*New* Remember Me Tv Spot "Family"


Lisa said...


Ya know what? Some crafty person will splice (is that the term? we used to 'splice' old home movies together eons ago LOL) all of these trailers and commercials together into one like, 10 minute 'trailer' and it'll be the whole movie...kinda like they did with all the NM trailers & commercials :D

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Lisa, kinda like Cliff Notes, huh? ; ) ITA, Kat! Enough already...

Haley said...

I wish they would slowww down. If it was March or the end of this month maybe it would be okay but dang it, I want to enjoy this movie I waited ages for!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This one didn't show too much more than we've seen...

I'm still reeking from the shower & cab scene!

MBMOM said...

I learned my lesson from the numerous New Moon snippets. By the time I saw the movie, not much surprised me and I felt I had seen most of it.
I've only seen the 1st preview and try to steer away from any more. Cannot wait to see RM!

Leenie FJ said...

Gawd, my heart is beating so hard...how am I going to sit through that movie???

Lisa said...

@ Gwen~

Cliffs Notes are our friend. And Monarch Notes. they got me thru college and all those lit classes I took for "easy" A's to bring up my GPA. heehee!

Do they still even make them?

Susan said...

I'm so psyched! There is a huge billboard up on my path home from picking up the kiddies from school. And it is right at a stop light so I get to stare at his gorgeous face for minutes until the light turns green and I am forced to cast my eyes off his perfect face.

annaz said...

@Kat:I have read the script. Trust me the meatiest parts will be there to be seen in the theaters.

NM had like 15 min of Edward and they showed 10 min of it in the promos.

RM has Rob in almost every scene. and some very intense as well as fun dynamics Tyler has going on with different characters and it all contributes to the richness of the story. So a total 10 min worth of clips cannot dilute that.

Cindygal said...

@xxRobxx the other day you asked if is there someone from CT?...perhaps we could meet and go watch the movie together! What do you say? by the way I live in Observatory.

Anonymous said...

Oh OH! I just love it! It doesn't have a lot of new stuff in it, which is good. But at the same time, it has some fantastic snippets! I LOVE the part when Allie/Emilie burries her face in the panda and smiles up sort of shyly at the hot Robert/Tyler, that snippet is sooooo sweet... Aw I love it!

I also LOVE the scene when she's telling him "it's okay it's okay" and he's all upset, wow talk about sizzling! And when he's sitting at the beach reading and she comes barreling into him in a playful/cute way, such a cute scene! And when he's riding the bike *drools*. Robert looks delicious!

Both Emilie and Robert appear to have done a fantastic job in this movie. And all the acting looks great on everyone's part, I love when Robert tells Pierce "it is not enough".


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Lisa, this is hysterical!


So yes, and funny too!!! ; )

"Can you resist the allure of Edward's myriad charms — his ocher eyes and tousled hair, the cadence of his speech, his chiseled alabaster skin, and his gratuitous charm? Will you hunt surreptitiously and tolerate the ceaseless deluge in Forks to evade the sun and uphold the facade? Join Edward and Bella as you learn more than 600 vocabulary words to improve your score on the *SAT, ACT®, GED®, and SSAT® exams!"

Our words are better---SexHair, JawPorn, Panty-Dropping/Impregnating Stare, etc...

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, antonym for "resist" (pfft!) would be "embrace".

Thinking "PASSIONATELY EMBRACING Robward's charm" about sums it up around here. (Although, it's probably not nearly a strong enough phrase...)

Adoradoras said...

yes!! Yesterday i Can´t saw it, thanks from sapin!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not watching this one and won't be watching the others... There is too much and by April (it will only reach France by then) I will have seen the whole movie... I was so disappointed by New Moon after having seen all the trailers that I don't want to do the same thing with Remember Me. It seems to be such a good movie, I don't want to spoil it...
Going from a serious drought to this could cause an overdose of Rob..

tgill said...

That's it I'm not watching anymore trailers. Did Summit not get the message? less is more!!!

Butterfly25 said...

Ok, altough the 3 clips I saw, especially the shower scene, made me fall in love with Rob even more - if that's even possible- from now on I will try not to watch any new clips or TV spots, including this one. I know there will be a lot of new things to see at the cinema, but still...

