Robert Pattinson"The Haunted Airman" Screencaps

For loads more "Haunted Airman" screencaps visit RobertPattinsonBrasil


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Jewels64 said...

Thanks Kate! I was just on there downloading to my little heart's content!!!

They are beautiful... Le Sigh....

Suz said...

His beauty has NO LIMITS.


I love Toby Jugg.

haunting indeed

jmm4832 said...

Awesome pics! I haven't seen this movie. I pre-ordered How to Be and am anxiously awaiting for it to arrive!

wintermistake said...

OMG!!! I'm canceling my plans for the weekend. I'll need some uninterrupted, alone time with my computer :D

Suz said...

jmm ..this movie, while a bit disturbing.. (ok a lot disturbing)

It's great. It really shows Robert's acting chops.

I do recommend reading the book first, it will help make sense of the film even though they made MAJOR changes.

The book is really good.

Don't even get me started on How to Be. Art is my absolute favorite part Rob has played.

Art owns me.

Kate said...

I couldn't handle the spiders in this. I atually had to watch it in parts, I couldn't sit down and lok at the whole thing in one go !! LOL Ya I know that's bad.
Much prefer HTB although I agree with you Suz (when do iI not LOL)
I'm off to bed night all!

Kymz said...

This had some major freakness going on in an hour.

Im with you Kate in that I couldnt handle the spiders either.

xLove2rpatzzx said...

I actually realli enjoyed this film nd robs performance was brilliant! altho i found it quite confusing!! talk bout chain smoking tho (reminds me of wen ive been drinkin) NOT GD!!!!!

jmm4832 said...

Spiders?? Definitely not good. I have a phobia about spiders.

I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the other day and got all teary when Rob's character died. I'm a mess.

Rhonda said...

Thanks for posting these. I really love his look in this one. The eyes with that green sweater vest are just amazing!

Ana Paula said...

Hello Kate and all the visitants of Robsessed!

Thank you for link to my site here, we are very grateful for that!

Rob is beautiful in The Haunted Airman!

Ana Paula from!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

These pics are Hot,Rob looks sexy as hell..........
and i finished all the chaps of EP and it was F**** Amazing ,well written and Hot,i think they are 60 chaps so iam waiting on more.

Edward is Awesome and Hot as hell in this story (take away the Guns and drugs) but he is a mafia prince so its expected he is the bad Boy.
Looking for a good FF to read try EP :-)

RPnKSaddict said...

I love the way he says "Lieutenat" I have to rewind just that part alone 5 times before I continue on with the movie. His accent just melts me in this film.

Treasure_7 said...

What a face!!

keti said...

This movie is a little disturbing, I Hate spiders!!!! but I love his English accent :)

thanks for the pictures Kate

SluttyPattz said...

I loved this Movie. It was so good.

SluttyPattz said...

Time for a new Avi...

keti said...

Hi Teri, love your avi :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hello from Vancouver. We got here at 12;30 went for quite a long walk around Robson, granville, burrard... Ate and little shopping.
It's 6:00 fucking a clock& everyone except me is tired & napping. WTF????

It's very crowded done here, lots of weird people... No vamps or wolves yet...I know it's early, but already discouraged. One person does nothing but complain, picky about everything...want to fucking slap the bitch!

If anyone has any tips, I'm listening!
If people will wake the he'll up we're going back to robson tonight, then gastown tomorrow night.

Love Toby Jugg-sexy in the bathtub!

keti said...

good luck rpattzgirl - dont get disheartend, go too that cupcake shop he might be there

SluttyPattz said...

rpattzgirl, I am sooooooooooooo excited to hear you made it there ok. At least get your pic taken with the cupcake ladies.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG good luck and enjoy BC ,
i hope you meet Rob and when you do give him a hug for me :-)

bonemama said...

i have this movie and im watching bad mother's handbook right now its a heavy duty movie..but our superman saves the day. how adorkable he looks, stubbling all over the place.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I will try to stay positive... I did just hear kstew is down the street from our hotel... So maybe? Course they don't show up till 2 in the morning so guess I will have to stalk

of I can figure out my iPhone will try to upload any photos

Temptation said...

