Robert Pattinson - Remember Me "Cab" Scene

Scene number three... I feel like I've seen the whole movie?

Thanks to CullensNewsCom


lilyb said...

for the love of all that's holy, Summit this rate I'll probably have seen the movie before April (soz to be a downer)

Jenn M said...

"you're really weird" .. hhahahaha that actually made me giggle a bit :p

RPnKSaddict said...

Of coarse she couldn't resist kissing him. who the hell could resist him.

I'm loving all of the clips, I can't wait until March 12.

Lisa said...

"You're really weird"

I like that LMAO!

Anonymous said...


Marna said...

She says NO????? Man, if he tried to kiss me, I would have suctioned him to my body with my lips.

I don't want to sound unappreciative, but why are all these clips out today? Did every entertainment show get it's own clip? 3 clips in 1 day doesn't even make sense, why not spread them out?

Shani said...

Loving the awkward and quick kiss. Rob knows how to deliver a scene.

jessegirl said...

Aw, shucks, not tonight?

What the hell, although you're really weird..
--what, for coming on to you?--I'll grab that jaw porn and do it to you first.

He'll get back at her in the shower scene. -Oh wait, is that later?

We may have clips but we don't know the order (not we script virgins anyway).

Steph is Legit said...

he has a point wont kiss ro pattinson, but youll spend your evening with a cabbie u dont know

jessegirl said...

I think he said, "with a panda you don't know" .
Wait, I'll have to verify.

Anonymous said...

shoot, shoot, shoot! they really are trying to kill us! Loved this new clip! And the "you're weird" comment at the end cracked me up lol.

And we finally get to see them kiss, a sweet butterfly "first" kiss *sigh* (or at least I'm assuming it is their first kiss. It sure looks like it)

And now I know that I will be watching every single clip they release no matter how much I want to resist, so as not to spoil myself in the least. Resistance is futile!

lilyb I hear you! lol, they really need to have mercy on us!

dabby said...

omg!!i'm so jealous again!!ask me for a kiss rob i'll will not decline hahaha!we'll kiss forver!!!haha!

KatKat said...

I've taken to watching them with the sound off...that way I get the pretty without ruining the movie later...

Haley said...

Oh my night ever? I don't think I've ever been this giddy.

Hurry, March, hurry!

AP said...

Yeah: luv the "really weird" line...and his little "good." There aren't very many scenes without Rob in this movie, either.

Juli87 said...

What the hell?! I just woke up and while I was sleeping all this stuff has been released? Too much for my still tired brain ;-)

But, I love it! The funny thing (that makes me smile all over and over again as I'm watching this on repeat) about this clip is that I can picture our shy and a little bit hobolicious Rob acting exactly like that on a real-life date... so awkward and cute!

Heidi said...

Wow, never thought we'd get 3 clips all in one night.

Doing my happy dance!

I'll be good if this is all we get until March.

Robine said...

Haapffffuuuu happpfffuuuuuu
I've just woken up and waouh this clip will make my day!!!!!
Love to see shy Robert.
*breathes in breathes out and goes to work*

Cheeky Chops said...

Why do I keep watching this and thinking Jack Nicholson???

Babs said...

OMG!! I just woke up and found this clip, this day couldn't start better!
How adorable is he when he leans in for the kiss?? I think I'd have thrown him into that cab, scr*w the panda!

drabrasil said...

oh my god!!!
I think that I am falling for this guy every second,minute,hour,day,week,month....all over and over again...
no words.
JUST F**ING gorgeous and weird.

Butterfly25 said...

OMG, I love this scene. How cute is Robler here?

@Babs, I would throw him into the cab instead of panda too. And most importantly, I wouldn't say NO if he tried to kiss me.

God, I really didn't want to watch those clips and spoil the movie for myself but I just can't help it.
But those clips together are like what? 5 minutes of the film? There's still a lot of to see at the cinema, right? Unless they will give us even more clips until March...

dina said...

I didn't watch any of those, this is it. 28 days to go for me I can wait. It is worth it.

One of my students'mother, totaly cluless about Rob, watched the trailer at a movie theatre yesterday....

well she became a fellow robsessed within those 5 minutes the trailer lasted. Line up woman.
The line after this movie will go four times round the planet.
Sorry I missed all the fun last night. Two days without sleep hit me badly. I couldn't keep my eyes open. MBing is ruing my life. I will go for it tonight if the feling is good ;)

dina said...

sorry the feeling

peeling a fig said...

OMG, just woke up to all this fabulousness. This looks really quirky and fun -- and serious too, of course. A sort of indie feel rather than a Hollywood film. And Rob has a bit of NY accent! Robler is win. I am hoping for some critical respect for Rob now.

MatildalovesRob said...

Love all the clips ! <3

I do have to say though, if you want to watch the film fresh at the cinema, just don't press play on the clips! lol

Gutted I have to wait until April, total bummer !! arggh !!

Butterfly25 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Butterfly25 said...

@dina, I'd like to have your determination and resistance. Good for you!
I had to watch those clips, I just couldn't resist. I'm so helpless at this:( But the movie will blow me away anyway:)

Pandora said...

Pictures from the set of Bel Ami are out!! *dies*

When do they get posted here or wont they??

Pandora said...

Rob as Georges! *died and gone to heaven*

Anonymous said...

"Panda you've only just met."

This is now my favourite Rob's line. Just the way he says it *melts*

Thanks Pandora for Bel Ami photo. I like what I'm seeing :)

luxurati said...

"you're really weird."
HAH! love that line. robert was so cute in that scene, when he's like
"so... uh.." and leans in to kiss her. <3 can't wait for the movie.

Acconati said...

So many clips!

