More New HQ Robert Pattinson Pics From MTV Movie Awards

More New HQ Robert Pattinson Pics From MTV Movie Awards

Ooh I love that smile!





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Thanks to Linda at TwilightXchange


Astrid said...

HQ rules

nikola6 said...

Those first shots? Isn't that where she tripped and she turned back to him embarrassed and then he laughed and they reached for each other? Damn. They're so cute together. I know some can't stand it, but I find their awkwardness so endearing. It's almost enchanting. Because it's so real. Nothing polished or phoney about these two. Why isn't this celebrated instead of put down? I don't get it. Do we really want them to be cardboard cutouts like the rest? Yeah. I think people do because individuality (going against the norm) actually makes the herd...nervous. Anyway. Sorry.

And I loved it when she schmooshed his face away from her and he said "ow" followed by his usual "jesus christ". I think she said "shit".

God. I love 'em.

And with that...
I gotta get off of this blog. Got places to go and people to do. Actually I'm going to the post office, the pharmacy and the grocery store. Ah well. It's a life (just shoot me now please)!

janicag said...

@nik :)
"I know some can't stand it, but I find their awkwardness so endearing. It's almost enchanting. Because it's so real. Nothing polished or phoney about these two. Why isn't this celebrated instead of put down?"
This,this! :D

lemonie said...

In one of the smaller pictues a women is about to shake hands with Rob - any idea who she is - wondered if it was Melissa Rosenberg? Any Guesses?

Delle1 said...

I'm with you all the way.........I luv evrything about them......they're too cute.
I luv to watch Rob's reactions to's in all that she does and he's been doing it since day one.

MMc said...

They cannot keep their hands off each other - anyone that can't SEE they are madly in love is just blind. I understand why she doesn't want to tell outright but look at Zach and Vanessa - they share that they are a couple and they are cute together. I don't know anything about them though.

Rob just seems as though he doesn't see ANYTHING but Kristen when they are together - he focuses on her and not the millions watching them.

Love Rob for that.

MMc said...

Lemonie - NO that is not Melissa R. - don't know who she is but looks like Rob gave her a good handshake.

Delle1 said...

Oh and I absolutely luv his haircut..............boyish and manly all in one.

LM said...

"I only have eyes for you" is written all over Rob's face when he looks at Kristen. I am so thankful that they are not plastic or cardboard cutouts. How refreshing. It makes me feel a little like a voyeur but I love watching the two of them together.

sarsaparilla said...

A little personal opinion - I feel when he is with Kristen it seems they are more in tune with each other , a bit real.In the huge myriad of Hollywood - he is a lot safer with her - as she shares the same concerns regarding wild press pics and interviews.We do not know the real story but everytime I see them together in such events makes me happy.Hope it came out right.

LM said...


I agree, I think they both feel safer with each other. She depends on him to deflect things and he just seems to naturally want to protect her. In some pics he puts himself in front like a shield or puts her on the inside so the papz can't get a pic of her. She in turn seems to steady and relax him. It is quite nice to see.

dina said...

Oh to be young and in love.I do I do believe in fairydust.

Lo said...

You can feel the love between these two.. It's undeniable. They are too cute for words and perfect for eachother. I gotta say that the adoring way Rob looks at her is so genuine! And did everyone see their matching shoe-string bracelets? ;)

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

Both of them just too cute for words, only smiles.

TotallyRobbed said...

I love seeing them laughing - I swear the world's a brighter place since Sunday!

When I see the pics from different angles there's something new everytime. So much happened in a few minutes.

They couldn't have made the final moment after the "kiss" any better - it was just perfect. When K went back to the microphone to say thank you, she was radiating happiness. Rob always radiates happiness but it was great to see K like that - in that moment all her shyness disappeared. Beautiful. Rob's wicked laugh after he kissed her was hilarious too.

dina said...

@totally Robbed.Rob aIways radiates happiness.Lol sometimes he reminds me of "hun I blew up Dennis the menace"

MsTaurus14 said...

