I am loving the new cut. I loved "The Hair" (RIP) but with the ripped skinny jeans, those boots, that jacket and the new short hair he looks like a lumberjack. It should be illegal to be this H-O-T.

SOURCE is all over the pictures :) Thanks for sharing :)
I miss the hair :( but DANG, he's so freaking sexy w/ it like this that I can't feel sad about it for long.
Yeah he looks so great.
I'm i alone in thinking him and Nikki would make a cute couple?
I've been pretty indifferent to her so far but seeing them together...er...carrying big boxes? really made me smile :)
Katie xxx
I'm getting used to the shaved Rob...he's so hot.I wander if he's moving out to a new appartment or out of town/country?
I love love the hair. I would venture to say since the paps know where he lives maybe he is moving to a new apartment. Or shipping everything home?
A great friend helps you move and yeah they do make a great couple Katie.
The paps have to be following him how else do they find him at a postal store??
I wonder what are the boxes for...
See,the boxes thing would have made sense a week ago when he was still sporting the 'hobo' look. I would have totally believed he was constructing a new house out of them.
But with the new haircut he just looks so damn clean and not like a homeless bum
Katie xxx
P.S. oh and thanks Didi for the translation in the other thread. I was just curious about it :)
LMAO @ Katie :)) Yeah he doesn't look like a hobo anymore. He looks so clean and fresh.
Nikki and Rob? Nah, I don't see it :)
LOL Katie!
He looks... umh... how can i say it...
I mean, looks less loner :/
Maybe 'cuz he looks clean?
I dunno XD
I'm sorry...but this has to be said.
Rob looks FUCKING hot! I'm loving the hair. The jeans. The smile....
I get 'friend' vibe with Nikki and him...and I'm glad he got rid of the 'joke' car. Damn straight the boy deserves a hot car for his hot self.
Sweet Jesus.
How many times can I look at these pictures...and still function as a human being?
And Goz? I absolutely LOVE you for posting these pics. THANK YOU.
Hello, ladies!!!
Goz--as usual, you take care of your girls (you and Dani both!), thanks for posting these photos...
Rob is once again making us all drool (when did he not?)..He is goreous!
And Katie, love your cmment about constructing a hobo-house! LL
Rose--You said it all! :)
Ooh i just said I'd pop in to see if there was any "news" and what do I get, Rob and Nikki carrying boxes!!!! And guess what i'm excited about it, how sad am i???!!! LOL
I seriously LOVE the new cut really suits him, I knew he'd get it cut eventually. it's like if people say you can't do something then it's the one thing you HAVE to do (at least that's what I'm like anyway LOL)I think it looks way better short (although don't get me wrong I do like the sex hair too)but if I had to choose I prefer it like this!
Anyway I'm glad to see he has some really good friends and if he and Nikki ever did get together I think they'd be really cute! They seem to get on really well and are very close! Right better go and get this house sorted before tomorrow! Back later and Goz you're the best thanks for the pics!
I think his hair will be perfect "Edward" length by the time they start filming New Moon.
GOD. I'm all flustered from these pics. Heaven Help Me.
Goz you angel! Thanks as always for the amazing pics. You and Dani make my days:) Rob is so f-ing schmexy in those pics. I love the new do. Maybe he's packing some of his stuff for back home. And looks like that is his new car. Good think too, it was only a matter of time before his old one exploded.
You are so welcome my lovelies :) And Rose, I feel like I should have a cigarette after looking at these pictues, lol :)
It's 6PM here, I guess I can go and pour myself a whiskey now :)
Hi Rose, Dana, Ellie, Goz {{waves}}
New hair, new car, new clothes maybe he's getting a new apartment :-?
And yes Goz you deserve a whiskey after putting up these gorgeous pics for us !!
Good morning, Dana!
Fun last night, huh?
It's snowing here...wonder if we'll have another snow day tomorrow.
I really miss Rob's sex hair (had a thing for it), but I'm getting more and more hot and bothered about the new do, too.
Hey, Kate! *blowing a kiss!
So you survived your first Twilight in the theater...you are no longer our resident "virgin"...
congratulations! LOL
You guys had fun last night? I am so jealous! Damn time difference, I can never join in the fun anymore :( Maybe I should sleep during the days and be up at night, lol.
