Hollywood is SO not Rob's Scene

This comes from Ted Casablanca who is a nasty little gossip yapper. (Was that description insulting enough? 'Cause that's what I was going for :)

Is Robert Pattinson Miserable in Hollywood?

Like we exclusively told you earlier this week, Rob Pattinson was partying after the Oscars—at the swankiest of dos possible—looking as if he'd been told he could never have another drink. Ever. Natalie Portman managed to ease Patty-poo's nerves for a bit, but he still left the shindig alone.

A close friend to the Brit babe told us, "It's because [Hollywood] just so isn't his scene. All of this fame isn't what Rob's about."

We ferreted out some vintage Pattinson pics during his Harry Potter years, and just look at the difference in his mood during the promotional tours. Rob looks actually happy and excited in the early days, whereas he now looks overwhelmed and uncomfortable—particularly anytime he touches down in L.A.

Check out Robbie's more recent brooding, almost terrified faces, for yourselves and tell us how we can make Patty happy again, please?


Gozde: First of all Patty Pattinson is his dog. You don't look cute by calling him Patty, we all know you were trashing him left and right just a month ago, calling him a drunk. Now that he appeared at the Oscar parties and had little to drink he was "TOLD" not to drink? Please bitch!

Second: Him not liking the Hell-A scene is because he is not fake and doesn't know how to fake it. We LOVE that fame isn't his thing :) It's called being cool which is a term very foreign to you.

Third: For the 5 brooding pictures you've posted I can post 100 smiling, happy, dorky pictures.

Fourth: When he smiles, does crazy faces, has fun you call him an alcoholic when he doesn't you call him miserable. Again I say: Please bitch!

Now onto some of the biggest smiles from Rob:


The Chris Show said...

Way to go!! You defended him perfectly, eloquently and accurately. Stuff like that is why he's afraid of the media in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Well done Godze, I don't always appreciate this site because of papprazzi photos but this post was excellent. Well Done!

The reason we love Rob is because he's NOT a hollywood bitch. I'm glad he doesn't fit in in LA because if he did, he would end up a snobby bitch like Kristen Stewart.

Anonymous said...

GRRRRRR.. why can't gossip hounds leave Rob alone. It's people like that, that make him uncomfortable and HATE L.A. I understand to the fullest why he misses London so much! I would too if I were treated this way by the media in the US! Stupid people suck! THANK YOU for defending him!!

arklas said...

nice job, dont blame him for not being "happy in la la land"its not cup of tea, so what.he must have refused to give that person an interview..lol thats why he is miffed..lol

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens its not just me that feels the need to "protect" him. He's so endearing that it just makes you want to keep him safe! We love you Rob! Stay normal!

YasminDE said...

Gözdeeee, süper hatunsun (ya ne yapayim yine hisslerimi inglizce yazamayacagim diye endiselendim)
Cok duygulandim yaptigin yorum itibariyle. süpersiin. ..bu yorumunu o igrenc haberin oldugu siteye koy bence. Ancak üzülerek sunu belirtmeliyim.. evet Aralik ortasindan sonraki resimlere baktigimizda Rob cogu yerde cok hüzünlü ve mutsuz/yorgun görünüyor, o güzel gülümsemesinin altinda bile hüznü cok belli...buda eskisi kadar özgür olamamasindan kaynaklaniyor :(..

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Gozde!!! Well done!

I love Anon's comment ~ there's something so beautiful in his vulnerability. He's precious ...

Gozde said...

In the words of Robward: I feel very protective of him :))

Onto Turkish, sorry for the language change:

Tesekkurler Nox :) Cocuk 1 senedir Twilight'i promote ediyo, daraldi artik ne yapsin. Ben Ted Casablanca'ya kilim da ondan yazdim yaziyi. Bence bi de gulmeyince daha yakisikli oldugunu saniyo :P Boyle derin derin bakiyo kameralara :)

Unknown said...

