NEW - Robert Pattinson - Remember Me Stills

Robert Pattinson in Remember Me... Be Still My Heart :)

Pictures are resized to fit the page, right lick and save for full size :)

Himm, that's a weak handshake!

Source: via Twilight Ladies :)


angie-k said...







Angie said...

Oh damn he looks good!

I can not wait to see this movie!


maaahtwi4ever said...

i feel so in love with Robler already, is that bad? - NOOOOOT

Adoradoras said...

i can´t no wait to see this movie!!!!Rob delicious...

Fae007 said...

OMG!!!!! This guy's gonna kill me! How does he do that!!!!
#2, #3 I'm dead!
And look at his fist in te 6th one! ;)Oh and the dork still can't hold the basket ball! Cuuuuute!!!!


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Goz, we're going to need a spoiler thread here soon---maybe weekly?

; ) (Gwen is biting her tongue, trying to NOT spill spoilers...HELP!)

angie-k said...

(crawls back into chair)...

This movie is going to kill us all

my girlie parts are doing cartwheels


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Bare legs, uh huh...

The expressions on his face through these scenes say it all..

This man gets it...

Move over Angie-k


I wanna lick his face all better

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

bite it baby!!!

pyilRN said...

Nice . . .

Fae007 said...

The ending of this movie is gonna kill us all, I didn't read the script, but I can feel it, I know, something's gonna happen, we'll cry. Am I right???? No, no, please don't tell me! ;)

angie-k said...

the licking wouldn't stop with just the face


RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Angie, RPG, Gwen, Fae, ADM - LMAO!!!

My heart stopped on #2.



angie-k said...

no no no spoilers please

i'm so afraid of this one

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, RPG! Fists and teeth clenched...biting lips and tongue. Sounds like a bad ff. Or a really good one.

(Wow, Gwen's bad this morning.)

Melissa said...

Oh no! :-((

I hope Rob makes that basket! ;)

Thanks for posting, Goz! These pics are great :)

angie-k said...

lol! @Gwen!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Fae, you're not helping! Rob. Big screen. Focus. : )

drabrasil said...

oh Jesus..Dear God.

I need to take care of him..this movie will be my undoing!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oohhhh NB'S are out for blood this morning!!!!

RAWR!!!! You're right angie-k the licking would not stop at the face!

Vilmarith said...

hey Gwen!...about the pic in front of the computer...right?... ;)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Angie's avi ROCKS! ; )

crazy vamp said...

God! The man is HOT!!


Fae007 said...

Ok Tyler's probably dying in some kind of accident or catastrophe and stays 22 forever, that's why he blows the candles at the end of the trailer and that explains "...I'm working on the forever part" quote. Or she's dying at the end and that also explains "Make her yours forever. And I'm working on the forever part" thing, forever- eternity, death. I'll stop now, that's my opinion! NOOOOOOO!

dia_rob said...


AP said...

Thanks - keeps the focus! Can't help think of Art, though, when he's holding the ball - especially with the look on Em's

Jeswah said...

Yeahy! Brilliant...can't wait for Remember Me

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, Vilmarith! Good catch. ; )

angie-k said...

I like to think this >>>>>>>>>>>
is the face Rob would
be making after I've
had my way with him a
few times. >;)

RAWR! indeed!

kat said...

No words.
Well two: hairy legs.
Two more: f*cking sexy.

angie-k said...

Noooo Fae!!! Stop it!!!

skorpia said...

Im gettin Deja Vu. thats Edward in the science lab. In that black t shirt!

Fae007 said...

Sorry Angie, did you read the script???? I hate myself, I'm always guessing what's gonna happen, and most of the times I'm right! No!


LTavares2011 said...

Wow!!!! This is the man!!!!!

The second picture KILLED me!!!! and I have been ressurrected with the others.
Rob is the best!!!! He is HOTTEST MAN in the whole planet!!!!!!!!!

crazy vamp

angie-k said...

Fae - no I didn't read the script. It is taking every ounce of restraint to not get "spoiled."

I always do the guessing, too. I have the same feelings you do on this one.


Nancy said...

Picture #2 made my heart stop!
Is it March yet?

