Come on Rob! We need some of that sexy mumbling on New Moon soundtrack. Just "back it up" :))
From contactmusic.com
TWILIGHT star ROBERT PATTINSON has turned down the chance to contribute to the soundtrack for the vampire movie's forthcoming sequel - because he wants to keep music as a back up career.
The British actor is a talented composer, pianist and guitarist and wrote two songs for the original movie, helping the soundtrack top the U.S. album charts upon its release last year (08).
But Pattinson insists he's now taking a backseat to rockers Paramore, who are penning the title track to the movie's sequel, New Moon - because pursuing music professionally was never his intention.
He tells America's OK! magazine, "I really didn't want it to look like I was trying to cash in. Music is my back up plan."
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Good for him. Of course we'd all love another song of his but his music is so personal. And it's definitely not something he flaunts or does on demand. They'll just have to figure out another way to pimp him out for New Moon. Maybe they could have him do a mall tour across America. Oh wait....
My Dad used to always say that singers/entertainers etc should always leave the audience wanting more. Maybe Rob's Dad told him the same thing ;-) anyway looks like he was right !!
Kate - Your dad sounds like a smart man. Besides, I'm not sure we could ever get our fill of Rob anyway.
Rob definetly leaves us wanting and begging for more. Its in connection to his mysteriousness, I think. Im happy hes gonna be on the How To Be soundtrack though. Makes up for it.
First of all, Rob only partly wrote ONE song on the soundtrack.
Secondly, who is the information really coming from. It may not be true at all. If someone persuades Rob, then perhaps he will contribute.
Anyways, i'm dissapointed if this is true because I think its cool for a genuine actor like Rob to combine music with his acting.
I can't wait for the How to Be soundtrack!!!
I think it is great that he is trying to keep things separate.
Man what is must be like to be him. His life, his music, his privacy are no longer his alone. I guess that is the price you have to pay being an actor, but I bet he didn't count on losing so much while gaining this type of popularity.
*hmpf. I can see why he wants to keep the two separate.
Oh well, I can always listen to "let me sign" on repeat. :)
I wonder how many robsessed nerds we have here? I soooo want to post a song about statistical software from a musical I was in lol.
don't want EVERYone to hate on me so i'll just go back to cleaning and listening to my morning jacket. :)
sunday yet?
Honey are you there??
Rob, Rob, Rob, you sexy beast... Its like you know we want all of you... and you keep us guessing and wanting even more... till we met again my man...
even if its in my dreams!!!
Evening, quiet people!!!
Yooo Hoo anyone on the blog tonight. I'm about to get to some reading but wanted to stop in and say hi.
Hi Ellie!! :)
Hi Alie!! :)
Hello, Ellie, love! Have I told you lately how much I drool over your avatar pic?
Hey Melissa and Alie :)
How is everyone?
Hi Ellie! Hi Mel! Taking a break from your reading?
Hi Laura!! I finally pulled myself away from all the FF...and Gossip Girl!! AH!
You actually pulled yourself away from Chuck Bass? Girl, you have willpower! lol
Hi Laura - watcha reading tonight Mel?
*knock knock* Hello?
Evening, AJ!
Hi AJ!
Hey Laura, Twi♥, Mel, Ellie! How goes it?
What did we used to talk about on here for hours and hours before FanFic?
Hi AJ!
Yes, Laura, it was hard but I did it. I just started watching the 2nd season...
Alie-lets see...I am reading World Without Sound and Darkness of Dusk...then all my updates
Great - what'ya think of Rob's Oscar pre-party pic? He does look tired. No songs on New Moon soundtrack, hmmm.
Hey, my girlies! xoxo
Laura, you drool away, lovey!
Before FF, Rob, Rob, oh and Rob
He doesn't smile so much any more. Do you think he's homesick already? jet lagged? tired of the paps?
I hope he doesn't go all Hollywood on us.
I was disappointed when I read avout the NM soundtrack, but I can see Rob's point.
I'm thinking tired, AJ...or at least in this pic, wasted, too.
I thought Rob looked very tired at his pre-Oscar party thing. Like recovering from another long night...hahaha
But, I LOVE when he is all scruffed out. YUM
I dunno - I don't think he seems happy at all. Maybe things will look up for him when filming starts. What does that mean all Hollywood - affected?
Very sad about new Moon minus Rob's velvet voice.
I loved the Twilight soundtrack but I bought it mostly for Rob's song.
I'm wondering if we're going to have to watch and wait all night until he appears at the awards...
I'm reading How to Hear, the sequel to WWS. What should I start next? Creature of Habit, Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl, or should I finish up Frenemies?
