"Remember Me" - More Than Just A Romantic Drama, It's About Family

This review doesn't really contain any spoilers but if your a total "Remember Me" virgin and want to remain pure then skip it until you've seen the film, you have been warned!

I was blown away by Robert Pattinson’s new movie Remember Me. The film is a romantic drama with gut wrenching twist at the end. Do you remember the twist at the end of The Sixth Sense?

The surprise ending of Remember Me will knock you out of your seat because it will completely change your perception of this movie.

First of all, Remember Me is Robert Pattinson’s breakout role. This film shows that Pattinson is so much more than teen vampire Edward Cullen. Rob plays Tyler, a rebellious young man in New York City who has a strained relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan) ever since tragedy separated their family. It doesn’t matter if you are a Twilight fan (like me) or you’ve never seen a frame of the Twilight Saga series—if you watch Remember Me, you’ll see the talent of Robert Pattinson. He’ll be around the movie industry for a very long time. The boy has some acting chops, y’all.

The second reason I loved this film is because even though it’s a romantic drama, it’s about FAMILY. The story of Tyler’s family and his girlfriend Ally’s famly is central to the story. Ally is Emilie de Ravin with a sweetness that is sickening but it’s very real. At the end of the day, Remember Me is a story about the healing power of love, the strength of family, and the importance of every single moment you get with those you love. Because it could be gone in an instant.

I loved Remember Me for many reasons that I can’t tell you because it will spoil the movie for you. But please GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE with someone you love. Your spouse. Your brother. Your mother. Do not wait to see this movie. See it now—-and I promise, you won’t be sorry. It’s so much more than a love story between Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin.

Source MyGloss.com


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I really love this photo..they really look like a family...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...
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jc(britlover) said...

Pretty good review. Any praise is well deserved. Our Rob was brilliant and cast was suberb as well.

Haystackhair said...

Can't wait to see it again. He was awesome.

Jane said...

Remember Me makes you rethink your own life. Rob was fantastic and so mesmerizing, you can't take your eyes off of him. Going back today.

Brooke Moss said...

Saw it, loved it, and completely believe in his acting abilities more than ever. It was horribly sad, but exquisitely done.

Meeno said...

Some reviews are undeserving, but then again--who are these critics who reviews movies? just mere mortals -- it is not like they have the authority on movie reviews or their opinions absolute or unbiased. I HAVE SEEN the movie and it is a good, very well made movie. Robert Pattinson is just amazing. I don't know where the negative reviews on his performance was coming from...in this movie he expressed every nuances required of any scene. . . HE was that good in this movie. I mean, I cannot say anything more, if he acted very badly, I would say so, but he did not. Granted, there two odd scenes that I believe could have triggered all this bad reviews: (1) outside the nightclub scene---there was an awkwardness about it--it may have something to do with all the papz and fans lurking in every corner while that scene was being filmed because I remember picture of those scenes splashed all over the place (including Robsessed).
(2) 2nd awkwardness--two scenes with Rob's roommate/buddy: the bar/outside bar scene and jail scene--there was something awkward about Rob and his buddy's dialogue---their conversation was a little disjointed.
And I think negative critics exploited those two scenes as an excuse to say the movie was bad . . . the rest, frame after frame was just excellent.
And also, I think Rob is one of those actors who is so magnetic on screen that everything else got blurred. You just end up looking and looking at him. He does have to be on a movie with very strong story, otherwise, he just blurs everything else.

Anonymous said...

I need someone who has seen the movie to tell me when to leave if I want to avoid the sucker punch at the end. It's the only way I'll go... A hint please!

Meeno said...
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Meeno said...

And if you do want to leave before the "sucker punch" (a matter of personal opinion really), you'll know when...it's hard for me to tell others when they should leave, I myself was not compelled to leave.

Kathy S said...

Don't leave-you need to see the very last scene for the movie to really hit you!!! Contrary to all the crappy reviews, the end is handled with care and class!!

jlsentangledweb said...