@Gwen, know what you mean, recognize each photo/scene except the basketball one.


jmm4832 said...

Please please don't kill Tyler off in this movie! I'll cry a bucket of tears. Can't even watch the scene where Cedric's killed in Harry Potter.

Fae007 said...

@Angie right? cause she teached him how to leave so she can go, that's why "Remember me", or he had the time of his life finally, so he goes saying "Remember me"! Oh Fuck!!! I'll stop now! And Rob is always somehow involved with the word forever in his movies LOL!

Spidermonkey said...

OMG- hot, hot, hot- I'm LOVING the hairy bare legs! Also, I keep trying to figure out what FILTM stands for- someone please fill me in! haha

ShariG said...

Femroc, I know you will be looking at these great pictures eventually and hopefully will read the comment section. I just watched all of the bonus stuff on How to Be. There is a ton of Rob. Interviews from then, making of HTB with lots of Rob, audition footage, he giggles a lot. I love it. Then there is a more current interview with Comcast where he talks about the movie and the character. He looks awesome in the interview. One funny moment, when the girl who is taping the original interviews on the making of the movie asks him if he were the subject of a movie who would play him, he said David Duchovny. I loved that because while I think Rob is so much more handsome, they are both smart, witty, and smolder on screen with their respective love interests. I love that he chose not a pretty boy, but an excellent actor that is kind of like him in many ways.

Katie said...

Hahaha, right "lick" and save? :D


Fae007 said...

@jmm and he's killed so quickly in HP, just "Avada Kedavra" and boom that's it he's dead, I can't stand it! LOL

ShariG said...

We need a count down to Remember Me. These pictures are mouth watering and I cannot wait for the release date. Thank you so much for posting them.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Angie - his lips in your avi are calling to me...certain parts of my body specifically.

And please for the love of all things holy, no spoilers.

angie-k said...

Spidermonkey -
Fuck I love This Man!!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

FILTM = Fuck! I love this man

Nancy said...

picture #2 same shirt as in bar with the girls.

Mr. Sex personified


Thanks a million Godze

nikola6 said...


Crying won't even begin to cover it and that's all I'm gonna say AND yes, a spoiler thread would be very helpful because so many of us have read the script and are bursting at the seams to talk about it. Okay. Make that me bursting at the seams to talk about it. In fact, I got one bone to pick with it and I hope to hell they caught it in the script. It was an IMPLAUSIBLE moment in the EXTREME! It comes at the end and could damage the credibility of the whole thing if they filmed it as written.

As for Mr. Tyler...
Oh my. If the purty gets any purtier, I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do. Internally combust, I suppose. A friend of mine, who's never been able to figure out my fascination with him because the vampire 'look' (which is all she's ever seen of him, she doesn't read magazines or pay any attention to pop culture shit) just never did it for her), was looking at some pics I've got of him as this character and she said...'so that's what he really looks like.'

And I swear to god, she licked her lips and let out a little moan. I turned to her and said...'I told you so. Why don't you ever listen to me?' Whenever I would bring up comparisons to Dean and Brando she would scoff at me like I'd lost my mind. (Oh yeah sister? Let's see who's about to lose their mind in just a little over a month from now).

I'm been thinking for some time now that this film is gonna snag him a few more women fans. Yup. That's what I'm thinking.

And Bel Ami should probably pick up the few stragglers left wandering behind and then that will be IT! He will have complete domination over human females inhabiting the planet earth.

The bastard!

Haystackhair said...

OMG. Robler battered and getting handcuffed. Hottest. Thing. EVER!

vafla89 said...

On the one hand I can’t wait to see this movie but on the other I really wish there wouldn’t be any more stills cause every time I think about RM I get sad :((
The pic where he looks at the computer screen makes me cry.. I think I know which scene it is from and I start crying just by looking at it..

angie-k said...

I have to get off here! the non-spoiler spoiler hints are KILLING me!
I'm ruined for the day! Girlie parts all tingly, heart breaking at the possibilities in RM.
Runs from the computer, but I know I'll be back...


Fae007 said...

