New 'OLD' Robert Pattinson Candid

Rob on the subway.
Thanks to TwiFans for the pic.


keely said...

Aaaaaaw, such a cute pic! Love those old pictures, thanks Dani!

keely said...

P.S: I hope that is a scarf he was wearing there ;-)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love Beany Rob too, thanks Dani.
Is this in London?

LM said...

Where are you going Rob? You need to get a subway (sandwich) 'cause you look a little thin.

When was this taken? It looks almost like GOF vintage--he's looking good but younger. Thanks, any and all pictures of Rob are appreciated.

Haystackhair said...

What the heck is he wearing? LOL

keely said...

@rpattzgirl: Yeap, looks like the tube in london for me :-)

RPnKSaddict said...

If it's not a scarf he's wearing then he's reverting back to BMHB attire. You know good old Daniel Gale. LOL

Mon said...

Well, I visited London last week. Maybe I should have been looking around for him :))

He was quite young in that pic.
So cute...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks Keely...wish he could still go around free like this again...

LM said...

rpattzgirl--Yep, London tube map right above his head.

RPaddict--I really liked the awkward, clumsy Daniel Gale character.

Anonymous said...

He looks like my brother in this pic!
This is such a turn off to my Robsession!! NOOOOOO!!!...

Suz said...

i think you mean the tube. lol

mind the fucking gap..

oh and mind the god in the beanie, too.

keely said...

@rpattzgirl: You´re welcome, hun :-)

@crazy vamp: I feel for you, girl, but if your brother looks like that, he can call himself very lucky ;-)

Dani said...

You're very welcome ladies, yeap that is London a go go I think its back during the Harry Potter filming, I remember this look from those days.

Anywho I adore the beanie and Keely I am not entirely sure that is a scarf he is wearing, he wears some odd clothing that much is true so your guess is as good as mine.

Sarah said...

sigh.. the first thing that came to my head when i saw this was "he's an angel" his smile is so incredibly contagious and warms the heart, i think. or my heart at least :)

Unknown said...

Rob was very thin ...
I am happy now, because he gained some weight and looks better.

Anonymous said...

i love beanie rob too :)

thanks dani!

that is one shiteous shirt he's wearing though...

Athena said...

Rob on the Tube! Awwwwww!

Daniel Gale is my favourite (comedy) character that Rob's played so far! A nerdy guy with a killer smile... gotta love him! :D

kat said...

So cute. I just love him. Couldn't care less about what he wears in real life. Though I have problems with his old man clothes in New Moon. Sorry. I know I'm in the minority here on that. It's just that hot, edgy,dangerous high school guys would not dress like stable, conservative 40year old men who drive very safe Volvos. Oh, um. nevermind.

ElQueSigui said...

i can't imagine him going on the tube right now :( poor thing.. i'm sure he misses it..

anyway, love the pic! <3

jmm4832 said...

I love this picture. I just want to hug him!!

Anonymous said...

Mind the gap, please mind the gap!

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