Jude Law is looking forward to no longer playing Hollywood hearthrobs when he reaches 40.
The 37-year-old actor says he is reaching the end of his screen hunk status and it's up to younger actors to take over the mantle.
He said: "I think it will be interesting to be old. It involves a lot of possibilities. The future doesn't frighten me at all. On the contrary, I am looking forward to it. (Kate: Ok a bit less of 40 being old, please ;-P)
"If I have a look around at the moment I feel great relief because finally others are entering the limelight. Men like Robert Pattinson must now play the Adonis. For me it was always a restraint, a restriction."
To read the full article head over to the Source
The 37-year-old actor says he is reaching the end of his screen hunk status and it's up to younger actors to take over the mantle.
He said: "I think it will be interesting to be old. It involves a lot of possibilities. The future doesn't frighten me at all. On the contrary, I am looking forward to it. (Kate: Ok a bit less of 40 being old, please ;-P)
"If I have a look around at the moment I feel great relief because finally others are entering the limelight. Men like Robert Pattinson must now play the Adonis. For me it was always a restraint, a restriction."
To read the full article head over to the Source
Maybe it's just me and my overdeveloped American sensitivities, but was that just a little bit insulting?
I don't think so Izzy :-/ I think what Jude is trying to say that he got stuck in roles that he maybe didn't want because he got labelled with the hearthrob thing. I actually don't think Rob is gonna let that happen and I think we can see that by his choice of films (at least I hope that anyway ;-))
Hair loss and growing bald might be a problem if someone wants to play a heartthrob. It has nothing to do with aging.
WOW, one doesn't hide mid-life crisis well does one....
....and why am I saying one?
Must. Have. Cranberry. Juice. And. A. Cig. Gah.
Jude Law is still hot, but I think that hotness has a lot to do with the roles he's played. He does sound rather big-headed in this interview, hopefully due to editing. He's not a "hunk" and "adonis" in my eyes...more the cute, sexy, skinny guy :)
I didn't even that Jude Law was a hearthrobs...
Jude Law is gorgeous but Rob is something else,more then gorgeous.
I am down with you Kate. I don't think Rob would go this way as long as this is up to him.
I just saw an interview of Kristen at sundance festival. The guy asked her if there would be any wedding in Eclipse. And how the whole movie theater went gaga when rob proposed to her at the end of new moon. WOW kristen's bitch face in full force. That was so funny. Thank God she didn't start calling him names. The guy had some b...s though I have to admit that.
Jude Law is good looking but the rest of the package such turn off.
OMG! Kelly! It's Jude Fucking Law!
Dear Jude,
We didn't mean to diss you on that November afternoon. Really. Had it been ANY OTHER day, we would have been THRILLED to meet you.. really THRILLED.
Please accept our apologies.
And you are still pretty hot! Really.
Suz What did ye do to Jude Law ??
I used to like Jude Law but what turned me off him was his behaviour. BIG turn off for me!
We sorta met Jude Law in NYC (after meeting you know you) and we were like....
pffffft, its just Jude Law.
It really was hilarious at the time, but I had NO IDEA it would affect Jude this much.
LMAO Suz, now see what you've done?
I agree Kate, he's handsome, but his behaviour- major turnoff for me too.
Adonis yeah! Dorky Adonis!
I love him more than Edward Cullen, I don't want perfection, I want a clumsy, dorky guy with wonky legs and 5 jackets!
I don´t know why but Jude Law never worked for me. And maybe that sounds kind of strange, but sometimes I can´t help and "judge" a man by his behaviour AND his choice of woman...
Di I make sense :-)
And I´m with you Kate, I think Rob is trying not to follow the hearthrob thing. Hope that will not be to hard for him.
@Fae: Totally with you, perfection is useless ;-)
Jude Law is cute, never was Rob status... and bad behavior makes him much less in my eyes...
Robs already a better man than Jude ever was...
I used to love Jude Law, especially in The Talented Mr. Ripley and Alfie. His screwing the nanny really turned me off.
