Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Holding Hands?

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Holding Hands?

I swear even the SUN is in it with them! It's spoiling the picture!

Let the are they or aren't they holding hands fight begin! 1....2....3.... GO!

See there are NO rocks. As Tess said they were photoshopped in! (Okay I might be having too much fun with all this are they or aren't they thing :))

Thanks to Loisoda for the tip and JittzPattzing for the picture :)


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Cheeky Chops said...

That would most definitely be hand-holdage I see right there..LOL

nzkstewlover said...

Yesh, cause if you look on the ground.. tyou can see the shadow of Kristens arm, extended out.

My theory :)

Kel said...

WOW! how these ppl get these pics? i wouldn't be so bold in taken pics so near them! lol I don't think they are holding hands xx

MariahajilE said...

The Nonstens are gonna have a field day with this one.

Yes, hand-holding is a GO.

Gozde said...

The pictures were taken by Sam Bradley's sister and posted on her facebook. Someone stole them, hence the tag :)

twmmy said...

Please , zoom in, and you can see that Kristen's right hand is in her pocket as the left. And I believe, they are together in some way.

nikola6 said...

Yeah, it looks like they're holding hands but so? Haven't most of us come to the conclusion that they're sleeping together and have been for a good part of the last year? Were still surprised by hand holding? Okay.

And yeah, who's got the balls to get this close and snap pictures? Do you suppose there's anywhere on this planet that these two could get away from the prying eyes of the world?

The Anartica maybe? Nah. Fucking penguins probably got camera phones too.

Sorry babes. You're screwed.


nikola6 said...

And Twitter.


Mari said...

Well apparently sam's sister tagged the picture as Rob and Kris handholding ... or something like this... so i think (hope) they were ...

Loved the picture !!! Very beautiful !!!

nikola6 said...

Oh. Okay. Sam's little sister, huh?

Sweetie? You gotta keep this shit off the internet.

Psychos lie in wait.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

What a shame that someone stole pictures from her Facebook! As if papz were not enough. This is really awful. I know it's a hotly debated question, I know it will be all over the Internet by now anyway, but still maybe you should not publish them? Your blog is so brilliant - it does not need such pictures. What do you think?

nikola6 said...

Together in 'some way.' What does that mean? To be 'together' with someone is to be joined physically with them. To be 'together.' So...what do you mean by 'some way?'

They only wrap their feet around around each other when it's cold?

Or put their hands in each other's pockets? Again, when it's cold?

How are they together when it's warm?

Just curious.


Rocio said...

omg totally holding hands. you kidding me, if not, Rob's "Flipper" fingers would be dangling by his side. and we don't see that. The right arm is carrying something, the left arm/hand is showing some love. And might of say, IF (since really we can't tell OFFICIALLY) they ARE holding hands, that's a MIGHTY hand hold. Looks like an intense finger locking grip :) mucho bueno :)

Rocio said...

PLUS they're walking side by side! :) :)

Gozde said...

Thank you WhyIsTheRumGone. The pictures are ALL over the internet and if we don't post them people will accuse me of being one sided. I have to be fair and post it.

I can't believe ANYONE thinks their facebook pictures are safe.

nzkstewlover said...

In the first piccy, Bobby Long was in the way, and now the sun.

The world doesn't want us to see Robsten.

Steph is Legit said...

Personally I can't see the hand holdage. It's pretty ambiguous, but if it is tagged on someone's facebook who was very close to Rob then it is safe to say that they probably were holding hands...just saying. At this point however, you would think the sister wold be smarter than to tag her photos especially when the other few were released a few days ago.

nikola6 said...

The world has no right to see them.
Not in this setting anyway; private and off the clock.

nikola6 said...


Am I the only who hates the 'one name' trend? Bennifer? Brangelina?
Gyllenspoon? Robsten?

It's ridiculous and insulting and they all hate it. It's like they've been turned into one body with two heads; a thing. An object.

I guess some think it's cute, but don't ever say it to their faces.


Unknown said...

I have to say this - please Rob and Kristen let someone take your photo in which you will be definitely holing hands or kissing or whatever couples do. This will cut the speculations. Or maybe you-re just friends - than don't take confusing pictures... please because I'm sick of this constant talking and analyzing. I know that in a minute I will be crushed with those who are like -please let rob and kristen alone bla bla bla- but I think that everybody will be relieved if such photo will be put on the internet.
It will cut this nonsense and we will be happy :)

twmmy said...

some way: Rob likes Kris, or Kris likes Rob, run after her or him, sometimes kissing, maybe go to bed, but.... nothing to be settled.

Anonymous said...

You guys are weird, just yersterday everyobe was like oh some creep is taking pics. Uhh no the person that took was in their group and since it shows nothing they put it to their facebook where the pics were eventually leaked. Here's some of the rest of the pics. That's not Rob btw. So Robsten shippers STFU! and the nonstens too (weirdos)

Steph is Legit said...

1, Personally I think Sam's sister needs to block these photos or only let select people view them.
2. Don't tag a photo of them saying "holding hands" when they want privacy... as a friend she should know this.
3. Why is something always blocking their pics WTF!

nikola6 said...

Nothing settled?

Her leaving a boyfriend of two years of more.

Living together for several months on an entire floor of a hotel with adjoining suites while making a movie?

Spending their two months of downtime together on two different continents?

Okay. I'll agree that this doesn't constitute an engagement with an impending wedding on the way, but they've been together for more than six months now. Wouldn't you say they're past the getting settled stage with each other? Especially considering that they spent the previous year and a half cementing this romantic relationship with the foundation of friendship?

Maybe it is just a fling? If so, were looking at a two year fling. That's how long this thing has been building.


Golnaz said...

1. Considering Sam's sister tagged the picture and labeled it on facebook as Rob and Kristen holding hands I think its safe to say that they are...

2. Why the heck did she even put these pics on facebook?

3. But still, yay for Rob and Kristen for enjoying their holidays in what looks like a beautiful place completely pap free. You go stealth Rob and stealth Kristen!

Steph is Legit said...


I agree with your last comment. People need to realize tht regardless of the fact that they may or may not be holding hands, KStew is still an 11 hour plane ride from home in the UK. Everyone can debate all thy want on whether they were handholding or not. It doesn't change the fact that they are still together. Do I lie it? No, but I am trying to be realistic so I don't feel like a fool when and if they finally come out.

nikola6 said...

And Agata...

No dear. They don't need to say anything to the world or release a photo of them kissing or anything like that. This is their private life and they owe none of it to the world.

The world needs to look after their own lives and not be so invested in these two. Have fun with it sure. Enjoy them. Enjoy their work. But when they're not working, then no. You or I nor anyone else has no part in that.

And even if they did do something like that, it wouldn't kill the interest. Look at the lives of Brad and Angelina or Jennifer Anniston or Kate Hudson. We see pictures of them with their partners all the time and the frenzy only increases.

I'm hoping that the papps will get bored with these two and just give up. I'm guessing they're hoping the same thing too.


mel said...

