Robert Pattinson Gets Advice From Pierce Brosnan

In an interview with "The Wall Street Journal" Pierce spoke about a bit of advice he gave to Rob

You’re also in another film coming out opposite Robert Pattinson. Did your younger daughters ask you for an introduction?

There was many a friend and relative and young lady who would come and visit me. The list was long and the girls were many on the streets of New York City and his motor home was the epicenter of beautiful girls. My motor home down the avenue was quiet…when I started doing Bond there was a wonderful publicist that told me: “grace under pressure.” I said the same thing to Robert: “grace under pressure.” Celebrate it and enjoy it (Kate: Good Advice and it looks like Rob is following it too. No better man! )

Source The Wall Street Journal with thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip.


angie-k said...

Poerce???? is someone befuddled by Rob again?

Thanks Kate!

Anonymous said...

Somebody seems to have two left hands this morning... LOL...
They should put up an notice saying that too much Rob is bad for the brain or something like it :o)))

Kate said...

LOL fixed ;-)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Good morning,
Kate - ThePretty gets to us all....

Hi Ang.

JandR said...

That was good advice Pierce...and it fits with Rob's already generous spirit. He has always been so good with his fans. I hope it continues but I already feel that his burgeoning fame has changed things for him.
I don't like the tiredness and blank look I see etched in his features in all the RM publicity to date.

JandR said...

Hi Kate!!! :) Hope things are good with you!?

skorpia said...

Pierce and Rob have that grace part down.What I noticed immediatly from ROb (when i did my research on new moon watching twilight interviews) is his humility. Its like "aww shux man" Its so endearing. I thought "wow-is this guy for REAL?" Interview after interview--such sincerity and well thought out answers. His jokes had me rolling too. Before I knew it -I thought Im mindscrewed (aka FILTM!! ROBSESSED) and the WHOLE time Im thinking. DUDE ! your not even my type!

LTavares2011 said...

Rob, under pressure, is hot. He is full of grace too.

Unknown said...

Did you know that, that's a part of Pierce's line in his other movie, Percy Jackson and the lightning thief, hmm..makes me wonder if he was quoting from a movieline!! hehe....

Well of course Rob has all the grace of an Englishman despite all the pressure of his movie career, just like Mr. Brosnan himself.

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