I have a friend who doesn't like the vampire thing as well, but when I showed her Tyler, she fell in love with him! :)
Oh and one more thing, just tell me is the plot of the movie set in present I mean this year or not? Cause that would make some things more clear to me!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You guys gave me an idea....give me 20 min and I'm putting a spoiler thread on my blog...

LTavares2011 said...


Rob is a glorious bastard!

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Wow thats' what I call a lovely Monday...
But please please NO SPOILERS, I haven't read the script and I don't want to, it's been bad enough when so many things leaked out for NM. So please make a spoiler thread for those who want to, but just don't say anything elsewhere.. pleeease. Be nice...

Fae007 said...

can someone pleeease answer me the question about the time where movie plot is set???? just that. present or not? just that! cause I'm guessing something in my head, I promise I won't write it here!

CullenGal09 said...

You guys ae such bean spillers! LOL.

This movie is gonna killmedead. GAH! That's all I'm sayin', and yes, I HAVE read the script....hehe. FILTM!

@Angie, RPATTZ, Gwen, Fae-you guys are cracking me up! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

One more thing-thanks for these incredible pics, GOZDE! You rock as always, BB. I bow at your feet.....;)

Again, I say, FILTM!

MatildalovesRob said...

I think it may be for the best if we just wait for a spoiler thread before we talk about this movie. I've read the script too and I'm dying to discuss too but some people really don't want to ANYTHING and I think we should respect that :)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Fae, no, not present. Cannot tell you the date. (Gwen's struggles with the Alpha command...) LOL.

Goz! We need a spoiler thread!!!

Fae007 said...

@Gwen! Crap I knew it!!!! I know now, not only the year, I know exact date!!! I know the ending why do I have to guess always!!!

Babs said...

Jesus, the second picture killed me. He's so breathtaking...

vafla89 said...

@Fae, it's past! I won't tell you the exact year (unless you want to know) cause you'll immediatelly understant the end. I think what you have guessed is right thought. I don't know why, maybe I think so because of your previous comments!

vafla89 said...

*though, not thought

Fae007 said...

@vafla89 I know the date, I so guessed it, and now this movie has a very personal meaning to me, oh crap I'm crying at the thought!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Maybe we also need a RM 100%"spoiler-free" thread as well...

Still, for those who wish to remain RM info virgins, they should enter RM threads with caution. It's easy to get spoiled just by context.

Hugs! ; )

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, here ya go...there's a full spoiler vid....and a place to share..

you've been warned...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


vafla89 said...

@Fae, this movie will affect many people. I have American friends and it has a personal meaning to me too somehow.. We'll need maaany boxes of Kleenex, that's for sure!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

RPG! You are a sweetheart, you NB, you! ; ) Thanks!

Fae007 said...

yeah, I have american family in NY, so...

nikola6 said...

Please, please, please...

Do not talk about the time frame here. That is an ESSENTIAL plot point. The audience NEEDS to believe that everything is happening PRESENT day. You give that up and the twist is ruined.

Truth is, we need to stop talking about it. We're giving it up inch by inch. If you really don't want to know, then DON'T ask questions. Because alot of us (including myself) are just chomping at the bit to tell you. Maybe you could try e-mail and keep it off the blog?

I'm not trying to be bossy ('cause it ain't my blog), but something major is gonna spill here (it already has) and then were gonna have a meltdown.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RTP_KJS_Lover said...

RPG - that's awesome, I will check it out after the movie comes out and go back and read the script.

Can we please NOT TALK about RM spoiler here, please. Please.

Magda09 said...

nikola6 you are right, please no spoilers :-)

Geez I had no idea about the time frame and now...I figure it out from your comments :-(

spellbound said...

I've read the script too. Please be careful ANYthing you say. There has already been too much said on here for the one's who don't want to be spoiled.

Kat said...

OK, the basketball looks TINY in his hands *thud*... and the one where he's looking at the computer, that was actually taken off set while he was checking to see what lovely things we all had to say about him that day ;-)

Pelin said...

I can't wait for RM but probably I'll refuse to watch it because I guess I won't handle whole movie. Or I'll die in theatre.

CullenGal09 said...