Rob and Jude are totally different, and I don't think it's Jude turning his back on playing the Adonis, I think it's the Adonis turning it's back on Jude. (Kate: agree 40 is not old).
Rob has made some interesting movie choices and I don't think he will be stuck playing the Adonis (which he is!) unless he wants to.
I didn't know Jude was a hearthrob, either. I never really liked him that much, except for that movie with Cameron Diaz, when he plays the widower/single dad. His actions in real life made him less attractive, the same with Brad Pitt...but that's besides the point. Sorry, you can't even compare Rob and Jude. Rob is more attractive, and a much better actor!
Envy? He sounds like...
Jude is pretty, but not too much interesting IMHO. He is good in Sherlock Holmes. Downey Jr rocked!
But, Rob... (oh Rob!), c'mon: Rob is greek God! 'Hearthrob' is even insulting... He is so much more!
Jude is gorgeous, but HE IS NOT ROB!
Kate I'm with you, I don't think 40 is old, I wouldn't mind being that age again. Those photos from EW really weren't fair!!
Rob has had 3 roles which required good looks: Cedric, Edward and Bel Ami. There is no shame in being a heartthrob. And Jacob in Water for Elephants script is described as "handsome".
Oh My God..
High Anxiety updated... Get a full box of Kleenex
I used to love Jude Law....a lot. But not even close to the way I love Rob. I'm not sure what it is about Robb...I am just so attracted to him. I still find Jude Law incredibly gorgeous, but if I had the chance to be with either, I'd pick Rob. For those of you who don't know, there is a full-frontal naked pic of Jude floating around on the Internet. Take your safe search mode off and type in naked Jude Law under image search. You'll be pretty glad you did! HA! I have to say though, Jude definitely has a more "masculine" body than Rob. Still love rob though! Hell, I'd do both of them at the same time!
ohh jude what are you trying to do like a ceremony I choosed you Rob what the hell he is different so its not right to compare him with you and he is already an hearththrob dont you know
I just got to throw da sh!t out there-Jude,babe...40 isnt old. Your just a little lazy. If you cant handle the fire,get out of the kitchen. No one held a gun to your head and take those that labeled you.
I meant -"roles that labeled you" *grumbles* FKN hate shoveling-cant even type!!
I love Jude Law movies ... I do not know he has done in his life have never been fans to follow his life.
Rob is totally different, for the first time in life that I continue to detail the life and career of an actor and that's Rob,,, I think Rob has more potential than Jude Law ...
I can say I am a big fan of Rob and I will always support your projects ... I never thought that at my age would be as a girl of 15 when he loves an actor but I succeed Rob ...
@Suz - lmao at dissing Jude Law. Who knew he was so sensitive? ;)After meeting Rob, I would probably have been in such a daze I wouldn't even notice Jude if he was right in front of my face. haha
lol@ Krystal,
He was.. I lit'rally banged into him.. he was lighting a cig, it was rainy and I didn't see him over my brolly.
I was like "Oh Shit, Jude Law.
Kelly and I then just giggled and carried on into the store.
I am sure he was like WTF?
Hey Jude.. don't make it bad..
@ Lisa - lol I just had to look up those naked Jude Law pics...hmmmm not bad! I was trying to figure out how to turn safesearch off when I remembered I'd turned it off ages ago to look up something else just as dirty, hehe
I never perceived Jude Law as a heart-throb. Perhaps the papers weren't delivered that day, but I don't recall reading about screaming fans after him, or seeing the photos, postings, etc except as utter scandal.
Other than his name-- (I really like the name Jude, and Law goes really interestingly well with that), I personally see nothing appealing or interesting about himself.
And now that he has labeled 40 as old... well!!!! Off with him!
Suz, your story has me LMAO-hilarious! Poor Jude. ;)
He's totally hot in The Holiday, and I LOVED Sherlock Holmes (although a lot of that was because of RDJ, he's awesome) but as hot as Rob?
Sorry, dude, just-NO.
He clearly has not recovered. lol
It's all Rob's fault!
