NEW Robert Pattinson Picture in The Sunday Times Magazine (Australia)

Thanks to our friends RPAustralia and their reader-Lise Lou we have another Stewart Shining Picture!


Dagny said...

There's a halo around his head!

I always knew he was an angel.

Vicky(crovamp) said...

OMG!!soooo hot!

twilightmami2008 said...

OMG he is sooooooooo damm hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

HOLY HOT POCKETS BATMAN......ROB ROB have been pumping LOOK at ROB'S ARMS!!!!!


OOOH BABY he looks hot. I can hardly type....pant pant pant. And they wonder why we love him. :)

Anonymous said...

How can a mortal stand there and look like a Greek God EVERYTIME? And now he has a Halo too...i think everything, every perspective i had on life has changed...thanks to this man...couldn't adore him more.

Rhonda said...

This is the definition of arm porn!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm yummy

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh those arms with those hands.....ughh! Hold me now.

Angie said...

Um, yeah the arms are looking damn good, of course the rest goes without saying!

Krissy said...

I think I may have seriously damaged something upon my person when I gazed at that...




stunningpatty said...

I... have... no... words...
Those arm... ummm, well, they´re just killing me!

As delicious as always ;)

stunningpatty said...

Look at the hair in the forearms... and the muscles....
I can´t... I can´t... I can´t... just two much, indeed!

Jessica said...

I really don't know what to say.... So I'm just going to sit & Stare at those arms for a little while :) If I don't come back, I died happy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is really, REALLY hot. He looks gorgeous.

Celtibera said...

God almighty.

I think I just had a Rob-verdose!

anastasia.1474 said...

OMG!!!Rob....I have to keep reminding myself to breathe...

JandR said...

Love the new Rob pic - thanks to Sunday Times (hoping that is WA LiseLou?? - I'm a Perth girl too - why the heck didn't I look at the papers this weekend??)

Anyway - mmm - little glimpse of blue underwear there for the eagle-eyed...thank you for this divine shot of Rob xxxxx

spellbound said...

There are so many things on this man I want to lick...I wouldn't know where to start

crooked smile said...

oooooooo jesusssss!!!

marina mia said...

god, just when i think I can just look at Rob and just adore his pics, a new one comes along and bamm - I am breathless and giggly at the same time. i am 36 years old LOL!!!

dabby said...

wow!irresistible human you!haha!

Haystackhair said...


twmmy said...

Only can sing : " Hold me tight !!! "

angie-k said...

just WOW....

Anonymous said...

Gah, his arms, hands and his jaw is especially fine in that photo!

Lucerne said...

Damn. Loving that picture. Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

Lizzie said...

Absolutely hoooot, *drool*
How can anyone be so damned sexy??

womadsart said...

He's looking better and better with age and he hasn't even reached his peak yet!!!! frakin'A!!!!!! and he's more muscular..... and hotter sexier than ever! When will this torture stop!!!!!!!
God All mighty have mercy on ALL of US!!!!!!!!!!!

angie-k said...

never found myself wishing to be a grey t-shirt before...

RPLover said...

hot DAMN. I just love the ones of him against the red wall-this was a HOT photo shoot!! I need to take up photography... ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


When did his arms get like this???

Come on UC ANC your breechcloth... I need to see jhe rest of this amazing man!

roxiegirl said...

I would just love those arms wrapped around me (in my fantasies of course!) Tee hee. Another gorgeous pic of OUR greek god. I can't wait to see New Moon. I am a Big Screen Rob Virgin (BSRV as quoted over at RoAR). I will probably slide out of my chair, faint or have a robgasm or all three!! Happy Sunday everyone!

Unknown said...

Red it´s his color!! And grey, and black... damn he´s perfect, so any color it´s good for him. Nice, niiiiiice arms!!

tnan said...

That pose, for some reason, he just reminds me of Michelangelo's David. Classic Greek god pose lol.

Colleen said...

mmmm hes got purdy hair, and....other...stuff.

Tenneil said...

Insane... He is unbelievably beautiful... yes thank you for outtakes:)

heather said...

Holy hell! My sunday morn was just intensified! Geez, those arms are utter perfection. They are in perfect proportion to the rest of his body, not one thing I would change...The only problem now is I want more and will be completely impatient until I get some. BRING IT!!!! Thanks, Goz!

Marna said...

His arms look great, but look how his nice broad shoulders go down into his waist. DAMN.

Pet73 said...

OMR! The more of those pics I see, the less I'm satisfied with only looking at him :(. What would I give to touch him. To gently run my fingers over this slender body, through his messy hair, along that incredible lower lip .... thud ...

CullenGal09 said...

Holy lord. If this is what we have to look forward to more of leading up to NM's release-we'll never make it....GAH! Those arms, that face, those hands....*thud*. IAMDEAD.

CullenGal09 said...

Oh, and one more thing-he iis lika a FINE wine....he just keeps getting better and better as he, ahem, matures....hehe. ;)

kchambers77 said...

i've been taken to the gun show. i would like some more please.

kat said...

Words escape me. He is just too hot. I wanna rip that gray shirt off with my teeth.

suasiddau said...

OMG drive me crazy ...dazzle

...wowie! said...

oh hot dayum...i'm hyperventilating. good golly almighty!!!

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again- the only way to explain this man is that he is God's Orgasm. There's no other way around it. ;)

Anonymous said...


Divinesally said...

He makes my nether regions quiver...I don't think I can take much more of this...or can I? *smutty chortle*

RPnKSaddict said...

OMR!! I just freakin fell out of my chair!! Bicep and hand porn.

Robert your going to be the death of me!!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

OH MY....


Anonymous said...

And this is why Robsessed is #1.

This is where you see no holds barred expression of love, devotion, lust, and obsession towards the object of our desire.

But you're a grandma, you say?

No problem. You're not dead. Express yourself.

Oh, you're one of the very few males perusing these pages? Good for you. Observe and learn.

(And Rob is one of the few. I hope. Wouldn't that be amazing!?)


Rob against the red. Hmmm...oozing with virility, as usual. 'lick and save worthy.

rob4ever said...

He simply takes my breath away! I never knew the meaning untill just now!!!

He is PERFECTION!!!!!!!!

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