DVR Alert: Robert Pattinson on Regis and Kelly on November 19th!

Calendar updated:


RPnKSaddict said...

yay! thanks for narrowing this down. I literally have to schedule all of the Rob appearences and the NM movie showings.
I'm going Rob nuts that week and adding Sam Bradley to the mix.

keely said...

That is one hell of a schedule, really looking forward to all of the interviews, but I hope he´ll got some rest after that :-)

RPLover said...

frickin' yay!! "don't miss it"-don't worry! I won't! LOL

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I presume some of those appearances are with KS?

I'm so looking forward to see/hear whether interviewers will even attempt (even though they'll probably be forwarned and how they're going to sneak) to pop the question.

Oh, no, I'm not trying to... I'm just saying....just enliving the... it's just that…. I thought it's time to..... steer the pot my pretties.... Eheheheehek!

(Com'on ti's the season in the US, yeah?.)

RPnKSaddict said...

thansa- KS will be on the 18th. I will be watching her appearence also. Love Kstew!!

Meeno said...

All I can say is Poor Rob, all these personal appearances.

We want him, we want him, we want him, but I do feel for him since he is not very comfortable with all these adoration. He is just awkward on stage. He is comfortable on interviews, but on stage, never!!

Michelle said...

the new calendar is awesomeness!! thank you!

Anonymous said...

RAddict - :)

the pot, my lovelies.

Anonymous said...


(darnit, having a cerebromalacia, if there's even such a word)

Unknown said...

I reallllllly hope someone puts this up on youtube. i can watch the kristen and taylor ones, but i have class the day the rob one is on!!! :-( And no DVR.

Anonymous said...

As a working mom, I love a schedule. Never thought of having a RobPattz scheduled though...:)

Thanks a lot! I will try to keep up, although some of those shows I cannot watch live in my country... 0_0

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