Eclipse Wrap Party Details According to OK!

It's from OK Magazine, so you know the rule: Take it with a bucket of salt:

There’s still about a week of shooting to go on Eclipse the third installment of the über-hot Twilight Saga, but that didn’t stop 500 people from celebrating the near-completion of the vampire flick on Saturday night in Vancouver. And while the film’s marquee star, Robert Pattinson, managed to put in an appearance, his leading lady Kristen Stewart was noticeably absent.

The bash, hosted by Eclipse director David Slade, was held at the Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park. And part of the reason for throwing the party before filming is actually completed, explained Slade to partygoers, is that he had to wrap filming on five of the movie’s actors today — including Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz and Taylor Lautner — so the fictional town of Forks, Wash., suddenly got a lot less crowded.

The event began at 8pm on Saturday, and the hundreds of guests got to nibble on sushi and drink freely from one of the three open bars set among the aquarium’s mammoth floor-to-ceiling displays that are home to more than 300 species of fish and other aquatic life, including a 31-year-old dolphin named Laverne, eight sea lions, dozens of otters and six beluga whales. (Gozde: Seriously? Sushi at the aquarium?I think David needs an intervention:

R-Pattz, dressed in his standard baseball cap and dark shades, finally arrived solo around 10pm and according to guests inside the party he only stayed for approximately 45 minutes before hopping into a cab by himself.

Many invited guests, who were only allowed to bring one friend, and who were required to present photo ID at the door for security purposes, had expected that Kristen would pop her head in to say hi. But alas, she was a no-show.

“It’s not like she has anything else to do in Vancouver,” quipped one partygoer to OK! about the actress’ absence.

One Twilight biggie that definitely made his presence felt was co-star Jackson Rathbone, who not only stayed for the entire event, but whose band, 100 Monkeys, was the final of three groups to perform at the party.
And while some who stayed until the celebration’s final minutes tell OK! that by the end it resembled a “drunken frat party,” the planners made sure everyone would get home safely — All guests were given free taxi vouchers to ensure that no one would drink and drive.

source: OK Magazine


Dilia said...

Im thinking some of it may be true but some of it might not..
i mean isnt Jackson like filming another movie, or is his new movie also filming in Vancouver?

Kate said...

Why does Kristen always get such a hard time?? So She didn't turn up, BIG DEAL!!
Sushi wouldn't have been the first thing I would have put on the menu and I definitely wouldn't have been eating it YUCK!!

RPLover said...

yuck, I agree, Kate!!

I <3 Dori! she's my fave :)

especially since she's getting Rob back, LOL

Unknown said...

Well she always get hard time, because she is so weird sometimes. It's not like she should have showed up for sushi but for people with whom she worked for many months. Every polite person will show up. it's not like she is too good to attend such parties.
On the other hand the story doesn't have to be true in every aspect.
So I won't judge.
I guess people hardly like Kristen because of such stories, even if they are not entirely true. She always look bad in public eyes and that's why a lot of people don't like her and she is not helping herself because she doesn't care what people think.

Rayodeluna said...

Why am I having a hard time believing this? Canadagraphs said Kristen was there and now they're saying she wasn't? I think I'll wait for the pics!

RPnKSaddict said...

Maybe the poor girl is exhausted or sick. She's the one who has to be in most of the movie, more than Rob and Taylor.
She probably had a good reason to skip,not that she needed one.

Hope they all had a great time.Can't wait to see Rob over the next few weeks. Yay!!

jc(britlover) said...

I agree that some are too judgemental towards Kristen. She does not enjoy the publicity thing. She may have family obligations. People should leave her alone. And on an unrelated note, am I the only person who totally does not like any twitter updates from David Slade? Everyone just fawns over his nature pics and I guess we should be glad to hear from him, but I could care less about his posts. I respect his individuality, and hope he is protecting his actors from the press, but I get negative vibes from him. Hope he proves to be the right director for Eclipse. Sorry for the vent!!!

Federico Zarco said...

maybe maybe..

Anonymous said...

autograph hounds said she was there, but she didn't arrive with Rob, which isn't surprising, it seems better if they travel solo, since all the paps are fixated on snapping them together. Poor kids

jd4 said...

If Taylor, Ashley and Kellen were all seen leaving Vancouver on Saturday and Cristian, Anna and Elizabeth left a day or two before them and the wrap party was for the cast on Saturday night, then who was at the party? And why is Kristen the only one getting called out for it?

Anonymous said...

Kristen WAS at the party. As was Bryce, and Xavier. Jackson's band has a concert tonight. Kristen went undetected but was spotted and followed back to her hotel. Rob probably didn't stay long because it was all over twitter that some of the set stalkers had obtained tickets.

xoRobxo said...

