First is from Lainey (who is a total bitch about Rob and I shall not post a link, no hits for her from us!) I have deleted the parts where she insulted Rob. She was at the Grey Goose party:
Some girls like chests, others like a great ass, some prefer arms, I’m a hand girl, and also…the back of the neck. It’s a tricky area. A neck too thick and it can be a dealbreaker. A neck too thin is pin head-y and weird. A neck with odd directional hair can be… I can’t even go there.
But the back of Robert Pattinson’s neck is perfect. His hair tapers to a lovely pretty peak and then it just stops. No strays, great skin, boyish but not childish. So there. That should get you cougars quivering.
Finally, I did run into Pattinson at the valet. He’d been texting. At this point he had on a black leather jacket and there was an young aunt-ish (your uncle’s second or third wife) looking lady with her arm looped into his and she was cold so he was like – come inside, warm up, you don’t have to stand out there, and I remember thinking to myself: is that how high his voice is?
Later on we saw him at the Standard.
One of our readers let's call her "Sam" sent us this bit:
Ok how unlucky am I today? I was at "a store" on Beverly Hills to visit some friends before my hair appointment down the street. I stayed for about 30 minutes then ran off. My friend who works at the store texted me an hour later saying that he just left and she couldn't call me while he was there. I just missed him by a hair. He must be getting his tux for the Oscars. Any who...thought I'd share. I see you have pics of him already posted. So close yet so far. Bye for now. (Gozde: I removed the specifics per "Sam"s request :)
From celebuzz.com :
Robert Pattinson threw some serious vampire magic late last night at Coach & Horses pub in Los Angeles.
When the Twilight star showed up with a group of friends at the British-themed bar after 10 p.m last night "the girl I was working with freaked out," bartender Peter Renaud tells Celebuzz.
"She went over to his table to serve him. He took it upon himself to introduce himself and shook her hand. And it happened. She turned into a five-year-old girl," Renaud says.
"From her reaction, he's clearly as hot in person as he is in film. She was too shy to really say anything to him."
Pattinson, in town to present at Sunday's Academy Awards, hung out with primarily British friends for about 2 1/2 hours. Heineken was the drink of choice.
"He was pretty much left alone, it was dark and they chilled," says Renaud. "Just booze, nice music and conversation."
Other than that old age-transportation-trick pulled on the bartender perhaps the only remarkable moment of the evening was when one of Pattinson's group fell off her barstool. "They all had a good laugh about that," says Renaud.
Oh, and one other note: Robert if you are reading this, your friend Zeb left his hat at the bar.
picture source
Dou you girls understand what layne said with "...and there was an young aunt-ish (your uncle’s second or third wife) looking lady". He was with someone?
I believe that's his publicist. She has been in a lot of pictures with him. Apparently Rob was with his manager and his publicist :)
Here she is with him :
I'm from Brazil and sometimes i don't understand ever single word of the rob news.
Hey no problem :))
Kisses back!
Ooh I feel for Helen :-( I'd hate to miss him like that. Well I have no chance of ever bumping into him here so I need never worry LOL
Ah, the sex hair...
Goz, thanks for posting this pic of Rob~~I've never seen it before.
Oh, so sexy.
Mmm.. back of the neck, I agree. Yum..
And poor Helen! I'd go crazy!! Kate, he could come over to Irealnd to say Hi to us some day right?! Dont make me give up all hope!! Lol!!
You never know Hannah!! ;-)Keep the faith! LOL
I just think you might have a better chance of running into him in say...Temple Bar than I would down here in the back of beyonds LOL
Thanks for posting this pic Goz!! I love when he wears the sunglasses...and the sex hair is a nice touch as well... LOL
His voice isn't high, the British intonation just sounds different.
Tell ya what Kate.. If I ever happen to bump in to him in Temple Bar, I'll suggest we take a road trip down to Tipp!! lol!!