I'm struggling to follow the dialogue a bit though, more so in the shower scene. They both seem a bit mumbled so hoping it's just rubbish sound on laptop cos I'll cry if I can't understand what they're saying!

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

I love these clips, but I wonder if they're not going to releasetoo many of them, as they did in NM... oh well I know I will watch then anyway. I hope thee's aren't too many spoilers though.

Robiscool said...


I think he says with a "man that you don't know" referring to the cabbie. Although the panda line would be really cute too. Oh hell, he could probably say nothing and my heart would still hammer outside of my chest!

Robiscool said...

Actually Jessiegirl, I stand corrected you were right. He was talking about the Panda! So cute!

Haystackhair said...

OMG I was wondering how they would play this scene after reading it. Rob totally ROCKED it with his shy awkwardness. THUD

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Not even watching this one so I can still be somewhat surprised at what happens in the movie.

Why does Summit do this?

Anonymous said...

"You're really weird."

Anonymous said...

I've seen the whole movie now.
Of course, maybe if I hadn't already read the script.....

nikola6 said...

Some have commented that Rob appears rather sweet and endearingly awkward in this scene. Kinda like his own self, perhaps? That they could picture him behaving just like this in such a moment.

Well, remember that he said that Tyler is more like him than any other character he's played. I think he said something like, the path of their journey's are similar or that he can strongly relate to Tyler's. Something like that. Also, remember that Jenny invited him to her home for a weekend so that she could really 'listen' to him speak. To pick up on his expressions and speech patterns and then incorporated some of that into Tyler's dialouge (and did someone mention something about his accent?
He's using a Brooklyn one here).
So what I'm trying to say here is, with Tyler were going to see more of 'Rob' than we've ever seen on screen before.

And don't worry about looking at the clips. They're just giving us 'snippets'. They're not gonna 'give up' the story. Another thing to remember...

They're not giving all of these clips up on the entertainment shows for 'us'. Were the Twilight crowd and they know were already a captured audience. They're looking for 'more' audience. Those who don't follow every move of this franchise or it's star. So they're not doing it to torture us. They're doing it to expand Rob's audience.

'Course I don't want them to go into 'overkill' either. And I don't think they will on this one. They've hyped him so much already that if they push it, they could drive people away, rather than lure them in.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Good analysis nikola6, I keep forgetting that because we love Rob so much we tend to forget that lots of people don't know him (sometimes not at all, even if it's hard to believe) and that RM needs to cover a wider audience too. Mmh the clips are so lovely anyway... and the taxi scene rings so true when he tries to kiss her and she says no and he says OK... actually it reminds me of something similar I had with a guy when I was, like, really younger... he reacted just the same, so kudoz to Rob and Emily, their acting is really genuine, I think.

d67 said...

I can't, I can't, I can't...I just can't....this is too heart, my brain, my body....I don't think I can sit thru this movie....dying over here!

nikola6 said...


Yeah. So far (with what little I've seen), I'm really impressed. They seem to be sticking really close to the script and I can see what intrigued them about Emilie. Ally is an unusual and even eccentric girl and it looks like Emilie is capturing that.

And if this has that 'small indie' look to it, that's because it is an independent. Yes, released by Summit, but made by it's independent arm. your screen name. I'm always curious how people choose them. Mine was taken from a character in a Martin Amis book.

solas said...

"...really weird"-- I am just sitting here grinning. :-D

nikola6 said...

One more thing (and then I've really got to go check out those Bel Ami shots)...

You said something about Rob being an unknown to alot of people. Hmmm...yes and no.

Alot of people may not have seen Twilight and are sick to death of the hype surrounding it. But I doubt there are very few who do not know his face and his name now. When your film opens at 140 million (breaking records in the process) and then goes on to gross nearly 400 million (in America alone) and when in about a years time you will have graced the covers of...

Entertainment Weekly
Vanity Fair
Harper's Bazar
Details and

Even those outside of the Twilight bubble are going to be aware of who you are.

Twilight made him famous. New Moon made him the biggest movie star in the the moment.

And let's hope he can parlay some of that into the opening weekend box office of Remember Me. That opening weekend is going to be a real test to see if this Twilight 'stardom' is going to carry over to other films.

RPLover said...

ok, I'll admit I watched the first two clips-ADM, that gets you off the hook if you wanna watch them, I'm so ashamed...;)-but I'm not going to watch this one or any more of them...Not gonna do it, dammit! Even if there's kissing!

Man, this no spoiler thing is rough. =)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

kiss me..and you will see that nothing -including an asteroid- can never stop me from having the holy lips...
Damn!!..Remember Me will be in Turkey in April 30th..How am i supposed to wait..:(((

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

@ Nikola6
so how did you choose your screen name, what Martin Amis book is it? I'm curious...
Mine comes of course from a time when I had a mild crush on Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow (well he's 2 years older than me, so that's just the right age ;)). I still adore him but... I got kind of fascinated by Rob. Oh well. And when I was saying that lots of people don't know him, I was thinking of an older generation (like my parents for example) or... lots of guys. I can promise you they have no idea who he is, and if their wife or girlfriend or daughter are not Twilight-obsessed (and some are not) then they have no idea at all who Rob is. I've done a little poll with my male colleagues and they have no idea. At all. At least this is what I can observe here in France. You can see his face plastered over all the teen magazines but not much anywhere else, and in mags like "Elle" for example, they discard him as a teenage heartthrob and think it's a phenomenon which will be short-lived. The French Twilight fanbase is huge though but the media don't care about him that much, and if they do, sadly they treat him in a very condescending way. I think they don't realize yet how important he is and is going to be. At least this is what I think I can perceive... but I'm sure this will change a lot soon!

Anonymous said...

she says no and then 3 secs later kisses him? wtf oookay

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