@Nikola-Here here on your first comment. THe "Purty" is purtier every day.....hehe. ;) LOL at your knew she'd come around! Bahahahahahahaha.......we're corrupting influences....;)

StarThink said...

anybody wanna see this movie with me? id love to have someone to squeal with whenever he touches his hair or speaks..

ana said...

it was to much to me, can anyone send me the script? i tried not to read, but today i lost it all the strenght, i need to know... can anyone help me?


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Need your email addy, Ana. ; )

Fae007 said...

I'm so mad at myself right now!!!! How the hell did I guess that???? I never, ever saw the script! How that time frame even came into my head! That's it jumping off the cliff tonight! :)

Nancy said...

@fae, I guessed the ending and just got the script this past weekend. I do exactly what you do, guess endings. I got the end of Sixth Sense helf way thru and no one else believed me.

God, to have Rob the star of this and involved in most scenes, I'm going to be a puddle at the end of it. May have to see it more than once, for a change. I usually wait for the DVD to view again.

AP said...

@StarThink: If you are going to be squealing throughout this film, I will hopefully be in another soundproof cinema.

@Kat: is a smaller ball for a carnival game. :)

ana said...

@gwen: sent it to your email, that i got from the last time ;)
thanks so much

big big kiss

Fae007 said...

Great just great! I just figured out where his dad works and why is he in his office at that picture!!! OH NOOOO!

Nancy said...

"half" not helf. Drinking wine here....:-)

SluttyPattz said...

pic #10 is that what Rob looks like when he sees our comments on robsessed?

Fae007 said...

@Teri, I think his face would look more like in that picture of EW photoshoot, the one with the hands in his pockets, well you know the picture! ;)

Nancy said...

No screaming allowed at this movie. I hate that its PG-13. Tweens are coming. I have to wait to watch, the tweens are gone then. Really hate that.

I'm an NB, but FILTM

Cherri said...

You'll all giving it away by trying not to. I'll go with you to watch it StarThink.

Anonymous said...

One word, um two words actually lol: Great Stills!

I especially love the one were he is concentrating with the ball in his hand and Emilie (what's her character's name? can someone please tell me! I can't believe I still don't know) is looking at him , it's a funny and sexy picture.

I also love the picture where he's sitting by the computer, the way the light hits him makes him look almost ethereal...*melts*

Anonymous said...

DAMN! Those are some MIGHTY fine pictures! Is it weird that I just want to lick his chest everytime we get a peak? :D

Shani said...

Even with the fake blood and cuts he still looks hot. I remember seeing all the set pics and being blown away. These stills are just the icing on the cake. Rob is our destroyer and savior.

Rayodeluna said...

I read the script...yes, we're going to cry a lot! We're gonna love Tyler and it's going to be a great movie! I love Robert! It's good to see him in other role, one more like real...I have to say this I hate Emilie here! I don't like her as an actress and I really think they should have chosen someone better but I'm going to see the movie for him so she's like a 0 to me! :-)

Carole UK said...

OK, I know that there is something very sad in the storyline of this film -and I desperately don't want to know in advance what it is/they are.....

This is an appeal here - can we please have a spoiler thread for Remember Me?

I want to look at the pictures but I don't want to know everything - this spoiled New Moon for me in some ways....

SluttyPattz said...

@Fae, yes I know which pic you are speaking off.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Ana, check your mail!

Guys, RPG set up a spoiler thread for RM on her blog at

See the aptly named "Spoiler Thread"!

And I'm sure Goz will set something up soon here too. ; )

Marna said...

He looks so young in the closeup, it's the first time I've seen him look like he could actually be 17.

Nancy said...

I keep coming back to these pictures.

Drool, slurp, lick, OMG.

Melting, puddle here.


Godze, you are my hero!!!! Thank you very, very much.

Cindygal said...

I seriously cant wait until its March!!!

nikola6 said...

I just went back and reread what I wrote and in protesting about giving up plot points, I inadvertantly gave up a huge one. I am so freaking sorry. But that's what happens when we start 'jawing' about it.

No more questions. Please just let it go. If you really want to talk about it, go over to RPG's blog. She's started a spoiler thread and I've already let loose.

Nancy said...