I know what you mean Goz the time difference is a PITA!
Hi Ellie, Thanks I feel so special now that I'm not "virgin" anymore LOL Thing is I'm having withdrawls now and meed to "do it" again!
what she was doing with him buying boxes?they like a perfect couple.good for him.
Goz, yes, I think you need to rearrange your schedule just for us!!! Miss you here n the evenings... :(
Aww, too cute. ^_^ I just want to ruffle his new short hair. =^^=
Cadiwyn, there's not much there to shuffle! lol
Holy moly! I have talked before about my Jeffery Dean Mirgan lumberjack fantasies but Good Lawd Rob is putting those to shame right now....wowza!
Me thinks his check from Summit came through and hes got a new appartment. But I thought everything was rented? And we know he wears the same few pieces of clothing over and over. What could he have to pack?
I see the tag on those keys me thinks again rented. But who knows, I just don't see him driving an Audi. He said he likes classic sports cars. Hmmmm?
Either way thanks to the lovely Goz for posting my partner in crime rocks as usual. And I love Nikki but I don't see couple potential between them either. I think she probably has a big crush though. I do.
Dani, Hello! You're very observant; I think you're right about the keys and rented car.
and what could he possibly have to pack? (unless she's moving in, as buddies??)
OK, I stepped away to stare at Rob some more...and some more.
Oh Dani...Jeffrey Dean Morgan...I don't think I can handle thinking about him right now. I might explode.
I'm guessing he's moving...hopefully somewhere where no one can find him. I imagine he was quite embarrassed trying to fit those huge boxes into the back of that small car. DAMN he is so cute.
Ellie- it snowed throughout the night here and looks like we got another couple of inches, but its blowing around so much here today too so it's creating nasty snow drifts. Its 14F right now but with the wind is supposed to feel like
-5F and we are supposed to get a couple more inches by tonight too. I have to brave the weather in a bit too to go out...ugh.
Oh, Dana, drive carefully when you go!
Look at the key tag--it looks more like a rental car, especially with the Michigan plates. Given the disparaging way he talks about money and that he wears secondhand clothes, it doesn't seem likely that he would buy a flash new car.
It's nice to see him looking happy and hanging out with a friend, despite the intrusion of the paparazzi.
Oopsy--took me so long to post that I missed Dani's comment about the rental car. Meep.
Dana~ Your weather is much like ours. Except it is -5 degrees right now...the windchill is -15.
Well it could have been her moving somewhere and him helping. That's a good theory. Buy I highly doubt they are moving in together even as buddies. That is a surefire way to ruin that friendship.
Someone on IMDb made a thread about Camilla Belle and Rob again from yesterday sometime and someone called her a slut and said she hated her. Sheesh people can get a little mean sometimes.
I was talking to some of my fave IMDbers last night and I was telling them how awesome you peeps are. And they are awesome too, no drama we just disagree respectfully and get along like a house on fire.
No need to disrespect Robs friends regardless of wether we like them or not. Good gravy!
Oh and about his car keys, I didn't see the tag. My keys had a tag like that when I took it home from the dealership, so if it's not rented maybe he just hasn't taken the tags off yet.
As far as Nikki goes- didn't you girls read the US weekly trash rag that said her, Rob, and Kristen were in a love triangle? Isn't everything we read in those mags true? JK Ha, ha. Yeah right. She's seems like a cool girl though.
Personally, I don't care what Rob drives...I just want him to drive in something that won't fall apart and he can be safe. Is that asking too much?
Maybe the joke car finally died...and he's renting until he can decide what he wants...
Good evening,Ladies!
Looooove your blog! Have only discovered it a week ago)
Is there any way to learn from which pap agency (apart from Wenn)did the latest pics arrive?
To me it's quite suspicious that they could have been photographed in such unglamoruos place without a preliminarily tipping from PR people (his or her)
Welcome Cicada....great minds think alike. So many new posters recently, I love it!
Rose- Ok you got me beat in the freakin cold ass weather department. Bundle up and have naughty thoughs about Rob. It's a surefire way to keep you warm!
