Vanity Fair (Italy) Scans

Our lovely reader Babs sent in these scans From "Vanity Fair" (Italy) and here's what she said about the article:
They interviewed Kristen, Taylor, Ashley and Dakota.
I think they did the interview a few months ago after shooting in Italy, but there isn't a precise date.
The journalist says that she interviewed Kristen in a hotel room in California.
They don't say anything new/interesting, just a few questions about their careers, their characters in NM and if they enjoyed shooting in Montepulciano.
Rob is only briefly mentioned in a question asked to Kristen.
Q: I saw teenage girls with 'team Edward' or 'team Jacob' written on their shirts. Which character do you prefer between the two?
K: I love them both. With Taylor, we just don't think, we have fun and that's all. What I like of Robert's character is the constant sexual tension, the thought that 'I trust you but I know that you're a vampire and could kill me'.

Thanks a million to Babs for sending us the scans



noisefaidaus said...

Kristen likes the sexual tension!!!! And the hotness that is Rob???

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy Mother-those lips are just begging for a big fat KISS!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Sexual tension? Ya think?

Holy mother fuck...this takes my breath away:

Anonymous said...

i like that 3rd scan.

Marna said...

I don't believe Kristin has any sexual tension with Rob, I think he's taking care of her sexual tension all the time. And I'm really jealous about that :-)

Has anyone found the People special edition? I haven't found it anywhere yet, it's very strange.

MMc said...

Wen I like that pix of Rob.

Yeah I think we all feel the sexual tension too!!

I LOVE that pix of Rob laying face down on the fuzzy rug with his shirt pulled up!!! Oh my - humina humina wow - as they said.

bonemama said...

its saturday night rob..come out come out where ever you are!

kat said...

@RPG thank you for that picture!

Takes my breath away indeed. White tee...jaw about an exquisite beauty!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So??? Word is Kristen's in LA...where' our guy? Still in
Couver, or is he hiding in LA?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I know...I actually gasped!

xLove2rpatzzx said...

Love the pic!!!
going to bed now extremely happy :)) hehe!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, no Kristen @ Scream Awards...

MMc said...

Now I know I'm Robsessed for sure......and spend too much time online searching info and pix of Rob............they cut off my electricity and I had to stay in a hotel, and now my credit card has been stopped..........all because I haven't taken the time to pay my bills........I have the money........I'm just too busy Rob searching to deal with daily life! Ugh!

My personal brand of heroine is getting me in trouble - I need an intervention and rehab!!!!

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

femroc, I have come very close to doing the same thing. I get so disracted by Rob, everything else seems so unimportant.

Angie said...

Okay A, I gotta say I do not know what that means. However, I am curious! So tell me...please.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ohhh, groove in the upper lip!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

His philtrum is divine, and just the right size for my tongue!

Angie said...

rpattzgirl, I got that, too, but what is A implying?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No idea-I had to google what is was!

So what does that mean???

bonemama said...

this link will give you the answer!

Angie said...

Thank you very much for that bit of info, bonemama.

Now my mind is in the gutter.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well fuck me twice!
Thanks for the info bonemama! As if we already didn't know how sexy this man is, now his lip proves it!!!

Wow, I imagine all kinds of things with his mouth...

Anonymous said...

Love his lips...

Edward ooohh Edward!...

What? Sexual tension? You bet!...

Anonymous said...

@ ADM ~
Girl, my mind is so in the gutter, too...
well, hell!...

Ana73 said...

what i would do to be the one touching his lips...

RPG - where did you see that she is in LA???

finally got on computer today and read the latest EP chapter, it was so cute, they went to prom and had some real fun later :))

Anonymous said...

My daughter made me watch "17 again" in DVD with her tonight. She likes Zac E.
God, Zac is such a boy! I think he is Rob's age... But Rob is a MAN!! Right? See what I mean?

Sorry, drunk here. Totally lost in the middle of my Robsession... damn!

Angie said...

crazy vamp, let her have Zac. Leaves just a little more Rob for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Good... damn...
Every night when I get in HERE it is too early for the american girls, and too late for the europeans...

Okay, i'm drunk enough to talk to myself...

Hi Robert!! Like vodka?? :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Laney and punked has her photos @ lax with her manager from this morning. Said she was on set till midnight them flew out this morning has to be back to bc for work on Monday

Anonymous said...

@ ADM ~
My life saver...

How are you?
Yep! She likes Zac, Taylor and (damn it!) Rob! And also a bunch of boys from her school... She is 13...

Angie said...

crazy vamp, where are you?

I'm on the east coast of US. I am usually headed off to bed just when the action starts here.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

zac is a cute BOY let the little girls swoon...

We'll take the man RobMan!

Angie said...

At 13 they tend to like every pretty boy. They have built in radar.

Anonymous said...

God, I just read the comments... Everyone is reading FF! Soon I won't have anything to talk with you...