Posted at RPG's blog.

I expect Rob to get an Oscar nomination for this movie. Should have done it here.

Crossing fingers.

Nancy said...

Posted at RPG's blog.

I expect Rob to get an Oscar nomination for this movie. Should have done it here.

Crossing fingers.

nikola6 said...

One last thing...

If I land in a theatre with any squeelers, I'm gonna do what I did during one memorable outing to see NM. They started in and wouldn't let up. After about 5 minutes of it, I said in very loud (but not nasty voice)...


And...they shut up and no one told me to go fuck myself. Something for which I was fully prepared for. I did get some thank yous though.

It's just ridiculous. I wanted to shout...


But that would have been nasty. They're kids and I get it, but still.

cher said...

Oh, he is so beautiful, so much more attractive than the Edward image... every picture is full of emotions...can't wait to see the movie

nikola6 said...


Not sure about an Oscar nom for this one. It's a little soon in his career and with the film coming out in March, it's not exactly positioned for awards season next year.

I think Bel Ami could contend. Again, not sure about Rob though. My gut say if he does Water For Elephants and they let him play 'old Jacob', THAT could get him a nomination. Especially if he shows them in these first two outings (RM and BA), post Twilight, that he's really got some chops.

Just a guess.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

#2 killed me, so gorgeous.Love the others too.
I don't like to know almost anything about the movies I want to see, hate the spoilers so I didn't read most of the comments here. the waiting killing me, RM will kill me and Rob kills me everyday.I don't know why I'm alive...
@angie, your avi kills me too

FILTM(isn't god enough anymore,need a stronger words).

Nancy said...

People will remember this movie. Believe me they will. So an Oscar is not above the realm of possibilities. I know it's coming out early in the season, but.

I really expect it to be like Dirty Dancing, Sixth Sense, Field of Dreams, etc. Everyone will be talking about it and remember it.

If everyone one on this board thinks Oscar for Rob, he WILL get one. I believe in the power of "Law of Attraction" or Positive Thinking.

Nina said...

wow ... thud
I´m sooooooo looking forward !!!!
50 days left in Germany ...

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@nancy, I'm thinking Oscar for Rob. I believe in power of attraction too.

I'm going to remember this movie for sure.

MMc said...

Thanks for your HTB info for me. I'm glad I'm home sick this afternoon and had time to read this thread. you've convinced me to buy it. I was just going to rent it but those extras sound great.......and I love RobArt.

Lots of spoilers on here today - wow.
I cannot wait for Remember Me - these pix are gorgeous.

Seems like I read or saw Rob say he was very firmly said NO MAKEUP on this movie. The blood was makeup but the rest is natural Rob beauty.

Nancy said...


How do you know this stuff about Rob? I just wonder who you really are... hehehe
I think I know. Contact me please.

Nancy said...

I heard same thing. It is natural Rob, thank god for that.


Fae007 said...


Nancy said...


So Do I.
My favorite from Godze today.


Drinking wine here, totally wasted. Cannot go into work today. (thanks god she's part time)

Fae007 said...

@Nancy mine too! who needs wine with these pics!

crazy vamp said...

@ JC, well hello girl!

Yeah, you are right, the second one is a killer! I might change my avi (or maybe not...)
So, you still think Tom was hot when young... well, okay, I'll take that. He was cute... But, ahem, if I had to choose a really cute one, I'd say: Paulo Ricardo from RPM (remember him singing 'steph de Môn... aqui estou inteiro a seu dispor'??? With his shoulders and hairy arms out, playing that guitar?... Oh girl!!I loved him! My DH was soooo jealous of him.)

Ol'memories... (better think of something else -- where was I?)

Oh Rob!! FILTM!


Nancy said...

@fae, love you


I Fucking Love Rob Pattinson.
He makes me melt.

CdL said...

can't wait any longer... lol

LeslieHeartsRob said...

The 2nd one.........

HolyFlyingFuckingShit!!!!!!! I can't breathe...


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Have to look more at the pretty boy. He is best natural even better then Edward.
It's going to be tough to see him being beaten up in RM...

jc(britlover) said...