Lol, thanks for pictures like this, they make my day. There's no way of knowing if they hold hands and I love it. I think their relationship is like a vampire, it can't be photographed! :-D
Did I understand right that Sams sister put that pic up on her facebook and also tagged it as "Rob and Kris handholding" ??? WTF?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

One day I guess, people will understand that the only way to keep stuff private is by NOT putting it on to Facebook...
God ! I've got a Facebook account and I only put what I want people to see... There is and there never will be anything "private" and secret with the Internet...
Not that smart from this young person!
Anyway, they have the winter sun on their side... whatever they are doing...

nikola6 said...

You know something I've never understood? Why people don't want him with her?

Is it because they just simply do not like her? That one I can actually wrap my head around as some people we take to and some we don't. And I'll admit that last year when I was first discovering her, I thought she was a bit of a dose. But this year, I saw quite the turn around. She was pleasant, thoughtful and quite likeable in her interviews. I figured she had a year to come to terms with this god awful fame that's been thrust upon her. A year more to mature. And perhaps last year she was wrestling with a decision. Thinking about ending one relationship and starting another. That couldn't have been easy for her. But this year? Decision made. And she seemed a much happier young lady this year, than last.

Or is it that some actually harbor the delusion that they've got an actual shot with him? If so, that's the frightening one.

You don't. He's a movie star now. An insulated movie star who breaths rarified air. Even if you were interesting enough or striking enough to catch his eye, the most you might get is a tumble or two. Not a relationship. Don't you guys get it? He doesn't trust women who come on to him. He thinks they want Edward, not him. He doesn't trust all this adulation because he doesn't quite understand it. It's never going to happen.

If you say you love him and you want him happy and if she's the one who makes him happy (for however long), then how can you not like her? If she makes him happy...I love her.


Chloé said...

Yes, they're totally holding hands.
Nikolas. I like Kristen. I don't LOVE her because sometimes I just don't understand her. But I like her anyway.
I have a question : Why people want her to be with Rob so bad ? I just don't get it. If they are together, good for them.

Anonymous said...

i went to sam's sister facebook and it does not say they are holding hands, why would she ever say that? ask yourselves. Because she didn't!

she only put it on her facebook because the pictures are harmless, it shown absolutly nothing, r/k both have good friends so of course none of them would ever say anything if they indeed are dating. Lastly maybe Kristen took a plane to the UK to chill with rob's 20 plus friends for New Years! she knows them all you know because she's been working with Rob for like almost 2 years.

here more pics: again harmless:

twmmy said...

I lived together a boy for two years in a flat and nothing happened between us. I saw boys and girls in close friendship with little relationship, and after then nothing. But... "we are, we aren't". This is their self-affairs. Our job is loving them for the movies they are playing, adore them for the beauty they have.

Steph is Legit said...

I have issues with her in regards to her attitude. It was way before twilight. I don't hate her or despise her. I simply don't care for her as a person or an actress. There are so many worse people, but something about her rubs me the wrong way.

We all want the best for Rob and frankly she will do for now because she's the only one who can even break into his bubble because of his now isolated life. Do I think I have a chance with him? A 1 in 6.5 billion so that odds are most definitely not in my favor. I like the fact that Rob is happy even if its with her, but just because he thinks its a good decision doesn't mean I have to.

I take into account that I don't know either of them and sometimes we cannot explain why we like or dislike people. Some look at Kristen and like her DGAF attitude, her style, looks, whatever and some people like myself get put off by it. Even some things Rob does puts me off.

It doesn't mater what anyone thinks. It is his life and his decisions. We all want what is best for him and some think its kristen and some dont. No matter what we cannot make the shippers into non shippers or change people's opinions. We can only accept what each other has to say regardless if we disagree or not. I have made many friends on this site who are pro rob & kris and the same for those against. We all just try to look out for Rob. We all have different opinions of what is best. If we are wrong or right it doesnt matter.

I have also been a staunch Rob Pattinson fan since the HP days. I did not come out of the woodworks because of twilight. I dont confuse him with edward and hate when my friends always say i obsess about edward and then i have to corect them and say rob. As much as i wished it were still the old days where he had 10 fans I am happy that he gets to act and have such a great opportunity to to change his career for the better, meet different people, create a sizeable income and pretty much solidify his life.

I am very proud of his accomplishments even though he doesnt think they are deserved. Regardless of whatever is going on with kristen my opinions of him wont change nor will my opinion of hers.

I am sorry to rant, but it helps that people understand where i come from when i make comments. Please be respectful of me and i will try and do the same

annaz said...

kristen holds hand with everybody-just sayin..

uhwii said...

dewfinetly holding hands. that's cute. I think they look great 2gether. nice

nikola6 said...

I don't think that if someone has something to say and they can't get it said in less than a paragraph, that it's a rant. I realize the internet disagrees with me.

As to whether I want them together? I don't care who he loves just so long as he is happy.

But of all of the chatter about them, all of the speculative photos, all of the EVERYTHING, for me, the one thing that stands above it all in terms of their relationship is this...

Up until this past spring when questioned about their relationship, the answer was always...'no, were just good friends.'

Then that changed to 'no comment' or my favorite...'I've been trying to cryptically avoid answering this question.'

Why the change in their answer? If they are just 'still friends' with no romantic involvement, then why aren't they sticking with the same answer from before...'no, were just good friends.'

Why has their answer changed?

One other thing...
For those who call them liars for denying their relationship. When have they lied? They've denied nothing. They simply haven't confirmed. That is not lying. That is simply telling the world...

It's none of your goddamn business.

And they're right. It's not.

I admire the hell out of them.


uhwii said...

definitely holding hands. they look cute 2gether. nice

Jeswah said...

Has anyone considered maybe Sam's sister tagged the photo as R&K 'holding hands' and forgot to add #sarcasm....?

Perhaps the fact the picture is so ambiguous lead her to tag it with her tongue firmly in her cheek...? Personally I don't think her tag should be taken so literally and besides, who cares if they're holding hands or not now. Kris was still there with Rob and I hope they all had a bloody good time.

annaz said...

StephsLegit said:
I have issues with her in regards to her attitude. It was way before twilight. I don't hate her or despise her. I simply don't care for her as a person or an actress. There are so many worse people, but something about her rubs me the wrong way.

We all want the best for Rob and frankly she will do for now because she's the only one who can even break into his bubble because of his now isolated life.

I am very glad that there is someone who is making Rob happy, but that does not make them a pakage deal. If i like one, i dont have to like the other.

I have issues with her as a person and as an actor, which has nothing to do with Rob.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

OMG!!! They are totally holding hands which means that they are in love...and gonna get married...and have babies...and live happily ever after...

(insert sarcastic evil grin)


Unknown said...

I'm not saying Rob and Kris should release a photo. I'm just saying I would like a photo of them caught in the middle of some action, I don't know.. something like that.
Why? Because we would stop debating whether they are together or not. And I don't think it will kill the interest. I think buzz about them will be big until Twilight saga ends. Than paps will catch new teen idols and concentrate on them more and leave Kristen and Robert alone in a way.

