Gender bender with Robert Pattinson...Oh no they didn't...Oh yes they did :)

You know, you could at least shave! :)

Pink isn't your color girl!

So graceful... :)

Thanks to the lovely MsJBell for the tip :)
Source : via Celebuzz
And we had these from before:
You know, you could at least shave! :)
Pink isn't your color girl!
So graceful... :)
Thanks to the lovely MsJBell for the tip :)
Source : via Celebuzz
And we had these from before:
ummmm why?
ewww--how many times will you gross me out before vomit geos from my keyboard to your postboard>>> ewwwww
Totally scary.
Good lord, I know this is gonna give me nightmares and I'll end up screaming like Bella.
NO. NO. NO. It's like NJ Rob all over again!!! The horror! Shudder.
Where's the erase button? Rob is too Beautifully Pretty Handsome to mess with! Leave perfection alone!
(Although, this does remind Gwen of a couple of ff in another universe... LOL. Gender/Body Swapping devices---gotta love 'em.)
Playlist: Pretty Awkward Handsome. So true...
LOL :)
On the bright side: those who contend Rob is too girly have been proved oh so WRONG, once and for all!
And if this doesn't wash those pics out of your brains, nothing will...
Ewww! Ewww! Ewwww! Have to re-set my brain. No - please No! I didn't see that. Why, oh why???
here I am still ecstatic over Bel Ami, and then this? Why, oh why? Have we been bad? Why are we being punished?
Whatever happened to Fay Wray?
That delicate satin draped frame
As it clung to her thigh, how I started to cry
'Cause I wanted to be dressed just the same
Give yourself over to absolute pleasure
Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh
Erotic nightmares beyond any measure
And sensual daydreams to treasure forever
Can't you just see it. Whoa ho ho!
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Ach! We've got to get out of this trap
Before this decadence saps our wills
I've got to be strong and try to hang on
Or else my mind, may well snap
And my life will be lived
For the thrills
Don't dream it, be it
It's beyond me
Help me, Mommy
God bless Lili St. Cyr
Fuck, loonies are out....
No one should mess with perfection...but yea, go gay for Rob, that should be a bumper sticker!
@Loisada, that link didn't work, but found it here:
HOT! That soooo helps!!! ; )
Holy shit, Sherlock!
so disturbing.. my favs the one with the sheer black dress on the beach lmfao!!!
Oh, wait, there's more:
; ) Thanks, Loisada!
While I like the Mr. Darcy Rob, that last pix? Whoa. I like music!
(Gwen's being naughty. Again.)
Hiya, Pining! Welcome back! Missed you the last few days! ; ) Hugs!
this is so wrong!!! now im gonna have nightmares instead of robwetdreams
@gwen thanks that helps :)
Thank God you posted the last two 'chasers' at the bottom.
He looks like Amy Winehouse in the first one... No No No..
Pining, good to see you back here!
Ohhhh I love fightclub Rob!
Check out this one
Hey pining!
RPG, I so wish that one was real. YUM!
RPG! Holy Fuck! (Gwen rarely uses that word, but in this case, wow, appropriate. BEST. Manip. Ever! Hot damn, that's good.)
; ) Gwen waves to RPG, Queen of ALL NBs in the Universe!
This was soooo wrong.
My eyes hurt.
Why would someone do this to The Pretty?
Thanks for the cleanse. Much needed.
De nada ladies. It seemed much needed.
Apart of course from Slutty Rob, who I have to admit is freaky hawt, I think tranny Rob is plain cruel. In fact if I controlled 50 Shades, he'd be dragging Gozde into the naughty room right now for some serious attitude adjustment!! (Then again... she'd only do a repeat performance, wouldn't she?!)
LMAO Gwen! Yea wish it was real, he's done pretty close to that...and it looks great!!!
Wow-for such a beautiful man, he sure makes one butt ugly woman! I think even John Travolta and Robin Williams have him beat.