Okay, these pic are too much for me to handle! I mean, just how sensual can one man be~you just try to absorb every detail of every pic. I might have a seizure trying to take it all in.
As one reaction, does horny seem right to anyone???????????
Wish I were with Rob and wish I had a tongue like Gene Simmons. Sweet!!!
Rob, you are coming back with a vengeance. Love you.

jc(britlover) said...

Sorry, I forgot my manners. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

Fae007 said...

@annie I so want to say something about that "tough to see him being beaten up" but I won't, cause I'm not a bitch, I'm good! :)
I hate myself for guessing!

RPLover said...

Damn, you guys, I could barely read anyone's comment in this thread! And I saw things that I didn't want to see. :(


And these stills are just killing me dead-second to last one, that's Rob checking out all our comments. ;)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fea,come on, I rather seeing him beat up someone. I like the fight scenes in the movies, you know all that testosterone and aggression. I like to box and like the feeling I get from using my body in that way. of course there is a difference between beaten somebody up and box but still.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae not fea....

peeling a fig said...

Wow- started to read the comments then became afraid I was going to see a spoiler.

Isn't his hair perfection? Even when he's all beat-up and purple-faced he's gorgeous.

Fae007 said...

@Annie I'd rather seeing him beating up someone as well! :) And why do you think he's beaten up here, maybe he's been in fight. I was trembling and covering my eyes every time he got hit or tossed on the floor in New Moon, it was painful to watch. I was like: "Stop doing that, ok we got the point!" :)

Anonymous said...

oh gosh the first two pics made me weak in the knees :)

Fae007 said...

I was like "Fuck, I love this man, stop doing that!" :)
Had to add FILTM!

Anonymous said...

@fae so true its painful to see someone beating Rob.
its feb and its been a year since i started lurking this awesome blog and start robsessing :)

Nancy said...

Rob is one super man. He affects women hard whether he's trying to or not.

Even has Ellen DeGeneres hugging him and calling him adorable.


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Fae, in new moon It didn't bother me much when he got beaten because he was a vampire but seeing him as he is even in a fight is upsetting but not if he wins the fight ;)
I have a feeling that this movie going to mess me up really bad.

FILTM badly and madly

@nancy,I wonder what would happen if he "tries" to charm some poor woman.

lallieb said...

OMG, I am quivering with anticipation for this film and God help me if there are tween screamers in the theater (thanks for advice Nik). I thought I didn't care about spoilers, but I don't want any now that I know there is a tragic twist.
Watched LA this weekend. First time I've ever watched a film with such a critical eye and vested interest in one of the actors and his acting ability to portray a character, in this case a very complicated one. Didn't care for the movie, well meant, couldn't understand a lot of the dialog, not great script or flow to it, beautiful cinematography, just didn't grab me, BUT I thought Rob did an admirable job and was mesmerized by him as Dali. He did disappear into the character. At some point, I actually forgot it was him and was just wanting to see Dali again, to understand his madness. Actually, all the actors were excellent. Just not great film. Kudos to Rob for taking that part and the producers for choosing him. Hmm, what was that audition like and why did they choose him. Anybody know the back story?

momof5 said...

OMG!!! I LOVE pic #2!!! I just want to run my fingers through his hair!!

Nancy said...

No matter what woman Rob ends up with, he will melt her too. She'd better be loving, honest, endearing or I'd beat her up. I would protect him even after he was married. That's how strongly he affects me.

nikola6 said...


My understanding was that originally they wanted Rob to play Federico. Then filming got delayed because the funding fell apart. Then several months went by (maybe almost a year?), they got their funding and within a couple of weeks Rob was in Spain only now he was playing Dali.

And I believe it was shortly after he finished this film (late summer of 2007) that he went to Los Angeles to audition for Edward Cullen. He still had the jet black, straight hair when he auditioned.

nikola6 said...

As for the audition and what it entailed, I have no idea. I don't believe Rob has ever talked about that. Maybe he has, but I never heard it.

But he has said that he was scared and that he knew he was going to have to cross some lines that he'd set for himself.

