Showing posts with label Robsessed Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robsessed Awards. Show all posts

ROBsessed Awards Results: Robert Pattinson's Most Jaw Dropping Moment of 2013

Winner: KaraokeRob emerging from 2008

With 63% of the votes KaraokeRob proves that even arriving five years 'late' for our viewing pleasure, it's still an awesome moment.

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Check back in an hour, at 2pm ET, for more results.

ROBsessed Awards Results: Robert Pattinson's Best Kiss of 2013

It's time for us to start opening the envelopes and revealing the winners in this years Robsessed Awards. Let's not wait any longer....

Winner: Sexy Smooches with Rob in an elevator

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With 60% of the votes ElevatorKissingRob was the runaway winner in this category, I could feel it before we published the post and opened the vote... I knew you'd all hit the hold button.

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Check back at 1pm ET for more results.

3rd Annual ROBsessed Awards ~ Celebrating Robert Pattinson's Awesomeness in 2013

3rd Annual ROBsessed Awards ~ Celebrating Robert Pattinson's Awesomeness in 2013

UPDATE: Results start at 12pm (ET) on the 31st! Links added as they come in. Scroll down for links to the nominees and more!
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The ROBsessed Awards have become a big deal around here. Josh Horowitz, a winner in the 1st and 2nd awards, has acknowledged his win and unexpectedly repaid us in the most epic way possible. Rob's Cosmopolis co-star, Patricia McKenzie, was so pleased with her win last year, she gave us an exclusive and lengthy interview, the sugar and the spice. And plus, they're just so darn fun!

It's a chance for us to highlight some of the best Rob moments through the year and you guys vote for the winners. The winners just happen to always be Rob or a Rob supporter! That's just the kind of polling that belongs on ROBsessed. ;) So now we bring you our very special.....

3rd Annual ROBsessed Awards!

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Guidelines: Starting at midnight (ET) on Dec. 27th we'll post a category with the nominees every 12 hours. You'll only be allowed to vote once in each category. We'll add all the links for the polls in this post as they're revealed in case you need to refer back to them. You might need to ponder your vote so bookmark this page! Polls will close Tuesday, Dec. 31st at midnight (ET)*. Results will be revealed on New Years Eve, starting at 12pm ET. The results will continue every hour on the hour as the blog counts down to 2014! We'll be kicking things off with a bang so get ready!

3rd Annual ROBsessed Awards categories (in order):
*The final category will remain open until an hour before the voting result is revealed for the 2014 Most Anticipated Moment. 

ROBsessed Awards - 2014 Most Anticipated Robert Pattinson Moment

ROBsessed Awards - 2014 Most Anticipated Robert Pattinson Moment

2014 is a big year for Rob! He has much going on and the final category for our ROBsessed Awards wants to know what you think is the 2014 Most Anticipated Rob Moment.

Here are your 6 nominees....

Starting off 2014 with The Rover goodies in January!
A24 promises some goodies in January which is most welcome since this still took us through 2013. Plus the film is set to release later this year!

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The King Returns! 
Rob's films could be heading to Cannes! There has been LOUD buzz for Maps To The Stars and The Rover premiering at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2014!

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Robenberg is reunited and it feels so good!
Maps To The Stars will be released and we'll see Rob and David Cronenberg back in the limelight! Their Bromance LIVES!

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PromoRob is BACK, BABY!!!
Rob will have 2 films to promote and who knows how many premieres, screenings and festivals! SO MUCH PROMOROB!!!

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All work and no play makes Rob a busy boy!!!
Rob so far has 5 films scheduled for 2014! Queen of the Desert is up first and Life will follow. We'll be tracking it all but in between promo, Rob will definitely be working!

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How do you like your DiorRob?? MORE MORE MORE! 
DiorRob is coming to America on Feb. 5th! Who knows what Dior has in store! Will we finally see SnowRob in an ad? Will we all be buying the men in our lives Eau For Men for Valentine's Day?

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You get ONE vote and the poll closes Dec. 31st 7pm ET. The result will follow an hour later!

The other categories for the ROBsessed Awards have closed! Results start on Dec. 31st at 12pm ET and post every hour on the hour. Check in with us and see who the winners are. We'll also keep a tally HERE so bookmark the page. See you in 12 hours!

ROBsessed Awards - Best of the Best 365 Days of Robert Pattinson

ROBsessed Awards - Best of the Best 365 Days of Robert Pattinson

Our 365 Days of Robert Pattinson was a hit and kept us pretty busy throughout the year. Each month had a winner in terms of hits and the results might surprise you.

Click each calendar to see which post for that month that had the most hits for 365DoR. Once you've reviewed the choices, decide which 1 of the 12 top 365DoR posts was the best and vote below!


You get ONE vote and voting ends Dec. 31st midnight ET!

Click HERE if you missed any other categories! Voting ends tonight for all polls except 2014 Most Anticipated Robert Pattinson Moment!

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Dior Scene

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Dior Scene

I feel like this is one of the toughest categories so far or maybe I'm wrong and it's a simple choice for you.
We want you to pick which is Robert Pattinson's Best Dior Scene.
We're using the Uncensored Official Directors Cut of the video and here are the scenes you have to choose from.......


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Dressing room

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If you're still having trouble deciding here are all the scenes in motion (not sure if this will make your choice easier or more difficult)

SO there are your 8 nominees in this category.
You get one vote per category and the polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Official Surprise of 2013

Have you been checking in to vote in all the other categories - you have until midnight on December 31st to go back and vote if you've missed any.

Now onto the sixth, Robert Pattinson's Best Official Surprise of 2013... .

Charity Surprise ~ Attending the Go Go Gala: I kind of dig that cello...

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Screening Surprise ~ Seduced and Abandoned: Supporting friends...

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Visit Surprise ~ leaving smiles at the Children's Hospital: Could we love him more?

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Project Announcement Surprises ~ Life, The Lost City of Z and The Childhood of a Leader: Lots of projects = lucky fans...

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Keeps on Giving Surprise ~ DiorRob: It just keeps getting better...

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Presenting Surprise ~ The Australians in Film Awards: Comedy Rob :-)

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There they are, your six nominees in this category.
And remember, you only get one vote per category and the polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

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