tight little community so unfortunately it's difficult to make it pro, but even if you just race/ride locally you can meet some really cool people.
Snowskiing is fun, but I don't ever get out of control. Lots of traversing across the slope, never straight downhill. don't like the feeling. Water skiing is fun, too.
LOL Ellie! I don't think she's really interested in Rob, which is a good thing because that would just be weird.
Ouch Lynn!
It seems like fun! LOL The desert kids that are weekend riders have their own clique at the high school, they call themselves "bros" and their girlfriends are "brohos"....NICE, huh?
Lynn, did your dr yell at you for not getting checked out??
Brohoes...not brohos...edit!
Hey, TomStu is Rob's "broho"!!!
Haha, they sound classy Lynn! If anyone ever called me their broho I'd be pissed.
Ellie---I am a rebel...I was 22 with a year old baby and I thought that I was made out of iron. I never even went to the doctor...just suffered out the headache for three days. But, I have been paranoid ever since! My husband just laughed at me.
Sabrina---I thought may be that I heard Audrey wrong and that she said "bruja" (bruha) which is witch in Spanish. She told me, "no, the girls call themselves, "brohoes". Goodness, it seems like high school life has gone to hell and a handbasket!
Lynn, any residual aches from it?
I had a weakness in my neck that would show up if I was really tired. I would hold my head to the side, it lasted for a few years. Now, I am fine.....15 years later!
I've never really heard any of the industry people or the mx people I talk to use that terminology unless they were making fun of Jason Lawrence, who is a pro racer that sounds like a complete stoner. Are they in the 909?
No, these are the local 760 kids...I have never heard any other kids use those terminologies. It just bugs me when high school girls choose to use such demeaning words for themselves, instead they wear them like some kind of pride thing...weird.
Sabrina and Lynn, time for sleep, here... got to get up and travel to So Jersey. family wisits await.
Good night, and I'll see you tomorrow night...I'm happpy that your Christmases wer lovely.
Olive juice to you both...xoxo
p.s.-I totally agree with you, Lynn.
Good night, Ellie!
Have fun tomorrow in South Jersey!
Olive juice!
*visits and were...edit me, please!
Goodnight Ellie, I hope you have a good day tomorrow! I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow, I'm going with friends to the mountains so I'm just tagging along with whatever their plans are.
Sabrina---are you going to go, I should! I have more clean up to do!
I agree Lynn, I don't understand how so many girls are totally fine with being labeled like that.
Well, the girls that I mentioned are sometimes more troubled themselves and there's a lot of drug use amongst this group, too. So, the labels make them sound worse!
I should go to bed soon, Lynn. I have to get up early. If you want to log off, feel free. I'll try to find something to watch on tv for a little while and chill with my mom.
Good night, Sabrina!
Have fun tomorrow and olive juice!
Oh, that's really sad. I hope those girls can clean up their act and respect themselves more before they head further down that road.
Goodnight Lynn, I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Hopefully I won't crash really hard tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be really sore on Saturday but it should be worth it. Hopefully we can chat tomorrow or Saturday.
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