Another thing is that all of my friends who are huge Rob fans aren't pleased at all that they are together. Mostly because Kristen is really weird. As much as I love the way she dresses and her behavior I don't think she is a good influence on Rob - he was more funny last year. Now he is kinds weird like her and won't answer any questions. I think that he would like to share his happiness with people but she forbids him.
I've noticed also that mostly Kristen's fans are happy for them. Rob fans don't like it (and I'm speaking in general).
Another things that I don;t like about Kristen is her bitching about fame. Well lady you should be a waitress or whatever if you don't like it that much. She is in a franchise for which half of the Hollywood would kill and she isn't pleased with it. Specially last year she was so negative about it that it was hard to watch her during interviews.
And the most important thing is that she is not that great actress. rob is kinda blind in that matter.

Yea so that's my opinion in general. I would just like to see some confirmation of their relationship and that's all I'm asking. It will stop that constant talking about whether they are together or not. I know maybe it's too much but I would like that very much. I will believe when I see a picture with nothing blocking them :))))

Please don't be mad at me Rob fans :))) I love Rob and I want what's best for him. That little pic is all I'm asking :)

Mari said...

@Nik I like Kristen's answers better

" I'm going to own what i own, and keep something to myself "

For me that was enough, if people want more they should sit while they're waiting...LOL

Anonymous said...


Anni said...

why the hell would sam's sister put those pics on her facebooksite? i mean she knows that they want to have a private life

Stacy said...

I haven't posted here in a long time but I just wanted to say this: it's completely wrong to be posting these pics.

What's going on between Rob and Kristen isn't our business. This was Rob's vacation, with friends. His chance to come home and relax and just have some fun after a crazy year. He didn't have to worry so much about prying eyes or paps.

So what happens? Sam's sister had no idea how intensely the robsten issue was debated, and she didn't realize the people troll FB on a daily basis looking for pics. She probably figured that no one was interested in her but the friends who follow her and it was safe.

And now private pics of Rob(altho that's not him in this pic) are all over the place without people giving it a second thought.

Forget the robsten stuff. Whatever it is, let it be. Give the man his privacy.

nikola6 said...

So then what I'm getting is that Kristen simply isn't liked by some of you. Correct? Okay. Like I said, I can't argue with that. We like who we like and we shy away from those we don't.

Personally? I do like her. I think she's smart beyond her years. I think she's got that built in bullshit detector. I think she's real and not another Hollywood phoney with fake tits, plastic fingernails and a spray on tan. I think she's got back bone and the abilility to give it to you straight. I think she's honest. I also think that beneath that tough exterior is a vulnerable girl. I think that letting go of Michael and embarking on a relationship with Rob was not an easy thing for her to do. She had to hurt Michael to do it and I don't think she did that lightly. Which speaks volumes to me about how much she does feel for Rob. From the time they met until they were together was about a year and a half. Not a flighty girl, but a serious one. And I do think she is a fine actor. Not an over emoter, but rather, she's an understated actor. She's an internalized actor.

I sometimes think that after a decade or more of 'reality' tv, people have got melodrama mixed up with actual drama.

But yeah, whether she was with Rob or not, she's really grown on me and I do like her.


Steph is Legit said...

someone said that they ventured to the sister's site and it didnt even have a tag at all. Personally I would like to see for myself.

Another thing that people should remember. People come on sites like this all the time to stir shit up to gauge reactions. I am not talking regular folk. I am talking people in the business. So just be mindful when people say things without proof. A lot of what is happening now because an overwhelming majority seem to think they are together are the people who work for agencies or whatnot gauge the public reactions. Where else do you think these stories in the tabloids come from?

Unknown said...

ok i just tried to change the color and all that on photoshop and they clearly aren't holding hands. if you look more close -where kstew arm is and were rpattz arm is- there is a little shine of sun. if they were holding hands this little "shine"lol would have been black.. i don't know if you get the point lol sorry :'(


Anonymous said...

Also, hey "Nik",
you're annoying. We don't need you to wrap up every comment with "Nik."


marya said...

i dont think they are holding hands...i think its pretty clear
but i do think they might be together why else would kristen fly all the way to england to be with rob? its pretty obvious i think...

Chloé said...

That's not Rob in the pic !

Steph is Legit said...

In all honestly I really can't tell. She is walking ahead of him slightly so you kind of would see her arm drag back if she were, but then again his left hand looks as if it is in a fist so he could be holding hands

really its a coin toss because it is a really unclear pic

I think they are together, but as far as them holding hands i dont think they are, but i am not too sure

Unknown said...

ok after closer look I don't think it's Rob in the picture... Rob is much skinnier...

nikola6 said...


Do you really think that if there were a picture of them confirming; them kissing with his hands on her ass or something, that there still wouldn't be those who would say...'that's not them. It's been photoshopped. You know there would be those because some just simply will not accept this coupling. For some unimaginable reason, they cannot. As to 'if they' or 'aren't they', think about it...

Think about the images we saw of Rob and Kristen starting around Comic Con in July of 2008 (shortly after they finished filming the first movie) to the night of the MTV Awards in late May of 2009. What did we see of them then? We saw them together ONLY in a professional capacity; red carpets, photo shoots, only things associated with the promotion of Twilight. You NEVER saw them out together socially. But after this past spring?

Slipping in and out of hotels, eating out, concerts, him leaving her parents home, her going to his country to spend part of her vacation. They are now together socially. So then...

They've just leveled up their 'friendship?' From not hanging out at all, to now hanging out all the time? And another thing...

When Rob was on his own in the summer/fall of 2008 in LA, he was papped all the time out clubbing. But not Kristen. Why? I don't think she's a clubber (and her being under the legal age to drink I'm sure has alot to do with that). But now? Do we see Rob out all the time at clubs (here in LA or there in London) the way we used to? No, we don't. Where is he? And he's much more wanted by the papps now than he was last year.

Where is Rob? Where is that club hoppin', out every weekend Rob? Perhaps home with a girl who cannot or chooses not to do that?

Just a thought.


P.S. And hi Stacy. How are you darlin'? Long time, no see. Don't be a stranger.

marya said...

but why is everyone stressing over the whole are they or arent they holding hands??
werent they already holding hands back in london when the whole new moon press tour???

Anonymous said...

I'm not stressing. This entire post is random.

RPCinemaMajo said...

sincerely me the kind of news that I like are those of Rob and projects I am fans of Robert ....

His private life if he is happy I'm happy.

can someone send me the script please Remember me my email is mjs.suarez @

Steph is Legit said...

@ marya


People are analyzing the shit out of this photo (myself included, but we all seem to forget many factors.

1. Paris handholding pics
2. Them eating dinner together by themselves
3. Her hanging out with only his friends
4. infamous KOL concert
5. Him wearing her yankee hat all summer while he was away from her filming RM
6. Her being in the UK for their time off
7. MTV movie awards where she stayed at her parents home
8. When he was in LA for the weekend in the summer during intermission filming for RM he was seen going to and from her house, palyhouse, chateau marmont
9. Her being seen in the summer coming ou of his hotel room in the same clothes as the night before
10. filming in Vancouver all summer while sharing a floor and adjoining rooms for months on end and being papped together shoppng in which it a claimed he dropped $2000 on her expenses
11. the refusal to even answer a simple question of are they or aren't they together

i can go on and on, but people need to realize they are together. Even if they aren't holding hands in this pic it still does not negate the rest of the incriminating evidence that supports the contrary.

