From Gossip Cop:
We can’t help but think The Sun wanted news about Simon Cowell, wanted news about Robert Pattinson, and, when nothing materialized, decided to throw the two together.
Today came a story (picked up everywhere) claiming Cowell has approached Pattinson “to sign a major record deal,” and that Pattinson “can basically write his own cheque.” What’s more, The Sun insists, Cowell’s offer has triggered a bidding war among record labels for Pattinson’s musical talents.
“Twilight fans are such an excitable bunch I’m wary of even letting this out the bag for fear of the hysteria it will unleash,” the item’s author begins, immediately before stirring the pot with no word from Pattinson’s side or Cowell’s. In fact, the only “source” who does speak supplies the story with an easy exit, saying, “Robert is reluctant to be turned into a pop star… He is a bit wary of signing up with Cowell who is, of course, associated with X Factor and pop.”
Gossip Cop is “a bit wary” of the entire premise. While it’s true that Pattinson enjoys playing music – and that Cowell’s partner Simon Fuller is involved in Pattinson’s upcoming Bel Ami project – the actor’s focused on a skyrocketing film career. No one whom Gossip Cop asked about the Cowell rumors said anything to the contrary. So while it’s certainly possible Pattinson could one day put out a record, claims that talks with the X Factor impresario are happening and a deal imminent are off base.
LMAO ! But you know what though ? I've heard a few times that Simon loves to target people who have massive fan bases already and are very attractive, so it wouldn't be huge stretch of the imagination for Simon to want Rob ! That said, I can't imagine Rob ever being told what to sing etc ! If he ever produced music I think he'd prefer something more low key !
MatildalovesRob if that is the case with this bastard Simon Cowell, yes I do not care for this guy at all lol, I hope Rob RUNS and stay far away from him! lol
Although I think Rob wouldn't touch any deal with Cowell with a ten foot pole...he wants to taken seriously not as a hot product that Cowell can cash in on.
I would love to see some vids of Rob singing that weren't dark and grainy and unrecognizable. Would love to hear him play piano or guitar for real.
I do hope Rob keeps far far away from this bozo.
Rob will present his music his way, in his own time.
solas, ITA.
Those pictures cracked me up.
I'm not surprised that this is a rumor and I would not be surprised if it were true. Simon Cowell, for all of his arrogance, is a shrewd business man. He knows a money maker when he sees one. Rob said he would like to make an album but not playing off of the Twilight fame. He wants his music to be taken seriously in its own right. I can't see him making an album right now unless it is under a fake name, which would be okay, as long as we knew the name. LOL
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