Give 'em hell, Goz!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to look out for our boy!

luckygyrl said...

Thanks for that Gozde. Yeah, Im sure this is something we all know by now. Im so glad that he's not an LA guy. Sometimes, he looks so sad out here (I live near LA). I would hate LA too if the f-ing paps were all up in my face and all around is snotty people.

Good Morning All!!!

babbles said...

Brilliant Post Goz!

Kurnia Hidayati said...

WOWWW. Nicely done Gozde. You could be Rob's Lawyer :P

Tenneil said...


Goz you are the heart to this blog and you comment on what we would all like to say. So thank you for giving them hell for treating our boy/man that way... He deserves so much better.....me perhaps..sorry had to add that....LOL

Kathie said...

There are always going to be people who are going to try and break him down and there will always be people who will try and prop him up.

All Rob can do is be who HE wants to be and we can either like it or lump it. I am glad he is uncomfortable with the spotlight, to me that means he hasn't let it all get to his head and just wants to do his job.

One thing Casablahblah needs to remember is Rob is freaking 22 years old! I don't think when I was 22 I could have handle half the crap that Rob handles .... all while the world watches.

luckygyrl said...

Hello Hello Hello.

Gozde, you rock. Im sure you already know it, but its good to hear anyway.

Long live the Rob obsessers :)

Kat said...

Excellent post Goz... love ya for it.

Tenneil said...

Lucky... how are we today....EEEKKKKK I went to see Twilight last night!! OMG..did I need that..

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Goz - Well said. In any language you are a brilliant and beautiful Rob pusher, and champion. That's why we love you! Muahh!

Divinesally said...

You go Godze! Very cleverly put. Can't stand that Ted guy. He needs to step off!

I really hope Rob stays who he is for the length of his career. We'll all stay devoted. I'm so pissed I want Little Ashes to come out already, so annoyed they pushed it back to May. And does anyone know about How to Be coming to NYC??? How bout The Summer House??? anyone...thanks. xxx

Daneh said...

Go Goz! did an excellent job in defending Rob there. He says Hollywood isn't his thing as if it's a BAD thing. I'm glad he doesn't like living the hollywood life, it just makes him even more likeable!

*unicorn over rob's down-to-earthness*

Anonymous said...

Great response...he is not happy in LA and he even says so. He is happy at home in London. It's just a way to bash Rob but it does not work with his loyal fans :)

luckygyrl said...

I am divine. Anytime I that I spend with Rob, Im divine lol. How are you today?

Cant wait til it comes out. Only a few weeks left.

And sorry Divinesally, I dont know when those come out. I cant wait though. The more Rob, the better. He's like Jell-o, there's always room for Rob. HAHAHA

luckygyrl said...

Right Anon. That shit wont fly here!!!!

Tenneil said...

Its comes out on my sons birthday .. that way we both get presents!! March 21st!!! I cant decide which one I want to get...there are a few limited ed. out there....decisions ...decisions

Any day with Rob is a happy day... my happy place!!!

tho i am sick today... could use some of Robbies tenderness

luckygyrl said...

nice, nice. Thats only fair, I guess. Im leaning toward the Borders edition, even though I may not get it delivered right when it comes out :(

Sorry to hear your under the weather. It seems like everyone is right now thought. No coughing in my direction please lol. Seriously, POM juice makes me better when Im sickly.

Tenneil said...

Could you tell Rob that I need some POM juice please... delived naked!!lol

OMG me too I was so thinking that ed. I hear you tho, not here that day..

I'll cover my mouth when I cough..man my ribs hurt from coughing so much..so not fair

Laura said...

Goz, you rock! And you rock even more because you cropped Camilla Brows out of that pic! hahaha

Ugh...I'm so sick right now..I think I'm staying home tomorrow, and you know what that means--Rob and FF day!! Whoo HOo!

Ellie said...

Goz, you said it all beautifully. As well as everyone else..
Can't add anything more, you all took the words right out of my mouth.