Anonymous said...

No holding hands here kids!!! Kris a foot or so in front with her hands in her pockets ( she has sense , its freezin!) - However they are together , you can tell she loves him at the NOW maagazine NM press conference best I think - cutesville! Have a great 2010 , you look happy when you are together xxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

well maybe it is dangerous to go out for him - remember Remember Me? and girl mobbing him on the street?
another thought - maybe he is better at hiding? A lot of people talked about seeing him in lot of bars, restaurants and there were no pictures taken. Also rob is not a clubber himself - he said it several times that he prefers bars.
Also he said in several interviews that he can't safely leave his hotel room.
and Kristen said in HB that she would love to go out and party but she can't and she hates that because she is young and would like to do that.
so yeah they were basically trapped in their rooms and couldn't go anywhere. That's why there were periods of time when we haven't seen them.
Paps paid more attention to them when they were filming NM and Eclipse and every time they went out paps were there. That didn't happen during filming Twilight and that's why we don;t have much pictures of them during they off camera time.

I also hate when people are thinking that they must be together, that they are real-life bella and edward. well they aren't. and we have no proof of them being together. we can only speculate and we do that all the time.
so yeah I believe that one picture - even from official event - wouldn't do much harm and everybody would just calm the f-ck down about robsten. jeeez.

I can't wait for Twilight Saga to end and to Rob to get the f-ck out of this madness and lunatics.

Anonymous said...

hey guys,i told you she could be Sam's sister.I have him on my myspace page and he's got his family photos,she looked like Sam's sister:))) I don't see where they are holding hands though,could you please tell where you see it.the guy next to kristen is Marcus not Rob,Marcus has got thicker legs and wearing tighter jeans as you see it in the previous photo.Has Kristen put on some weight lately?

Anonymous said...

His sister's name is GRACE!!!

Steph is Legit said...


The sister's page is blocked so whoever said that the tag did not say "rob and kris holding hands" is either lying or somehow magically able to view their page. there is no way to tell what she posted because it is blocked

Kelly said...

What a beautiful sunset... the lighting in the picture just gets me... I love pictures in natural light...would of been great if all those people were a little further away... I miss the English Rocks.. the way the light played against them as well... in a really pretty way.

Unknown said...

I agree - it's not Rob, and maybe it's not even Kristen and maybe Sam's sister made a joke and named the picture rob and kristen holding hands when this wasn't even rob and kristen in the picture. and we are debating like lunatics that picture.

srsly we have to let go.

rob please start filming Bel Ami already:))))) I can't for pictures form the set :D

nikola6 said...


Pardon me. I didn't mean to be annoying and yeah, I know that I talk alot (I'm a writer. occupational hazard). I seem to do it in spurts. I come here and write for a couple of days or so and then sit back and try to give everyone's eyeballs a rest. It's been a week or so since I posted and I thought maybe it was safe to venture back. Guess not. As for signing my name...

I believe in freedom of speech and I've been taught that part of that is owning your words and signing your name to them. It's a life long habit and I will continue to do so. Sorry. screen name is Nikola6 and when you see that name, please scroll on by. By all means, avoid annoyance at all costs. Not being snarky. I mean it. Life is too short. If someone annoyed me, I'd wouldn't bother.

Guess it's time to say goodnight.


Unknown said...

*I can't wait :P

miserymee said...

its looked like kristen's manager walking along with them.. i zoom in the pics and i think they're holding hands.. well no surprise there. its totes cutie pie.. i felt like a stalker.. am i??

LeslieHeartsRob said...

LMAO @ Kelly!!!!

I agree...why do these silly people have to be in the way of that beautiful sunset!

Anonymous said...

Are they holding hands? I don't know.
Looks like it to me.
I am just happy that Rob managed to get together with all of his friends and go to such a cool place. This is the Ventnor Cliff Walk and it's so beautiful.
I hope they all had a lovely time together.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not Rob. He has a unique walk and that... ain't it. Plus he's got smaller hips than that.

Also it looks like Kristen's right hand is in front of her, so again I say no hand holding.

Given the distance of this "mystery Rob" it would be physically impossible unless he was Inspector Gadget.

Go go Gadget arms!

Chloé said...

Seriously , it's annoying how everybody is speculating about this pic... I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

so now I'm german so I don't know if I'm capable of truly write what I want to say... But some people here say that it's some sort of prove that they are together b/c Kristen flew all the way to him. Kristen spent the last two years almost exclusively with rob and the cast so I would guess that her other friendships from "before twilight" suffered from that.

So what I wanted to say for me it would be out of question to fly from usa to uk for new years eve but mostly because I don't have the money for that... But kristen got millions and can totally afford it to fly to her best or boyfriend just because. If I had the money left I would fly that too even to see my best friend and wouldn't care about the distance...

Anonymous said...,i i went to this blog, i told you isaw them last year (2008-2009 )NYE at the Spyglass Inn...
The girl i talked about wearing red lipstick that i saw ,that i said she had longish brown hair is the girl in the photos.The one with a navy blue peacoat with red buttons... She was there last year as well.Also,the guy who had reddish hair and that my friends called him arthur (Tom Stu's brother ) is sitting on the couch talking to a girl... seee???

Anonymous said...

and the girl with green/brown beanie is Tom Stu's sister Mathilda!!! haha

Karina said...

lol, I can't tell jack crap what's going on in this picture. It just looks like two shadows and a lot of sunlight. I'm glad they have been overall stealth in their holiday though.

Kelly said...

@ LeslieHeartsRob

Here's another one for you :) Sunsets are beautiful :)


Vicky(crovamp) said...

@Nikola i'm totally on your side. I was a believer before,when the pics from KOL concert were out.
But this last week was a definite proof for me.She flew to London,11 hours from her home to spend NYE with Rob and friends.
But she is still with him and his friends and you can't tell that there isn't a romantic relationship.
Whether they're holding hands or not they are together.
Just deal with it.And for the record i admire the hell out of her.

Karina said...

ps: I do think it is them though walking side by side, it looks like them. Robert didn't get nicknamed "Mothering Hips" by Laineygossip for nothing!(and no, I don't think he's hippy really, more like he's bundled up)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Leslie, Kelly & Nik,

lmao & love ya!

Shit handing holding ? I can't even see who's in the photo! Bad eyes!!

I do see the sun though...

LeslieHeartsRob said...

LOL Kelly...that was really pretty! Much better than this sunset with all these bloody people in the way...


Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus - very logical and practical so here goes 1) Sam's sister was there - I wasn't so I'll go with her assessment. @Itssoover She was posting for friends so if you have access to her locked facebook to see how she tagged this pic, you must be a friend, so get us more pics ok lol! And ask her the status of R/K's relationship too! 2) Ladies that say they are "just friends" - do you know any men at all? especially 23 year old men, God, I wish my hubby were 23 again - I'd have a permanent smile plastered on my face. R/K spend 24/7 together - R can be shagging any skirt on the planet right, agreed? Is it obvious to you yet? It is what it is. 3) Rob has 2 sisters and a mum, I'm sure he gets enough female advice on who or whom he shouldn't be with so yours or mine he doesn't want or need. 4) don't you think they would come out and say they are just friends and end the scrutiny if there wasn't a relationship worth protecting. please.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

handing holding? WTF does that mean??
Can't type or see...

