And from Screenwriter Will Fetters:
Robert Pattinson "Kinda" Tweets About Remember Me Saturday
You see, Robert Pattinson says he JUST heard about Remember Me Saturday because he went home to London and TomStu checked our site (like he always does), alerted him and he sent an owl to Summit to tweet! A girl can dream no? :)

And from Screenwriter Will Fetters:
And from Screenwriter Will Fetters:
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..."cannot believe you guys are doing that for me." ??
Honey, believe me, you have no IDEA the things the women on this site would do for you.
Show up after-hours at your own risk.
We do all kind of stuff for you ;) Just let us know what bb.
@VeilsofLight, love you avi. Do you have a link for it??
LMAO Veils,
Especially after dark!!
he does not yet know our depths or what we'd be willing to do for him!
Hey Annie, I'm sure it's lots of places, but I just happened to pull it off the following blog, it's about half-way down the page on the right:
He is ALL man in this photo, one of my all-time favorites...can you imagine him coming toward you looking like this? God. Noone else will ever measure up, I thought I would tire of this fascination by now, but it only gets worse. The cruelty. :)
Like your thought, Rachel, but he was told about it during an interview - as I'm sure you know. lol Am glad he let RMS know, though...
@Veils: yeah, he may just be beginning to realize of his fans. ;)
@AP...yes, we're nothing if not dedicated. ;)
Shhhhh AP LOL Let us dream!!
@VeilsofLight, yes all MAN. imagining that kills me!!!!
yes to invitation to Rob ;)He can some and play with us. God, the site would crash if he do that.
Drool. After hours. In the Red Room.
(Bad Gwen.) LOL!
ahhh he´s so sweet!!!
Thanks to him to be professional, very special, sexy, to have the head on his shoulders and for million reasons.
Annie, LOL! That could bring down the internet, not just the site!
A Rob-induced 'net-pocalypse! ; )
How can he not believe we are doing this for him? It's nothing compared to what he has done for me until now... He made my life a nice place to live in and brought back a few things I'd forgot about... LOL...
Gwen you'r right and not just US, all over the world ;)
just melt reading: "cannot believe you guys are doing that for me." ??
Why not bb???
@Kate: My bad. lol. Back to Daydreams - in Blue... ;)
You are all for us!!!
we love you and will always suport you.. you really would not believe what we feel about you...
@Gwen...the Internet would definitely go down. :)
I could make a really tasteless joke right now, but I have to rememember it's still PG-13 here during the day. Damn.
net-pocalypse! OMG @Gwen so funny.
Its a Rob-pocalypse for me everytime a new pic the Details pick. I swear the world stopped turning at that very moment.
WOW- that's awesome!!! I agree with whoever said their Robmones are going nuts! SO ARE MINE!!
I know this is a PG sight-and I'll keep this PG...but last night, I had the H O T T E S T dream about Rob. OMG!! It was so real--that I actually woke up feeling guilty--like I had cheated on my husband!! Seriously--it was as if it actually intense--the kisssing...rolling on the bed...falling to the floor. That's all I can say on here....but my entire day is RUINED b/s it's all I can think about!!!!! In my dream- my wedding bands kept falling off and I'd be like- OMG- my rings are off!! And get all nervous and pick them up--but go right back to Rob. JEEZE--what the hell is that saying? I still feel a little guilty--but secretly hope that dream replays itself tonight!
You are kidding, aren't you? Tom checks on Robsessed? Is this for real?
So, it may me possible... that that that... (°breath, stupid Capitu, breath°) ROB checks on Robsessed too?
You are kidding, aren't you?
(°if... by ANY chance...°)
"Aww, Beloved, you have no idea what we would DO for you!..."
Muah! :x
He has no idea........LOL
fantasizing - That made me laugh so hard! Oh man, been there done that. Wishing for more.
Don't feel guilty, if your husband is like mine, he has no idea how much he should actually be thanking Rob for.
Sorry Rachael, Rob mentioned "Remember Me Saturday" on one of his interviews. Really don't remember which one now. It might have been Matt and Rob talked like he knew what he was talking about. Maybe, Tom Stu just found out?????
Something weird going on here. Wonder if it's really Rob on that twitter?.... Sounds like someone else.
lol @Emily, right there with ya chica.
totally agree with you ALL!!! NO IDEA At ALL :)))
Rob : Definitely come after dark and go to RPG's red room and you could see there....
Ladies, does Twilighted do updates? Haven't checked MotU in a while. Didn't sign for it since that site is very confusing to me. Still learning my way around there. Only at Chap. 72 for now. Going to the Red Room Gwen... hehehehe
I have a pool table. It hasn't been used for that yet. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, come on Rob.
wow...we'll always support you Rob!
we love you!