Ellie-I will watch all night long if it means I get a glimpse of him in a tux! :)
Yeah Ellie - I wouldn't blame them for holding out and saving up the good stuff.
Yeah, Melissa, me too.
We're a bunch of saps.
Sorry my comment was so random and out of place w/ the convo, but it took me 5 minutes to post!! GAH!
"All Hollywood" - I guess I mean a little jaded.
He was so honest and himself in all the Twi interviews. I hope he doesn't let all the hype, publicity, media exposure and pressure get to him. He was so refreshing.
AH LAURA!! There is a sequel to WWS??? I must read it! Personally I would finish up Frenemies, then read Scotch Gin and the New girl....it is very good...one of my absolute faves. :)
I've already set my tivo for all the pre-show action! I will be pausing, slo-moing, and rewinding like crazy!
Ellie-does being sappy mean screaming like a fangirl at the sight of him in said tux? LOL
Yes, Melissa, you need to read that next! I will finish Frenemies and then onto SGATNG!
Laura - SG&TNG is like cruel intentions/Gossip Girl. I love it - it's not complete yet. I haven't read Creature of Habit yet.
I wish he'd do as many interviews for Little Ashes and How to Be as he did for Twilight.
I'd love to hear how he thought through those characters as much as he figured out Edward.
Laura-my dvr is set and ready. I even have an easy dinner planned, stuff for the kids to do-you know so they don't bother me while I drool-yeah, you can say I am ready...LOL
I don't get E! in my cable service.
Yes, Melissa, that's what I mean by saps. lol
AJ, I wish that, too, about the other two movies and what Rob brings to the characters.
No "E"??? BAH! How do you live??? LOL
Seriously, my bi-weekly AI Seacrest fix is simply not enough...he is on every day on "E"
There will be a collective SQUUEEEEEE around the world when he appears on the red carpet.
Hi ladies.... I'm stealing the neighbours wireless so not logging in. IT messed my laptop up even worse today and now I can't access my wireless... grrrrr.
Mel, we did have it, and then Cablevision changed the "tiers" and I haven't gotten motivated to UP my service. I feel like saying UP theirs...
AJ - I hear ya about "all Hollywood"! I hope he can keep his spirits up - He needs to visit us and feel the love and positive energy we send him.
Hi Kat!
AJ-a very LOUD "squeeee" will be heard 'round the world...
Hey, how do we know this is the REAL Kat...give us a sign...
I'm already squeeeee-ing...
Ellie-I think this event is motivation enough to UP your tier...LOL
Alie, if Rob experienced out positive energy, the poor guy wouldn't be able to sleep for weeks!
Don't worry, Ellie. I will be poised and ready with my digital camera in hand to video it all!
Hey Kat!
Twi♥ - I wonder if he has any idea how much he is truly loved and admired! I know he doesn't get it, but we do.
Oh wow... a sign... erm, I don't know. Check out my FB status and there will be a sign.
Hey Kat!
Yeah, I think you're right, Melissa.
If I can't get the connection in time, does anyone know if it will be on the net?
Yea Kat - one of the "signs" Ellie taught you with your hand on your forehead!
Kat - give us a British phrase. That'll do it!
I know how to tell....Kat, what are your feelings on sex with Charlie Swan?
Bloody hell you slappers, you're all the dogs bollocks, do you know that?
Kat, I'm disappointed in you! I thought I'd hear a COCK!!!
To the naughty room with you, young lady!
(Rob, get the suspenders and hot wax, love!)
Yeah, Kat...you up for a mustache ride? LMAO
Yep, it's her.
Awww Kat it really is you xo
I know, I was expecting the signature
Oh, Melissa, that's just so wrong...
The *hork* was for Charlie sex not the naughty room....
Melissa, about the mustache ride, not the COCK
How on earth did I forget about cock. Shameful.
Are the British phrases on the G-spot? Will someone share please? I didn't mean Kat - you go ahead and take your time w/Rob...
Ellie-there were MANY emails sent to Dear Kat about her love for Charlie Swan-the mustache was a HOT topic...LOL
Ah, Kat, I've missed you...
It really IS you!
*claps hands repeatedly with a great big smile on face
Yep. That's our Kat!
Ellie... I missed you too.
Melissa... there is NO love, I repeat, NO LOVE, for the moustache.
What? You don't want to give Charlie a good rogering?
*Triple Hork*
LOL Kat!! I know, I know...the moUstache is not your friend...LOL
Not a fan of the stache - not a fan of facial hair, except Robs.
Oh, sorry, just noticed my avatar again and had to go and worship it in my profile, again...