Hey Keti, I thought you were lunching today with Orion.......

Rpattzgirl we are all so jealous here in Australia, we are sending out wonderful Karmic vibes for you and know that what will be will be....

Good Luck...

bonemama said...

im so excited for you rpattzgirl..good luck!

roxiegirl said...

Good luck rpattzgirl!! Have my fingers crossed for you!! I ordered Haunted airman and HTB from amazon. Can't wait till they are released and arrive at my house!!

Kat said...

Oh good Lord.... could he BE any more beautiful... I say no, until we see more pics.

Beauty inside and out. Look at me, getting all soppy!

I loved the new interview today.

Kelly said...

Schooch over in that babe... I'm home :)

Suz said...

Kat, are you getting




Suz said...


Is this "my" Kelly?

Emily said...

Ah, Rob. You are beautiful. Those eyes, the lips, the freakin jawline. I could stare at him all day.

Wait, what time is it? Maybe I have been staring at him all day...

Kelly said...

SUZ!!!! This is your Kelly.. I heard wind of a party an dthis was the place to be :)

RPLover said...

good luck RPG!! we're all excited for you and are dying for any photos you may want to share! ;)

Suz said...

Party, you don't say....

well, wherever I am..

it'sa party.

whatchya drinkin?

Kelly said...

I love the pics about three posts down today.. you know the one.. the one that got me friggen preggers! Overies exploded.. BOOM.. waiting for the etp stick to register... said before. not sure how I'm gonna explain this one to the DH...I swear honey I just looked at the picture!

Kelly said...

Ah.. I'm having a threeway.. it's me, the captain and ginger...:)

Suz said...

immaculate conception...

He is fucking immaculate.

Kelly said...

And yes my dear.. where you are the party is :)

Suz said...

A threeway..

Me too..

Me and Mr and Mrs Howell.

Suz said...

its going to be a three hour tour


Kelly said...

I know.. immaculate... I'll take it.. he can get sloppy if he wants though he'll hear no complaints from me.. as long as the job gets done :)

Suz said...

sooner or later we all get....


Kelly said...

Mr & Mrs Howell.. LMAO...

I meant Capt Morgans and gingerale :)

Kelly said...

Oh hell yeah.. sloppy can be fun though :)

Suz said...

I know you did.. but the Thurston Howell, III joke worked.. no?

Kelly said...

Totally worked... lol...

Tenneil said...

Is this where a party was starting?? and a 3hr tour... sign me up... :)

Kelly said...

LOL Hey Ten.. Not sure where Suz went off too... but I'm still here :)

Tenneil said...

Hey Kel... I must say.. those haunted airman caps are killing me... I love Toby:)

Kelly said...

I just adore him.. Toby, Art, Dali, Tyler, Edward, all of them..

Anonymous said...

suz! how you doin'??? xoxo

hey kelly and t!

Tenneil said...

He is yummy in any package!!!

Kelly said...

Hey TS

JandR said...

Helllllllooooo Robkats! Is this a private party?

Tenneil said...

Hi TS!!! howyoudoing??
Where did Suz go?? and Kat??? HEELLLLLOOOOOO???

Kelly said...

I don't know where Suz went??

Anonymous said...

private party? no way.

why do you think that?

Tenneil said...

Hello JanR:) its a fine Robolious evening!!

Anonymous said...

okay.... i show up and fucking crickets? :(

Kelly said...

I'm here... chirp chirp :)

Anonymous said...

hang on... brb

Mars said...

NUMBER TWO. Fudge! I spent an entire weekend watching Haunted Airman, Bad Mother's Hbk and How To Be after I ordered all of them from (thanks to a link I found HERE!) and Rob's performance was beyond amazing! I started looking up Rob video interviews after that, which led to my *ahem* acute infatuation... le sigh.

Number two is my *new* favourite. *fans self*

Tenneil said...

I am here... ts you getting a drink:) so lets get this party started:)

JandR said...

you gals are great when you get on a roll...just saying it is fun to watch you go at it! :-) We like to do that too ;-)

JandR said...

Hi Tenneil - I agree - Robolicious is fine anytime, you are enjoying your evening, while it is just before midday here in West Oz!

