Robert Pattinson Can Deliver Sensitivity

Remember Me Behind The Scenes Video...

Robert Pattinson Can Deliver That Sensitivity... We can't wait...


Anonymous said...

Go Rob! lol

Anonymous said...

Oh just watched before going to work, feeling all warm and fluffy inside despite rain outside.

So looking forward to Apr 2nd.

2010 the year of the Robfest, bring it on!!!

kazbar65 said...

Cannot wait for this to be realeased. I have already got a flex day lined up for work and will spend the whole day seeing this over and over again.

@Kate: ITA bring 2010 Robfest

@everyone else: read your comment last nite NB's Still pissing myself laughing and so wish I could be there for the premiere... I will even cart my own wheelbarrow from OZ

Cheeky Chops said...

Awwww that's so sweet..hang on I think I have something in my eye..

He's so cute.

Unknown said...

GAH Thats my boy!he is definitely someone the audience can fall in love with!


My 2 Cents said...

I am feeling a little faint.
This movie is going to be awesome.

TINK said...

LOVE. that it all.

farmerschnalle said...

god, i love waking up to a new rob video each morning.

Anonymous said...

You bet and who is this a surprise to? hmmmm....*looks around the net verse* Nope I think pretty much everyone on the face of the globe is with the fact that Mr. Schmexxy is the DUDE to look to for all your lovin' on or off the net!
re: off the net: ummm...find someone who looks an awful lot like him as in the dude I keep seeing at Wal-Mart and get with him!
Noooo, haven't even approached yet but dance around in the aisles all happy and stupid like. Even saw me smiling at him once. the first time and you know what he had to be thinking. coming out in public all Robbie P looking and all? Why you know he had to have done it on purpose don't you? he keeps coming back with all of Robs clothes on as well as his hair and jawporn and arm hair and those lonnnnng wonky legs! Yep, I've found one repeat i've found one! A guy who for all intents and purposes looks so much like Rob it's the kind of scary that makes your stomach lurch right into the back of your throat and you think you just threw up a li'l bi'ht? Yeh, like that. ;P

Petra Eller said...

good morning
ahhhh it`s so beautyful
what a wonderful start in my day
@ the last night NB -ladies
LMFAO one can top this

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and warming for a new rainy day... Gorgeous and moving! The kind of guy I've spent my life looking for...
Love the bit where he is making bird shadows on her back, so romantic...
Everyone can relate to this kind of love story... Beautiful...

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

This is the best RM vid yet! So sweet! ; )

Butterfly25 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LM said...

I think I am going to fall in love with this movie. What a beautiful clip. Thanks.

Butterfly25 said...

Well, I'm already in love with the character of Tyler and with this movie, without even watching it yet. Rob is so beautiful and perfect as Tyler. I really can't wait for this movie... it kills me...

Is it March yet??????????????????

Petra Eller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dia_rob said...

NOooo way...! i could almost cry right now! i love the fact that everyone respects Rob so much and really appreciate his work. and this movie is DEFINITELY gonna be the death of me
I can't even put into words how much i like this sensitive part of Tyler/Rob and i can't even think about the ending (i'm not spoiling anyone)

nikola6 said...

Well that was lovely. Listening to his co-stars (especially Chris Cooper who I think is one of the best actors in America), speak so highly of him. I also noticed a tenderness in their voices when they spoke of him. Did you guys hear that too? I noticed the same thing during promotion of Twilight. There was just this tenderness (and yeah, along with the teasing), that his castmates seem to hold for him. Gee. I wonder why.

And I could listen to him say the word 'girl' -in that accent- all damn day long. God. I love the way he says 'girl.'

Unknown said...

They all see what we see nik!

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful I have tears in my eyes... Rob is the whole packages - soo schmexy and so tender all in one guy... faint !

Anonymous said...

The more I get to learn about Remember Me, the more I'm sure I won't like the end... Everyone seems to be talking about a tricky end... I want a happy end... for once...

keely said...

*sigh* Everytime I see a trailer of RM I think (in an warm and carefree way) exactly what Allen Coulter said: Wish I would fall in love with someone. This movie is going to destroy me :-)
We often discusse the matter of fallen in love when you´re over 25 with my girls latly. And I wonder, why it seems to get difficult when you´re older. They are all well educated and goodlooking and still it seems every guy they are intrested in is already in an relationship or married. It breaks my heart to see them struggling with the thought of never beeing with someone again. Do relationships really get so much more difficult when we grow older?

nikola6 said...