I'm not inclined to believe anything OK prints. However if Kristin was able to make a appearence- I think she should have.

Anonymous said...

Why post this OK article on your site? I didn't think you posted the OK articles?

Gozde said...

lanolagirl, chill. I didn't write the article. I don't like that they bag on Kristen. I do post OK articles with a warning. I put a warning on this one too.


Stacy said...

Canadagraphs has never said Rob was there, from what I've seen. He said Kristen, Jackson and Bryce. It's possible he missed Rob, but I'm not sure why he'd lie about that.

Then again ... why would Ok fib about Rob being there and K not? That goes against some of their other stuff so ... I'm confused, lol.

Either way, sounds like only one was there and they didn't get hounded by paps, so that's all good.

jc(britlover) said...

You know what? Who cares about anything but those four shades of sexy on current banner!!!! Tres hot!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thank you Goz for the Nemo clip! One of my all time fav movies!! Love Dori!

How could people serve Sushi at an aquarium??? Bad taste IMO!

I thought alot of them have already left couver?

No comment on the "other" stuff...

Anonymous said...

With all due respect Godze, I just find it strange that you posted this OK article and not some of the others. Just wondering why this one?

Gozde said...

Because it's about a friggin' party. I didn't think too much about it. Why do you people always try to find "ulterior motives" behind my posts is beyond me.

Most of what OK! posts is bullshit. This might be bullshit as well but it's an account about a party.

If you don't like it, don't read it.

Pandora said...

David Slade seems to be a guy I could imagine myself to be friends with. He has this "dont bullshit me" attitude, maybe sometimes a bit harsh and sardonic and to be frank. Those people are the interesting ones. I would shoot myself if I would have to talk to this "omg how are you!?" candy, overly friendly people. Yuck! They seem so fake.

While Kristen isnt my fave person in the world, who knows, maybe after I would have a real talk with her I would love her to bits because she would fit that kind of people I like.

I wait for more proper information before I start bitching at anyone.

And whats so bad about a party turning into a drink fest?! Thats what parties and booze are for or did I miss something XD

Stacy said...

Goz - what do you think, was Rob there or not, lol? I would just like to know which account is right!

Gozde said...

I seriously have NO idea :) I would think both of them were there. It would be rude to not attend the wrap party of your own movie.

dina said...

Kate I hate sushi too,feels good to say it out loud without getting the 'are you out of your mind' stares. What is that WHAT is on Kristen that triggers so much hate. I was reading what people thought about her performance at the break up scene, I haven't seen it myself, and wow rivers of poison running through. Was she that bad?

Stacy said...

Thanks for answering, Goz. I would think so too, and canadagraphs could have missed Rob, given how many people were there.

Anonymous said...

Godze, what do you mean, "you people"? Who are "you people"? I am a fan of Kristen's as well as Rob's. I guess that makes me a "you people". I enjoy your site b/c you do a great job of posting good pics and you post them quickly. I've also defended you against a lot of the "Robsten shippers" saying you were unbiased. But I'm starting to think some of the things they say about you are right. If being a fan of Kristen's makes me one of "you people", then I sign me up. I'm disappointed in you, though.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

you just can't win....

Anonymous said...

Whoever asked about the acting in the break up scene, my opinion is some people are going to complain about Kristen no matter what she does. A lot people were bashing on Rob's performance as well. I think they both performed the scene the way it was written in the book. It's SM's book and under CW's direction. Just because the fans may react a certain way during a breakup doesn't change the way it was written or directed. They both were heartbreaking.

Gozde said...

I am a BIG fan of Kristen! I make more fun of Rob than I do of Kristen.

I am sorry for thinking you were one of the "RobstenshipperGozdehaters club" I'm really sorry. Forgive me.

I just don't understand what's the big deal about me posting this.

Whatever I post SOMEONE will have a problem. I just can't win...ever...

Anonymous said... are probably the most biased person on this board. And you know exactly what I'm talking about with the OK article. This site supposedly prides itself on not printing gossip. I'm starting to notice though that its ok to gossip if its negative about Kristen. And let's be honest. Those of you who despise her, don't even know her. I'm starting to think the "shippers" are right about some of Rob's fans.

Gozde said...

Karina said...

You know what OK? is probably setting up here, right? Their next week's cover, since Robert and Kristen's wedded bliss has been to happy lately: "Kristen cries at home as Robert vows to eat another cupcake from the cute cupcake makers at the Wrap Party!"

Notice the tone in the Ok article, they are setting it up for marital problems with our favorite married couple. lol

Gozde said...

Great, now I'm a Kristen hater...

I really don't know why I'm defending myself. Think whatever you like. I'm glad you enjoy the pictures.


