Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Stand Behind New Moon

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Stand Behind New Moon:

Himm, am I reading too much into what they said? It sounded like they didn't like Twilight THAT much and had to think hard on what to say during the promotions. Well, I can't blame them. I definitely think New Moon is the better movie.

via Robert Pattinson Brazil

What do YOU think?


asoihgapoh said...

It's not really a fair comparison. Of course New Moon is the better movie. It had a bigger budget, a director more experienced with mainstream moviemaking and everyone involved knew what the expectations were. Twilight is kind of cheesy, the acting pretty well sucks and Catherine didn't really know the book very well at all (as evidenced in the commentary) but, again, there weren't really any expectations for the first movie (by the actors/production company). They were operating under the assumption that, like many other books, they'd have to Hollywood it up to make any money. Hence the lack of strict adherence to cannon. Oh well. Hopefully Eclipse will be even better than New Moon.

peeling a fig said...

Hm visually Chris W. was far superior. Pacing was better with Catherine I think.

In both cases, though, there were spots where I thought some other direction was needed. In both films, when Bella has been hurt, Edward mostly stands there, contemplating the big questions, like the over-thinker he is. As much as he loves Bella, however, why didn't he run over to comfort her a little, show a little more concern that she was injured? Maybe it's canon, dunno.

There are a few other spots like that that bother me. Just after the NM reunion, you'd think he'd be holding tightly onto her, desperate that he they would kill her when he only just found out she was alive. But instead, he's: oh damn, there's Jane, we're doomed, I won't even give Bella a little eye contact. And Alice was way too flippant when she entered, even if it was false. HOw about a moment of respect/a hug for your brother who almost just killed himself? Whom you haven't seen in months?

Sorry, this is old rehash of New Moon criticism; I never got on that thread.

Vicky(crovamp) said...

i definitely love twilight more coz it was about Edward and Bella.
I love new moon as well,but at the same time i don't coz i just can't stand jacob. But i've seen new moon for 4 times and just because of Robward.

maaahtwi4ever said...

New Moon was more well done than Twilight on efects, colours etc.
But there's something on Twilight that i don't know what it is, but i could wacth 34827473264 more times than New Moon.

Twilight there's something that New Moon doesn't, and i don't know if it is all about Edward

Butterfly25 said...

I can't choose between Twilight and New Moon. Altough both of them had some flaws, I love them both.

I love "Twilight" for:
-introducing the gorgeous Robward (the cafeteria first walk scene)
and letting us watch his hottness almost throughout all the movie(prom Robward, piano playing Robward, restaurant Robward and many many more)
-the best and the hottest kiss scene I've ever seen in my life
-great soundtrack, the E/B prom dance song was beautiful

New Moon???Well:
-the first scene with Robward of course, this sexy slo-mo walk was breathtaking, as well as the shirtless Robward scene
-special efects and colours were simply amazing, I watched the wolves fight and the Edward vs Felix fight with my mouth open

I could write and write, as there are some many other things.
It's just impossible to pick one movie. They're made in a totally different way and tone, but both are amazing.
Let's wait and see what Eclipse will be like...

Nina said...

I love the earlier interviews of them. Before and shortly after the first movie. They are much more funny and have that personal touch, cause they hadn´t yet the pressure of the production company.

Suz said...

I think they are/were more confident promoting NM.

It's definitely a blockbuster and was created as such.

Twi was an indie.. promoted as an indie -- Created with an "indie budget"

I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Cafeteriaward and Promward

Love at first (and second) sight.

Haystackhair said...

I don't think ist's a fair comparison either, given the budgets, but I love both movies. Twilight obviously cause Robward is much more present, it's all about him and Bella. NM was wonderful too, because it followed the book much more. Peeling-a-fig, the spots that bother you are actually very close to the book- except when Jasper attacked- he was the one crouched in front of her to protect her, even tho he was fighting his lust for her blood. And in Italy, although Edward and Bella clung to one another, he was terribly worried about the Volturi, but never showed it - and Alice and he communicated silently. I believe he just said "what happened?" then "hmmm" after Alice got there.
Anyway, loved them both, hottests kiss ever in Twilight, hotttest slowmo walk ever in NM!! Add in shirtless Robward for the win!

Haystackhair said...

Oh Suz, tots agree!!! Robward in the cafeteria is the most gorgeous thing ever (except maybe for Promward!!!)

peeling a fig said...