FUCK ME (literally and figuratively)! He is...I don't have the has to be illegal to be that beautiful, sexy, hot. Can I be his hand?
That's my new desktop pic.
Any more?
ok those are seriously scary and i now need to cleanse my mind...
so i have a story for all of you...
i was out of work for a couple of days (son sick, doing better) and i walk in and guess who is at my desk...New Moon Edward lifesize cut off. So they are trying to promote the students to do better at school so they are using edward to do it. No one at work knew about my robsession but they do now, they probably think i am a little wacky but i dont care. so they left him by me for most of the day which i loved but then they took him away to put him in a classroom :( and guess who they left me...dorthy from the wizard of oz cut out, i tried to keep him and have them take dorthy but no deals. had to share my story with all of you.
LOL, Loisada, don't give her any ideas! Goz may have manips WORSE than NJ Rob lurking just around the corner! Shudder to think what some of the folks around here would do for that "punishment" from that particular Edward.
(Gwen rolls her eyes, ahem, thinking of the long line forming.)
; )
I know it's hot! I stole it from my friend Lisas blog @17forever!!!
rpg - i couldn't open it :(
is anyone reading This Is Not My Life FF, it is really freaking sad and breaking my heart but written really good, there was an update today.
ahh.... you should have just tucked him under your arm & made a run for it!
Ana73, yes, read it too! Heartfail. Seriously scary times. Reminds me a bit of Elizabeth Smart's abduction. Edge of my seat, reading it...
CL, the hand? Oh, yes. So, think commando for SexyFloorManipRob? Gwen thinks yes, but will keeping studying the pix...
yes I am reading TINML... It's very sad...
I started a new one last night, but so far I hate it... I hate both Edward & Bella... Is called expectations and other moving pieces...
Writer swears to stick with her, but it's hard...
Always & Never updated too-it was good.
I think this is kind of old now, but has anyone read Alphabet Weekends?
It is f-ing rockin my world!
It's not for the faint of heart. Definitely very rated R.
Ana, put him in your car when no one is looking. Then mumble about stupid thieving kids all day. LMAO
make it go away , make it go away! Bring back the ashen,scruffy man of my dreams ;)
Oh total commando on the sex on floor manip!
RPG, hell yeah!
lmao! Blame it on the kids!
I haven't read alphabet weekends... i'll add to my list!
Gwen - that thought might have already crossed my (dirty) mind. To be the hand....sigh
Underwear just get in the way, just sayin...
Pining it's a great manip of him laying on the floor, white shirt, jeans and hand down there, just a little!!!
Yea ep was so good!!'
CL, check your email! ; )
yeah i thought of making a run for it with robward but they locked him up in the classroom :( but i thought it was so hilarious that they put it by my desk and i see that when i walk's one of those priceless moments LOL.
yeah i am reading quite a few FF, actually more than a few, ALOT. especially since i was home the past two days.
Pining, I can email you the manip! ; )
Ana, you need to steal Edward before one of those kids do. Cause you know more than one of them is thinking about it. LMAO
Thanks Gwen! Just got it. Totally excited.
adm - yeah i know because when i was not there the other girl said that some of the girls were going inside to take pics with it but oh well what can i do, it's not like i can actually bring him home, my husband would kill me LOL.
Ana, hide him in your closet. hehe
pining - no i am not a teacher i work in the front office.
i really think that they think i am crazy because i really wanted to keep him near me but like i said before i dont care. so what if i am a 36yr old woman who is lusting after a card board cut-out LOL
he folds, you can hide him under your bed!
rpg - LMAO, so just pull him out when i need him :))
hey after hearing him panting in the other thread i just might think about it LOL
ADM, the kids, the teachers, the moms, heck, who wouldn't want to take CardBoard EC home? ; )
Gwen's Hubs totally agrees with Ana's. No. Edward. In. House.
(Gwen thinks Hubs is just a wee bit jealous of The Pretty!) LOL.
gwen - i told my husband once if i could cut a pic of rob out and put him over the headboard and he didn't think i was funny but i did :)) my step daughter has "edward" all over her room but none in my room.