Ok, here's my short PG list of things we will do for Rob:
Things we would do:
Promote all your movies, projects
Promote music you love
Promote your friends music, movies, projects
Promote your families music, movies, projects
Read the books you love, promote the books you love
Shoes of choice? We'll promote that too..
Schedule all vacation time around your movies, appearances
Sell off jewelry to pay for trips, wedding rings, family heirlooms
Cash out 401K, mortgage homes, refinance, personal loans, increase credit limits to purchase airline tickets, gas in the car, DVD's (all from different stores) CD's, ITunes, magazines (lord the magazines)
Talk about you and your projects till our friends and family scream at us to stop, or get that far away look in their eyes..or hear that "tsk, tsk, she used to be so normal"
Talk to strangers in the grocery store about how wonderful you are..
Carry your bags to and from airports, hotels, cabs.
Pack your bags (smell your clothes before)
Rub your feet when you're tired (or back, or shoulders, or…)
Wash your feet
Give you a bath
Wash your beautiful hair
Run fingers through hair till air dried
Help you dress
Button your buttons
Clip your toenails (cuz we know you forget)
Fix your meals, hand feed you…
Keep you fully stocked in favorite treats & beverages
And, of course, take care of ALL your personal needs and urges
I may have to go to Remember Me more than twice, never done that before. Really feel like I want the DVD now so I can watch over and over. Love the trailers and all reviews so far sound great.
Still watching Twilight DVD when I need a real Rob fix. Like the biology lab scene and the jumping on the Red truck scene. He's so cute in that, loved the clothes he has on too. Blue down coat, sign, and the "KISS" scene. Its to die for. Best one ever seen.
I'm melting myself here....Puddle
Hey RPG, ditto girl.
Love ya,
1st. Welcome Rachel,it's cool to have you on Robsessed.
2nd. It's awesome that Rob took the time to tweet his appriciation with how freakin exhausted he must be.
3rd. Hell yeah I'll be seeing RM at least 2 or 3 times opening weekend. Can't wait for this movie. I'd do anything for Rob :)
Nancy, yes, Twilighted will email you when any of your favorites updates. That said, you a) have to have whichever story selected as a favorite and b) have "Contact when favorites are updated" box checked and c) have a current email listed in your bio.
And also, there's a two-step selection process to adding a favorite! Hit "add" then it will ask you to "submit" it.
It's not as easy as, but it DOES work! Been getting updates for my favs just fine!
Speaking of, EP! Poor Bella, jeez...
That is so sweet. YOu know that Matt Lauer told Rob about Remember Me Saturday on the Today Show interview, right? He seemed genuinely touched by it.
RPG! "Button your buttons" is so freaking sweet! Tears in my eyes!
(Sniffle. Gwen's all emotional now.)
wow you made it sound like Rob wouldn't thank his fans after he found out about remember me saturday, he's always polite and grateful, even if it's not him who taped this words, at least I'm sure he knows and say a word about this tweet. I always asked why this blog doesn't promote remember me saturday, the concept is to support Rob and remember me, it isn't why we're here or it's just to say how good look he is?
Well, I do aim to please....
Sorry, Nancy, it was HA update that Twilighted last notified.
Don't get me started on THAT one! Going to wait until the dust settles a bit.
Sooooo much angst! Where are those damn fluffy bunnies?
gwen - didn't get the update for MOTU, twilighted is so confusing for me i have to go back in and make sure i signed up for everything right.
E-P was really sad :(
also, whoever rec'd Eighteen, i really like, sad but good so far, thank you.
EP, killed me, and I still can not get on I'm screwed there...
I miss misbuttoned Rob :(.
RPG you took me back to the good ole days.
Love your list RPG and so true.
Ana, Eighteen is very sad. I do have high hopes that things are about to get better.
Did anyone read the How to Save a Life update? Looks like maybe that one will start to set better soon.
@rpg,I love your list ;D We do ll of those h´things for him and more if he wants us to.
when did EP update?
@landu83, the simple answer---without starting any kind of war here---is that most of us here support Rob, and ALL OF HIS EFFORTS, every single day, of every single week, ALL THE TIME. Not just on one particular Saturday in March.
Trust, we know the date, we don't need to be force-fed.
In peace, Gwen
MOTU - She did say on her last comments that she is trying to put together her own blog to post her story, hopefully it will be soon.
Thanks Gwen. Will check out.
Also, RPG, his last button was undone on one of his interviews, so he still doesn't button all the way. hehehe love it. Just watched what I DVR'd yesterday again. IT was a white shirt. Maybe Jimmy Fallon?
Its so Rob.
Teri, Monday! Scary update. Poor Bella!
ADM, totally love How to Save a Life---was worried at first, but better now.
