Robert Pattinson at the Oscars (2009) A Preview for the BAFTA's

We have a couple of hours left till the BAFTA's and TUX Rob! So here's a little refresher for just how HOT Robert Pattinson looks in a tuxedo...

Pictures are resized to fit your screen right lick and save for full size :)

Photo Credit: INF Daily

Click to enlarge, the pictures are in UHQ:


Petra Eller said...


maaahtwi4ever said...

that's heaven , cause he is a completly God!!!

MsTaurus14 said...

That's what Fifty would look like when they're at the auction. I like the pics with the hands in the pockets and no tie, jacket undone....very 007.

España said...

THE TRUTH, I don´t, I would like to go out with Twenty women ROBERT ,,,,,,,, I'm sick of OCCUPATION OF KRISTEN IN ALL COMMENTS AND PAGES WEB OF ROB, I AM VERY Disgusted,

To my knowledge, HIS OWN LEGS.

HELP make this clear

ROdSesSEd you don´t do, I LOVE YOU FOR IT

THE ROB WEB PAGES, SHOULD ONLY BE FOR ROB, AND NOT TO BE USED FOR PROMOTION OF OTHER ACTORS, will do nothing good in their individual careers.


jc(britlover) said...

Gozde, thanks so much. I am still drooling and if I lick any more my tongue will fall off! Geez, is there anything sexier than Mr. P in a tux???? I think not. Live stream, please don't fail me today!

Suz said...

The sexy devil returns!

Cindygal said...

...WOW...cant wait to see Rob!!!!!!!!!

LTavares2011 said...

I agree with you in some aspects of your comment. I remain in silence, sometimes, but I think that in the near future I am gonna mention a few actors and actresses I love too. I think they are Robert Pattinson`s friends too. Nowadays, everybody is. (LOL)
It is only my opinion, of course.

I am your best friend too, Rob. Love you, only you.(LOL)

LTavares2011 said...


You are absolutely right. Rob belongs to the Oscars. I`m sad he won`t go this year.
Rob in a tux destroys me and saves me. Always!!!

I love Tux Rob!!!!

Dessert First said...

I have what feels like a hangover this morn.. afternoon! I did no drinking just stayed up ALL night reading MoTU. LOL.

Thanks for the cure, that man knows how to look good in a tux

Roll on 7.30pm

Carole UK said...

Oh my, he certainly scrubs up well for a scruff, doesn't he?!?

Very nice, I love the pics where he looks up from under his lashes - very sexy vamp.

AP said... suit, tux or no, white shirt, tie...

Interesting last year he was very much the 'new kid' and riding on the buzz. This year is another story...

Anonymous said...

Pure perfection and so 007. Can't wait for the Bafta..
I read a thing on another website where they showed the seats for the bafta... If they are right, Rob is beside Uma Thurman, sitting next to Dustin Hoffman. Kristen is just behind them... Let's wait and see. I just hope I'll find a live streaming that works...

Jessica said...

6th picture down.... HOW THE HELL DOES HE DO THAT WITH HIS THUMB!?!?! He must be double jointed ;)

StarThink said...

what time would it be if im in romania? help? :(

Anonymous said...

@StarThink... There is two hours less between Romania and London... So if you want to catch it live, it might be around 8.00 o'clock your time...

Haystackhair said...

Brain= mush. GAH! THUD!

Fae007 said...

Oh what a stare! "You're biting your lip again, just wait til we get back home..." OMG Fifty totally took me away! :)


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

I'm listing to U.R.A fever and watching these pics.

you are a fever, you are a fever
you ain't born typical
you are a fever, you are a fever
you ain't born typical

Rob singing:

I am a fever, i am a fever
I ain't born typical
I am a fever, i am a fever
I ain't born typical

Cheeky Chops said...

I'm looking at these and looking at the Details pics at the same time..he just seems a lot older and less of a boy/kid to me..after only one may be the beard and longer hair a bit..maybe his jaw has become even more defined..if that's even possible..but I think there is also something in his eyes..and it's sexy as hell too. :)

Anonymous said...

He's bringing sexy back what more can one say

LeslieHeartsRob said...





Oh Happy Day!! Unfortunately...I don`t get BBC America...=( And I had to cancel my internet (stupid recession) and Live streams don`t work on my phone. So I`ll just have to wait til I can get over to the `rents house or until we get some pics here.

MsTaurus14 said...

Got my DVR ready to record at 8pm!!!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

*whispering* Good morning.

I may have been over served last night, so I don't want to yell...
This was the best cure for a hangover, EVER!

Thank you! Now back to bed until the BAFTA's. TuxRob is the cure for all.

CullenGal09 said...

Can't wait! Rob in the tux for the WIN WIN......;) Thanks Gozde!

solas said...

Imagine just a few years ago this was a lad who made himself ill over what he was going to wear to a premeire, worrying himself literally sick how he would look to the world. silly boy. :-)

xoRobxo said...

I hope for lots of pics and video... I don't get BBC America:(

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

I don't know that streaming link going to work!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

This man can seriously WEAR a TUX! Yes, he can. Wow. ; )

BAFTAs, programmed and ready to go!

Dessert First said...

Fae: UH PLEASE don't mention biting lips... not with these pics

I cannot even concentate.....

xoRobxo said...

they never do

StarThink said...

@ sissidelyon thank you soo much!

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Perhaps anyone watching live in the UK can fill us in on lovely Tux Rob? Or Kristin? Or Anna?

Anonymous said...

Just sat through the red carpet of the Bafta on E! and NO ROB.
We saw Kristen but no Rob... He might arrive late but I don't see him arriving after Prince William. He might have went inside directly...
Such a shame... Let's see that later!

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

TuxRob---i hope you have photos from BAFTA's. i don't get BBC America-just the news channel. thanks <3 TuxRob

HeneciaD said...

wuhuuu this men in fuckin hot in a tux these looks drove me crazy

Nancy said...

I just caught up with MotU. Love it so much. Fifty is in form on Chap 70... hehehe

Nancy said...

Well, is this the Cedric/Rob here????

He looks so young, Remember him mentioning the curl on forhead... Like the Edward/Tyler look better I think.

I love Rob no matter where he goes or what he looks like. I'm am so totally into Rob Pattinson and I am so old, he's not for me anymore.

Nancy said...

Robsessed here.... thud

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