OT - so what do you think our chances are of talking to rob tomorrow night...1 in 10 million but just imagine being that ONE!!!
Oh I agree with all those who said don't mess with perfection! Robert is a delicious gorgeous man!
*shudders* This is just... ew!
lmao! Yea I can't imagine a hubbu agreeing to Rob on the headboard,, although it might make for an interesting night!
Getting Rob on the phone tomorrow? It will probably be some guy who wanted tp talk to Julia Roberts! FML!
well i am off for now i will be back later to see if anyone is on...going to go read Always & Never update and MOU just updated. talk to you all later
BBL too
OMG - Teri has been rocking back and forth for 40 minutes after seeing this post. WHYYYYYYY. From the words of Seinfeld's Kramer "Serenity Now"
The only medicine that cured my almost gone eyesight was that FUCKHAWTA manip from RPG. Thank you OMG I wish that wasn't a manip.
Ok going to read some ff and watch some Supernatural. Love me some Winchester boys. BBL
I will never look at my bathroom floor the same way again!!! That pic was freakin' HOT.
Hee hee... Yay if only it were real... but it's so damn close I'm pretending it is!!!!
Omg MoTU was freaking amazing!!!!!'
the end???? Oh my god is all I can say!!!
Gotta eat bbl!
No. He is all man. Is this in the US magazine??
It's a damn good thing I just saw that MOTU updated, because it gives me an excuse not to have to comment on this particular post. For the love of God, I've had enough nightmares this week.
MOTU is awesome tonight! Love that addiction.
RPG: I get what you're saying about Expectations and Other Moving Pieces--E&B are definitely screwed up--but I just find that story so compelling. I couldn't stop thinking about it after I read the whole thing last night. It's dark, it's angsty, but so beautifully written. It makes me want to see where she's going with it.
Ana73 LOL I just had a vision of a handul of school children staring at Miss B the school librarian getting saucey with cardboard Edward Cutout LOL
Okay... to wrap things up on a high note, here's the ultimate very very WRONG Rob tranny. Only for the brave at heart ladies over 18 with a big funny bone. You were warned!
Kemberley, amen to Lili! And God bless Pearl Bailey:
I'm gonna keep on doin', what I'm doin'
Til I can't do what I'm doin' no more.
I'm gonna keep on headin', straight to ruin
With a big welcome sign on my door!
Wow, (s)he has a mullet in the first one. So gross! The fourth one made me laugh so hard though, HA!
OWWWWW My Eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol - thanks for taking pity on us and giving us those last two pics!
: )
@Loisada-LOL slobbery lick and save on that one..mmmmmmmmmmm..hehe ;p
and YES, gotta love Pearly Mae :)
LOL Tess! He does look like Amy Winehouse in that first one. Only better.
Lol! slutty Roberta is the best :D
Thanks Goz, you have me in tears over here from the laughter fit I'm having, your comments are priceless!
pink is definitely NOT girlfriend's color. but the one with her on the beach is fierce! work it!
(I think this drought is making me a little loony o.O)
Bahhh ! no no no ! Why ?? Please don´t sent this again ! Please !
On the second picture he looks like his mom, minus the stubble. :)
Erase these from my mind. No good way to wake up.
@RPG THANK you, LOVE you. That's the pic I want to wake up to...fuck fuck fuck...going to take a shower now ;)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Does anyone think that in the 3rd pick he looks like Kiera Knightly??? LOve ya guys this is fart funny!!
really why??
This is all kinds of wrong... So very, very wrong...
This is too disturbing....
This is too disturbing....
OHHHH MY EYES MY EYES!!!nooo please don't ever post those awful pics...aaaa that's so wrong
For a site dedicated to RPatz, I'm not sure why you majory defamed him with those horrendously ugly images.
If only Kristen and he would come out of the caves, we wouldn't have to endure this )(*&%.
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