I bumped into Robert De Niro in NYC once. In Times Square. I almost smashed my face on his mole (the mole on his cheek...). And I lost my best pair of gloves because of him. Oh boy! I love him, he is my fav actor, along with Robert Downey Jr. And, now, Rob. See a pattern? 3 Roberts!! lol
(God, if my family -- worst scenario: my hubby -- read this story, they will know I am this 'crazy vamp' Robsessed NB... oops!)
Btw, FILTM!!!
You.. You... You..
He's hot, but he was never a "Robthrob" Sad about his hair loss. It's really someting I feel sorry for men about - and for us.
Makes me concerned for Rob's hair. NO!!!!!
Dear Jude,
Me thinks the hearthrob cred petered out when you poked the nanny.
And Don Juan's hair doesn't thin. Sad but true. If you're really bent on that route, just wait til it's gone and show them real sexy is, like the post-rug Connery!
Of course if you seriously want to flex your chops, how about taking on roles where you go head to head with men? We could send you a Little Ashes DVD for pointers, if you're really interested!
And Rob, as much as we love seeing you getting busy in bed (@!@!@), you don't have to take over the mantle! Sexy times or no sexy times, we'll still be flocking to see you bringing your heart and soul to a good script, cause we know you are so much more than a mere fine @ssed man! Truth.
Suz... hehehe :)
I did not get his autograph, I did not scream, nothing... I only said: oh, I'm sorry (and BLAH! my mouth fell open...). He SMILED!! AT ME!!
My friend said: 'you should have pretended to pass out, he would have hold you' -- damn! I did not think so fast! :(
LOL @ poked the nanny
Actually, never thought much of JL (sorry) until Sherlock Holmes---did enjoy his twinkling Watson. That said, in NO WAY is he up to Rob-Hotness Levels (Rob has more than one level, btw---Smoking, ON FIRE and Nuclear).
; )
Not to mention, yeah, JL's douchebag behavior in RL. Not a turn on for Gwen.
Rob comes across so freakingly beautiful, inside and out---hope that never changes.
@ Gwen: Rob says he is unable to hurt a girl...
Well, I hope this never change...
um, he sounds a little sensitive if not sour grapey. lol
I"m sure what happened is someone asked him something slightly offensive, implying he's a pepaw now, so he answered slightly defensive.
But still, he's got a touch of the catty bitch in his remarks....lol
Er..anyone seen any of Jude's early films? He was taking on challenging and interesting roles, much as I hope Rob will continue to do. Shopping, Bent, Wilde, Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, Gattaca etc. weren't exactly mainstream commercial movies. Think he has grown as an actor, though. Closer and Sleuth were a different level.
@Suz: :D He must have known...
AP- of those you listed, I have only seen Midnight and CLoser. But I also saw Jude Law in: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events; Cold Mountain, Road to Perdition, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Enemy at the Gates, and The Talented Mr. Ripley, and I wasn't particularly impressed with him (other than Perdition and AI) for the most part.
JL: ""If I have a look around at the moment I feel great relief because finally others are entering the limelight. Men like Robert Pattinson must now play the Adonis. For me it was always a restraint, a restriction".
Did he just pull a Jessica Biel? Yeah... I think he did.
Dude.. You were never that good looking.
@Solas: I was more talking about the material he was choosing, rather than his performances in those films. However, I do think getting older, and his doing stagework, is also helping his general growth as an actor. I'm also not talking about his growth, or lack thereof, as a person. That's another issue.. :)
Jude is hot. But turned into a player along the way.And he is back playing with Sienna Miller. Heartthrob status was never his to begin with.
WTF! How can Jude Law even think he compares on any level with the wonderful Rob! in your dreams luv! Heart throb my arse!
It's nice of Jude Law to think he's passing the torch but Rob has far surpassed him in adoration. Rob also did this in a lesser time. I don't think he was passing it to him as much as it's been taken away. I don't remember girls crowding during any of Jude's filming making it hard for to film. Jude you did get old, but you haven't matured yet.
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