It's very obvious how they feel about each other, Rob to me always looked at her adoringly, he's besotted, as for Kristen, she's been more guarded, but these pics, she's let her guard down a lot more. They're very "into" each other, I do think they seem like two pea's in a pod, and they're young and in love...beautiful, that kind of thing only happens once in a life time for most of us. It's something to be cherished. That's were Kristen seems lucky....she has Rob...but at a price. Fame, and all the good and bad that goes with it. But that's what makes them good for each other. It's good that he has her while he's there shooting in CA, because he's what...6000 miles from home and family/friends.

Barbara said...

Watching Rob & Kristen Sunday night was like watching them after they'd been generously sprinkled with Dina's fairy dust. I loved seeing their smiles and watching them together when they both were happy. I loved them letting us in and allowing us to see a very special connection that was adorable and charming.

I love and adore Rob and I'm beginning to want to see more of Rob and Kristen together loving and adoring each other. They do have it all. They are quite the dynamic duo. Together they are greater than the sum of their pretty parts.

More please.

Deelight said...

Rob and Kristen together at these events is always comforting to watch. Whether they are good friends and/or lovers I think they are very compatible. They seem to be different but very much a like, They make a good team together!
I think Kristen is a little rough
with Rob but that is just the tomboy in her. Rob will need to be the judge of that not me.

Deelight said...

Did anyone notice Rob rarely touched his hair on Sunday?

jmm4832 said...

That's because there's not much hair to grab, LOL! I can't believe I initially didn't like the haircut. He's soooo cute!

lallieb said...

I don't know if I see the Big Love between them. Oh don't get your knickers in a bunch! They obviously have a connection and affection for each other, and in fact I'm convinced they have an intimate, personal, private relationship, that is not for public consumption or viewing. However, I don't like to make assumptions about certain things, like the necklace she wears. Does anyone really know if that is a gift from Rob or not? And where did you get the info about what it is? Label me curious.

Brenda said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pix. I wanna know what the necklace is too!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Rob's matching shoestring bracelet. Is there a pic of it? I thought he took it off for WfE filming?

Anonymous said...

I think they are darling, and I'm so happy they are being "allowed" to be together in public. If you look at the pics of them from the MTV Awards, they were touching each other constantly. And both of them looked so comfortable and happy together....I loved it, and I am totes Team Robsten!!!!

LM said...

It was like Rob was thinking, just this once I can legitimately kiss her in public and it is OK. I'm going for it. And then he laughs. Kristen did not look like she minded too much. And, yes, they cannot get enough of each other, touching, looking, smiling.

Unknown said...


two little lambs frolicking in the grass...
so gangly and playful and sweet...

Babs said...

They've always been close but I see something different here. I think that Rob can't hide it anymore, first he thanks K at the end of his speech then the kiss, he looks so happy and K looks radiant. I understand why they want to keep it private, they have every right to, but you can't hide being in love, it just shows, even if you don't realize it. They're so cute.

niqu-uniq said...

i luv it when she tripped and suddenly run to his arm...and u should see the smile on Rob face when kristen gave her winning speech for best female performance XD

Anonymous said...

Whew!!! can't believe how much KStew love is being radiated by the girlies on here!!! everyone has moved up a gear , she must be doing something right !!

tedgirl said...

The photos showed they're both in 7th heaven !!!!!!!!! More so on Rob ..

They could not hide anymore their love, affection, admiration for each other ~ inside a cupboard. It has to explode sometimes even in public ...... Body languages say it all.

Could just imagine them in their private moments ... The hottest actor in Hollywood .......

Surely, he's not a dud. (Just kidding ladies) LOL

PrettyBrownEyes said...

i know i'm super late but I am totally team robsten too ! They do both look like they are in love and I so agree with nikola6 their connection is just so real and its not fake hollywood how everything is just plastic. It should be celebrated instead of always being PUT DOWN

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