Oh wait a sec! ROB! Yep, we can talk about that gorgeous piece of meat...

Angie said...

And what a beautiful piece he is!!

Anonymous said...

@ ADM ~

I'm in Brazil.

Angie said...

Well that's cool. Would love to visit there some time.

Anonymous said...

Hi, RPG!

Yes, ADM ~ it is a beautiful country.
So, you are in the US east coast... I've lived in some places in the US, in 4 different times, but never lived in the south ~ it was all snow every time...

Angie said...

crazy vamp, the snow we get here usually lasts less than 24 hours. I don't think I could stand the cold, lived too long in the south.

In fact I am freezing now and my thermostat says 66. What is up with that?

I need Rob to keep me warm. hehe

SluttyPattz said...

Just read chap 52 of EP, I want to PUNCH Tanya and Lauren. Actually I want to shave their heads but anyway...

bonemama said...

@crazyvamp. On my second gin and tonic ever get your wine RPG?

Emily said...

I had no idea that divot thing was called a philtrum, let alone what it "means." Huh, you learn something new everyday.

Lovely pictures. I gotta say, I'm a big fan of how tight Edward's pants are.

SluttyPattz said...

LOL ADM that's funny I was born in North Dakota and it was always snowing. Lived in NC as a teen and it would snow a couple of times a year and then melt. I loved the weather there. Now I live with my DH in Florida no snow, and oddly enough I do miss it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, all the girls are drinking, Robsessing and reading FF...
My DH will be here in some minutes ~ he went out to pick up our 16 y.o. in a party. Nice dad...

ADM, I hate the cold too... "any cold and wet thing"... mmm...
God, a hot man helps a lot with that!

Anonymous said...

@ Teri ~

I know, I miss the snow too. We had so much fun with the kids! But it is not that fun when it lasts for months...

Angie said...

Teri, I'm in Georgia, we are neighbors.

LOL @crazy vamp, cold and wet...

Angie said...

Love the snow for about 30 minutes. Then I have to go inside, and spike some hot cocoa.

Anonymous said...

Girls, DH and DS just got here...

Have fun tonight! Robsess! Roblove to ya'll!

bonemama said...

I'm watching jumper I heard Kristen is going to be in the second one. She's totally gonna crush on Hayden christensen..

Angie said...

bonemama, I did not realize that the first movie did well enough to make a second one.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi girls,
no on the wine...drank a few beers..had to mingle with real. World for a while!

CV? Brazil? How awesome! I'm Calif girl born & raised then moved to Oregon 10 yes ago. Hate the cold& snow!

Emily said...

Try living in Utah, the snow lasts forever. I mean, I love it and all but not from October to March.

SluttyPattz said...

Night ALL...Sweet Dreams.

It was a pleasure as always.

Angie said...

Well, it is a good thing I am not any of you. I would just curl up and freeze to death, if you can't take it I know I can't. haha

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hayden is HOT! Loved him in life as a house

Ana73 said...

RPG - just looked i wonder if she will be at that awards show with taylor, isn't it tonight???

well you ladies have a wonderful night my DH is home for the weekend so cant be online too much cause he whines about it...but at least i got to pop in here and read my FF.

Angie said...

I agree, rpg.

bonemama said...

@ADM. says 2011. But it doesn't say her name yet. Might be rumor. Who knows..

Angie said...

bonemama, I do not remember much buzz about the original movie, that's why I was surprised. I thought it was an interesting movie.

Emily said...

I've actually only seen Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars movies. Is he normally a good actor? For me, watching him in Star Wars was painful. He's definitely hot and maybe it was just bad writing but I cringed every time he delivered a line. Cute guy though. I've heard people say they wanted him to play Edward. That is just strange now to think of anyone but Rob as Edward.

Angie said...

Emily, I could never see anyone else as Edward, now.

Loisada said...

Crazy vamp I heart you! Have a 13-year-old who's team Jacob and begged me to watch 17 Again with her! At least Efron wasn't as bad in that as HSM... Guess we should be glad they're still too innocent to understand the smoldering pull of a real man like Rob!

Emily said...

Oh, me neither ADM. I read the books a couple of years ago and was thrilled when I saw who they cast as Edward. Granted, I was going purely off looks back then...

Still, they could not have made a better choice.

Angie said...

Emily, I was late to Twilight. So, Rob has always been Edward for me. He is a perfect fit, if you go by Edwards discription in the book. So, I am amazed that there was ever a question.

Emily said...

I know! I seriously never understood why people hated him at first. I didn't really know who Rob was at the time other than "the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter" but I took one look at him and thought, he is the perfect Edward.

Thank you Catherine Hardwicke!

MMc said...

@rpattzgirl @Emily

Hayden in Life As A House ------- he was AWESOME in that - so cute and sexy HOT.
That's my favorite movie he has done.