Tenneil said...

HAHA JanR Rob is great inspiration to us all ... *sigh*

Tenneil said...

JanR.. yeah its 1130pm.. where are you at?? Australia??

JandR said...

Tenneil - yes i live in Perth Western Australia, a very long way from any of you gals, hell it's a friggin long way from anyone else in Australia even lol

Kelly said...

It looks like it's gonna be quiet in here.. I need ot awake at 6am tomorrow and drive to NY and back .. so I had better hit the pillows.. nite all.. maybe tomorrow?? MMWWAAHHH

Anonymous said...

okay... back with drink. maybe some more robkats?

awww night kelly!

Kelly said...

Sorry I will miss the party :(

Tenneil said...

AAHHHH Kelly.. thats an early morning... night bb.. MMWWWAAHHH!!

JanR ... haha..

Tenneil said...

TS Whatcha drinking... me and Mike are pretty close right now:)

Kat said...

Hello..... anyone?

Anonymous said...

what's up kat?

Kat said...

Ten, Amanda... Kelly.... what's going on this fine Friday evening?

Anonymous said...

t: i am currently enjoying a sprite zero and vanilla vodka conCOCKtion

Tenneil said...

Hey Kat... whatup??

Hey TS what is up with ITLOM&H??

Tenneil said...

TS were already bring out the Cock:)


Anonymous said...

kat: did you see the haunted airman SMOKING pics?

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!!!!!!!

Kat said...

Sorry..... I'm here....

Anonymous said...

oh noooo... don't get me started on itlomah! she fucking pulled it

Kat said...

Amanda... a combo of smoking AND tear duct porn. Did I see them you ask? I haven't been able to look away from them....

Tenneil said...

ELLIE bean:) hello mistress...

TS WHY??? did I hear someone was copying it??

Anonymous said...

ellie!!!! 'sup?

Anonymous said...

he looks so young... but so, so delicious

i'm sure you did a quicky clicky and save

britpacksuccubus said...

Hola! *waves*

Anonymous said...

t: no...she's going to publish it.

Anonymous said...

what's up brit?????

glad you joined us :)

Tenneil said...

Hello Brit:) nice to meet you...your pix on twitter.. YOWZA!!

Ellie said...

It's been a while, girls. so good to be on here!!!!!!!!

And the tear ducts, kat? YUM.

Anonymous said...

girls...brit is a fellow perv *winks*

britpacksuccubus said...

Hey, honey, thx for the invite. ;)

Anonymous said...

ellie: it's been forevah!

wtf is JULESY?

Tenneil said...

Brit I think I need to friend you on twitter...bbbwwaaahhh!!

Kat said...

Hey Brit... nice to meet ya... what pics am I missing with my terrible neglect on twitter?

I'm gonna get confused calling you Brit...just sayin' :-)

britpacksuccubus said...

You like my twatter posts? RAWR!! What's your twitter name?

TwiHartRK said...

Hey ladies - I have an errand to run and will be back. In case I miss you - xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

hey al! we'll be here ;)

Tenneil said...

I know I told Jules... we were here.. OOOHHHHH JULES where are you girl...

Hey Mistress... we going to the naughty room... I want to log some time:)

Anonymous said...

LOL kat @ getting confused!

Kat said...

Ellie... let's all unite with the licking of the tear ducts....

Lindsey said...

Hey lovely ladies! It's been awhile since I've dropped in here ;)

Tenneil said...

Hey Alie *waves..highbye*..

Lindsey said...

I can't change my profile name to something else, and I'm trying...LOL!

Kat said...

Amanda... I get called Brit at work... so if I answer for Brit... oh, wtf, I'm confused already! Beer anyone?

Anonymous said...

sohowhore in the hizzy?

yikes! hey girl ;)

Tenneil said...

Brit.. tenneil17...:)

Hey Soho *waves*

Kat said...

Linds - hello, it has been forever for all of us...

Tenneil said...

Kat what no whiskey tonight???

Anonymous said...

ORLY kat? they call you brit?

too funny!

oh and to answer your previous question, brit likes to post some nawwwty pics.