It's not so much the moustache, but Billy Burke himself. *hork*
Scruff on Rob... now we're talking!
Ellie - I had to genuflect when I came on the blog and saw your avatar.
LOL, Ellie! I find myself staring at it quite frequently myself...
Kat, I'm really missing your pic tonight as well :(
Ellie-I LOVE your avatar...Scruffy McPattinson looks soooo good in that pic...me likey...especially the scruff.....
Sex hair, sunglasses and scruffy beard - now that's a triple threat, or treat, indeed!
Ellie, that avatar is divine. I'm missing my fangs/ciggy... :-(
Yeah, Billy Burke was looking so mufugly on Gilmore Girls the other day. He was rocking some sort of quasi-mullet. Ew.
I just had to make Ellie's avatar bigger...LOL
I'm feeling love for AJs eye too and missing Tess and her skittle lips. Don't you love my spider monkey avatar?
On behalf of Rob, thank you for the compliments on my avatar.
Laura has a ciggy for you Kat.
Quasi-mullet?? Ewwww...now I will say *Triple Hork at that...sick.
Alie, when I look at your avatar pic, all I can think of is Kstew giving Rob's cock a rubbing with her foot!! LOL
Laura... post some more comments for my ciggy fix...
Alie~~Ah, the croth rub. He's feelin' the love...
I'm not complaining but man he's hairy. Just makes me want to snuggle him more : )
Kat, why do we call it croth instead of crotch, again?
Twi♥ - I love the shirt & jeans he's wearing in your avatar. He should have walked away with Edward's entire wardrobe.
The black sweater he wears in the cafeteria scene is divine.
I want him to suck on me like that.............
Speaking of scruff and hairy...do you think "someone" man-scapes?? LMAO
Hello Lovely ladies. Are any of my dirty girls still here?
Ellie - I have no idea about the croth thing...
Did someone say ...
COCK and SUCK in the same post?
Oh Yes, the black crew neck sweater - divine!
LMAO, Melissa!!!
Hi DB!
Kat, you're at your neighbor's house while talking to us??
Is she INto COCK talk?
Hey DB! Yes, the dirty girls are here!
It's sick to wonder, I guess...but sometimes I really do wonder if he does...LOL
How are you, sweet thing?
AJ - at 2 mins.
Ahhh... Heaven.
Kat, Ellie, Melissa, Laura, AJ, TwiHot Twihot TwiHot Twihot Twihot...HELLO
Melissa, I'll bet he does a LOT of things...
Well, maybe not THAT!
Ellie... no, I'm STEALING the wireless... I'm in my house...
TomStu may be disappointed about that...
manscapes... as in "down there"?
Again, Kat, you're naughty.
HI DB - Love it when you say my name all fast like that - LOL
he can barely keep his eyebrows in check, I doubt he manscapes anything else. Although I'd be willing to find out.
And yes, COCK and SUCK were in the same post earlier. And now too. Yum. Taste the rainbow.
Laura, how were the kids today??
yes...manscaping...as in "down there"...I just wonder if he's in to that or not...or if TomStu is too?? LMAO
This is out of control...LOL
Hell, I'd be willing to help him manscape it.
You'd take one for the team, eh Kat? lol
But you know, I bet he's particularly proud of that ONE assett and takes better care of it than anything else.
Kat-I would be MORE than willing to find out as well. I would even tweeze the brows for him if it gained me access...LOL
Oh,m that was just wrong, that I posted about laura's kids right after the words COCK and SUCK. Please forgive me for the tastelessness.
Aw, hell, it's me, remember?
The kids were actually pretty good, Ellie! They know we have a Mardi Gras parade at school tomorrow, so they were probably being good so I would let them go! haha..How were your kids?
I'll take one for the team any day. I'm just that kind of girl.
Let me know if I can give you a hand with that Kat. Not that you couldn't handle it yourself.
Not tasteless Ellie, Proper Crassness - just learned that one last week : )
Hey DB!
Twi♥ - Yup! That's the one. *drools on keyboard*
Laura, my guys were okay. Just one sad face all day.
Hey, I'm getting two girls next year. It's been about 4 years since I've had any girls in my class.
Yes, AJ - I hope Rob is feeling all the love we are sending - offers to browscape, manscape, lovingly care for any of his landscape...
That's great, Ellie! I really love teaching my girls! You'll bond with them :)
Oh, I forgot the motto. And I knew that a long time ago, too.
Laura, I feel the boys are easier than the girls. At least where I am.
Oh yes, we fly the "proper crassness" flag here. Ran it up the pole the first day on Robsessed.
I know what you're thinking.....
OK... I'm going to stop being a wireless stealing rebel and go back to seduce the hubby.