Anyone wants to email me for Twilighted access/info, feel free! . Will help if I can!
gwen - thanks for that but you would have to come to my house and actually show me how to work it LOL.
ADM - How to save a life was really good too, i think there is hope for edward and poor bella dealing with her mother at such a young age.
i really like This is Not My Life, now that one was really killing me but at least she is safe now, and i love lily, so cute.
love the list RPG. i can't imagine the R rated list-LOL
he has no idea the depths of our devotion does he?
@rpg - that is one great list and I'm right there with ya on it!
And seriously, can Rob be any more charming and adorkable??? My Robmones are on overdrive!
Ana, love that one too! Lily has to be the best written 'Edward's daughter' ever!
(Sorry, Renesmee!) LOL!
MG, Chandler! ; )
@Gwen YES!!!!! Chandler. Heehee
Ana, I think I saw that you read Take the Cake. That one was sweet and angst light. It was nice to read between all the angst heavy fics.
Couple rec's for anyone interested:
Alienated from the Cullens, Edward finds himself bored in South America. When he "hears" another vampire creating a master race he is intrigued. But who would be the perfect genetic material and what will be the cost to the human mother?
Edward has immersed himself in the Cannabean way to ward off the hurt of a life-changing experience; but an unexpected betrothal teaches him how little he knows about life. There is no abuse in this story.
Forgot to add that the above rec's are now in my top 5 fave fic's now.
I am having trouble finding EP on twilighted and I am a programmer. I don't like the format of this website at all.
RPG, that was awesome and so true! And all of that is just what we'd do in the daytime! I've got a list started for nighttime attentiveness... ;);)
Best save that for the RR. LOL
OMG!!! I got on Twilighted !!! Good god....
Thanks for the recs, I'll add those...
Can't wait to read the updates from today...
Oh yea, that's just the PG list...the adult list is even better..Rob would be so pleased...
Teri, EP is on her blog.
ADM - Yes it was me that read take the cake, it is a nice story away from all the angst and lite fluff too.
i will add those to my list, thank you.
i was reading age of consent but they pulled it off FF and she put it on another site "a different forest" but she hasn't posted all the chapters yet. also reading "brown study" which is getting better, waiting on an update. actually there are soo many that are waiting on updates, i sometimes get confused which e & b it is :)
Hi, ADM! :)
Teri, EP's NOT on Twilighted, just on her blog:
And yes, I'm a database person and don't like it either! ; )
ok thanks ladies. @Gwen I did update my bio and preference so I can get updates on other stories.
The only one I have read on twilighted thus far has been With Teeth and its pretty good.
What ff's have been removed and are on twilighted now?
Oh my @RPLOVER I love your Avi..................
Teri, the ones I am reading that have been moved are:
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
I have heard there are many more.
Oh, Teri, it's a looong and terrible tale of TROLLS. LOL.
Suffice it to say, the works are being moved to Twilighted because of content.
Need to hit RL for a bit! bbl
Teri, it's so ironic that you said that...I just changed it this minute! haha avi test. :)
To add, anything with "explicit content" (and/or deserving of a Mature rating) will most likely be removed from
Yeah, that's a loooong list!
I liked the MDITRR one too...
Gwen, no kidding! It's so frustrating.
Love both avi's RPL. I just switched to the tongue pic. hehehe
ADM, I saw that-me likey! ;)
anybody still here? I just tweeted CL to come say hello. :)
RPL, Like the new avi ;)specially the dreaming part.
thanks, annie. :) he just looked dreamy to me here.
i'm just getting caught up on all the posts--the one with the red eye and tongue out is pretty hot--even with red eye
like the tongue--LOL
wens, love the tongue!!!
wens, I agree! could fix the red-eye and that pic would be a keeper. :)
today at work my RL robsessed friend sent me a jaw/finger porn picture--i did a fangurl squee and people stared--LOL they just don't understand--good thing i couldn't see the tongue until i got home--:)
@wen, what pic???
annie-- it was from outside the daily show--major red eye photo but it is close up and his tongue looks lovely LOL
Here's the fic I'm reading right now-very different E&B-he's a vampire & a hit man...sounds silly, but very good so far...
Thanks for the rec RPG. That may be on my list. Sounds familiar. If you like it, I may read it next.
I didn't at first-I just don't think this Edward talks like our Edward, but it's growing on me, slowly...
Wen, thanks :D
Appears Gwen helped a lot of us on Twilighted. Glad the others are as confused there as me. Must update and check it out yet.
Also, Craig got 127,000 followers and he twittered that their making his Robot Skeleton sidekick already. hehehe, wonder what they're going to do next????
Love your list. It's perfect!
"I would do anything for love!!"
Personal needs and urges~~LMAO
How cool for the folks at RMSaturday! Great Shout out from the man himself!
I am so happy for them! And so thrilled to be taking part!
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