Yes Suz-- CAFETERIAWARD. It's what brought me to this obsession. I hadn't even read the books then. I saw a clip and DIED.

@Haystack: Ah, thanks for the reminder. I've forgotten canon a bit, it's been a while since I read the books. There are certainly canon-parts I always hope they will improve (like Edward dismissing Bella's desire as 'oh phht Bella, your human hormones!" and well, much of Breaking Dawn) in the films. But everyone has their own subjective opinion of favourite bits and cringe-worthy bits. They will never please everyone, I guess.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Good morning everyone!

@Suz - agree on the indie comments. CH is/was definitely a indie director. They had a little budget and had no idea how well Twilight would do. I like that Twilight is gray and dark and IMO reflects what I think Forks should look like, and how it was in the book. On the other hand, I love the way NM is modern feeling and looks like the blockbuster that it is, and again, it's b/c CW is had a lot more experience in that area that CH. I've seen NM 7 times, purely for the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes. ROBWARD! Can't stand Jacob.

Really interested to see how Slade interprets Eclipse. If he ruins the chapter on the bed or the tent scene, I will be out for his blood. No pun intended.

Snarkier Than You said...

I think that technically NM was better, for sure. But it sounds like they're saying they just didn't know what to expect when Twilight came out as far as people liking it or not and now they know that whatever they do people will go ga-ga for it - lol! Oh and I never noticed this before but did Kristen just roll out of bed and run her hands through her hair before heading off to this premiere? Because she is all dressed up and has total "I just shagged someone HAWT" bed-hair. : )

selective_fox said...

Well, if I'm being objective, NM is superior movie wise. But my heart is with Twilight. Maybe it's because I've seen it before I read the books, I don't know. Even though it's cheesy, it is more charming and spontaneous. They didn't know what they were doing with the first one, made up half the stuff on the spot. And I liked it visually, the gray and blue tint. I thought it represented Forks weather perfectly. It's the one I could watch over and over again. I've seen NM twice and am not particularly excited about seeing it again. It's a big studio film and it lost it's charm.

Anonymous said...
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angie-k said...

I agree that it is hard to compare the 2. I believe CH did a great job with the casting and music in Twilight and was responsible for some amazing, take my breath away scenes (cafeteria/firstkiss)

I also agree that she didn't know the book very well, and probably would have done a much better job with the stuff they just made up while filiming if she had.

I appreciate how CW really knew the book and did a better job of keeping to the book.

One thing that sets the 2 movies apart for me, is that while I was watching Twilight I kept thinking "why is that in this movie?" and never thought that once while watching New Moon.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I agree it's almost not fair to compare...I agree with most comments...
Cafeteriaward& Promward, Treeward, & hospitalward.... nothing better....

And the Twi kiss, hands down, best sexy, sexual tension, I wanna eff you & kill you so bad kiss ever!

Won't forgive CH for the missed I love yous....but CW messed up big time as well...

Love them both...

Anonymous said...
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skorpia said...

Oh Im torn!! I love what CH did with what little budget she had. The bed scene was epic! it set the tone and captured out hearts wanting more! CW did a great job too. LOVE THE SCENES WITH BARE NAKEY CHESTS! Love them both. You guys are making me pick between my 2 fav desserts. In the end I love New Moon.

RPCinemaMajo said...

Definitely the movie that I liked the most was Twilight ... Regardless of the effects of a movie or not, CH achievement EYB convey the message ...

New Moon I've said a thousand times I keep the book ...

I have both on DVD and movie New Moon if I have seen three times is a lot .... In contrast, the Twilight movie I never tire of looking I've seen a million times

Anonymous said...

i definitely liked new moon a lot more than twilight. i just tried to watch twilight again the other night because i WANT to enjoy it. i can't. and it saddens me. i had to turn it off less than half way through because it was painful.

i enjoyed the kissing scenes in twilight, but that was about it. i've put a lot of blame on ch in the past, i've realized that i have to place some blame on mr for jumping the gun a bit as well. the writing is choppy at best. i personally felt that something was missing in terms of character development. i missed the clumsiness, the crying, the banter, the wit. i get that, in general, the basic idea of the film can't be missed, but i don't feel that the film adapation was true to the book. if i hadn't read the books, i would be like, "what the hell, why the hell, who the hell, whywhyhwy?". and you shouldn't have to read midnight sun to figure out where edward was coming from, why he started to develop feelings for bella. i watch that and i think..."they barely talk..." i felt that everything was rushed, relationship-wise. also, no matter the budget, all of that is very imporant because of the fact that it was part of a bigger picture. whether you think the movie will be popular or not, if there are possible sequels, you can't leave all of those loose ends for later.