Lindsey said...

Hey Amanda! I need help changing my profile name...anyone care to help me with that? Haha

britpacksuccubus said...

Sent you a follow request T, and yeah CHEERS!!

Ellie said...

Nice to meet yu, Brit!
Welcome to our little pervy little group! :)

Ten, of course the Naughty room is open for your perusal!

Lindsey said...

Hi Kat! :)

Anonymous said...

mmmm i need sam to sing me whiskey

Kat said...

Ten.... yes, I'll have the whiskey AFTER the beer...

Amanda - yeah they call me Brit. Original eh? I should call them all American until they figure out how unoriginal they're being!

britpacksuccubus said...

I'm in a very naughty mood tonight and I should be fucking writing!!

Unknown said...

Maybe this one will work better, no?

Anonymous said...

linds: go to your profile.. it will say screen name or something like that

Kat said...

Oh Brit... me too... BritKat is my twitter... I'm off to find you...

Tenneil said...

Got it brit..sent you one too:)

Sam singing Whiskey... le sigh...

Ellie... can I go first then:) I got a new riding crop I am dying to break in;0

Unknown said...

Thanks, Amanda! :)

Anonymous said...

do it kat!

and then blame it on your dry brit humor ;)

britpacksuccubus said...

Gotcha, ladeez!

Tenneil said...

Well hello Linds...

Kat aka Brit.. shit I am confused...LOL

Ellie said...

Be my guest (and Rob's), Ten.
Just bring the Snapple, okay? We're all out...

Anonymous said...


JandR said...

Hello Brit - what have you written so far? Are you another of the Fanfic legends on here?

Anonymous said...

well hello jandr... welcome back

Kat said...

Wow Brit... that was fast, it was all over so soon. I feel like we didn't date long enough ;-)

Ellie said...

Mich is here???

Tenneil said...

Ellie... I was going to bring that and some carrots.. and some FUCKING cupcakes just for good measure...LOL

Unknown said...

Hi there, Tenneil :)

britpacksuccubus said...

Hey, JandR! I wouldn't say legend by any means. I write "I Get Off", "Handcuffs and Heartstrings" and "Teach Me What Love Is". You?

Kat said...

And Kelly too... I'm so spoilt...

Anonymous said...

brit: come on... pimp your fic

britpacksuccubus said...

Sorry, Kat, Imma fast mover. You can call me BPS if that makes it easier for you.

Anonymous said...

she's not here ellie... but she said she was coming.

Ellie said...

Ten, don't forget the Hot box Creamy Delights. they some of his faves...

britpacksuccubus said...

Which one, TS?

Tenneil said...

Brit I was going to start a new ff tonight ... which one would break me in??

britpacksuccubus said...

Which one, TS?

Anonymous said...

all of 'em.. haha

Temptation said...

JANDI - I am suprised you have returned after our exhausting session last night.....I needed some vitamin B after that one........I slept well though.....except I had a really crass dreammmmmmm...

britpacksuccubus said...


britpacksuccubus said...

H&H, my DILF entry:

britpacksuccubus said...

My SSA auction fic:

Tenneil said...

Shit Ellie... cream huh.. "i think we can handle that" lol

britpacksuccubus said...

I feel so dirty now.

Tenneil said...

swweeet brit~ I am a ffaholic:)

britpacksuccubus said...

Ten, IGO is the only m/c right now.

Kat said...

BPS... are any complete? I have a rule that I can't break...

Unknown said...

I have recently succumbed to FF, and I think I will need an intervention soon...I read it while stocking shelves at work; that's pretty bad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

did you know what m/c meant?

i had to ask LOL

Temptation said...

Lindsey - that's what I like to see at work Multitasking...purrrfect

britpacksuccubus said...

Sorry, Kat, H&H is a o/s with a smuttake coming, TMWLI is a aucfic o/s that I hope to continue and IGO is a m/c with 7 chaps so far.

MiCh said...

Hello, hello? Is anybody home!?

Tenneil said...

anyone have a ff guide to understaniding the abbrebviations... shit did I spell that right...

Anonymous said...

linds! haha i read fic at work like i'm getting paid to do it LOL

Ellie said...