Oh and look. And I finally figured out how to do an avi. And I learned how to cut and paste too AND all in one night. Now I can follow all these friggin' links you guys put up.

I KNOW! (imitating Craig Ferguson)

And naturally I had to choose one to show off them thar 'guns'. He keeps them hidden for the most part, but man oh man, when they sneak out...I suddenly find myself having to cross and uncross my legs. And that's because I have just discovered this arm fettish thingy where he's concerned. Jesus. Of all the things to admire on that man (and believe me, I admire every last inch of him) it's his arms (with that sexy dusty of hair on them) that I've gone 'pee in my pants' apeshit over?

Yup. That would be correct. TayTay (and the rest of the cookie cutter Hollywood bodies) can keep their six packs. Give me a decent set of 'guns' anyday.

Anonymous said...

@keely... I'm sorry to say that relationships do get more difficult when you get older, because you get wiser... When you discover love, it's new, it's nice, your confident about it, about the future... If it turns out to be the right one, it's fantastic...
However, if it's not the right one, you break someone's heart or you get yours broken...
I divorced when I was 30. I'd met him when I was 18. I spent 12 years with a man I truly loved but he wanted his freedom and I gave it back... It took me ages to find my self-confidence again, to trust somebody and believe in love again... but it happened... I met the perfect guy, he just forgot to tell me he was married... That was 7 years ago... Ever since, have I promised myself to never ever ever fall in love again... I met my father's son, I like him, but I don't love him. We don't live together but we are close friends... I know what I want, and I know it doesn't exist so I won't go for anything less even if it makes my love life a misery...
I don't want to put up with a guy who's been dumped, his little heart broken, who thinks that all women are heartless bitches... I'm not a social worker, nor a nurse...
I guess I'm not the only one to think this way and this is why it gets more and more difficult to find true love once you get older and wiser... I don't believe in the lie anymore...
Anyway, being here is the safest place to be... LOL...
Rob is the best cure for my problem...

Anonymous said...

I meant my son's father... LOL...

nikola6 said...

Oh the things I wish I could tell people about this movie. Not even to give the whole think up but just to give you a little heads up and to prepare you. But, some just don't want to know. They want to go in completely unaware and that is certainly their choice but knowing what I know about it, that would not be my recommendation. This is just not another movie. After you've seen it, you'll know what I mean.

And I have a feeling that come late Friday night of March 12th and/or all day of Saturday, March 13th, were gonna have more than a few people around here saying, I wish I had known going in.

I'm glad I do as I don't much care for surprises. But then for me, it's a control thing.

Cheeky Chops said...


Georgie said...

Same here Nicola; I'm glad that I read the script as I'm going to be so immersed in and mesmerised by watching Rob, that I don't need any other distractions.

Kate said...


MatildalovesRob said...

lovely, lovely, lovely. Squee :)

nikola6 said...

Sorry Kemberly,

Was I giving something up there? I didn't mean to. I do need to shut up about it and I'm trying. But whenever someone brings something up about it...well. I do apologize.

But if anyone does break down and wants to know. Go over to RPG's blog. She's started a spoiler thread over there and we've given the whole thing up.

Click on her name. Go to her profile. Click on her blog.

I'll be good.

Cindygal said...

...can someone please email me the script, the wait is killing me!!!!!Please email at []
Thank you

keely said...


I read your message and I hope I found the right words to answer, since english isn´t my first language and that makes it sometimes difficult to express my thoughts in a proper way :-)

First of all I think that your are a brave woman! To give someone his/her freedom back ia a wise, selfless and painful act. To decide not to live in a lie is one as well. I don´t know if I could give up all my "dreams" and see the truth yet. I get your point and I totally understand and still I wished it was different out there. On the other side waking up one day next to someone I actually forgot ages ago would be the worst case for me. In the end it´s all about how you imagine your live to be and with or without someone I just wanna be happy :-)

Cindygal said...

...I'm @work I cant watch the video! aagghhh

LeslieHeartsRob said...


I heart him!!! This movie is absolutely going to kill me!!! I haven't read the script, but I think I've figured out what might happen at the end. Which is gonna kill me even more.

I'm still fighting the urge to go to RPG's blog and check out the spoiler thread......

Anonymous said...

@Keely... Thank you... Your English is perfect... I'm French so nobody can be worse than the French when it comes to speaking another language ;o)
However, being alone doesn't mean being lonely and I'm happy now, happier than I've ever been. My life is on the right tracks... for now...

nikola6 said...