ch... it was her responsibility to stop the actors when there was stuttering, blinking, rushed lines. the biology scene, when edward's like, "so, you don't like the guyyy?" bothers me to no end. rushed line! it's difficult for me not to notice it. and because of that, it takes away from the whole scene. it's cringe-worthy. and then i find myself on edge the whole rest of the movie, noticing things like that again and again. it's awful. but just a imagine what it might've been like if ch had just yelled "cut!"

i felt that cw did a great job. and mr did better too. like i said, there were loose ends to tie up from the first movie. it's imporatant to me, to find the balance between sticking to the book (explaining a bit more about why the characters do what they do) and conveying a feeling. i felt more for new moon than for twilight. and i really hope that eclipse is even better, busted wig and all.

sorry this is jumbled, i'm a work and i keep getting interrupted lol. but anyway. i'm not trying to put the actors down. i love them. but twilight is like my worst nightmare come true.

marya said...

I love twilight way more...its a movie i can watch over and over again and never get tired
new moon ive seen it two times and i dont look forward to seeing it again just because there arent that many memorable moments that make up for the cringe worthy moments
yes twilight had its faults and cheesy parts but overall it had an undeniable charm and beauty that i think new moon lacked
also twilight captured much better the intimacy of the romance between bella and edward and the longing between them something that was lost in the grandiloquence of new moon

LTavares2011 said...

I love Twilight because it will always be remembered as the film that presented Robert Pattinson to the world.
In my opinion, Twilight is more emotional, Edward is more beautiful and younger.
Maybe Rob and Kristen prefer New Moon because they were more relaxed and experienced with their characters.
For me, I expected much more of New Moon than Twilight. Twilight had much less money than NM.

HeneciaD said...

actually I like both of them cuz I love rob in everyway anyway I think we should compare twilight and new moon like two different movies you know directors were different so it was not like a serie they both have good and not good ways

Janece said...

It is hard for me to compare because they were both very different to me. I loved Twilight because it seemed very raw and I loved the close-ups and SOME of the creative choices that Catherine did.

New Moon followed the book more closely and was visually, just prettier.

Both had good scores, both had some good humor.

I can't really pick one over the other. I liked both. I found both lacking. I have watched and rewatched both several times and have enjoyed them. I have also cringed at both in some parts.

I will forever thank Catherine for casting Rob and Kristen. I think they are good. I love their chemistry. The have become "Bella and Edward" to me and that is saying A LOT because I was a huge fan of the books and had a very distinct view of who they should be.

I did not vote in this poll, because I could not pick one over the other. I may not have loved everything Catherine did, but look at what she created. I get a bit sad when I see people trash her. I think Chris is a prince of a man. Maybe not a brilliant director but a real gentleman.

So how is that for a chase your tail kind of post? :-)

Carole UK said...

I tend to agree with Janece - I really love both movies for different reasons, and it's not realistic to pick one over the other because they are so different.

Loved Twilight because it was so arty and beautiful, with unusual camera angles.. Great chemistry between a very young Rob and Kristen.

Loved New Moon for it's beautiful colours, special effects, and for adhering pretty much to the book. Cullens were beautiful in this one, especially Rob with his wonderful eyes,sexy voice and the sparkle.... a bit more mature and oh so sexy. Chemistry between Edward and Bella was more mature and intense, rather than longing.

After seeing the film at the cinema, I've watched Twilight countless times and always love it. I'm sure when I get the New Moon DVD, after seeing it 6 times so far at the cinema, I will watch it just as many times.

We can't complain about the absence of Rob because he simply ain't in the story... sad but true.

Jennifer1 said...

peeling a fig says " when Bella has been hurt, Edward mostly stands there, contemplating the big questions, like the over-thinker he is."---i agree, but some of that may be the screenwriter. i really think they need a different person to write BD

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Butterfly, ITA, can't choose either and for those same points.