Unfortunately, whoever Rob decides to date or get into a relationship with...is going to be under attack.
Jealousy is a wasted emotion...but there will be a lot of green eyed monsters out there. But, speaking for myself, I would brave all the hatred and bitterness...for Rob.
Hi there Yulia...welcome. I am sure someone either followed him from his apartment to the moving box place, or while they were there someone at the moving place tipped the papz off.
Happens all the time. That's LA/Hollywood for you.
LOL Good idea, Dana!
Rose Portland is covered in snow I haven't left my house in days. Getting a little cabin fever here!
You bundle up and stay warm....I personally cannot wait until this winter wonderland melts.
Rose- I was thinking the same thing. If I wasn't married with 2 kids and by some speck of hope that I would be the one on Rob's arm I'd take the scrutiny, because I'd still feel like one lucky bitch.
Ladies, isn't fantasy lovely? :)
I agree ladies. Whomever dates Rob is in for it big time. Women can be horrible, jealousy is a scary thing. I hope she's a strong woman whoever captures his heart. I feel bad for her already.
Thanks Dani:)
I don't plan on going outside today if I can help it.
The things we would do for Rob...take that as you will!!
Ye, Dani, they can be so nasty. And vindictive. Thankfully, no one here is like that! :)
We're here for the fellowship that is Rob.
Ellie you don't even know how refreshing it is that everyone here is so respectful. Even the new peeps and the lurkers. Everyone has something great to say or just hangs out behind the scenes.
I see a lot of nasty stuff going to so many different sites to look for things to post. People are terrible sometimes. I just can't stand things I see sometimes. But I bite my tongue as adding to the noise doesnt help too often.
I wish Rob knew how awesome and lovely some of his fans are. Doing great things with promo sites and blogs, just giving Rob love to the masses.
Dani, you don't know much you just brought a big smile to my face. I love it here. You and Goz have created something so joyous. Thank you.
I don't even go to any other sites, really, anymore. We've got it all right here.
I've never gone on the IMDB boards, I don't think I could keep up. I read when you say you've been on them and sometimes wish I would, too, but I guess I like my fantasy world to be free of controversy and nastines. I live vicariously through you... :)
Olive juice, Dani.
I'm so glad you like it here Ellie. I love that you're here too.
Its a safe haven for Rob love and the site followers are the fans Rob has been missing out on. Just good people here.
Dani, absolutely. I wish Rob would check us out...It would be enlightening, for him. Plus he'd get a few good ideas from the "naughty room"! lol
I agree with Dana about the car keys. They don't look like rental tags to me. They look like new car tags :) I think he does like his convertibles, the hobo look is just a look. He did buy a BMW before, albeit old :P
And Dani baby, I agree. Knock on wood, it's lovely here. The board and the broad that "kicked us out of comments" did us a huge favor :)
Goz-I remember when that whole thing went down...it's SO much better here, it doesn't even compare...
I wasn't posting there, just one of the "lurkers" at the time. :)
It was a funny time Ellie :) They were so naive to think that model that shall not be named was actually reading their board, lmao. That Kings of Leon post comments were pure gold. Good times :P
Goz- Sometimes the grass can be greener on the other side. This blog is the perfect example. You guys rock :)
Goz this place is love! That's all that matters. And damn the boy looks good in plaid...so freaking good.
No problem Katie!
Ellie- I was a lurker as well. I went on that site specifically to read all the funny comments until they tried to play mom and dad and censored them. That's why I love this blog, you can speak your mind freely and have a good time doing it.
Proper crassness is our motto :))
And naughtiness, and silliness, and ouragiousness, and, and...
*outragiousness...sorry, I type too fast and don't check for typos, but I guess I'm in good company here...we're all so enthusiastic and anxious to post!lol
Time for brunch...be back soon! xoxo
How can we not be naughty when he keeps getting hotter and hotter :)
Enjoy your brunch Ellie, I just got done with dinner :P
Dani & Goz, I just like screamed opening the blog page. LMAO :D
Oooooooooh WOW, he looks sooooooooo HOT ;) I <3 these new photos. He is just crazy sexy!!!! :P
Okay, I'm back...my hubby made brunch...so sweet.