LOVE YOU ALL and thanks for checking I wasn't an intruder :-)
Who is going to clip his toenails and clean his ears?
Night Kat - thanks for hijacking some cyperspace for us.
Sweet Robscape dreams!
OK, I have to answer DB first. If ear cleaning gets him as aroused as it does for me... I choose that job...
Good night, kat. Enjoy your hubby and olive juice to you! xoxo
Talk to you tomorrowm, then.
See ya Kat! Beg, borrow, steal... whatever it takes to get to Rob.
Goodnight, Kat. Good luck with your seduction! lol
DB - My hubby is always trying to get me clip his toenails for him cuz he says he isn't flexible enough - LOL. It makes me HORK. But for Rob, I'd be on my knees before he could say TwiHOT.
That's all it takes, Kat? Q-tips?
Damn, you're easy!
Ellie... if Rob was involved he'd just have to say Q-tips and I'd be a quivering wreck of lust...
OK... really off to seduce now and Laura I don't need luck. I'm a fucking MILF! LOL
NIGHT! xoxoxox
Night Kat!!
LOL-"TwiHOT"... :)
sorry...I'm trying to wash dishes and comment at the same time
I really like the feeling of my ears being cleaned as well. I thought I was a freak. The toenails..gag. For Rob, probably.
This may seem like a stretch but FF is rotting my brain and the Qtips made me think of the dental wand in I Caught Myself http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4791684/1/I_Caught_Myself - Did you guys read it yet? HOT
No way could I do toenails..*HORK
Even if they were Rob's...bleh!
I'm out too ladies. Good night!
Alie, I glanced at it today. Is that a one-shot or lots of chapters?
I have the link Twi-but is a story or a one shot?
We know that he does clip his toenails so I doubt that will be a problem.
Night AJ :)
Nite-nite, AJ~~Have a great day tomorrow! Olive juice.
Night AJ!!!
Goodnight AJ and your beautiful eye. You still need to make it wink.
Really Mel? I'm just a sicko - sign me up for the full on pedi w/lotion of course - I might even scrape his calluses - LOL.
Sometimes I can't stand it when Rob's fingernails are too long! HORK. I like when his nails are short.
Hello Melissa, DB, AJ?, ellie, Twiheart..
what's going on here?
Laura, Rob's nails are most likely long for playing guitar.
I may scrape callouses as long as the "ped-egg" is involved...LOL
Skittle Lips!!!!!!
Night AJ - muahh!
Ellie - It's one chappie good filler. Like mentioned a the G-SPOT the EPOV had input from a guy so it's a bit "hard to swallow" pun intended. But Hot Damn you'll never look at going to the dentist the same way again.
Hi Tess!!!
Tess, you've COME at a wonderful time~~We're talking toenails and callouses. lol
Hey ya, Tess!
Ellie, I can see keep the thumb nail a bit long, but you have to keep the rest of nails really short to cord properly (erm, at least that's what someone who tried to teach me said)
Hi Tess!!! How are you?
Alie, I did read that. Forgot.
Tess~~Short for chords, long on the other hand for picking.
Hello Laura.. sorry that I missed you.
Laura - we can do the full on mani-pedi - you take the hands, I'll take the feet. What? What am I saying?
And with that, I'd say, "Rob, pick me! Pick me!" lol
What color nail polish do you think he wants for his mani/pedi?? LMAO
Ellie-ahh. do you play?
Hello Skittle Lips. Nice to see you.
Sounds good to me, Alie!
Melissa...I'm gonna go with black--Rob's favorite color!
The guy at the drive through tonight had black nails and a black band bracelet. I had to look up at him because I immediately thought "Dark Edward". YUM.
Hey baby!
I'm a bit brain dead this afternoon. how's everyone else?
Unless it's an off day then he claims to love gray. Big dork.
Black. For sure black. LOL
Tess, I used to. I got my guitar in sixth grade. I still have it. I played in a coffeehouse one time, on my college campus with my then boyfriend. A lot of Neil Young (songs from the Harvest album).
I just played chords (melody) and sang harmony.No picking.
but I used to, just not that night.
I was gonna say black too Laura - great minds! Something about black nails and serving food tho! Funny how FF brings out all kindsa dirty in the most unlikely places. I don't need to paint - just push his cuticles back and lotion him up.
Who's doing the Mani/Pedi?
Imagine giving a Parafin hand wax to Rob? The thought just sort of makes me smile ;)
DB, was the guy hot?
If I was going to lotion Rob up, it wouldn't just be his nails and cuticles...
Ellie "Pick me Pick me" I just got that LMAO
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