Don't leave! The ending ties up all the messages about embracing love and life and family. It does it without a lot of hoopla; it's quiet and understated, but it does pack one hell of a punctuation mark. The entire theater was silent at the end and many stayed throughout the credits just sitting in quiet contemplation. One lone voice quietly commented, "I didn't expect that." My husband clutched my hand to his chest at the end and just tapped it against his heart until the credits finished rolling. It's that good. Rob was that good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but I cannot, will not go if I have to live through "knowing" what happens... Even if you don't see it, you do see the implication, the ramifications... The sad effing "moral" of the story.

I knew months ago, when I read the script (skipped right to the end), that I wouldn't go to this movie. But how can I not support Rob? My solution is to just leave...

That's why I'm asking for help here... Will I "know" when to walk out. A clue. Please.

AP said...

@captivated: if you want to support Rob, but not go to the movie, as you say, then just buy a ticket online and don't go.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

I'm so curious about the ending. Of course I don't want to know yet, I don't want to be spoilt as the movie will only be released next month in France - but I can't help reading all your comments and wondering what it may be. It must be something really awesome - really incredible, as everyone seems to react really strongly to it. I can't for the life of me imagine what it may be. It seems this movie is very powerful- I've heard of people left speechless or sobbing. And I still have to wait for about a month before I see it. How unfair is that?

Anonymous said...

Of course I want to see Rob in the movie.

I just don't want to see the END of the movie. So... I sit on the aisle and discreetly leave... WHEN?

Meeno said...

Okay, @captivated, leave when Tyler was smiling while talking to his father on the cell phone, his father was going to pick up Taylor's little sister from school and that made Taylor very happy. . . . at least you leave the theater knowing that there is a reconciliation between father and son.

AP said...

@captivated: Ah - you did say you knew months ago you wouldn't go to the movie, and I thought you meant it. My other suggestion - wait for the dvd. You can pick and choose as you like.

jessegirl said...

Yes, to address the post, the movie is more a family drama than just a romantic one. However, the picture you posted misrepresents the 'family' aspect, as only Caroline was really involved in the family dynamics in a meaningful way. Tyler's Mom and stepdad were not.
It actually would have been more meaningful for the movie as a whole if they had been.

Jane said...

don't leave the movie for after the hard punch there is more of the movie that you don't want to miss. I was glued to the chair.

Krissy said...


I know you want to see this amazing movie NOW & I completely understand why you feel that way.

Having seen it 4 times now, I assure you it will be worth the wait.

And it will remind you why this incredible actor, Robert Pattinson, has all of us so Robsessed.

Now we can add respect to his ability to select scripts, too.

Thank you, Kate, Kat & Gozde for ALL you do.
Brava! to you all~~~

Krissy ☺

Brooke Moss said...

I totally agree with the above comments...it was less romantic, more family. It was really truly and exquisite movie, and the homage to one of America's darkest days was very tastefully done.

Kerri said...

I can't help but feel that the movie made me rethink things in my own life. Like evryone of you, I too, have my problems. It's a struggle day to day, but after seeing this movie... well, the impact of the ending left a deep impression on me. It moved me and it made me realize, as Tyler said in the beginning of the film, you leave a fingerprint on the lives you touch... no matter how small. I can guarentee all thosee seeing the stupid Matt Dillan movie or Alice didn't leve the theater thinking, wow... that movie was important.

Thankyou Rob for making it.

Anonymous said...

@captivated2 If you want to imagine a happily ever after, leave after Aly asks Tyler if he wants French toast or pancakes.

perfect Rob said...

I saw the movie yesterday and i can't get it out of my mind.It was a very strong and meaningful story with very good actors.
Rob was breathtaking!You can't take your eyes off him,not just because he is so gorgeous, but because every move, every expression, every word he says is full of meaning for his character. You really get to know Tyler and feel his anger.He was amazing and now i'm even more ROBsessed, if that's possible!
In the end Everyone at the theatre was silent here (Greece) too and we stayed at our seats as well for a while with tears in our eyes...
I definitely want to see this movie again!
Love you ROB you are the best!

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