Amy, I love your reaction!!! hahaha
This blog is the best. Goz and Dani and the whole gang make it so.
As for these photos, OMG.
It's Christmas, early.
"Uh, Rob, can you move in your seat, again?"
Jenny, glad to have you here! Yes, it's a GREAT place to be, to revel in all that is Rob.
And the tag "Celebrity Mundane" cracks me up everytime I see it. Just makes me laugh. out. loud.
p.s nikki looks quite fetching. skinny jeans combat boots & belt- hot.
Ellie- your hubby cooked for you too?!?!? Mine made us french toast this morning.
Mwah Ellie!
Dana, we had his wwonderful scrambled eggs (the secret is the Temptee cream cheese in it), crispy bacon, and toast. Yummy!
I get absolutely giddy every time I see current photos of Robert, I can actually breathe more easily now. Today though, I'm more giddy than usual, if that's even possible with Robert. I miss the sex hair but I also lurve his LUMBERJACK look! I'll take any version of Robert!
My hubby's been great lately. He even fixed my computer. It may just be a temporary fix, but he said if it breaks again that we could get me a new computer.
Girls, I've got to let my girl use the computer for her 4 essays...I'll be back as soon as I can...(withdrawal is coming on quick! aaaggghhh!!!) :)
eternaltwilight, I'm suddenly getting Monty Python's "Lumberjack
Song" in my head... lol
I can't stand those shots of his back, his back to the camera , are just killing, KILLING, me. Why am I so comforted any little thing he does. Why am I so thrilled to see him out and about. Nuts.
I bet he hates moving. Great that Nikki is helping him. throwing out 300 cans of diet coke. ashtrays, i wonder that his apt is something of a disheveled nondecorated mess.
I wonder if he gets rich if he buys Art. I wonder if Dennis Hopper will share art collections talk with him.
I am mindless.
i am thrilled he is moving but still wish he was in London.
Thank you paps for the two butt shots! Thank you. Thank you.
Shallow much?
Anon- I was saying yesterday that we needed some butt shots in those new jeans. Thank you paps indeed.
Maybe the boxes are to move all the snapple bottles and hot pocket wrappers out of his apartment.
We know for sure he doesn't own more than 5 pairs of pants and a few plaid shirts he shares with TomStu.
I am LOVING the new hair. It shows off the jaw porn.
Dani are you ready for our ice storm now? I have about a foot out in Hillsboro of snow. This is getting really really old.
Gotta run for a bit girls. Talk to you lovelies later.
Yes anon, and two of those 5 pair he just got from the photo shoot.
boxes for books???
Look how discreet I was bending over all 20 words in my english vocabulary not to say ASS shots. God. I SO try not to turn him into meat I swear to the virgin venus I do.
Hahaha Ellie, yeah a scream is all I could manage looking at these. What can I say, Rob evokes many random fits of *OMG* moments, haha :$
I really, really ike the new hair and girlie jeans. And I love it here, even tho I don't comment much. I feel the love from reading your comments, and I so appreciate how respectful you ladies are compared to other sites I frequent. Thanks Dani & Goz for posting these and all the other pics.
Hi people I'm back cleaning done!!
And I iced the Xmas cake, can you believe I nearly forgot to ice it, see the effect the pics have had on me, everything else went out of my head!!!LOL
I love this place, I did pop into the IMDB for a while but don't feel the same over there as I do here. I feel here i can agree or disagree with someone without WW3 breaking out.
Olive Juice to you all!!
Don't know if anyone is on still or not but how can you see pictures like these and not have something to say? Good love, he is gorgeous. The new hair is so sexy, I can't stop looking at it. Or his new pants. If he just could bend over a little farther...
I'm torn though. I LOVE seeing Rob, but I wish people would just leave him alone. Honestly, I can't imagine how frustrating it is to be followed and photographed everywhere. I know it's part of being a celebrity but it still irks me. The eighth picture from the bottom makes me laugh. I imagine him being like, "Come on guys, are you going to take pictures or are you going to help me?"
Oh another thing. I'm not sure if it's an issue if his car is just rented but doesn't it seem like they should have blurred out his license plate? Maybe it's no biggie but there are a lot of crazies out there and you never know.