I think RPG has got the script. Were in the same time zone (PST) and it's nearly 3am so I assume she's sound asleep. But start checking back here in about 4 hours or so and keep on throughout the day. She'll see your post and ask for your e-mail. Or maybe someone else has it and will get it to you first. I don't have a link to it because I didn't read it online.

And why am I not sound asleep at 3am you might ask? Because I'm an insomiac. An up all night bat who only sleeps 3-4 hours a night.

Which probably explains quite a bit. **rolls her eyes**

(everytime Bella did that to Fifty Shades and he got pissed...I laughed)

nikola6 said...


I agree. I think they all see what we see. A person to love.

I know I can get pretty silly around here with my potty mouth and sparkling peens and jizzy pops and whatnot. But the truth is...

I absolutely adore him. And obviously, I'm not alone in that sentiment.

Cindygal said...

@Nik, okay thanks I'll check later. Time now in my country is 1:10 pm.
I thought insomiac, I cant sleep before 00:00am. To sleep I either take pills or drink two glasses of wine!

peeling a fig said...

Wow, Rob's voice at the beginning. I dissolved into a puddle of goo at the word 'lost'. And doing his look away, small-smile thing? And his hair is kinda wet? And the white t-shirt with the plaid. All so lovely. *Dies a little*

I am still spoiler free, but will bring hankies.

Cindygal said...

@Nik we all I adore...strange thing i've NEVER been like this with any actor before.
After the Details comments thing, I dont know how many blogs are joined so I can comment and explain what he meant by his comments!!
As long as he has us as his fans he doesn't need a PR!

nikola6 said...


I'm not much of a drinker. Oh I can go out on occasion and fall face first into the gutter like any other child of Ireland (all four of my grandparents were at least 1/2 Irish, making me the same). But for me, drinking is a social thing, not something I do at home.

As for pills...I gotta be careful there. I've had problems with my sciatica (sp?) nerve since childhood (inherited it from my father) and I've been dependent on pain pills throughout my life. Not addicted, but periods of dependancy. So...gotta be real careful there. Try to take them only when I need them and not when I want them.

I got a friend who's a doctor and she's got the most bee-u-tee-full bong you've every scene. It's a work of art I tell ya. And once in awhile we hit it. And when I do, I sleep like a baby. But I don't got no bong and I don't got no dealer. So...I struggle with sleep. Been this way since I was a little kid. My mom would put me to bed at 7 and I'd sill by lying there awake at midnight thinking my screwy little thoughts.

I dunno.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

I try not to watch or read about the movie but I'm in love with already. Mr.Pattinson can certainly deliver sensitivity. Just 24 more days :(

@imjabara,really? A Rob look a like?


nikola6 said...

I hear ya Cindygal...

I've had my crushes over the years. Well. Not crushes exactly. I've just developed fascinations with people. Who they were. What they did. People like Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Robinson and John and Robert Kennedy as I've always had a pretty strong social and political bent.

Movie stars? I've loved alot of them (and I still do, with Brando and Dean probably being my all time favorites). But I would just go to their movies, read a magazine article on them or catch 'em on a talk show. But Rob?

I don't know what the hell has happened? I've NEVER flipped like this for anyone. Maybe it's because I was there that day at the Con and I watched it all explode. I don't know. He's the first actor (or any famous person) that I've blogged about on the net. That's right.

Robert Pattinson took my internet cherry.

And it was FABULOUS!!! And yes, he's as good as he looks. LOL!

Jewels64 said...

Everytime when I think I can't love the boy anymore than I already do....Thanks Goz!!! :))

nikola6 said...

Okay then. Pardon my blathering on and on, but I think it may have helped. My eyes are starting to get heavy and maybe just maybe, I can get a little sleep.

Night all. Talk atcha' soon.

hotchick said...

can someone please send me the remember me script(

Haystackhair said...

OMG I just have to see this movie NOW! Love how well everyone speaks of Rob. This movie will be the death of me, but I too will watch it over and over and over. Bring on Robfest!!!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks, Gozde!
Cute video, so complimentary to our Rob. Cannot wait to see RM.

Yes, Robfest 2010-bring it on!!!

Suz said...

Love and only Love.

I am so in love with this movie, already!

What a great sneak peak, thanks Goz.

drabrasil said...


I AM GOING INSANE.. the couch scene
he is soooo cuteeeee

drabrasil said...

I have some knots in my stomach...

Good Lord... I am falling for this guy every day!!!

How I will survive???

drabrasil said...

hi again...

I just want to share with you all...