Rob is being Rob and I love him for it.

Tenneil said...

Laura ....lucky... I feel like crap too and you can take a day off... I want one day off...please.. I am just jealous! lol.. enjoy.. hope you feel better soon!
Hey Ellie

luckygyrl said...

MMMMMM thats a nice visual lol. Thank you. My feels a lil hotter than normal.

All you sickly people. Im sorry. Actually, I kinda envy you. I wanna lay at home and just FF all damn day, while drinkin some yummy juice.

Gozde said...

Sorry you don't feel well Laura. But it means you can be a perv and read FF all day :))

I cropped Brows but he looks SO happy with her that I'm thinking of giving her another chance. (I can't make any promises though, she is extremely annoying!)

Tenneil said...

Goz... I noticed the absense of brows also... I could not of been HAPPIER.. thank you.. You made a wise choice!! he does seem happier without her...LOL

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, gozde
Well done

Rominiwi said...

I'm so with you Goz!

That's exactly why we love him.

Anonymous said...

What a complete tosser.. What human would not be completely overwhelmed by what is happening? Hang in there Rob..

Anonymous said...

the Hollywood gossip columnists are always talking crap about stars. That's why i don't believe much of it at all. where are the pics of Rob and Natalie Portman, anyway? there are OTHER pics of him at the after parties, right? More crap.

Gals, i'm kinda new here. FF is "Fan Fiction"? What and where is it, please!

Gozde said...

Hi Crazy, judging from your name I'd say you'll fit right in :))

FF is http://www.fanfiction.net/

How old are you? I can make some suggestions :)

luckygyrl said...

Its a place where people write stories with the same characters. Its great. Some are complete and some are not. I dont know what to recommend, because dont know if you offend easily.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robsessed,
Thanks so much for the site! i'm embarrassed to say my age, but let's just say I'm well over 30. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

hey luckygirl,
by "offend" do you mean too much sexual reference? NOT a problem!!!

luckygyrl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

Goz, you're posting under a new name???

I almost said something, until you wrote your second comment (I feel very protective of you... LOL)

Gozde said...

LOL Ellie, I was making an "official post" somewhere and signed in with the blog ID :)

It's me! Gozde, I'll sign out now and sign back in :)

Gozde said...

Ehem, I'm 31 and a lot of people here are over 30 :) So no worries.

Okay here are some great fanfics. They are rated mature, nothing fades to black :)

Wide Awake:

Scotch, Gin and the New Girl:

Darkness of Dusk:

Utter Darkness:


Anonymous said...

Thanks sooo much Robsessed and luckygirl! I'll be spending alot of time reading it seems. it helps to know others feel the way I do, even married gals with kids, but I still feel dirty - he's soo young! God help me!! Oh well...
Thanks again!!!

Anonymous said...

oh ok - thanks Gozde! love this site, but it's not helping with my addiction!!! i need help!

Gozde said...

Nah, it's not wrong. It si very hard not to lust after Rob :)

Gozde said...

I wrote it si, I'm getting dyslexia :)

Thank you crazy. Dani and I really appreciate the love :)

Anonymous said...

Well done Gozde.
People have to understand that not everbody act like paris hilton!!!!

luckygyrl said...

We're all obsessed. Some more than others, but thats ok. He's all over my cubicle at work, my phone, and my computer.

Rose said...

A couple of things...

A. Goz...brilliant post!

2. I FUCKING love that banner. The man is pure perfection.

c. Goz...Dani...I ♥ you both. Thank you for ROBsessed.
And thank you for giving me the Robkats.
I ♥ you all, too.

Anonymous said...

My husband is starting to get suspicious of my increased sex drive. I asked yesterday if i can have sex this weekend (i know, pathetic) and he actually asked me "with who?" Uh oh.

luckygyrl said...

Crazy, oh i can tell you, the stories will do the same. Mine has been thru the roof!!!!

Gozde said...