He got a lot of flack for the Star Wars movies - George Lucas has no acting sense! Did you ever see him in the TV series Higher Ground??
He was very good in that too - so cute.

And TOM still my heart.......gorgeous man.

Emily said...

Thanks femroc! I'll have to check those out.

Yeah, Hayden is not the only one who sucked in Star Wars. Samuel L. Jackson was terrible, Natalie Portman was not very impressive either and both of them are usually awesome. So it wasn't his fault I guess.

MMc said...

Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson are getting married - they are both in the new movie that just came out New York I Love You.

I read someplace that Rob said he really wanted to do another movie with Kristen that wasn't Twilight related!!! Hmmmmm I wonder what kind of movie that would be?

bonemama said...

Dear rob. I didn't mean to start talking about Hayden. I got led astray for a few. Please forgive me and show yourself!

Angie said...

They really should have left Star Wars back in the 70's and 80's. It fit well there, with the original cast.

Angie said...


It is ok to look as long as your heart is where it belongs, right next to Rob.

Emily said...

I totally agree with you ADM about Star Wars.

Yes, bonemama...let's get back on track here. Umm...did I mention that I like Edward's tight pants in the dream scenes?

I did?

bonemama said...

Shit I didn't know kristen was in the first jumper!

Angie said...

haha, Emily there is not a thing wrong with checking out Edwards tight pants, any time, any day!!

Angie said...

bonemama, was she? I do not remember.

bonemama said...

For like two seconds at the end! She needs to be in the second one to finish the story!

Angie said...

oops, I addressed that comment to femroc. It should have gone to bonemama.I will repeat.

bonemama, it is okay to look as long as your heart is where it belongs, right next to Rob.

MMc said...

*****checking out my own philtrum!!

Cool little fact to know.

We all knew Rob was hot and now we know why.
One reason at least - I could list many.

Emily said... hubby just got home. I was hoping the football game he was out watching would have gone longer. Oh well. Better go spend some quality time and all that.

Night ladies! Sweet Rob dreams to you all!

Angie said...

bonemama, it has been a while since I saw the movie. Might need to watch it, again.

Angie said...

Good night Emily.

Angie said...

femroc, that list would take too long.

bonemama said...

had to drive home from my sisters house..yes my heart is still with Rob. reading up on twitter about scream awards!

Angie said...

I must say goodnight, all.

RPnKSaddict said...

Just read on RPattinson life about RM trailer.
There was a scene where Rob and Emilie are in bed talking...squee.. also some of the fight scene, and Tyler telling his father he should do better by his sister... I'm so excited to see this trailer!!!

Hope it's out for the general population soon!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Sorry I ment rpatzlife twitter. ahhh so excited I can't type.

bonemama said...

Looks like kristen made it to the scream awards..shes with taylor and alex

GiGi said...

All I can say is: Rob, if you're reading this...I'm sorry, I know you don't "get it" cuz you're a sweet humble guy...but you are just so beautiful and you are so loved....I wish you all the best and I hope you do well in your life and career....and just "go with it", enjoy it...fame and all that is really fleeting...I truly love do all your fans....God Bless you.....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Omfg...the remember me trailer... Rob laying in bed with Emilie shirtless.... I won't even get through the trailer let alone the movie!!!!
They need to release the trailer now!'n

Marna said...

@bonemama, Gossip Cop is confirming that Kristin wasn't at Scream 2009. I guess she's in LA for another reason.

Anonymous said...

I always thought Goosip Cop was full of crap. FAIL.

Marna said...

They might be, but either she was there tonight or she wasn't. Everybody who attended the taping knows if she was there, so why would they lie about it?

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll see what really happened, at least this isn't live so I won't miss anything worth watching.


I don't know where you are located at, but I found the Special People magazine all about New Moon at Borders Books. I am in Oregon. You might be able to check online or even check out People on line. You might be able to order it.

Anonymous said...

Marna- I found the People's Special edition yesterday afternoon at the local Drug Store (Uniprix)'s fantastic! Photos are great! Photos of Rob are especially delicious!

Marna said...

Obviously there is a plot to keep this magazine away from me LOL, I'm sure it will show up around here eventually.

AP said...

@Adm & Rpg: Had to step away from the computer last night so missed your queries. Thanks to others for stepping into the breach. :)

Rpg: gently does it - sensitive spot. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahahahha!! Ladies, you are so fantastically hilarious. All continents’ humor are well represented here. I just bust out laughing every time you get in your Robsessor groove.

Marna - you may be right about Rob “taking care of her sexual tension all the time.” But you know what, I think she is not immune to weaving her own womanly web just a bit to create sexual tension, too. I do believe, we (at least I) have seen it. She knows just how to position her body, where to place those arms and legs, and when/how to look interested or disinterested, for crying out loud. :)

Femroc - your second comment had me ROFLMAO.

Crazy Vamp - I think Rob would rather abandon acting than take the likes of “17 Again” role.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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