LeslieHeartsRob said...

@RPG - You know me...just trying to keep it fun!! ;)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Have you had some coffee yet RPG?? Cause I think you might need some!!


Kelly said...

@ LeslieHeartsRob

I know right, I told those damn people to step the F*CK aside so I can get a decent picture of the sun:)

@rpattzgirl... you need one too.. here you go
With the people out of the way you can see the birds too :P

Karina said...

jersey-your #3 is funny. it's true, robert's fans coddle him.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Ya know Kelly...some people are just plain rude!! I mean would it have killed them to step aside for 2 little seconds for you to take a picture???

The nerve of some people!!


Unknown said...


Or is it that some actually harbor the delusion that they've got an actual shot with him? If so, that's the frightening one.

You don't. He's a movie star now. An insulated movie star who breaths rarified air. Even if you were interesting enough or striking enough to catch his eye, the most you might get is a tumble or two. Not a relationship. Don't you guys get it? He doesn't trust women who come on to him. He thinks they want Edward, not him. He doesn't trust all this adulation because he doesn't quite understand it. It's never going to happen.

how do you know if any of us have a chance or not??

how dare you of all people put any of us down like that

telling us that we're not good enough for rob as if he's JESUS CHRIST

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

not yet! I have to go to work in 10 min & haven't even crawled out of bed yet!!

Get up! Get coffee! I'll look again when I have me eyes on

Kelly said...


Sometimes.. as a photographer.. I just gots to be rude back ya know.. someone has to be the bad guy and say "Hey you random people walking over there.. Get the hell out of the shot! Yohalready screwed up the picture with the rocks.. just move aside.. 'k... thnx..buhbye"

It just had to be done :P

LeslieHeartsRob said...

@RPG - I'm still in bed too...but I don't have to go to work! But yeah once you get some coffee you will totally be able to see that they are holding hands and in love...(tongue firmly in cheek)


Kelly said...


Have you been by my blog to enter your three things from Monday's post yet?

LeslieHeartsRob said...

@Kelly - You go girl!!! Don't take that crap from anybody!! It's one thing to miss a sunset, but it's another to mess up shots of English Rocks for Christ's sake!! What is this world coming to??


Unknown said...

I think she will leave him as soon as she finds someone better for her career. I don't know her, so maybe she is the kindest girl in the world, I am only supposing on what I see from pictures and comments. But I really don't like her. He is really in love with her, but tell me when they will have time to see eachother again? So a long distance love in Hollywood? This will never works, sorry for Robert. I think he needs a "normal" girl outside the crazy world he is living in, like Matt Damon did. I think Kristen will break his heart, my opinion.

Fae007 said...

Oh why does it always have to be bloody "are they?" or "aren't they"??? I only care here for this interesting, intelligent, beautiful, soulful boy (well I'm almost 23 years old and I don't consider myself a full grown woman yet, so boy :)) and all that matters is that this boy has good, loyal friends which he needs and deserves and that is all I see in these photos (I don't see any hand holding whatsoever) and that he's happy and relaxed! Bloody 'ell!

alynutzapattinson said...

Well ok... hmmm... Listen people I'm a believer, no doubt about it, but are you even sure that they are actually in that picture? Cause that nasty sun spoiled it so much that I can't even tell for sure is Rob and Kristen in there... As for the part with holding hands ... I don't know... it might be true...

Kelly said...


I'm telling you, not everyone gets to see English Rocks at sunset... it;s on a lot of people's bucket lists...

AP said...

Two options:

1)it's not them, and we've all been squinting at pics of total strangers for days which would be drop down funny, or

2) It's them, and we're still squinting at pics because of the sun, or fuzzy focus, or foreground rocks, or whatevah..

See, squinting either way. I want to know what he's holding in his OTHER hand...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

no! Not yet! I'm thinking about my 3 things cuz I know Rob will read them.. and they need to be special...

Ok must get up...must go to work ... I'll catch ya when I get there!

Anonymous said...

Pic blown up. Definitely handholding. Debate over. Let's move on and talk about rob's movies and how gorgeous he is ok?

Kelly said...


Option 1... LMFAO!

As for his other hand... looks like a book.. but hell it could be a Hot Pocket

LeslieHeartsRob said...


I know it's on mine!! One day I will get to see the sun shine off those beautiful English Rocks in person...then I can die happy!!


Kelly said...


And don't let ANYONE stand in your way on that special special day. You get a good look at the sun across those gorgeous English Rocks.. and then telt them all to get the hell outta yer way cause you are taking a picture!

LeslieHeartsRob said...


I feel so motivated now...where's my passport...I'm going to see some English Rocks!!!!!!!


Kelly said...


Go.. Get your English Rocks Off!

Errrr I mean.. off your list that is


LeslieHeartsRob said...

LMFAO Kelly!!!

I literally snorted when I read that!!

(Off to get her English Rocks off...her list that is...silly NBs!)

Kelly said...


It shall be our new catch phrase, when ever we are asked 'What did you do today' we shall reply "Got English Rocks off... my list"

Haystackhair said...

Oh my, guess I missed alot while snoozing. LOL. I love how people say they don't like her as a person. We have NO idea what she is like as a person, we only see interviews. Whatever. As long as Rob is happy I'm happy. I personally think they seem like two peas in a pod- smart, awkward with the publicity, and funny. But it's just an opinion from what I see. And LMAO, how DID they get the sun in on it with them???

Anonymous said...

I think that is Rob - see the Nikes -and it does look like holding hands. I agree with some of you, it's a shame these private pics ended up online I don't want to see any more. Just wanted to say that Rob is old enough to make his own decisions/mistakes it is not for us to tell him what to do. I'm too busy making my own (mistakes that is), we should let him get on with his life.

buffy said...

Sure it is them (her ass, her skinny legs, her shoes, Rob’s ass, Rob’s nike-shoes…..).
Surprise to anyone?? Since the “little girl with the shoe pictures” we know that they were together on the island.
Would hand holding come as a surprise after the pictures at Paris airport? Dream boy Rob is taken that is the deal.

And am sure Sams sister put only “the save ones” on her facebook. Rob, Kris and friends must have a good time reading all the comments…
So please sister Sam give us the real ones, the party ones, steamy ones, Rob and Kris make out ones…..Don’t be so bitchy and show us the rest. PLEASE!!!

Tess said...

I miss the rocks...

♥ you Gozde..

Hi/Bye everyone.....

Colleen said...

Sorry but i doubt Sam Bradley sister would be stupid enough to post pictures of RPattz and KStrew together, then post it on her FB. Im sure she would have enough sense to realize if she did that then they would get stolen and Im sure she has more respect for them then we do, and when i say "we" i mean you "Robsten" fanatics.