Karina said...

lanolagirl-I may be mistaken, but this site posts OK! articles all time. I'm a Kristen fan, I tend to think Kristen and Robert have something brewing, and I never get the impression that this site is anti-Kristen at all. If it was, i wouldn't visit it. I hate the irrational hatred that goes on in the fandom for the poor girl.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


the most biased? How much crack did you smoke? You clearly are talking out of your ass.. I don't comment on robsten because it's their private life, and I don't know what anyone does behind closed doors.

First you attack Goz and then me? WTF?

Dear, kindly take a hike

whocares said...

I think Kristen is still having her week off and is in L.A. but can't be sure of course.

Jewels64 said...


For the record, Goz is a Kristen fan! She has never claimed otherwise.

She tries to be fair with her posts. This is a ROB blog the last time I checked.

Go find a KRISTEN blog and peddle your vitriol there.

I don't appreciate you ruining my Rob buzz....

jc(britlover) said...

Love Robsessed, my favorite site. Thanks from all your fans!

Stacy said...

I think there were pics of Kristen arriving in Vancity after she left from LA last week. Pretty sure she's there.

This bitching at Goz is ridiculous. She never said anything bad about Kristen - she's been pretty middle of the road with most things, and who cares what people think?

If you're a fan and you think they're together, why do you feel the need to rag on anyone you think is saying something negative? I'm sure K doesn't need or want fans running around the internet defending her to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Virtol? Bitching? I think its you ladies who need to CHILL. I read all the boards b/c honstly I'm too lazy to search out info. myself. This was one of my favorites because in general the posters don't get ugly about any of the castmembers. Today though I'm seeing what some of the other boards are talking about. For the record you can be a fan of both Rob and Kristen and not be a "shipper". And if Godze wants to kick me off her site, then SHE can tell me so. Any other posters can save their breath and go play with their edward dolls. :) Just know that your rude posts and little temper tantrums at other posters any time they disagree with you is why many of the other boarrds mock you. And I'm not talking about Godze when I say this, but some of the other posters.

Gozde said...

I don't kick anybody out. I think I only asked for 2 people to not come back. 1 of them still comes but is nicer the other probably changed her username and still comments.

Everyone is welcome here.

I just wish people would show me the same courtesy and respect I show them... That's all...

Have a nice day...

Ana73 said...

how did this article about a party start these negative comments on this beautiful sunday morning (ok sunday AM where i am at).

goz always posts OK magz. stories just becuase usually they are nonsense and they are funny to read. she actually posts anything to do with rob, which is great for me.

Gracie said...

I'm sorry I have to comment. Lanolagirl...I'm guessing you are new to this site? Otherwise you would know that Godze always post "OK Magazine crap" with a WARNING. I don't ever recall Gozde attacking Kristen and I didn't catch it this time. I also catch rpazzgirl comments from time to time and I find them funny and entertaining. Not to mention very unbasis and if anything pro Kristen. This site is pretty much not buying into the craziness of are they aren't they dating. We are Rob fans here.... that is all. Why do you feel you have to attack people? No one is attacking Kristen and if someone doesn't care for her acting they are entitled to their opinion weather you agree with them or not....SO CHILAX...BE HAPPY!!!

At the end of the day what will be will be....

P.S. Godez ~ you do a wonderful job you can't please all the people....all the time....

Gracie said...

sorry should have read "un-biased"...not un-basis....sorry Rpattzgirl....:-)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hugs to you Gracie***

In case anyone cares, my Edward doll dumped me for Bella, go figure...

twilight said...

Godze, I love that you post everything! Don't stop posting everything, even the BS stuff, because you trust that we (your readers) can figure out the difference between the BS and the truth. I love you for it. You're doing a wonderful job. Your site rocks.

solas said...

Good gracious-- Sushi and David needing an intervention!!!!I laughed out loud for a few minutes at that commment!!!

Still grinning!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Lanola, why so bitter?

I like to lurk around here, because I always thought that this is place where girls have fun with their Robsession. People drool, people talk harmless nonsense, they speculate a little, but, usually, try to keep the offending stuff away.
And you all make me smile with your comments, feels good -- and God knows I need something else to smile about!
But I really don't get why things get so tough sometimes...
Relax and enjoy your Robsession; leave the venom out, please. For the better.

Kathy said...

So what if Kristen didn't go to the party. She's entitled to stay home if she wants to. She may have just been emotional because Eclipse is wrapping up. On the Twilight DVD she mentions that she got VERY emotional during the slow dance scene at the end because it was the end of filming. So my guess would be that her and Rob just wanted to spend some "alone" time before filming ends and he goes off to do his next film.....which would explain Rob only staying 45 minutes at the party.

solas said...