I am crying right now..
because I read the script a long time ago and with these scenes (like the couch and the bed!!!!) I am sure that Robert will nail it? is that right say 'nail it'??
I am not talking about 'sex' scenes.. I am talking about sensitivity and love that spills everywhere...

but I have said it several times already...

keely said...


I heart you and hope you alwasy stay as happy as possible :-)

LOL about the frensh comment. I just remembered the last time I was there :-)

Suz said...

OK, full disclosure.. watched this 10 times (50) already!

I LOVE how at the end he is making angel wing shadows on Ally's back.

can I get a GAAAAAH!!!
followed by a


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Mars 12 is my last day on this earth. I'm gonna be dead after this movie.

Suz said...

Annie, RIP


Cindygal said...

@Suz...LOL at "Rest in Pattz"
ha ha

Suz said...

I'm here all week.

don't forget to tip your bartender and waitress.


Anonymous said...


RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Good morning!
He will be the death of me.
When he is hovering over her in the bed, I just die.
Love his voice and yes, he can deliver sensitivity.

March 12, why isn't it March 12?

Tess said...

I can't stop smiling...

MsTaurus14 said...

I don't know what it is about Rob, there are a lot of really cute/hot guys out there, but Rob...I can't pin point one thing....because it's everything about him. I mean I don't know him, know personally...wish I wouldn't that be awesome..but he's got me hooked, friends think I've gone "round the bend", so that's why I'm here,I can say all this, because I've got good company, you all can relate. And I love this vid..also he's got a soft voice..but it's sexy and I said, can't pin point just one thing...and I don't believe that he's just the "flavor of the month", this guy is going places, and I want to see more, and I hope to, I could just stare into those eyes, and forget who I am...

peeling a fig said...

Okay, I just watched him say 'who's a little bit lost' about six dozen times. Love him love him love him.

WHY does the UK have to wait an extra two weeks plus weeks for this? I swear I am flying to the states...

brijjiann said...

Will there be someone in the theater lobby handing out oxygen tanks when we go see this movie 'cuz I'm gonna need one.

Angie said...

Cindygal and hotchick, check your email.

noisefaidaus said...

I have just read ever comment here and you people are fantastic. For once I'm on a site and no one is taking shots at Rob.
I think "Remember Me" is going to be one hell of a movie showcasing Rob's evolution as an actor.
The man is truly inspirational when it comes to love, its not just his looks and his voice but his it's his demeanor, wit and intelligence, things a lot of fans just don't seem to understand.

Angie said...

I can not wait to see this movie. Just may need a day pass or several.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well damn can't watch on my phone! Will have to wait till k get to work...

Whatever it is, I know it's pure beauty!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Suz ;) I would die now if I knew that I would -> Rest in Pattz.

@Denise, ITA, He is truly an angel putting in this earth and it is a shame that he's being judge only by how he looks. Yes he is beyond beautiful, yes he is perfect in many ways but he has something more that is appealing and draws people like a magnet to him. There are so many beautiful people but not everyone is so magnetic, soulful, genuine and warm. He has the gift and I'm hoping that the people around him doesn't destroy his gentle and good heart. He is so young and can do so much more.
I'm beyond obsession :) He can look like anything he wants and I still love him because I can see his beautiful soul. His eyes killing me, they are truly the windows to the soul and his eyes talks and can create so many emotions. Beautiful emotions, sad emotions, sexual emotions and much more. Yes, everything about him invites you in, His face, his voice, his smell and his soul.

@Wen, welcome to the club :D Everybody here loves Rob.

jlsentangledweb said...

I swear I go from lusty NB to mama bear to sighing schoolgirl to squealing fangirl so easily with this man!
I can't wait for RM and BA and Eclipse!

noisefaidaus said...

@annieforpatty Your comment to Denise is so true, well done!!!

MsTaurus14 said...

@annieforpatty: You hit the nail on the head with...Everything about him invites you in...EVERYTHING!! Kind of like someone else we all know......mmmm..who could that be...??

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Denise ;) I can't guess it,LOL

Cindygal said...

@ADM thanks dear!!!

@Wen welcome babes, we all love Rob! This is the best place to be!

Heidi said...

Really loving this clip!

Rob, sensitive man indeed.

My eyes are welling up already and we still have a few weeks to go...

MsTaurus14 said...

I haven't read the script, I kind of want to and kind of don't, I've read enough spoilers about it, so I know pretty much what I'm in for, I do know this....lots and lots of tissues, 'cos I cry at some commercials will do me in and under I just know it. But I'm am so looking forward to it and seeing Rob play someone else, and apparently according to him, this character is pretty close to he yeah, I'm really looking forward to it.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

All I have to say is the cinemas had better cover the seats in plastic or scothguard the hell out of them...or they'll have to replace every seat because of the drool, tears, and other *ahem* bodily fluids that are gonna come out during this movie!!


crazy vamp said...