Just one more thought I had - I generally don't comment on Rob's relationships and I doubt he's dating anyone but I would MUCH rather see he and Nikki together than Kristen. Please don't hate me. The ice queen thing gets on my nerves.
Emily ROTFLMAO at the "If he just could bend over a little farther..." comment :)) Don't we all want that honey? And may I also add that yesterday those pants were tighter, he must have slept in them and stretched them out. If only we had that cute butt shot yesterday :)
As for the licence plate: I completely agree. I am bothered by it too but as you said it comes with the territory. The license plate isn't that big a deal, crazy will find him without the plate.
Hi, Emily!!I just came back on.
I thought about the license plate, too. So easy to look up.
And, yes, Mr. Pattinson, bend over a little, if you please. Puuleeeze!"
I'm wondering when or if Rob will get back to England in time for a bit of relaxation with the family.
He seems to so need it.
Claire can do his laundry...
I really can't stop looking at these pics...is that bad?? I mean he just looks so damn yummy, I can't help it!!!! :$ The man just becomes better looking as the days go by...
Gosh, the man just gets hotter and hotter everyday! Frankly, it's just getting ridiculous how good looking he is. I mean, for crying out loud, he is just loading boxes into his car, but he is looking oh so gorgeous doing it :)
I like seeing Rob and Nikki together - it looks like they have a lot of fun together, and it's always nice to see Rob happy and laughing.
And I LOVE his lumberjack shirt. It is part of the reason why I liked his G4 interview so much. And speaking of the G4 interview, I have no idea what he's doing here (possibly chewing gum or sucking on a mint or something?), but it's great:
When I scrolled down to look at these I literally gasped! You're right, it should be illegal to look this freaking hot! Its not fair. I'm assuming he bought a new car and now moving into a new apartment? It makes sense since he's going to be here for a loooooong time. With Parts per billion, New Moon, and Eclipse. Might as well settle down.
People, let me say that Rob, in person, is even more gorgeous!!
I saw him in Rome...
I don't know who is moving or who is helping who...but having moved several times myself for my work, I do know what a chore it can be! I'd have loved to have help!
I just found this site yesterday -and I'm glad I did! Everyone seems so nice and that's rare online these days... You have a great place here. :)
Hi Dani it is Caro from IMDb- wanted to give you and your board some love :D Thanx for posting these pics- I hadn't seen some, and those I had seen- well I could view them 10 times and it wouldn't be enough....
As for his new car- I am really hoping it is rented. I do not like the idea of his license plate number all over the internet. At all. Eek.
Hi Ladies,
I guess you can call me a lurker but I've posted a couple of times so I feel I'm in between. This blog is sooo good. Drama free. Those girls on IMDB can get a little crazy but it's pretty funny to read.
I gotta say I really like the new haircut but he looks so different that I kinda have to stare at the pictures even longer than usual, but I don't mind. The plaid is just hottness all around.
I personally have this theory that him and Nikki have been dating for awhile but don't want it known. Especially since all the twilight girls will get jealous and it's better for business if he's single. That might explain why he's taking so long to get home for the holidays...hmmm. He said he likes girls who are nuts and if you've seen Thirteen (which is semi-autobiographical of Nikki) then she fills that category. Lucky her is all I have to say. I think its good he has friends in LA to hang with.
Meggers - I agree with you. I'm glad he has her for a friend...or more...or whatever she is to him....but there is something there. At the very least, she is MAJORLY crushing on him.
Oh wow, that's a 2008 Audi S4 Cabriolet. Brand new that costs around $ 55,000 - 60,000 I think. I agree, maybe his check from Summit already came through. lol
That car is rented. He and Nikki are just friends. He cut his hair coz he's got a bad habit of putting his gum in his hand... then as we all know it, loves to run his fingers through his hair... he tried to cut his hair himself, but he cut his finger instead. Did not want to get a haircut professionally coz he's paranoid that people might sell his hair.. [ill buy it and glue it back on] that's the story of his haircut.
Hello to everyone!
It´s funny, aren´t the both wearing the same sunglasses? Rob is going to be a fashion-guru ;-)
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