I think its fucking hilarius that no one can get a good clear shot of the both of them supposedly showing PDA's.
And before anyone says "But they held hands at the airport, blah blah blah" um no, that was linking arms...not palm to palm, or fingers entwined. *sigh*

For the record im not a "nonsten" i dont give a flying monkeys ass who he dates, i just dont think he is dating KStew.

Steph is Legit said...

For some reason I feel like we will all get a confirmation before the week is out on what the deal is. Now that the public knows where they are... plus he needs to fly out to budapest (easily one of the most beautiful cities..lucky bastard) and she needs to go home to LA. I really doubt this will be the last of the pics.. nor d I believe there are only a handful of pics

Kelly said...


Hi/Bye! Miss you!

AP said...

@Kelly: Ha! Maybe script or book as always, but I luv yr choice - Hot Pocket. It's such a tasty, and portable, snack.

Gotta go, but enjoy yr Rock Candy..

Kelly said...



jh said...

I vote no to the handholding:)

I agree, I admire the hell out of them.

Steph is Legit said...


someone said on another blog that her page is now private where it wasnt before and there was no caption under the pic and no one was tagged in the album including her bro or anyone else.. once the first set of pics were released she blocked 3 days ago, but an additional 4 or 5 leaked 2 days ago.. and then the "hand holding" pic yesterday.. She also said that there were a few more but harmless pics, but rob and kris were huddled together.

Personally, I dont know this person. I read it on a blog so as far as validity is concerned I am not sure.

I believe they are together, but even after the pic is blown up it is still ambiguous

olga said...

who cares if they are dating or not...i'm really glad they had a great time with friends

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Eyes finally on

Coffee burning it's way down

Still only see the sun & blurry people...

English Rocks for me!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I will totally be using that catch phrase...maybe we should copywright it???


mo said...

If these were stolen. They are private and shouldn't be posted. I feel sorry for them both.

Steph is Legit said...

I mean I feel bad because everyone is is blaming Sam's sister for being so careless, but honestly even if her page was blocked people can still easily hack onto it... that's the scary part because it probably was blocked.

x_Catherine_x said...

My first post, woo hoo!
Have been browsing through this site for months so thought it was about time I make some comments.

Firstly, I don't care if they are together or not. I feel bad for Rob (well both of them) if they are and people find out because I think it will make their lives a lot harder.. Personal questions, being followed etc.
I'm sure Kristen will be abused by teens thinking they have lost their chance, ha!

I think the Kristen hate on here is quite harsh to be honest.
When people go into detail about how they don't like her as a person.. Well hang on, unless any one of you personally know her which I highly doubt, how can you blast someones character like that?

You see interviews and that's it. I am a very talkative person and rather loud when I am around people I know and meet but the times I have had to be on stage or make a speech in front of a crowd, I freeze up and get really nervous and my cheeks go all red.
I have been mistaken for being "stuck up" and a "princess" by peoples outside opinions when I behave as such.

So when people slam Kristen, it reminds me a little of people mistaking me for someone I'm not too and it's a pain in the ass.

Anywho, went off topic there.

I f*cking love Rob. OOO, can you swear on here? Sorry if not.
I love that this site is updated so much, good work.

And lastly, if Rob is happy, that is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is Sam's sister taking the photos(the first ones at leas,she is in the photos).I believe it's the other girl with blue eyes and navy blue coat(she holds a camera in one photo).She might have lended her camera to someone else to take photos or vice versa. Besides whoever she is she takes really bad photos :)) Why would anyone take photos of her friends from the back,walking down the hill,walking on by?they are neither striking a pose nor looking at her direction:))

Steph is Legit said...

maybe (here me out) maybe they are just slowly leaking themselves out on their own terms. With non papped photos instead using photos taken by friends... i know its a long shot. I highly doubt rob's like " get this one of use walking hand in hand walking into the sunset" i just still find it hard to elieve not one pap found them, and yet we see pics of them from a small seemingly innocent little girl and people in their close knit of friends.

Like I said its a long shot.. but it still baffles me how they evaded the paps thus far

Kelly said...


Catherine Hardwick?? Is that you ? :P


Sam said...

Gozde- if you saw it with your eyes and know 100% the pics were taken from sam's sis page-AND labeled rob and ks holding hands- then i will believe you-or anyone else for that matter- but i find it highly unlikely sam's sister would post a pic of ks and rob and label it THAT??? Come on people. Really?

I saw the blown up pic- and they look like they are holding hands.

But again i find it highly unlikely sam's sister would label that that way.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes, you can fucking say bad words here!


LMAO Kelly...

x_Catherine_x said...


Ha! Thought I would go for a "safe" name.. Was really tempted to have something more sexual cause it's a rob site, hello!
But thought I'd leave that for my alone time.

Anonymous said...

how is sam's sister being reckless? the pics show her and her friends doing *gasp* walking. in none of the pics is rob ever pictured, and there's only like 2 pics with Kristen who are so blurry and tiny that all you see is a shadow. And no one 'Stole' the pics, they were available to be viewed by friends and friends of friends. I hate ROb martyrs almost as much as I hate people that sensationalize everything.

Kelly said...


Safe ther eis nothing safe when it comes to this man... or when this man comes.. no wait.. thud!

Pineapple said...

I don't think that's Rob, honestly.

x_Catherine_x said...

Oh and to answer the holding hand question..

The visibility is so shitty you really can't tell.

Nice photo however, I really miss blue sky, I hate cloudy days.

Sam said...

also i think it looks like ks but it does not look like rob- rob is a bag of bones. shoot maybe there is no hand holding. The dude does not look like rob from behind- but it does look like robs black and white nikes?

x_Catherine_x said...


Tell me about it.

My thoughts always run away with me.

It's never a wise idea for me to have anyone around when I am watching Rob.

A toned down version is me yelling, "he's fucking hot" every 5 minutes while watching his movies with friends. A VERY VERY toned down version :P

Kelly said...


Well I for one am happy to have you here as a Rob Lover to discuss ROB on the ROBSESSED blog about ROB...

Oh and Engligh Rocks :) (you'll have to read up to understand that one :)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

LMAO Kelly!!!!

Evebunny said...

I think the guy is Rob... look at his Nike shoes (the white line, the back the shoes)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

And I third the welcome X_Catherine_X!!

You'll love it here!! It's really good when there is a NBFEC (Naughty Bitches for Rob Club) meeting...those can be quite epic!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Correction...NBFRC...I can't concentrate after Kelly's visual and English Rocks...

Where's the coffee!!

Kelly said...


You should go enter your 3 things on my blog.. I want to know more about you!

You are my kind of people!

x_Catherine_x said...


I am ecstatic (happy is an understatement) that I am able to freely air my irregular spurts of Rob moments to you all *jumps up and down*

Thanks for the welcome..

Ooh yes, I have lots of browsing to still do.

Kelly said...


Browse away my friend.. we all have Rob Moments.. let me know if you need the hook up!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I will totally do that!!

noisefaidaus said...

@Nikola6 You are so the penguins and twitter!

Barbara said...

@Nikola6 - you discern human behavior in a remarkable way. I loved everything you've posted.

Of course your observations would come from someone who writes who has honed skills of observation so well.

