NEW "Remember Me" Clip "My Father Is A Yankees Fan"

Here's Emilie & Rob introducing the clip

And here's the clip.


Suz said...

Yowza! What a great clip!

Love Pierce's accent!

jc(britlover) said...

Oh, crap!!! This is gonna be so damn awesome. Rob and Pierce-what a fine father/son combo. Absolutely cannot wait.

Anonymous said...

Nice clip! However, wandering if Tyler isn't some kind of a spoiled brat! Always easy to be a rebel when you've never lacked of anything... leaving aside the personal problems his family has gone through...

dia_rob said...

Have you watched Rob's hands when he cuts the meat, or whatever it is he's eating? he's so CUTE (apart from gorgeous, mesmerizing, sexy as hell...)

Cupcake Donna said...

Hey Pierce,


Suz said...

ha ha ha @CupCake.


annaz said...
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Butterfly25 said...

Ok, I've watched only the introduction. Rob didn't say much there, but they way he was looking straight into the camera while Emilie was talking was enough for me. He's so gorgeous!

I'm trying not to watch any new clips since the shower scene clip and altough the curiosity to see them is killing me, I just have to be strong.
I really don't get it? Why is Summit showing so much of the movie? Seriously, if they keep doing it, people will have seen most of the movie before the premiere.

angie-k said...

Kate - Thank you for posting these separately.

Intro clip - GOOD! CL's gonna love the Chicago shout out!

Movie clip - No! SPOILER FREE FOR REMEMBER ME!!! but they're making this so hard...

@Butterfly - I'm right there with you!

Spoiler Free For Remember Me!


Kate said...

There seems to be something wrong with you tube atm so if the clips are not showing try again later!

Fae007 said...

I don't wanna watch this! Jesus I'll see the whole movie before it comes out! :)

Nancy said...

Rob's acting on the Yankee fan clip, WOW. He is so good. Totally believable. Love Pierce too. Great father/son match up here.

Thanks Kate

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Oh dear God! That was just for me!!!! He said CHICAGO again! See, Rob does love me, he does know where I live. Oh happy day!

Anonymous said...

DUDE, I totally rewined like 10 times just to watch Rob chew!!

Anonymous said...

Well, cuz the comment above I found out the family problem. :( oh well I guess... Good clip! Chicago indeed!(:

Patricia said...

Don't you think that Rob's and Emilie's introductions were filmed separately and then edited like they were together? It is the same footage of Rob answering the Facebook RM questions.

Tyler looks like he harbors so much anger against his father.

Well acted, Rob, Pierce and Emilie!

MsTaurus14 said...

Great clip, Pierce does a great American accent. I liked Robs reactions/facial expressions in this.I can't say enough about his facial expressions, he would'nt even have to have a lot of dialogue and I think he could get his point across, just with a look.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

*****sigh**** that is all...

Heidi said...

I love how Rob brings depth to his character, especially with his expressions.

I am so going to be a blubbering, crying fool by the end of this movie.

AP said...

Interesting Pierce is using his fork... and Rob is trying...trivia.

They've released 4 clips and 2trailers, as far as I remember. Shower, Tyler/Ally, Carnival and this one. Not much of the movie. Summit does seem to like putting out clips, more than most, however.

Cheeky Chops said...

LOL lurve Robert to death..but did u see how he holds the fork girls..hehehehe :)

AP said...

I meant at least Rob is trying to use his fork in a more 'american' way, however difficult it may prove. Pierce isn't even

Leenie FJ said...

Rob! You are breaking my heart. I'm a die hard Yankee fan!

nikola6 said...


Tyler was Lou Pinella for Halloween? I fucking hate Lou Pinella. I can't stop laughing.

Cheeky Chops said...

LOL has nothing to do with American or not American..I use my fork the same way Pierce's about manners..first thing that popped into my head.."Robert just totally talked with food in his mouth"..oh well..I'm kind of anal about those things..I like Robert with anything in his mouth. ;p

Anonymous said...

I cant wait for film .Rob can act wood and still be amazing. I will say I dont see that onscreen chemistry with them in any of the clips so far ..

nikola6 said...

No wonder he's so fucked up. Either he chose or they made him be Lou Pinella for Halloween.

Sorry. I'm gonna be peeing my pants all day over this one.

Leenie FJ said...

God, I wish I was that fork.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

hmmm--i would like to be the wine glass :) Is is March 12th yet?

nikola6 said...

And don't worry 'bout these little clips. You could look at a 1,000 of them and it still won't give the movie up.

Not trying to break down anyone's resolve here. Just sayin'.

AP said...

@Kemberly: maybe you do, but I've only seen people cut food, put their knife down and use the fork with tines up in the States. Not saying everyone does, but have a number of friends who do. I think Tyler is quite deliberate about not using manners in this scene. ;)

nikola6 said...

Yeah. He does look like he's struggling with that fork a little, don't it?

I eat European style too and the only reason I can think of as to why I do is because for the first three years of my life, my Irish born grandmother had me all day long while my mother worked. She must have taught me and I guess it stuck.