He said the aborted sex scene/emotional break down wasn't the easiest thing to do in that he was naked with another man in front of a crew of about 30 people whom he could not communicate with He said after shooting the scene that he said to Javier (who is also straight)...'we
have very weird jobs.' Javier agreed.

Aneska said...

God, I'm going to watch the movie with my daughter and maybe some friends, my sister and my husband, but after reading these posts I'm thinking that maybe I should go alone first, because I'm sure I'll cry. I know Rob can make me cry like a baby (and make me laugh, make me smile...). I have not seen the movie and I'm already feeling sad :o|

Tess said...

That Basket Ball look very small in his hands.. You think that's regulation size or are his hands really that large... wow.. hmm... wonder if those hands would make parts of me look smaller..

nikola6 said...

Something that you all need to keep in mind about this film (and this is something I wrote over on RPG's blog)...

Ultimately, this is a story about overcoming tragedy as both of these young people have had horrible tragedies in their lives. It is a story about healing and learning to trust again and most importantly...

It is the story of redemptive love.

Sad? Absolutely. But -for whatever reason- we do not learn life's lessons in happiness. We only learn them in adversity. I don't know why that is. It just is.

It's in the pain and the sorrow that we learn who we are and what were capable of.

This story really has a very uplifting message to it. Please don't the sadness of what you know about it, or what you think you might know, keep you from it.

nikola6 said...

No. It's not a standard sized basketball. It's a toy basketball that they use in arcade games.

Nancy said...

These stills are so moving, I think I'm going to like Mr. Coulter as Director, (No movie yet, just stills and trailer)...

It's really strong or am I so enamoured with Rob I can't see straight? Really can't tell since I am prejudiced!

Just that they're great.
Thanks Rob for being you. You really get to me.


Butterfly25 said...

OMG, I love these!!!

#3 just killed me, he looks more than beautiful, more than gorgeous, more than... I don't know... he's just breathtaking...

#1 and #6 'sigh'

#10 Rob in the office??? Working by the computer??? Yowza!!! I've always wanted to see it!!!

#11 Geez!!! I see Rob's bare legs!!! Is it weird that I'm so excited by that???


isabel said...

pics look beautiful...yeah more Rob and soon too
anyone read the script??? The scene where Rob/Tyler is looking at the computer screen in his Dad's that the scene I think it is???

Nancy said...

@isabel, shhhhh no spoilers allowed here.

go to RPG's blog if you've read the script. She left a thread here. I'll send once I find it again.

Nancy said...

Spoiler Alert:

Please follow this if you've read the script and can match up photo's to scenes.

Its RPG's blog. Just connect from here.

Nancy said...

Spoiler Alert:

Please follow this if you've read the script and can match up photo's to scenes.

Its RPG's blog. Just connect from here.

isabel said...

Nicola6 -please stop just stop Ive read the script and many others have too and we are not going on and on and talking about time lines and redemption and beauty and yada yada
go to a spoiler blog dont ruin this movie it seems that some people cant help it they get too excited but this is not the place and girl, really ... Just STOP

Nancy said...

@isabel, lots of people on here have NOT read the script yet. They don't want to know.

Please follow the connection I sent to Rpattzgirl. You can say whatever you want there.

BTW: I just read the script this past weekend, but guessed it just like Fae did.

Nancy said...

#2, HOT Rob being himself, so sexy
#6, Rob at Deli, but hurt inside and outside.
#10, Rob at dad's office.

Hate pic's of Rob beaten up. Don't you dare hurt him! I'm watching you. hehehe

I am just going to lose it on this movie. Rob, Pierce, and story.


nikola6 said...


I sincerely apologize but I do not believe I gave up a single plot point in my last post.

And the only reason I said what I did is because I'm hearing all of these comments about people saying that they don't think they'll be able to see it because they're being overwhelmed by what they think it's about. But it is a story of love and it's nothing to be afraid of. At the end of the day, it's just a movie.

That is not giving any 'particular'
plot points up. But again...

I apologize.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

GUH! I am Ded...So much hotness

Capitu Santiago said...

GASP! He is so beautiful in these ~ it hurts. GASP!

This a sad story that will break our hearts. Hope they get nice reviews.

Hum... love'ya, Rob!
Muaaah! :x

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