CH captured literal magic with Twilight---it is THAT watchable, over and over. R&K were perfectly cast, imo, and they stayed true to the characters SM wrote. I think CH's quirky creativity made Twi magical. My fav moment is the prom/dance scene in gazebo; the lights, the kiss on the NECK... That is exactly the feelings that SM invoked in me too.

As for NM, CW stayed true to the book---not his fault Jacob isn't Edward and that NM was my least fav book of the series. He did a very literal translation, BUT, as with success, the goals change. Money over substance/magic. I did LOVE the Robward strut and the fab fight scene, but the most important feelings (abandonment & near unrequitedness from Bella's perspective) were barely hinted at. It didn't need to be overly dramatic, but I wanted the pang I felt reading the book and didn't with movie NM (flight home from Italy!!!).

Both films are so different and yet so beautiful in their own ways.

jh said...

Difficult to compare, for the reasons already stated. One big important difference is that CH had more Edward to work with, and let's face it, Robert Pattinson is what lifts Twilight the movie into the stratosphere. He's electrifying on screen. What would it have been like without him??? Hard to imagine. So what are the constants that are comparable? The scripts. The books are not great literature, (the last two barely readable in my view, Eclipse confusing and tedious and BD a tender love story butchered by the horror show birth for starters). They're character driven books, SM says so herself and that's their strength. So MR has great characters to work with and lots of dialogue, some of it cheesy, some of it breathtakingly moving. The other constant is Bella, it's her story, and ultimately they're Kristen Stewart's films, and so far I think she's done a damn fine job in both of them, carrying Bella's story through. Bottom line though, if it wasn't for Robert Pattinson, I wouldn't really bother seeing them.

solas said...

I preferred New MOon for the beauty--the colours, the tone, the filming, etc. and for staying fairly close to the book. However, although it was far more faithful to the book and the characters, it was marred by the rushing, esp. at the end. I think this is specifically the fault of the writer, not CW. If they had just taken out some less important things, and given more time to Bella and Edward, esp at the end, it would have been near perfect. BTW i love the kisses in New MOon as well.
Twlight bedroom 'love you love to kill you' kiss was outrageously excellent, the best part of that film.

Loisada said...

I agree Gozde that a movie should always be a visual feast, and CW got that right. But this “saga” is first and foremost a love story. And CH pulled my heart strings in Twilight in ways that CW never came near in New Moon.

One got the look right, costumes included. The other got the soul right, music included. Maybe they could co-direct BD and finally bring the two halves together?@!

The biggest obstacle to making any film in the saga a great movie: the lousy scripts! Which can't be blamed entirely on MR given the source material...

Marna said...

I think NM is the better movie, even though I think it was my least favorite book. CH screwed up a lot of things, & because it was the first movie, the other movies have to cover for what she screwed up. This is what I posted under another post, (sorry for the repeat) but it's some of what I think she did wrong.

1. Nikki Reed-she couldn't find a tall blond in all of Hollywood that looked right for the part? Hell, she only has like 5 lines, CH could have picked anyone off the street to do the part, they just had to look right.

2. No "I love you". Not once did they say it in Twilight, we don't even know why they fell in love.

3. THE MEADOW SCENE, WTF was that???

4. The blood typing scene, where was it?

5. Jasper's powers, she could have at least done SOMETHING to let people know what they were.

6. Why is the entire movie blue?

7. SPIDER MONKEY, the 2 most stupid words ever spoken.

8. Continuity. after my husband watched Twilight, he said he felt like he just read a book with some of the chapters removed. He didn't understand what was going on.

9. Overacting. Yes folks, we must face it, there is MUCH overacting going on in this movie. That's the fault of the director, she should have pulled the actors back.

10. Edward dragging Bella through the woods by her arm. Edward's biggest fear is that he'll physically hurt Bella, so they have him yanking her around by her arm? Really?

I think Chris could have put a lot more of the romance into the E&B scenes, but lets face it, NM the book is mostly Jake not Edward, so that's how the movie has to be.

What I think is bad is that while they could get feedback on what fans didn't like in Twilight & do something about it in NM, the same can't be said for Eclipse. Whatever we don't like about NM (dark gray Volvo!) is going to be exactly the same in Eclipse since they finished filming it before NM came out.

dina said...

New moon as a movie was defenately better than twilight, then why I cannot see my self boundspelt to it? I cannot explain why but every time I watch twilight it's like the first time. I am overwhelmed by the same emotions,I am lost in its magic. New moon was a feast for the eyes so true,but twilight is and always will be a feast for the heart.

kisgrig said...

the second movie much slicker and effects much improved...the story did not move me as much and Stewart's acting a little off the mark.

kisgrig said...
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jlsentangledweb said...