It's just easier. There's no switching things. No setting anything down. You just grab your fork, your knife and shovel it in.

AP said...

@Nikola: Shovel...that's it. lol

@xxRobxx: :D

nikola6 said...

And sissi...

I don't think that Tyler is a spoiled brat. He's just mad as hell at his dad.

And that's not giving anything up. That's just an opinion.

Cheeky Chops said...

AP I know u're right..doesn't mean I can't be OCD about his mouth..LOL ;)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

I just watched Rob saying his name like 20 times :D It's the longest he look at a camera.
Don't watch the other clip!

Cheeky Chops said...

*TACKLE*..mmmmmmmm steak :)

Est said...

american and european people use the fork in a different way?

well, all i can say is that i'm european and i use the fork like Pierce. The way Rob uses it is very strange and funny!

nikola6 said...


Yes. Americans and Europeans hold their knives and forks differently. Pierce is eating in the European style and Rob is attempting the American.

I can understand his awkwardness. For those of you who eat American style, try doing it the way Pierce is and see how awkward it can be.

When you've been doing something a certain way your entire life, something as basic as how you eat (and doing it three times a day) then trying to do it differently can be a little difficult.

Janece said...

My husband lived in Austria for two years and learned to eat "European", it was considered a social nicety.

I think it is very elegant and far more polite in many ways. I have tried it many times and like it but resort back to my American ways unless I am really thinking about it.

Kelly Louise said...

How enlightening.. didn't know there were different uses of forks and knives in America and Europe. But I had to laugh watching this clip because I look exactly as awkward cutting my meat as Rob/Tyler.. well, worse, actually. That's why I dread going to restaurants.. especially when having pizza.. I just make a gigantic ass out of myself. I was raised in a pretty American household though, for a European family.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yea, my grandmother was from London, and grandfather from Ireland, they both ate like Pierce...I always thought it was cool....but we weren't allowed to eat that way...

AP said...

@RPG: not allowed? Er...guess I may be considered a 'boor' in the manners dept then. lol Tyler seems a little more along than Art...especially when it comes to cake. Wonder if the pear munching in Bel Ami will be as juicy as the scene from "Tom Jones"? Hope so. ;)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

ok, now I'm curious. Have to watch the video without sound and see what's the difference.

Cheeky Chops said...

WHAT?!?! Did I hear cake and Tom Jones???....

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Ok,now I understand. Pierce is the way we eating over here but I don't know about Rob. The way he is holding his fork...It's kind of sexy. God I'm really messed up to think him holding a fork is sexy *hide my face behind my hands in shame*

nikola6 said...

Little side note...

As America was developing it's 'polite society' they decided that the European way of eating wasn't genteel enough. The shoveling of food onto the back of a fork was seen as a bit crude. And in an effort to distance themselves further from the old world (the 'motherland' of England), they developed what they thought was a more proper way of eating here in this new world. Cut your food. Place your knife down. Switch your fork to your eating hand. They just thought it looked more elegant to take a little time rather than hurriedly eating off the back of your fork.

Just a bunch of pretentious bullshit. Like holding your pinky in the air is suppose to make you appear a lady or something. Such phoniness.

nikola6 said...

Now now Annie...

There's no shame here.

Man oh man, is there no shame here.

Chin up.

AP said...

@Kemberly: Well, pears in this case, not cake, or chicken. The juice down the chin, licking fingers....I think it's a scene you're gonna enjoy. ;) I, of course, will just be watching to see what variety of pear they use.....

Cheeky Chops said...

Why in the hell did this become an American/European use of utensil post?..I wasn't even talking about that..I was talking about him playing with his fork, talking with his mouth full, and looking like a tard cutting his meat..LOL..neither one of them are using their fork as a "shovel"..Thank God someone didn't put their elbows on the table..I would have had a melt-down.

Cheeky Chops said...

That would make you GAY AP ;)

Cheeky Chops said...

First cultivated by the Phoenicians and the Romans, pears became a royal delicacy for ancient Persian kings. By medieval times in Italy, there were more than 200 varieties being cultivated. By the 17th century, and inspired by Louis XIV's passion for fruit and vegetables, the French were growing over 300 different varieties. The introduction of espaliered trees, whose fruits ripen more evenly and were not so blown about in orchards, helped promote the growing of fine pears in the Paris region.

Abbé is a 19th century variety that is long and thin. It is a greenish-brown pear that often has a red blush. A mid-autumn pear that is used mainly for desserts, it has a good flavour and texture.

nikola6 said...

Oh who the hell knows Kemberly...

These threads sometimes wander around and I must admit, I am sometimes the lead wanderer. It's just that my brain runs around in 12 different directions at once. I know it's exhausting for me. Can't imagine how it must be for all of you too. As for my elbows on the table? Sorry, but mine sometimes end up there as my arms are kinda short.

But lets get back to pears. I never thought about that Tom Jones scene, but yeah, they could turn that eating the pears into something very interesting. Food being such an aphodisiac.