Rosie! You know I love you to bits :))

Crazy, LMAO @ your husband :) And if your sex drive is increased NOW wait till you read some of the fanfics! I gave you the "mild" ones :)

Anonymous said...

Goz to the rescue! Thanks and well done! Are you Turkish? I toured that great country a few years ago and loved it! Excellent food, friendly & good-looking people and incredible history...

No offense to native Los Angelenos but I moved here five years ago after living my entire life in Chicago and I can totally understand Rob saying he feels like crying he misses London so much. Getting around here is a nightmare and the general attitude is not friendly. People won't put themselves out. Shockingly there's much less dedication to the arts. It is wearing on the soul...

Gozde said...

Some fics should be renamed to pornfics :)

luckygyrl said...

Very True Gozde. I just found Bella Swan Diaries. WOW I love it.

Anonymous said...

Gozde and Luckygirl - he can't keep up with me! LOL! don't forget to give me the hardcore FF suggestions!! but then i'll have to get a boyfriend too! crap!

Gozde said...

Hey anon :) Yeah I'm Turkish. I lived in US for the past 8 years and just moved back home to Istanbul. Still adjusting. I did miss the food, the sea and everything :)

I really liked Chicago but it is COLD! LA is a different kind of monster. I love California though, it's warm and sunny. My kinda place :)

Gozde said...

And thanks for your nice words about Turkey :) People are usually clueless and think we are Iran or Iraq.

luckygyrl said...

The Submissive is fantastic

And I love Frenemies

luckygyrl said...

Wide Awake is my fav and was my starter. You'll love it. Makes ya really wanna try some of the stuff they mention.

Gozde said...

The submissive is REALLY good! I love it! Frenemies IS porn :)

luckygyrl said...

It soo is. Its nerdie porn haha.

luckygyrl said...

Wow Gozde. You are a traveling woman. Thats what I wanna do.

Trixie said...

Loving this post, Goz!!!

Gozde said...

:) I love to travel. I'm unemployed at the moment (hence the 24/7 posts on the blog :) but once I find a job I'm going to be traveling all over Europe. (which is kinda oxymoron since I won't have vacation time).

Maybe if I win the lottery?

Kate said...

Goz fantstic post ;-) Love what you said about Rob and all of it true also love the smiley pics, Rob at his best ! ;-)
Laura hope you feel better soon!! {HUGS}

Anonymous said...

OMG - can't wait to get started! i'm going to be a very busy girl. did i just say that? ;)

luckygyrl said...

With the economy the way it is, thats what a lot of people that I know are doing. Just trying to enjoy life and travel before they luck out and find a job. I should do that, but Im already relocating so no vacay for me for some time.

And I thank you soooo much for the Rob updates. Its insane how much I like this man. He's given me many unicorns :)

Kate said...

Crazy, FF is just another addiction to add to the list. You have been warned LOL
Welcome to the blog BTW!

Anonymous said...

i actually had to google "unicorns" the other day. Hilarious!

luckygyrl said...

Kate knows what she's talking about. Ive delayed sooo much homework and now Im completely behind. But they are just sooo good, and theres so many.

luckygyrl said...

I hope it means the same thing as Im thinking :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kate! and i'm out of work right now also. i'm going to spend all day reading and obsessing? yikes!!

luckygyrl said...

Sounds like a great day to me :)

Anonymous said...

Goz..that was so awesome!!

I posted a topic on Finely Aged Fans about this. I hate the fact that he spent months at home happy with his friends and family in England living in almost obscurity, then he attends ONE event in LA and suddenly he is tabloid fodder again. Seriously, it's like the LA crowd has nothing better to talk about than his drinking habits and who he talks to. I mean, how many people panicked when they read the Paris Hilton stuff? I don't know, maybe my Momma Bear tendencies are coming out, but I hope he can spend as much time in London being happy as he can.