Im nice, Id share! :P
hmmm I know he likes the older ladies. Thats cool. And just like the waitress, I would probably be so in awe, my brain and mouth wouldnt operate properly. That'll be great to see sexiness up close. Getting flustered just thinkin about it.
And hi all!!!
Fair enough Hannah LoL;-)
Hi ladies! Thanks Goz! Such a nice way to start the day, scruffy Rob sightings and almost sightings! That lucky/poor server, I agree - would not be able to form a coherent sentence! Way to help a girl out w/the intro. Nice to meet you Mount Pattinson, Mr. SexHair, uh um, THUD....
LMFAO, Alie!!!
I don't think I'd even be able to approach the table without
*thudding* on the floor a bunch of times on the way...
When he shook my hand, I don't think I would have been able to let go. Who am I kidding. I would have died right there.
I feel like the principal is gonna come in & whoop my ass for checking out the site today at work.
Hi ladies! Those on earlier, now, and later.
*Honey* (somewhat protectin my self...ugh)
Morning Anon.
Hey lucky!
I usually post by Honey but I don't want to log in at work. I'm being badddd.
It's 1 pm here. So afternoon to ya :)
British pub, british friends....aw, the dude misses home - come back then!!! :)
hey there here are more pics of the party (not that good quality)
Hi everyone!
Thanks for posting Dani and Nikki!
Seems like his publicist likes him, who can blame her :-)
Hi babes! How are you today!?
Well, according to Nikki's link, the mystery is solved: the "aunt-ish" woman with Rob that night was his publicist.
hi keely how was your Pub night?
his agent isn´t it?
Hi MiCh and Nikki!
Nikki I had so much fun and stayes way too long, since i had to wake up at 6 a.m.;-)And I sung so much that I´ve lost my voice :-)
How was your evening? Any plans for the weekend?
i've never commented but i did want to add:
1. am i the only one who wants to kick this Lainey chick for talking smack about rob?
2. did anyone else melt when they read the part where rob tells his publicist to go inside to warm up while, i'm presuming, he's waiting for their car to show up at valet?
I miss irish pubs we have one here in the city but it´s not the same like in ireland or england. Did you sing galway girl? ;)
my lil bro has a big party saturday night and today?
Those sightings were fun to read about... Lainey might like his neck, but all his parts are perfect to me! The first things I always check out though are eyes and hands.
I really don´t care about this (gossip) reports just the photos
LOL, I tried to, but it was more like laaaaaaaalaaalaaaalaa ;-)You´re right it is not like in England/Irland, but they did some great songs like "Black is the coloure" and also some songs like " Everywhere you go". Im so croaky, seems like I´m getting old, too. It took me some effort to stay awake at uni and work ;-)
Is it your brothers birthdayparty? I´m so staying at home today, I just felt better, but it doesn´t seemed the best idea to exhaust myself ;-) No Karneval for you today ;-)
no I´m sleepy today. It´s a kind of Birthday Party.
You have to check out the few pub videos on my facebook account!
I will, I promise :-)Tell your brother "Happy Birthday" from me ;-)
I´m so looking forward to the oscar, are you going to watch? I hope I don´t fell asleep before Rob appears ;-)
I will tell him :) I hope I don´t fell asleep as well I think I will sleep before. It starts at 1am isn´t it?
I just looked it up: 2 am. This is going to get difficult for me ;-) I´m really wondering if he´ll stay in america afterwards or leave for Canada or London. I thought to remember that they will start filming in the middle or end of march.
Next week he is going to Japan and than? I doubt he is going to London probably Canada. Do you think he still has this appartment in LA?
Right, I forgot about Japan. I have no clue about that, love, but don´t worry, I´m sure Summit will look good after him ;-)
I´m leaving to bed now, gonna catch some sleep, befor my head starts spinning ;-) Have a nice evening! Talk to you later :-)
Um when has Lainey ever said anything b*tchy about Rob. She loves him. Are you reading the same blog as I am?
if not we could do it ;) good night keely!
annon, what blog are you reading?
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