Loisada, you took the words right out of my mouth, CH got the soul part right and CW got the look down pat. As much as New Moon kept to the book, I fell in love with Edward in Twilight. That first kiss nearly made me swoon. And though sometimes annoying, the blue tones made Forks the rainy and gloomy town I pictured while reading Twilight. CH's closeups of Edward's eyes and face made us see what Bella saw whenever she looked at him.

Gozde said...

Wow, I'm really surprised. I thought NM would be a clear winner.
I found Twilight cheesy to be honest. New Moon made me cry, I felt the love, I felt the abandonment. In Twilight I felt the cheese :) The long stares killed me!

angie-k said...

ha ha - my daughter tried to vote for me. she knows i like new moon better. (i'd already voted this morning)

just did NOT feel the love in Twilight, I knew it was supposed to be there because I read the book.

hated the meadow scene. in the commentary or an interview somewhere, CH mentions something like "oh yeah, we gotta do a meadow scene so we threw one in there" well, it sucked.

also hate the spider monkey crap. hate all the tree climbing crap. really disappointed that Stephenie Meyer let that get in there.

loved the first kiss. loved the prom scene.

had fewer things to complain about with NM besides the obvious scenes that were missing - the plane ride from Italy, etc.

was disappointed that Edward's eyes were still golden in Italy. he had the dark circles, but not the black eyes. :(

i could go on and on...

love that I have this blog to discuss this :-) thanks Gozde, Kate, & Kat!!!


mai I agree with you I think NM is an awesome movie...definitely better vissual effects and everything..CW follow the book much better but appart from jacob excesive shirtless scenes and very much present in the whole movie...NM lack on the love story E/B where seen as a regular/ordinary couple I didn't feel the exciment and sexual tension that twilight has and that's the major issue in the whole twilight many of u said..I've seen NM 2 times but I'm not as excited to see it again as I was for twilight.
twilight was cheesy of course but it had some really good momments for example when edward introduces to bella,the great kiss,prom..maybe cause I also watched twilight before reading the books

Ripley said...

I can't say I liked one movie over the other. Twilight definitely had the Indie feel and CH did a decent job with the budget and stunt, and special effects teams given her. Don't get me started on the make-up, ugh! The love story was there. NM reflected the budget it was given and was more polished looking. CW direction was good. The screenwriting for both does need help. I'm just glad Rob was casted.

Unknown said...

Gotta go with Twilight. Yeah, New Moon followed the book, but felt too sterile for me. In fact, I appreciate Twilight even more after seeing New Moon. I just felt like CW was directing off of a checklist from the book. So many great scenes in Twilight, the restaurant, the Cullen house/piano playing, of course the kiss and prom. Plus a killer soundtrack.

A lot of the New Moon cashload is in thanks to what Twilight started. I know it's what started my obsession. New Moon wouldn't have hooked me the way Twilight did had I seen it first.

Monique said...

Agree BarbG... Twilight for sure.. I watched it over and over and never get tired of it. It may not be the best movie but... I think RP/KS/PF brought Bella/Edward/Carlise to life visually for me. NM was stunning visual but Twilight have feelings gallore... The fight with James and the emotion when Edward thought Bella would die at the end of Twilight was amazing... RP stares was unforgetable, his smirk, the Prom... the beaitiful visual from the tree top with Bella/Edward was stunning... NM wont be watch as much by me when it come to DVD... the first twenty minute and the last twenty minute... I don't like Jacob and all NW had was TL taking his shirt off, jumping through window and posing... What the hell was with the taking the shirt off just to wipe a little blood off Bella's head... Please!!!. Two things I liked was Bella sadness and Charlie really got to act like a loving father and RL was very menacing a Victoria.

Loisada said...

The entire saga is cheesy Gozde, and American cheese at that!

CH really didn't know how to deal with the supernatural (her vampires look like bad MTV!), and her E&B were often over the top (perhaps cause R&K were over the moon?!), but so many of her tender human scenes were spot on.

In CW's vision the Cullens are pretty, the wolves are buff, and the humans work really hard at being touching.... a mixed bag once again IMO.

Thanks for taking the poll.... interesting result.

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