Please visit and post often. You're awesome!

žííža said...

but ..The UK is a snow storm as it is possible that there is not any snow? ..

noisefaidaus said...

Hey Godze: LOL
I love Robsten and I'm a believer!! But you gotta wonder if Rob and Kristen are just f*cking with us just for the hell of it. So they get friends and family to take these pictures and put them out there, then they sit in bed together with a laptop perusing the ROBsessed Site and laughing their asses off, once the fighting starts. LOL

cm said...

ok Rob, you win. I was very tired now :) either black or white not gray. l think all the news conscious. and maybe Rob knows everything. funny... Waiting for new pictures will appear after 2 days :))) good luck Rob

LeslieHeartsRob said...


I added my 3 things...that was such a good idea!!

Kelly said...


I just read them!! Snakes hmmm. me too.. in movies i covermy eyes and lift my feet off the ground :)

x_Catherine_x said...


*giggles* That would be quite often.

I'm just watching a few of his interviews from this site and my mind is just flooded with words like


Took my frustration out on a popsicle.

Thanks for the welcome girlies xx

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Holy Crap too!!!!

I got dragged to see Anaconda when I was in high school...yeah...I didn't put my feet down through the whole movie!! I then I was all paranoid when we left that there was gonna be some huge snake in my car or something...

It wasn't pretty!!

Anonymous said...

You know ladies...looking at that picture could be Rob but it's taken at such an unflattering angle and I think that there is someone directly in front of him which would make him look larger than he really is.

Anonymous said...

lol it looks like they were right behind them? Looks like Rob is holding a box of entimens (bakery good) in his other hand LOL

Kelly said...

Yeah.. "Raiders of the Lost Arc" "Snakes... I ... HATE... SNAKES" That was totally creeps!!

jmm4832 said...

Nikola6, I like your comments. I say live and let live. If Kristen makes Rob happy then I'm happy. And I agree it's invasive and I wish people would leave them alone. And x_Catherine-x, you bring up a good point. All these people harshly criticizing Kristen don't even know her. I have to admire Kristen for her resilience. She puts up with a lot of crap said about her and still is with Rob. I think that says something positive about her as a person.

Heidi said...

If this pic is real than fanf*kingtastic. If not, then they and their friends are sitting back and laughing at us all making a fool of ourselves trying to analyze them in the picture. I am sure they love getting the paps into a tizzy. If I've said this before and I'll say it again-as long as Rob is happy, we all should be happy regardless of whatever is going on between the two of them. Kudos to them for trying to maintain a close relationship in this craziness.

ERIN HALE said...

I have never commented before and I have been on this site everyday since like the beginning but I couldn't help myself this time. I think if Kristen's right hand was in her pocket the top of her shoulder would have to be pushed out at at sharper angel like the left side. Her arm is pointed down too much to make that bend. I also agree that unless he walks with his hands in fists his fingers would definatley be hanging down. I wonder what is in his hand.It almost looks like a white clutch purse with a zipper or some kind of case. (what a gentleman if he is carrying it for her lol) I think it would be nice if they were together because I think they would be good for eachother. Smart, ambitious and with a deep sense of self. So, I guess we can keep speculating until there is more concrete proof. Either way I hope they are happy in their much deserved time off.

Anonymous said...

wow, Nikola6, wow...Amen...and you're fierceness does Kstew proud :)

It is sad they can't even trust friends or family, I mean come on, facebook? Sam's sister should've known better, seriously!

Anonymous said...

somewhere there's a secret fangirl working for the CIA or FBI or whatever giggling as she uses multimillion dollar photo equipment to confirm what she's always know....

Heidi said...

@Wen- I totally agree with you...I am really wondering if this pic "accidently" leaked or not...I can see them getting a kick out of this.

xoRobxo said...

Pfft..... personally to me that doesn't look like Rob. Rob is more lankier and the legs look all wrong. Plus this person looks too short, Kristen is much shorter next to Rob than these photos show, so I'm not convince that is Rob in this photo. Hair does look like him though and I do believe that is Kristen. Personally think they are together I mean the writings on the wall. I don't care, but would love to know Kristen's secret for being such a lucky bitch:)

jmm4832 said...

It looks like R&K to me. But whoever it is, they are handholding.

xoRobxo said...

@Erin~Kristen doesn't use a purse and if she did she would probably not have Rob or any other guy carry it for her. JMO. And LOL... you post sounds like a CSI investigation. I love how everyone in analyzing the shadows and angles of arms etc.:)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Just got caught up on work emails...
thank you for my sunset, just gorgeous...wait...was that Rob in the photo?

Ana73 said...

WOW, so early to wake up and see this...

goz - you make me laught 1,2,3 GO !!!
and you knew the comments would start.

i personally cant tell if it is THEM and if they are holding hands but WHO CARES!!! Let them be :))

Anonymous said...

To agatha;

Most of kristen fan don't really care who she dates or doesn't date.
Just go take a look at her imdb board to see. There is not much discution about her love life.
You got the one who are still hoping that mike and her will give it another chance, they are a lot

You have the one who wants her with rob, a part of them just to pissed the nonsten, because they thing that someone as ugly like kristen is not good enough for rob and for this fan a relationship between kris and rob will pissed them,and make this fans really happy.
You have the edward and bella suppoter. The shippers;

you also have among her fans the jesse einsenberg kristen shipper, they have a community on live journal,

you also have the i don't care as long as she is happy fans.

I for one was a fan of her before becoming a fan of rob. I would be happy to see her witha musician or an unknown person.
i don't really care at the end who she dates or doesn't date.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning Ana73!

I didn't get too far in the cocky...poor Edward got sick...

Anonymous said...

Well from my 200% zoom in its looks 2 me that there hands are intertwined :)

silvia_g said...

I say yes, they look like them and yes they are holding hands.

Kelly said...


Glad you liked it... I had to ask Rob to step out of the way... he loves a sunset to :)

Susanne said...

I don´t see them holding hands in this picture, but they are together, so who cares?

chry said...

People should give it a rest with the whole "who flies to another continent just to spend NYE with a friend?" Well, if you have money you do that. i do it all the time and that doesn't mean that i'm dating one of my friends.

and they're not holding hands. just because some people want it to be true, doesn't mean it is. she has both her hands in her pockets. i'm not saying they're not dating. i'm just saying that you don't have to hold hands with your boyfriend every single minute.

Steph is Legit said...

Not to toot my own horn, but I have a close guy friend who is studying abroad in london as we speak and I have the means to get there but I dont. It has nothing to do with money it has more to do with the company. I didnt go because I thought it would be awkward with just 'us' as opposed to our usual group of friends, but thats me. Kristen obviously has no qualms flying abroad alone to spend her holidays with Rob and his friends. I am sorry even if you are the bestest of friends with someone I just don't see that sort of desperation to see them unless you were in a relationship. I could be wrong, but then again who knows. they really could be good friends for all we known

Cheeky Chops said...

What do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze.

Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit.

Don't you worry your pretty stripped head we're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed.

And they we're gonna find our bestfriend Doug and then we're gonna give him a bestfriend hug.