Thanks for letting me vent, ladies! I'll get off my soapbox now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

my H. would really be suspicious if i attacked him as he walked in the door after work! LOL! so who cares where it comes from...take it or leave it honey! Just wish the kids weren't home then...oh boy.

Anonymous said...

Kathie I totally agree.
People forget that Rob is still young. He's being put through a lot for his age. All these crazy screaming fans and papparazzi and instant fame. Its very hard to deal with when you're only 22.
I'm 22 and I still feel like an emotional teen sometimes, but at least I don't have the whole world watching me. Rob does!

The kids from HP were protected by the papprazzi and never had the kind of media pressure Rob has now.
Even now they don't. The teens from HP are not in the media at all compared to Rob.

Anyways keep it real Rob, never change!

Anonymous said...

hell yeah! you tell em !!! and the picture where he's totally chatting up and winning the hearts of the peopel at the oscar party, i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you totally cut that anorexic cokewhore camilla belle out of that... she wasnt the one making him happy, we know it. lol

luckygyrl said...

Im sure he would really appreciate the increased drive Crazy. As long as your gettin it from him, why would it matter? LOL

I hope he's gonna be ok. He has a fully loaded schedule ahead of him. With NM, and Little Ashes, and everything else going on. Too bad his Patty cant be with him. Id love to have my puppy on the road with me.

Anonymous said...

i feel weird saying this, but i'm concerned too. he's so happy-go-lucky-, but this kind of pressure has to take it's toll somewhere. i hope he can connect with other actors who don't care for the whole stardom aspect of this as well, and have been through the same. Maybe the likes of Johnny Depp?

Ellie said...

Laura, hope ypu're feeling better soon.

Crazy, welcome to the blog!!! Always room for one more! We have a LOT of fun here.
And yes, I can attest to the affects of the ff...so can my husband. :)

Kate said...

I'm sure he'll be fine he seems very grouned and together and I know everyone seems to hate her but Camilla does seem to have him laughing (which can't be a bad thing)and she knew him before he was so famous too so she's not a "new" friend also I think Nikki is a really good friend to him too !

Gozde said...

I think the young Twilight Cast help each other. They all seem like fun people. Johnny was CRAZY when he was Rob's age! Anyone remember him trashing hotel rooms? I love him but Johnny is still a bit crazy :)

Kate said...

Typo :-/ * grounded LOL

Laura said...

Thanks, Goz,Kate, and Tenneil :) I'll enjoy being a FF perv tomorrow!

I'd like to wish a happy birthday to a certain Robkat! And that's no "fucking bullshit" ;) hahaha

Laura said...

AWww, thanks, Ellie! I didn't see your comment before I posted :)

Anonymous said...

Gozde~Sorry you saw Chicago in the cold. There are two seasons there: cold/windy and hot/humid. The thing is that the longer you live in LA, the more 50 degrees seems cold, so you can't win. I'm still tough though, always wear sandals and shorts and never feel cold because it doesn't get below 40 degrees ever in the daytime.

California weather is its best selling point, definitely. Great to visit...

Loved Istanbul by the way...bazaar, Topkapi, Hagia Sophia, cisterns, museums, Blue Mosque. I don't get how Americans could confuse Turkey with Iran and Iraq. Oh, brother...

Anyway, again thanks for making such a great site...always lifts my spirits! Do you think Rob's mom reads it????

luckygyrl said...

Yeah, I know Johnny can give him some great advice. Theres plenty of stars that somehow manage to stay out of the limelight. I mean, he went thru his party phase and LA stuff. But after a while, he found a way to be happy. And now, he's fab!

Unknown said...

Goz, I loved your excellent choice of words in defending our beloved Rob ;) Kudos to you!

Gozde said...

Thanks Lindsey, I'm especially proud of my very eloquent "Please bitch!" comment, lol :)

Kate said...

Anon it would be brilliant if mammy P read the blog but I really hope she doesn't read some of the comments posted :-/ LOL Then again she would probably have a good laugh at them!!! LOL

luckygyrl said...