Hi, baby!!!!!!!!!!! xo

Unknown said...

Well, the multi-tasking becomes a bit hard to manage, when you get distracted...Haha! But, I do try ;)

Tenneil said...

Hey Mich...*waves hello*

britpacksuccubus said...

I read & write at work. It's a beautiful thing!

Anonymous said...

ohhh brit: your new avi is...ummmm. yeah. rome rob is my FAV

hi mich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Mich! So good to see you here :)

Temptation said...

Reading and Writing at work I am so would need good aircon, things may get a little heated.....leather seats I hope....

Kat said...


Looks like we all read (and write) at work. LOVE IT.

Unknown said...

That's a good thing, Amanda! Getting paid to read and work; sounds like my kinda job ;)

Tenneil said...

THUD... brits new avi.. my panties just melted and maybe me think of person jesus vid...aaahhhh

Anonymous said...

kat.... how's my accountability partner doing on writing? hahaha

Ana73 said...

good evening ladies - just checking in, just got done reading Emancipation Proclamtion and now waiting on updates for that too, along with the other ones...the story is soooo good, i think it maybe my fav. so far :)

brit - i see that you write some but are they done because i want to start reading some that are complely done.

RPG - i am sending all of my luck your way and i hope you see someone, ditch your friends if they dont want to go stalk the streets, i would :))

Ellie said...

i TEACH reading and writing, but don't get to do much of it myself (ff, of course...) lol

JandR said...

Hey BPS - a writer myself I wish! lol - but you can count me in as one who appreciates the finer things sweet fanfic porn has to offer ;-)
God TS has gotten me spanked last night and it was goooood! ;-)
I'll have to check out your stories!

Anonymous said...

hah! i wish... it's really gonna get me busted one of these days

Unknown said...

When you work in retail, you do have to be a bit subtle about it, though. I would die if a customer casually glanced over my shoulder, and the wrong line or phrase happened to be within eyeshot. I, for sure, would lose my job over that one!

MiCh said...

Hello Amanda, Linds, Ellie, Kat, Suz, Tenneil and miscellaneous lurkers! *waves*

And yeah, it's a fact we all read ff at work. It's terrible for productiveness but WTH, it's so fucking awesome!

Temptation said...

Jandi - I am working on TS today....have to keep hiding it from the screen is huge.....

britpacksuccubus said...

See, TS, we were separated at birth!! RomeROB is fucking scrumpdidlyumptious to mee too!!!

Anonymous said...

wait....what? i got you spanked?

do tell........

britpacksuccubus said...

Sorry, ladies....all are still wips and all are smut. It's what I do.

Anonymous said...

yes brit! i know ;)

or should i call you bps?

Kat said...

Amanda... 13 pages... I'm getting there. The story is unfolding. I'm REALLY enjoying it. I purposely haven't started a new FF since COH so that I'll concentrate on mine. How's yours going?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good evening Ladies!!

Unknown said...

I'm about to pass out at the computer, as usual! ;) Goodnight ladies; the chatting was brief, but fun! Muah!

Tenneil said...

Wait Kat your writing too?? swwweeetttt.. TS how is your coming??

JandR said...

TS LMFAO - well if it was you thank you very much ;-))
The Sub...I like...

britpacksuccubus said...

You can call me anything you want, bb!! ;)~

Tenneil said...

me love you long time...

Anonymous said...

kat: hmmm well the first three chaps are done.... and i've started on chap four.

jules and i are gonna chat tomorrow and post this weekend.

Anonymous said...

omg b fucking i!!!!!!!

what's up?

Ellie said...

Good night, Linds...Olive juice, bb!

Kat said...

Ten, I'll likely never write anything after this, but I have to write just one short story... just to say I've done it!

Tenneil said...

Night Linds:) sweet robbie dreams

Ellie said...

Amanda, you're gonna post it?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

jandr... ohhhh well i would love to take credit for your spankings, but sadly i cannot :(

the sub is good though

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm just looking back thru the comments trying to play catch-up, but I think it's a lost cause.... too many comments to go thru.

Tenneil said...

BI... ff and Rob what else:)

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