Doug, Doug, Oh, Doug Douggie Douggie Doug Doug.

But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweekers, well then we're shyte out of luck.

Musical interlude over.

Marna said...

I magnified the picture, & I don't know, it might just be the angle of how they're walking. The way Rob's hand is doesn't look right for handholding. His hand should be sideways with his fingernails facing his body. This looks like his fingernails are facing the sky which is kind of awkward for handholding.

Never in my life would I think I would spend so much time analyzing a picture for handholding LOL

Steph is Legit said...


So weird

I am watching the Hangover as we speak. It's up to th part where Mr. Chow jumps out of the mercedez and starts beating up Phil with a crowbar and he's like "Who was that guy? He was so mean." lmaoo

Ana73 said...

robsten, crapsten, nonsten, dont really caresten...i just want to see a NEW pic of Rob for the new year. I dont really count microscopic pics or arm shadows are real pics. How long do you think we will go without a pic of him????? so the drought contines...:(

talk to you NB's later tonight...

PhinPhan said...

If this is Rob in this pic, then he looks a little porky. Do you think it is really him?? I have no dog in this fight and don't have an opinion either way about their relationship and usually don't comment upon it. But at first glance, the "Rob" person looks bulkier than Rob to me. Maybe its K-Fed.

Christine said...

Awwwwwww!!! very beautiful!! I'm not too shocked tho! :D like I know they're together or somethin? Lol!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO SparkeD...


GiGi said...

If you people look close enough...that's not even them! It's definitely not Rob! The guy in this pic is too heavy, not skinny at all, and the shoes are not the Nikes...the Nikes don't have white on the back of them. Only the Nike stripe thingy on the side. We are being duped people. This is all a big joke! Someone is playin with you all.

Cheeky Chops said...

Steph-^5 that soundtrack is awesome..and that guy has a mangina..and our fave part..when he opens the car door and smacks the baby in the face..LMAOOOOO

LeslieHeartsRob said...

(snort) K-Fed...LMAO!!

Didn't I hear that he had to put on some weight for Bel Ami though...maybe he's started...

jen said... was the ones to get the pictures first. I think people need to realize both those for and against this potential pairing are just as "devoted" as the other.

Steph is Legit said...

@Kem the hangover

ok -- i am exhausted.. off to take a nap

have fun debating the pics and please be nice to each other!

One more thing.. whoever called rob a porker made me LOL.. i highly doubt the boy has ever been more than 160 at most in his life

Steph is Legit said...

one more thing

you all know he owns more than one pair of sneakers. obviously the nike's are a known favorite, but it doesnt necessarily rule out the fact that he could wear other sneakers

MMc said...

NO hand holding IMO

jen said...

I have visited friends in Europe before too. But I"m not kristen stewart, with magazine covers devoted weekly to my sex life. If I was kristen stewart, and I flew over to see Robert and spend NYE with him alone(not with other buddies of my own, which make more sense), I would be asking for more covers about me and him. Which would make me a publicity whore. Yet she's the same girl who hasn't been successfully papped since her promotional duties for NM have ended. She's laid very low.

Anonymous said...

I think it's absolutely ridiculous how people of all ages and from all over the world are DEBATING whether or not this is actually THEM or whether they are ACTUALLY holding hands, when the BOTH OF THEM are absolutely clueless to all the hoopla and frankly could care less what anyone thinks they are doing...I feel bad when I hop around different message boards and read VERY intent and very analytical posts about how those are his shoes or how her shoulders are on the same level so she must NOT be holding his hand, or it can't be Rob (this guy in the pic is too fat!!), people blowing the pic up just to prove a point or time tracking all their movements to prove's really sad, and I don't blame R&K ONE bit for staying private...there are some really STRANGE people out there, invested and really really ready to waste a huge chunk of their lives to reveal the second coming of Christ that is "Robsten"!! I will give people a passing advice and you could take it or leave it, those two seem to have pretty much A LIFE, which can't be said about the many people I see "arguing and bickering" over them and the exact nature of their relationship status! If only people invest the same time and energy to work towards world peace or some important shit like that...humm :(

Unknown said...

The more I see photos like that the more I don't care. And it's about time to release Eclipse trailer!

Anonymous said...

For all the friends travel to see other , that is true. Just as when you have a friendship where one has said on a national tv that he has a crush on you and you're free, good looking just as he is most of the time from my own experience it turn into a relay.

I know some nonsten come up with some stupid stuff like kris is in uk because she doesn't have friends or because she can't drink in the us.
If you go on youtube and you look for kristen rare photos, you have a bunch of pics of her with friends some are celebrity but most of them are just regular people out at party and drinking. so can we forget the she is there because she has no friends because she definatly have and she have been drinking for quite a while. There is even an interview somewhere on youtube of the guy mojo from mtv or something like that who had a drink whith her at a party when she was 17.

I'm not saying that this two are dating or what but i'm not blind either. Even if it's not what i wish for her or for him.

It's just awkward when you break up. My best friend and i are in this post break up thing and it's awful. This mainly the reason why i don't want this two together.

Snix said...

Are they dating? He ain't screwing me so I don't care! lol

They are definately not holding hands in this pic though, Kristen would have to have a double jointed elbow for the angle to be right...


Anonymous said...

So this is now officially not just a bad soap opera, but it is becoming a really comically bad soap opera LOL. (I've been laughing non stop ever since seeing this picture this morning).

So are you telling me that from all those leaked pics, not a sigle pic is an even remotely clear picture of Robert or Kristen?

Second in this picture, while the girl looks a lot like Kristen from the back, the man doesn't look like Robert. First of all Robert is taller (unless he has magically shrunk lol), plus this guy has a fuller frame then Robert...Robert is thinner.

Like I said this whole situation is just odd, and funny in a way that doesn't flatter them.

And it sometimes feels like they are deliberately just messing with the public (which is something I would expect from Kristen, it just seems to fit her off-putting personality, but NOT Robert).

Anyways I'll keep an eye on this and see what other great/ambigious pics will be leaked LOL... apparently whoever took the pics can not take a single clear or proper picture?

Like I said this whole thing is bizarre, and so unlike Robert...I can only hope that he will not be closed off in interviews...the reason I became a fan of his (and not just Edward, because that's the role that introduced me to Robert) is because of his effortless charm and openness in interviews. He had no qualms about sharing a little of himself with the public or else how are we going to get a picture of who he is (to become fans of his), and not just of the character he plays.

He seemed so down to earth, funny and honest that he won me over and I became a fan of his. I hope that this situation will not affect him badly...I hope that he will not change...

Anonymous said...

My 2 cents (and it's not really even worth that)

- Doesn't look like Rob's body

- Height difference isn't right - more of a difference in R & K's height

- Doesn't look like these two people are holding hands - her right shoulder is up too high. Looks like her right hand's in her pocket.

- Dude appears to be glancing to right, in which case he isn't wearing sunglasses. (Do us Rob fans REALLY think he'd be walking into the sunlight without his shades on?)

- I feel absolutely ridiculous for spending 5 minutes looking at this picture. It's stupid. I have a life.

Besides, we all know she's actually dating Bobby Long.

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