Johnny basiclly lived in the Viper Room. It was great. I still love him after all this time. He's right below Rob.

Anonymous said...

Ellie - thanks for the welcome! this is fun!

Anonymous said...

In a couple of interviews Rob said his mom keeps tabs and calls him and tells him what is going on online. Makes sense to me!

Ellie said...

Ah, Aon, if Mama P. ever read what we comment,... LMAO!

luckygyrl said...

Im sure she would just her son how we obsess over him and absolutely adore his sexy ass lol. Thats awesome that she does though.

Woohoo BRB lunch time.

Ellie said...

Yeah, Lucky, she seems like a cool mum.

Kate said...

Ya i saw that Anon and she seems like the type of woman that would know we were only joking with a lot a the stuff we say but it could get embarrassing {blush} Aah it's all in good fun!! LOL

"Aah Rob dear,it's your Mum.I was looking at this really great blog the other day, the blog is fantastic it's the women that comment on there that worry me. They were talking about monsters, unicorns and coookies! Not sure what it was all about but if you hear or see anything about Robkats run the other way they sound like dangerous animals"

Ellie said...

Yes, Kate, the mountain screamers are the ones to stay away from! lol

Kate said...

Hell ya Ellie ;-)

Ellie said...

But the screamers aren't as rabid as the Twimoms!! :)

Kate said...

Ha ha good one Ellie!

Ellie said...

Kate, same topic on here AND the g-spot!! haha

Kate said...

I know Ellie !! LOL

luckygyrl said...

Wow I missed so much.

Ellie, She has to be an awesome mom to have such an amazing son.

Haha Kate. That would be a great convo to overhear lol

Anonymous said...

great come back! fuck that guy. what an asshole. everyone has an opinion and no one knows the whole story!

Anonymous said...

Godze, thank you for defending Rob. I think he has a lot coming at him from all directions and I hope he has close REAL friends to support him, and that he does stay away from the Hollywood/L.A. crap. Can all of Rob's supporters also keep good thoughts that hopefully will ward off the Attack-of-The-Paris Hilton-Monster? Also saw he crossed paths with Camilla Belle the night before the Oscars. She's taken, Rob. Cam has been seen all over the place w/JJonas. Please Rob, find a nice girl, she doesn't have to be an actress or a model. Choose someone who really cares about you, and not your fame and fortune.

bimbambom said...

Anon you know a few days ago I wondered if someone from Rob's family reads our posts!
I hope they like us, know that we want Rob to be happy and know we'll be defending him!

luckygyrl said...

I dont think he's trying to get Camille. He's said that they go way back and they are good friends. He doesnt seem like that guy to do that. He needs all the real friends he can get in LA. There's so lots of shadiness in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Oh I so love Rob for sticking out of the craw and love him even more for not be a fake

Anonymous said...

Oh I so love Rob for sticking out of the craw and love him even more for not be a fake

Anonymous said...

The last picture is particularly nice. Thanks for posting it, Godze.

(I liked Istanbul, too. Been there in 2007, we had a lot of meetings, so there wasn't much time for sight-seeing. One fine day I'll return for that.)

Tess said...

Bravo Gozde - I'm blowing kisses in your direction. Great post. I never tire of looking at Rob's smile

Tess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

I'm kinda late to the party, but Goz...YOU GO GIRL!! I never see him as "brooding"...the nerve of some people. Rob is adorable and I love his smile... :)

marina mia said...

I love this site! Much thanks from sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia :)

Rob needs to stay away from LA as much as he can or at least get healthy doses of London, his family, his real friends, anything that can help him deal with the crap of the papps.

He's one of the most genuine guys I've seen in a long time and deep down i think he'll always be that person.

btw, absolutely adore the pic with the tannoy. He's freaking beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, Gozde, I am sorry for the spelling mistake.

vertigo said...

Fabulous well balanced post!
and thankyou for the smile pics, they seem to be exactly what the Doctor ordered today. :)

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