OMG, this movie will a bit too much... :(

Ellie said...

Wow. Just wow.
I absolutely LOVED this.
All these people are so committed to this film and speak so highly of Rob's performance. I feel we are all in for such a treat. And not just the eye candy part.

Oh, and Pierce Brosnan's voice is like butta'...yum!

Suz, the angel wing shadows? REALLY nice...

Thank you, Goz.

AP said...

C'mon, March 1st. Glad to know it's all finally 'in the can.' :)

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

this is my first blog ever, I've been lurking for a while. You ladies inspire me. Love the ff, pics and everything Rob. I've never been this crazy about someone I have never met. My 12 yr old got me started on Twilight and it has snowballed from there. I finally feel like I have "found my people"

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@brijjiann - I will definitely need one.

@LHR - We'll all be sitting on damp seats and walking through puddles of liquid to get out of the theater.

But seriously, his acting looks superb in this and all the emotion that he projects with just one look, is stunning.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, saw it...dying...

To hear Chris Cooper, who is one of the greated actors talk about Rob this way...

Rob is jeezus...

Ellie said...

Welcome, wensdazzled! This is the place to be. Goz, Kate, and Kat do an awesome job bringing us everything Rob. The BEST!

I'm not on here as often as I used to be, with commenting, but I am on here EVERYDAY checking out all the goodies Robsessed has to offer (yeah, RL gets in the way more and more...).
My daughter was the one who got me reading the books, too.. :)

Happy to see yu here!

Ellie said...

Hi, rpg ande CL!!!

Unknown said...

This seriously had me wanting to squeal like an 8 year old fan girl.
*sigh* I want him.

Mia said...

Please, help me)
I understand english very bad. Please, сan you write here the text from these video. What say Rob, Emilie, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Allen Coulter?

womadsart said...


Robiscool said...

FILTM!!!!!! I seriously cannot wait for March 12!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ellie, where have you been?????

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

*waves hi to Ellie*

Gemgirl65 said...

I'm seriously dead. That is all.

LOVED the great comments from highly esteemed fellow actors! Makes my heart happy.

Nancy said...

Rob really deserves an Oscar for his role in this movie. Sounds like Pierce and Chris think so too. (And its only the trailers I've seen) Wish I had a hand in the voting!

Nancy said...

I have to thank you ladies for talking about MotU. I've finally started it and can't stop. It reminds me of a slutty Stephanie,
*me chuckling* I have to get to work now, but find it very hard to leave the ff. Guess I'm totally hooked on it now too.

Thanks again.

Lolli said...

Rob is a dichotomy (probably more then a dichotomy) - hot, smoldering sexual man and/but/yet sweet, innocent, sensitive, giggly man. He pulls me in so many directions I fall to my knees.

Lolli said...

Rob is a dichotomy (probably more then a dichotomy) - hot, smoldering sexual man and/but/yet sweet, innocent, sensitive, giggly man. He pulls me in so many directions I fall to my knees.

noisefaidaus said...

@Lolli I love you simply state yet bang on post!

Anonymous said...

Oh soooo good! I just LOVE it! All the Ally/Tyler scenes look fantastic. And Robert...*dreamy sigh*

I love the new the snippet here, when he's unbottoning his shirt *blush*.

I REALLY can't wait for this movie!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, this kind of makes my heart hurt--in a good way.

jessegirl said...

Oh, these new clips are so tantalizing. Robert is more and more beautiful and, as others have said, to have respected older actors say nice things about him is the best.

Others have mentioned that people like Chris Cooper and Pierce mention a tenderness for our boy. Robert just does something to people, gets them over to his side when they get to know him, it seems.

My fav line of his in RM--which I've menitoned before--is: "What's going on here?" He's sultry, smoldering, whispery sexy and masculine there, pulls you in like a magnet.

I've guessed the ending from all the various clues people have left. It's on the poster too. We are going to fall very, very hard and then sob our eyes out.
Then go back for more, -if we're still alive.

Someone--sorry, forgot who--touched on his dichotomy, smouldering sex and sensitive tenderness. It's a heart breaker.

And if men don't like him, it is because they are almost ballistic with jealousy, because there's never been anyone like him.

Sorry, long drooling speech.
Blame it on the clip.
Think you're all gone by now anyway.
Love all you wild, sweet women of power who know the best thing when they see it.

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