What's more, Nick Osborne wrote on his twitter: "Hope everyone enjoyed first 3 clips" so I guess there will even more of them.

I don't get it, why is Summit doing this, first with NM, now with RM. I don't remember any other company promoting their movies like that. I think that sometimes enough is enough...

Babs said...

I know they have to promote the movie but Summit releases way too much. They should learn from Steve Jobs LOL
Anyway when it comes to Rob I have no willpower whatsoever so I'll watch every clip LOL

OT - I was watching an episode of Greek last night and they mentioned Rob. Ashleigh got a virus in her pc because she clicked on an ad that said 'click here for naked pictures of Robert Pattinson'. LOL

hazeleyes said...

so all we havent seen are the really intense get down to it parts that they wont show in the trailers.....why does summit do this.

hazeleyes said...

oh i had another thought, with rob being ex-producer on this does that not mean he had to front some of his own cash to make movie?just asking/throwing out questions

Unknown said...

Im In class now with my iphone. Obviously my course is not as interesting as Rob.. Maybe i should not watch all the clips but its too hard to resist!!! This movie is fantastic, its going to kill me. The film will be in theaters in April where i live (in France). Is there ANY way i can watch it before??? I dont think i ll be able to wait that long!

Robine said...

Like everyone I can't wait to go and see this movie (in April as well cos I live in France grrrr) but I'm not watching any clips or trailers anymore. I haven't watched the one of the restaurant nor this one and won't do for the following ones (if there are any). You guys are so lucky to be able to watch this movie in March. I hope there'll be a spoiler topic so that we won't be able to read all your comments about the whole movie.

angie-k said...

didn't watch the cab scene - not watching this one either, even if it doesn't show much more...

spoiler free for Remember Me! (except the shower water fight...that one was worth it!)

Haystackhair said...

OMG there is so much more to this movie than these few minutes of clips, you guys are going to be as DIED as me when the movie comes out. A few minutes compared to at least 2 hours of Rob?? GAH!

Sunflower said...

I'm trying not to watch the clips either. I've seen the TV spots because they're not much different from the trailer and I couldn't help watching the shower scene, but I didn't see the others. After having seen everything they released for New Moon I promised myself I would have never do that again, I was too disappointed at the cinema. First af all because of the voices (hearing Rob dubbed over in Italian was terrible) and second because of the difference between what they showed us in the clips and what that was actually in the movie.

Lisa said...

@ Gwen~

OMG! I never thought that reading Twilight could help improve my SAT score! HaHaHa!!!

I literally cut and paste that link to email to myself so I could peruse it tonight, in pursuit of exemplary words to use on my SAT ;)

I see they failed to list FILTM...that would be an extra credit word, no? :D

Anonymous said...

Hi girls! Too bad if I sound stupid with this question but what does "FILTM" mean?
I read it in many posts but cannot figure out what it stands for!
Thanks :o)

Rominiwi said...

Means Fuck I Love That(this) Man!

ShariG said...

Oh I like this one. It doesn't give a lot away, but still gets to the heart of the story.

ShariG said...

I am glad it is getting so much attention. They can reshow these clips, but they shouldn't show any more. In fact, I think this kind of mixed clip and the shower scene would be enough.

RPLover said...

lalala...not gonna watch...

angie, ITA with you! Spoiler Free For Remember Me except.for.the.shower.I.couldn't.help.myself... ;)) just don't have that same "ring" to it, ya know? lol

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Lisa, def extra credit words and acronyms around here! LOL, on the thought of getting the guides for my 15-year old son (uh, huh, for him).

Only if they "flipped" it and gave menfolk words to "describe the maim and torture that sparkly vampire your girl, and mom, squeal about all day long...". Which is kinda what my guys talk about already---but with 4th grade words.

Pelin said...

RM is gonna release 30 April in my country. Even If I have read the script I know there are so much scenes I haven't read in the script. So If these videos will continue to shown, I really will have watched whole movie till 30 April.

Robine said...

BTW does anyone know how long this movie is going to last?
I hope 2 hours at least.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Robine, you'd think that would be an easy question, but have not been able to find a running time ANYWHERE for RM. Weird.

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