Blast from The Past: Robert Pattinson at Whiskey A Go-Go

Danielle sent me this photo 2 days ago:

I've been trying to remember when the picture was from and I finally remembered. It's from October 1st 2008. The night Robert Pattinson made a surprise appearance at Whiskey A Go-Go and performed. I remember being on Rob's imdb board all night trying to get the deets. Oh how times have changed...

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for the rest of the pictures :)


Anonymous said...

Damn, he looks so happy in those pics!!!!

I want SmileyHappyRob back!!!

Anonymous said...

good night he looks sexy as hell!!! i love his expressions in some of them :)

i just miss seeing his cute face

solas said...

This was just before the dung hit the whirly blades.
Look at the difference in a face with no stress and fear.

And he is very very very good. I do hope he can get over the fear of people thinking him a jerk to pursue more than one art at a time; to stop comparing himself to talentless or less talented 'stars' who try acting and singing and can either do neither, or one at best. This lad is just so very very very good.

Hannah said...

Bearded Rob + Sex hair + THAT VOICE = Hannah's absolute and complete undoing.


Tenneil said...

times have changed indeed... gah i miss smiley Rob too... altho he kindof looks like drinkrob too!! I love them both:)

Drought of 09 is hurtin...*SIGH* JS

Angie said...

He looks so carefree and happy. I really miss that in him, and for him.

...wowie! said...

OMG...he's so damn hot here. Damn damn sexy hot yummy ugh! I want him! ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Melted in my chair-the voice, the face...

god how I miss this Rob...

Emily said...

Is the video of Rob performing?

Back in October, I watched a few seconds of a video someone posted from that night when he was there and I felt so guilty after. I felt like it wasn't right to put it out there. His music is very personal and by watching it like that, I felt like I was intruding on something.

I'm not telling others what to do, just my personal choice.

He did look amazing that night though. Thanks for sharing the pics!

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. He's so yummy. SLUUUUURP.

Carole UK said...

Now this is my favourite Rob - happy, relaxed, smiling, enjoying himself and ....

oh my goodness, the hair!

RPnKSaddict said...

scruffalicious...what I wouldn't give to get to hear him sing live.

I don't think I could go up to him,but I sure could handle watching and listening.

Mechevpao said...

He looked hot that night!

Anonymous said...

LOrdy that man makes my pulse race. Look at that hair, the scruff, the white smile- I'm melting. He looks so happy back then.

solas said...

Emily--I agree; his music is very personal; it is HIS, and now all the moreso he has to guard what little he can keep/own of himSELF.

Loisada said...

What's on your mind Rob?!?

1: I knew my guitar would eventually turn me into a babe magnet!
2: Oh yeah, tonight’s gonna be a good, good night!
3: Damn.... I’m such a tool, now I’m gonna have to make a choice.
4: Maybe I should just stick to playing my trumpet...
5: Maybe if I do my Barry Gibb imitation it will drive a few of them away!
6: Just don’t let me end up doing corny duets with Streisand...
7: No, never gonna happen, never!!

Melissa said...

OH the memories!!!

He looks totally delicious in these pics.

Scruff, sex hair...*le sigh*

Thanks for posting these Goz!

Angela said...

OMG, his imperfection combined with perfection is intoxicating.

In my fantasy he is singing to me...or Bella.

Leslie C. Franklin said...

For the LOVE! He looks incredibly hot in these pics! Dang it driver!

DDarjaS said...

He made a photo with every girl in the audience that night?
Lucky b******es! ;)

RPLover said...

I hope he can feel comfortable enough one day to record some music...Rob singing is what really turned my head in the first place, then I saw his personality in some interview and now I've got it BAD. lol I haven't crushed this hard on someone since I was 16-and that was a while ago! ;)

Put out the album, Rob, I'll be first in line!

Anonymous said...

He has to do a CD, he is so good!

Angie said...

RPlover, it was his singing and mucic that got me too.

When I first saw him I thought he was beautiful. But I would not let myself get hooked. I thought he is too young, I am above this.

Then I found out about his musical ability. Checked it out as well as interviews, then started the slippery slope down Robsessed lane. LOL

kat said...

Damn. These are the sexiest photos with fans I've seen yet. So f*ckalicious! Mercy.

Anonymous said...

He looks so confortable...and now no one can take pics with him because he's never out.

Anonymous said...

Rob always looks hot but in these pics he just looks downright SEXY!!! Sex hair and everything. Really wish he would grow it back!!! He's so carefree here. So sad that, that Rob is gone. Hopefully one day he'll be back!

solas said...

Linda -- might not be totally gone, just hidden away.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Thanks for blurring out my face! That way i don't feel so self-conscious!! <3

Anonymous said...

what a talented man. love the last pic, the expression on his face... *thud*

Shani said...

Congrats Jaceislove!!! You were one of the lucky few to get a pic with HOT BITCH that night. But the shit did hit the fan the next day. YIKES!!!!

Ripley said...

Love the pics where he smiles with his fans. And the longer sex hair. What a gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

omg! luv his voice very soulful.i miss happy Rob :( can't wait for new interviews to hear his voice again. is it november yet?

suasiddau said...

Lord have mercy shouldn't be legal ,how he can be so hot?

Nora said...

I can't find the rest of the pics over at RPSource... I feel dumb as a box of rocks...

Nora said...

Oh, and why did the dung hit the whirly blades the next day? I wasn't around back then... oh, how I wish I was! Anyway, just curious.

Caitie said...



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