Still thinking about David and sushi and intervention!
He must have a deliciously wicked sense of humour!!!

solas said...

BTW Gozde- Is the one that came back nicer, or do you just understand her better?

Gozde said...

LOL Solas, I didn't ask you to leave :) I'm talking about Kerr_Bear and Monika.

I'm pretty sure Monika is still lurking and Kerr_bear has been nice the last few times she commented...

Thanks for all the nice words guys, I appreciate it :)

solas said...

Gozde-- WE appreciate YOU.
At least I do. I've learned so much from you--vocabulary! terms!

and I am STILL grinning about the slade/sushi/intervention remark.

Gozde said...

LOL :) I make a lot of Nemo jokes :) I just love that movie so much.

Fish are our friends David Slade! lol.

Solas, I owe you an email, I'll reply soon. Promise.

Gozde said...

A wrap party is a party when something wraps up = finishes :)

The Eclipse filming is almost over and since some of the cast was leaving they threw the party last night.

Anonymous said...

Thanx, Gozde!

Anonymous said...

Err ...I thought this was a ROB site...I love's all about ROB right? Forget Kristin, Taylor, etc etc...Rob right? At the end of the day that is the one and only person I could give a toss about...ROB.
GODZE's your love ROB ?...then that's fine in my book.

Gozde said...

I do love Rob :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear it! LOL!

Krystle said...

LOL @ sushi at the aquarium :D

Maybe they just didn't get a report about Kristen attending..she may have slipped in and out without the knowledge of OK mag..(SHOCKING I KNOW)...and even if she didn't, who cares - leave her alone.

solas said...

I never saw Nemo, and I do eat fish, lots of it, just not sushi, but eating sushi in front of live fish, at an aquarium, is I don't have a word in English for it. I actually have heard a beyond-tragic, beyond-horrific real account in history that is like that, but with humans. :-( And I will not get into it here.
But for a happier memory
/comparison, if you have ever had the pleasure to hear or read the stories of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and remember how Lester, the pig that taught manners to children, blanched when one mother served bacon for breakfast whilst he was there, you get the idea!

Hannah said...

FORKS is NOT a fictional town. nice job, OK mag.

jmm4832 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jmm4832 said...

I don't understand why some people are being so sensitive. Gozde wasn't putting down Kristen.

This is the best Rob fansite out there. Thank you Gozde and everyone else for posting all the great pictures and articles.

Echo said...

i think we only have 2 otters at the vancouver aquarium, and pretty sure the dolphin isn't that old.

jackson was out of town until midnight on friday...

dabby said...

well,i don't rely on ok magz at all..i pity kristen for always being the center of negative publicity.i love her and i feel sad that the filming is coming to an end:(hey gozde,i love your aquarium party haha!

solas said...

Hanah--Is it possible they meant the Forks set-up in Vancouver was fictional?

Dabby--I feel badly for Kristen as well, and wish I could protect her from all the nastiness. :-(

JandR said...

I'm wondering how many people have ever eaten sushi?? It is not all about seafood, maybe you guys are thinking of sashimi??

Mind you my fave sushi does have tuna...hehehe

and hey maybe the Aquarium did the catering and sushi is their specialty??

Either way - we know the cast have enjoyed sushi many times so prob was just to cater to their likes.

No need for intervention Dave - our aquarium cafe serves fish and chips!! LOL

JandR said...

BTW - I for one am hoping we've seen the back of lanolagirl - WTF was she on about?? Come in on the attack or what?? And what for??

Take it somewhere else unless you can show some respect!

JandR said...

jmm4832 - this site is the best Rob site around and Gozde, Dani and Kate knock themselves out gathering everything possible for us Rob-fans to devour.

Why then do people think they get free rein to be judgemental and nasty about the things that get posted?? They are out there already - Robsessed don't write the articles themselves, they do however make the most hilarious comments on them.

Sheesh - life is too short people - come here to enjoy and appreciate the efforts of the ladies - they deserve our gratitude not our bile!

Anonymous said...

Ah, a brief animated interlude to enliven this thread.

It only takes a brief judgemental comment to spoil the fun.
And become the brief source of entertainment.

Lanola, you just helped cranked up Robsessed's visitor counter.

Kristen. Rob likes her (she must be a special girl). So, that's fine with me; she'll be welcomed in my home. I think she's one of the prettiest among her contemporaries.

I say they attended the party at different times for reasons we already know.

I've commented in the past that there is an opportunity for Rob to improve his acting. But that has nothing to do with my admiration of him as a person. It's very juvenile to conclude that if you're not a fan (or disagree with a fan), you must be a hater.

Such harsh word.

Oh, I'd eat good sushi, even in an aquarium party!

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