Hmmm...I think there's one pear left in the fruit bowl. brb

Leenie FJ said...

He can hold his fork anyway he wants when he's eating me.

omg did I just say that???

lotti said...

why Summit does this thing of releasing clips before the film comes out? Do they act like this only with Rob's films or with everyone's? We've almost seen half an hour of the movie...I love to see Rob and I can't resist to watch him in the clips, but I can't see the point...

Cheeky Chops said...

I'd soooooo fork Robert..anyday, anytime, anywhere~!!!

AP said...

@Kemberly: Thanks for the 'fruit' deets, and I'm in trouble - I put my elbows on the table all the time. Comes from being told not to as a kid.

Dammit - outed! Won't make any diff if I say I'm not gay now...I'll just have to endure it...

@Nik: well, all those women eating and watching him as the juice runs down his chin, the fingers...I dunno but I think I'm gonna find

Lolli said...

Okay, I love the clip and I love Rob so my little comment here doesn't really matter to me. I noticed that everytime they change the camera on Rob (in front of him / behind him) he is not in the same position, meaning he has a glass of wine in his hand and then he doesn't. This happens a few times. So he finishes a comment with a glass in his hand and they switch to the camera behind him and he then reaches forward to pick up the wine.

Also, just a comment that I didn't see Rob eating with the fork in his right hand (doing the switch). I only saw him with the fork in his left hand.

What so doesn't matter to me. I love the clip and I luuuuuve seeing Rob!

AP said...

And actually I think I brought up the utensil detail earlier - see, gay people notice these things...

Cheeky Chops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheeky Chops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AP said...

@Lolli: yeah, there are some continuity issues in the clip as shown. No, he doesn't switch hands, but he puts the knife down to eat just with the fork. I did say he was trying...not always succeeding. lol And I like the clip, too, so I'll shut up now. :)

Anonymous said...

It makes me giggle to realize all three of them in that scene have different accents, are from different countries and are speaking lovely American LOLOL Cracks me up

AP said...

@Kemberly: Just meant denial is fruitless...and I like using Edward's line. ;)

Must have a good rel with your daughter. At 14 I wouldn't be seen with my mum at a store. Tried to behave as if I didn't have parents, for a time...didn't work. lol Gotta run...

Cheeky Chops said...

I KNEW IT~!!! :)

When I first saw ur comments my gaydar went HEYYYYYYYYY.

AP said...

Did ya, Kem? Then you know more than I do.

Holly LeCraw said...

Hi ladies--I noticed the fork thing too right away--see, when you only have a minute long clip and you watch it 47 times, details start to matter!

I adore Rob (duh) but I am on pins and needles about his accent. I hear him slipping a fair amount. Do others notice or is it just me? And Pierce...well...yeah, bada bing.

not that I care. I will see this movie a zillion times. But I hope critics don't notice/care. I just feel Rob has so much riding on this one movie, which is unfair and unrealistic, and I want him to knock it out of the park (sticking to baseball theme) on every level....I love him to death and I love seeing these clips but, well, I am just nervous.

Est said...

nikola 6

thanks for the explanation about the eating way ;) i didn't know it

LTavares2011 said...

Rob/Tyler pissed off with daddy Pierce/Charles. Great!!!

Robert seems more secure on his acting, more confident.
I love you Mr. Coulter. You are a great director.
Love you more, my sweet Rob.

Remember Me will kill me.

Anonymous said...

OH nice clip, very well acted on all their parts. I agree with all who are saying that Robert is very expressive. He doesn't even need to talk a lot, but just the looks he gives, the expressions on his face are enough.

Cheeky Chops said...


lallieb said...

Yes, eating style is different. I learned about it at a young age and my best friend's DH uses his knife & fork exactly like Rob does here. He comes from Eastern European working class culture. Have to admit it took getting use to, especially out in a fancy restaurant. Appreciate explanation of why the diff - makes sense.

jessegirl said...

@D.M. -Yeah, the expressions on his face are enough.

Only watched clip once before wandering here to see what you all have to say. I'm going to have to examine this American/European difference (which I didn't know about either,-imagine living my whole life and using utensils and not knowing if I'm American or European-maybe I'm gay -lol).

Tyler, it's obvious, has barely tamped down anger at his Dad, and his date can see that. Tyler doesn't care that he's showing his anger in front of his date. Everything he says is to annoy his Dad. But it's intriguing because I want to know why--don't tell me--he feels that way.

Somehow, getting clips of RM doesn't bug me, like all the NM ones did. 'Course any wolf/Jacob NM clips didn't count anyway.
But I know why Summit pulled the first Volvo ad; it was that major slo-mo walking sex machine coming at us, the one thing the company had NOT shown us yet. I saved that Volvo ad so fast...

Lozza said...
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Lozza said...

Great clip i cannot wait until we get to watch the full movie on the big screen.
I was going through my pictures the ohter day and found a picture of Rob and Kristen on the Live Much show and saw that rob is wearing the same top as his in the all the introducing clips for Remember Me. Here is a link to a picture of him and the shirt

Thank you
From Lauren

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